7 i - 1 . ... - . mn.T Bnflin nrni fwrtncn VKDNK8IA1' SKIT. Daily Rogue Eiver Courier Wii. i ii ' i-i 1 ! 1 i t . t - a -i . i - I EVERY CKSKT !JW IPL I wn",L oulm a Musical instrumentjj I VniuWul VoIuMln Adnoa.YdWr Aaio II A. K. V00RHIE8, Pub. tad ' Prop. W1LTORD ALLBN. Editor. , Entered at ths Grants Put. Ore (ob, Postoffic as second-class mall attar. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oaa Tear. . ; 15 00 fBx Months 1.00 Urea Month...-. 1.50 Oaa Month.......-...... .10 Baa Oaa Good Flour IN THE UNITED STATES IPS PRINCESS Made Where th Beat Hard Wheat Growa WEDNESDAY, SEPT. , 1918. OREGON WEATHER 4 . ' ' ... Tonight and Thursday fair; 4 northwesterly winds. 4 4-44444444444444444 Number 18 Coffee KINNEY & TRU AX GROCERY Quality First SOME RIGHTS DEFINED. Certain acta of lawlessness are committed by individuals who have perverted ideas of the rights of prop erty owners hating a frontage along river or ocean beach. This has been one ot the principal reasons for the differences between fishermen along the lower river, and many a physical clash or action in the courts has fol lowed. The rights of the other fel low are not always given due con sideration, and trouble naturally fol lows. The courts of Curry county have recently been employed in ad judicating the affairs of the rival fish ing companies at the mouth of the Rogue. The head of the company that Is most firmly entrenched caused the arrest of the head of the other com , pany and 79 of its employes. Judge Coke was presiding Judge, and his de cision just handed down makes clear the rights of owners of property hav ing a river or beach frontage. Those points dealing with rights of in dlviduals along the river are of pe culiar interest all along the stream, as they are as applicable one' place as another. Included in Judge Coke's decision were the following findings with reference to the point at Issue: "The right to fish for salmon In Rogue river is a right In common, given to all citizens of the state, but such fishing operations must of course be carried on and conducted with due regard by one fisherman of the rights of others. While the right of naviga tion and right of fishery within Rogue river are rights common to all, neither the right of navigation nor the Tight of fishery carries with it the right to trespass upon the lands of the plaintiff or any other owner of lands along the river. Nor does the Tight of navigation or of fishery carry with K the right of malicious inter ference by one person with the rights of another. "The right of navigation is superior to the right of fishery, and the rule is the same with reference to naviga tion as it is with the right of fishery. bo far as each navigator or person be ing required to respect the rights of the other. No person is permitted to maliciously Interfere or annoy an other In the right of navigation. The HUGHES A DAY OP. REST Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 6. Today was rest day for Candidate Hughes. Not a single speech was scheduled, and the nominee and his wife planned to take things easy, preparatory to a strenuous five day wind-up to his trans-continental trip in New Eng land, and New Tork. From now on Hughes plans to em phasise and concentrate his criticism of what he terms the tendency of the democratic administration to over throw the "rule of reason in govern ment," laying particular stress on the recent elght-hbur law, rushed through congress In settlement of the threatened railroad strike. STRONG EVIDENCE PHANTOM FOR FAIR CO-EDS Is the Statement of This Grants Pass . Woman Backache is often kidney ache; A common warning of serious kid ney ills. "A Stitch In Time Saves Nine" Don't delay use Doan's Kidney Pills. Profit by Mrs. Wallace's experience. Mrs. T. E. Wallace, 709 S. Fifth St., Grants Pass, says: "My kidneys acted very irregularly and the secre tions were unnatural. My back felt so weak and sore that I could hardly get about my work. When I bent over to pick up something I got a sharp pain across my kidneys like a knife sticking me In my back. When 1 had these attacks I couldn't keep from screaming. I never had anything cause me so much misery. I finally begun taking Doan's Kidney Pills and the first box helped me wonder fully. My kidneys acted more regu larly and the misery in my back let up. I took three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills in all and they perman ently cured me." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don t simply ask for a kidney remedy- get Doan s Kidney Plus the same that cured Mrs. Wallace. Foster Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. llillsboro, Ore., Sept. 6. Jurors In the murder trial of Bennett Thomp son today visited, the Gore ranch near Tualatin, where ho Is alleged to have killed Mrs. Helen Jennings and Fred Rlstman, a jitney bus driver. The Jury was shown he room In the ranch house where Mrs. Jennings' body was found, then walked over the trait to the place where Rtstman's bat- jtered corpse was discovered near his blood-stained Jitney bus. District Attorney Tongue, in his opening statement, charged that Thompson hired Illstman to drive him to Mrs. Jennings' house, went In side and killed her, and then dis posed of Wstman, as "dead men tell no tales." The evidence against Thompson Is purely circumstantial, consisting prln clpally ot a blood-stained shirt, found near the scene. It Is alleged the shirt was given to Thompson shortly before the murders. 1 ITIONS I BY AKEN ROUMANIANS a Wt set known to carry only what f Wgood what willtfulurvaml whit to fully worth the prktkd. Our toy payment term plan the beat tnuakal Inatrummts within vry one's reach. Fill out tlte coupon or writa for catalogues. I a. K. 1 ShennM.jalay&Ca f PORTLAND, - ORHGON ; B?ou Fori i oil"! n A " IVu, IViuIIh, Tablet ami other School Supplies. lNkN for tli grade and th High Htluiol now aalis SCHOOL BOOKS Demaray's Drug and Stationery Store Stanford University, Sept. 6. Men of the university are up In arms against the imaginary husbands of the women in the home economics department, who this year are man aging the financial affairs of imag inary families on an imaginary in come. The men say these phantom husbands will give the women the wrong idea of life, as they will al low their wives to go where they please, with whom they please, when they please, have no place In the home except the bringing in of the neces sary income, have no allowance for smoking costs, and must let their wives even select and pay for their clothes. , The idea of "Imaginary husbands" was introduced by Dr. Jessica Pel xotto, In charge of the home eco nomics department, as a practical way to teach girls to live within an aver age Income. ALLIES TO OPPOSE NEW REVENUE BILL WITHDRAWS LOF T HOOPS DISCUSSED Washington, Sept. 6. A sharp di plomatic conflict between the allied governments and the United States Is expected to follow retaliatory mea sures incorporated in the revenue bill passed by the senate last night. With agreement to the amendments by the house conference committee anticipated today, it is thought the allied governments, probably led by Great Britain, may begin shaping counter-retaliations. The belief of many officials, how ever is that the conflict will be strict ly commercial. It was said on the other hand that the United States government is go ing Into the issue with Its eyes open, and prepared to see it through. The course decided on legislation that hits directly back at every discrimin ation pronounced against American business interests grew out of thorough consideration by the state department and other executive de partments of the probable conse- g ' quence, it was declared today. It is the hope of the admlnlstra- Hueharesi, Sept. 6. Roumanian troops have captured the Transyl vanlan town of Seprl Seep Gyorgl, In the Merisor valley, taking 600 wagons, foodstuffs and forage, it was oSicially announced today. In Monday's fighting small encoun ters occurred all along the upper Mar os valley In northeastern Tran sylvania. The Roumanians took 627 prisoners. The German-Bulgarian attacks against the bridgehead of Tutraknn on the Danube were repulsed. (The Germans announced the capture of advanced positions at Tntrakan.) After lively fighting, the Rou manians occupied the region of Bor xecket and the heights to the west, taking 154 prisoners. Fighting Is going on along the whole Dobrudja frontier. A German Bulgarian attack was halted south of BaiardJIk. The enemy bombarded Calafat and Islaci. E OUR it will pay you to ste The Josephine Grocery Co. before buying your winter's supply. CMS News, Va.. August 16, for Avonmouth end Glasgow. Consul McCunn will bo directed by the state department to try to find out whether the vcasel was sunk by a torpedo and If so to report whether she was attacked with or without warning. The Kelvlnla was a 5,000-ton steamer, built In 1913. J. Black & Company are agents. She was rogls. tfred from Glasgow and was four hundred feet long with a 60-foot beam. PORTLAND MARKETS WRECKED I Washington, Sept. 6. Twenty eight American abroad the British steamer Kelvlnla were saved and landed at Glasgow when she was sunk September 2, either by a torpedo or a mine, American Consul McCunn tabled the state department today. The Kelvlnla sailed from Newport New London, Conn., Sept. Withdrawal oif the American expedi tion from Mexico is destined to be ,on, one official said, that the drastic rights of the plaintiff and those of the I the flrgt question discussed by the legislation enacted may result In ptit dAfMidant are Identical." iimorUn nrt Movlran rnmmlHsIon- tin8 an en(1 t0 the blacklisting policy . Referring to the tldelands, the de-'ers, who held their first meeting to cision says that the "tldelands are in j day in the joint conference designed . . . 'to settle all Mexican problems, no sense a public highway and are i lu tt" . The commissioners met for their subject only to the right of naviga-fim gesg,on durJng the mornng ln a tion and the right of fishery; but I big room of the Hotel Grlswold, over- those rights do not extend to the looking the river and the sound of the British government, the dis crimination against American com merce, interference with American mails and embargoes on American products. While diplomats representing al lied governments here have strongly The jession of today was not ex-ihlnte(l at commercial "reprisals," of- j a i j. i it a. . nnt janmng ot oohis una uio ireimaaiiiB flplals arp Inclined tn vlfw that mich 'neotPd to brine anv ereat lesults. nclfus are "m.iineu to view mat sw n of persons upon the lands aoove tnej' - - a contest is not wanted. This conn- waters of the river. Such trespassers L wM under8tood ln exchanging ere- trv' they believe, holds the upper would become liable criminally and !dentials, getting acquainted, and then 1nana Ior ine PreBeni. a' 'ca. ano- clvilly In such acts." The decision enjoins the defendants from trespassing upon the lands of the plaintiff along the river. of the wlth- SPKCIALISTS AT THE FAIR. The Josephine county fair Is going to be something more than merely a display of products of the farm and goods ot the merchant. All sides of the question are going to be touched upon, and there will be fun and frolic for the frivolous, and mirth and merriment and music galore. But the biggest features of the week -will ibe the opportunity to greet and to hear such agricultural specialists as Parmer Smith and Agriculturist Austin. Farmer Smith will bring a message that will add to the profits , and prosperity of the tiller of the soil if heeded, while Mr. Austin, specialist in beet culture for the Utah-Idaho Sugar company, will talk of the grow ing of the tteet, an Industry Just now telng established la this valley. would undoubtedly be better able to endure a condition of non-Intercourse. The effect of the new legislation a general discussion drawal proposition. Whllo n definite irniram has not I ...111 it.nA.J In lav.A n.l a tliA An. h0n otpoo,! nnnn tho eonorfll nlang'"'" ''6 vv M U r v"l o " - s i of the conference provide, first, for Kree the discussion of withdrawal of the Pershing expedition, arranging of a protocol for Prmeditto1. "And why do you rlnliu Mint It wan with mullce afon-tlioiiglit t tin I the an tomolille defendant run down the com plalnant?" 1 "On tbo morning It hapcned. your honor. 1 beard lilm sny that he waa going to toko out hi uew nuto and nee If he could not run across s few (tea j plo he knew." Houston I'oit. Envelopes" printed at the Courier Portland, Sept. 6. Today'a mar ket quotations were: WheatClub, 129; blueatcin. 133. Oats No. 1 white feed, 28.60. Barley Feed, 22.00. Hogs Best live, 9 6.'. Prime ulcers, 0.7a; fancy cows, 7.26 (1 7.35; best calve, 7.60, Spring lambs, 8,35. ButterCity creamery, 34; Coun try. 27. Eggs Selected local extras. 30. Hens. 14; broilers. 1 it 17; geese, 10. Not Hx Fault. "You pity Iihi Utile ttenllnii to y,, pcrmimil uit-tii'uni'c, Id'im-uilH'r clotllr Itml.c I lie limn." "Ytt. Inn for tne the matt says lie won't make imy more lut licit!" lix- tin n ice to which President Wilson chooses to utilize it. Heretofore he has been without weapons with which a. . . -i . i i i .. . - - - reclnrocal crossing of!10 8lr,Ke wun umu" ln,uo the border, and an investigation of rractlces. Once the new measures the interests behind border raiders.."6 h w,"ave very definite With these subjects disposed of. rowers-ine emP.oymeD( ,0 ine .anu the commissioners will delve Into the !uu being specincauy aumorizea ior en forcement of the provisions of the basic problems of Mexico's dlslnteg. rotlnn with a view tn correcting ex isting conditions and rehabilitating revuu forward tho retaliatory measure un- the country. Qnoajtv arronffomptiffl fnr the with are expected ln view of General Fun eton's recommendation, now generally known, that the troops leave Mexican territory. equal facilities of trade have been re- it ored. CHICHESTER S PILLS I'm Jt I 1La4lrl Ak Tr Wr I'bl.tliM.trr'n INbmii I'lll In lira tnd Uvl mtullit iHiirl, teileri iOI l!lu Hil.K)fl. IM faf J ma urmmt prudsnea, I "Sometimes It Is wise to ssy aoth. tog." "Yes." replied Miss Cayenne.' "It may enable one to avoid lietruylng the fnct Hint one tins nothing to ay," vYiinliliiftun Mnr. h no lhrr. Ilur nf tour roooltt. A.k m Ill.t-llfcn.Tr.lIli lIAM!ll IIKaNII l'll,l.,r. iTirnnwn!lctt.Dnfat.Alwy4kellnll S0LDCYDCL.5T::Vi.VLItt Job prlntln,' of every description at the Courier office. i P:f " """ mminiinirimnnmimnmmniimnnimnmmMmimmminimiiTiTiiiiTT The Woman IV ho Knows : , the one perfume which suits her the cxaEl style of dress which becomes her the particular type of person she en- ' joys as a friend: Such a woman9we are sure,will appre- , date the assistance of the Taste Packet' ' in deciding just " 1 which tea-flavor precisely suits her taste. j Sold through grocers only Inttnnhri t-tz. en J 1-lb. Thli ftthtttntalnsfourfArthm1 invthfti tffint tn mughforfve iriixcuft ttthtflhtfourtmJltivorii 'Jnpn, Ctjlm, Othtig, Engiih Brnkftst, K't mail it g'kdlj H nj tni itnikg ttn tinh(ttmfi tr tvrrttici), Addrun A Schilling & Cmt"tnh333 Stml htrut StH Frn(lui, Qlforni Schillings Tea tea Tea Scdllllni'l Best . tevion i. 1