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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1916)
PAGE TWO DAILY ROGUE B1VRR COURIER Tt EKOAY, HKPTKMRKIt 5, 1010. JD&ily Rogue River Courier An Independent Republican Nawa rper. Crated Press Leased v Wire Telefrtpn flerrloe. . A. E. VOORHIE8, Pub. ul Prop. W1LT0RD ALLBN. Editor. Entered at the GranU Put, Or con, Postofflce m second-claw mail .sitter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 'One Year. $5.00 1.00 Six Months... Three Months.... 1.50 .69 One Month. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1910. 4 OREGON WEATHER ; Tonight and Wednesday part- 4 4 ly cloudy; northwesterly winds. 4 4444444444444444 FEDERAL FARM LOANS. Hearings of great Importance to farmers, farm organisations and cities throughout the country are to be con-1 presslon in our canned corn recipe, ducted by the newly appointed federal! "Soak 5 to 10 hours before using." farm loan board, one for the state of!" "ns "k betore on tne Oregon to be held in the federal build ing at Portland on September 7, 1916. This hearing la to aecnre Information f ; to guide the board In determining the; ' boundaries of the twelve federal and ' ' hank districts into which the United ' , . .... . . ' Siates is to be divided for the admin-' i latration of the new rural credits law, ! known as the federal farm loan act The members of the federal farm loan board who wlU conduct the hear-! , . lngs are Hon. Wm. G. MeAdoo, eecre- tary of the treasury; Geo. W. Norrls. farm loan commissioner; Herbert Quick. Capt W, S. A. Smith, and C. E. Lobdell. The board has requested farmers farm organizations, and others inter- i i ested to furnish at eaih of these hear- tags facts concerning the need of cheaper farm loans, and it has asked interested cities to present claims for ! . . a the. location of one of these hanks. This will be the only hearing In the state of Oregon. j The new federal farm loan act will j A - v- formal, what IhA federal ' reserve act Is doing for the business man. Under it the government pro Tides the machinery for assembling capital to be loaned to farm owners or prospective farm owners on- first i mortgage farm security. The loans' can not exceed 50 per cent of the I aloe of the land and 20 per cent of Dwight P. Dltworth, well to do lawyer the ralue of the permanent Improve- of Montclair, X. was killed In menta. The loans will be made at a 'Overs' lane" it . Van Cortlandt park j here Sunday night by would-be black low rate of Interest not yet deter- the poljce today &re search. mined, hut not over t per cent, ana provision Is made for the borrower to ... tia i.n an. intnrcMtt In nms.11 annual or semi-annual payment, at nprlnrt of not uu"Uf " "v" him to throw up his hands, was per ss than five nor more than forty mUted tQ gQ t0 Lon)? Beach today years. Farmers, to avail themselves Misg McNiff-had been eliminated in of the benefits of the law, must first so far as learning through her who so1(icrB forming an escort and hang organize themselves In groups of ten was responsible for the murder Is con-1 d to ft tPie!?raph pole beside the or more to obtain a charter as a farm cerned. The plan to have her re-enact rlght-of-way. according to advlros re- loan association, and thereafter appli- cation for loans can be made through it to one of the twelve federal land hanks The land will then be ap, praised, and if it meeU requlrements. y the loans will be made. The new legislation is expected to prove a great boon to those sections of the country where development has heen retarded because of high interest rates, and lt is predicted that it will t. .. .... Va aWa. fxf mtV nff f 11. lilt H1.A I un.vD iuo cu vi u.anua prosperity permanent and uniform, stabilizing land values and greatly im- proving general farm conditions. CHAMBERLAIN AMENDMENT j ADOPTED BY SENATE i Washington, Sept. 5. The Cham berlain amendment to the revenue bill, prohibiting admission of halibut and salmon Into the United States ex cept when inbound from an American port, was adopted by the senate this r.fternoon. The amendment is aimed at Canadian fisheries on the Pacific coast, which are said to be taking the business away from United States cities. LA GRANDE LAND OFFICE JOB TO MR. Dl'NN "Washington, Sept. 5. The presi dent today nominated Charles S, Dunn, La Grande, Ore., to be register of the land office at that place. EVERY COUNTRY Has One Good Hour IN THE UNITED STATES IPS PRINCESS lade Where the Beet Hard Whew Grows Number KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First COUNTY AGENT'S NOTES Some of our ladies seem to be in doubt as to the meaning of the ex- table. Some one asked me recently "What d(J you know about Eureka clover!" Prof. O. R. Hyslop, specialist tn crop production at O. A. C says: "It is memb ot tne 8mart aml1' and does not possess the clover attrl- . , , , bate of gathering nitrogen from the aJr t0 8tore ta th9 Bol, Jt ha3 bwn tried out in numerous experiment stations and so far as the records how has never been continued as a I forage crop. It Is not drouth resls- . ,, ., .... A tant. but Is easily killed by frost and L g,ow ,n becoming established. j After it once gains a foothold, how- ,ever, it is almost impossible to era- jdieate." Authentic reports from Germany 'show that it yields from eight to slx- i . : . . neen ions per vrs mere, a rweui advertisement made the claim that it would produce from two to three tons of forage per acre, Prof. Hyslop thinks it would be the height of folly to plant it except pos- ilbl" M 0amenttl plant In .ome place where lt could not 9pread CD. THOMPSON, County Agricultural Agent. ' POLICE HUNT FOR LAWYER'S SLAYER New York, Sept. 5. Satisfied that , for t men who ghot nlm t0 death. . Miss Mary McNlff, who was with Dltworth when the two men suddenly appeared from the brush and ordered . f her companlon on the "' mwucui vuBuim ip.ivod here, inner DBndiis were ing of her companion on the spotL,., . , th - ht that foiinwpd the wnere Dltworth was shot was aban- doned today. Miss McNift told the police she would return to New York Jo lend such aid as she could at any time, but the police have little hope of her meager description of the highwaymen aiding them to any great extent. The police base .their conclusion that Ditworth was killed by blackmailers on the description of tt,a t.nU-,m man anI nf thft Shontlne glyen fey MJgg McNlff and numerousican nomination for governor. The . . . . I . (.Qjnpiaints tnai nave conie m ree- ng that the park has apparently been Infested with blackmailers of the type that attacked Dltworth. Location notices, Courier office. EROLEN Ci 1 tSMi v? 1 l s unrttitmuara wu 18 Coffee L CAPTURE ROUMANIAN TOWN Berlin, Sept. 5. Bulgarian troops have captured the Roumanian town of Dobrlc, 12 miles inside the Ron manian frontier, it was officially an nounced this afternoon. German airships have again bom barded Bucharest, the capital of Roumania. Dobrlc is the largest town yet cap tured by the Germans and Bulgarians in their invasion of Roumania. It has a population of about 15,000 and was In Bulgaria until the last Balkan war, when Roumania forced the But- gars to surrender the Dobrudja ter ritory. NEC.KO SOMHEIIS IN TROUBLE IN TEXAS San Antonio, Sept. 5. Military authorities today are investigating the second riot In which members of the Eighth Illinois (negro) Infantry have participated since being station ed here. Fifty negro militiamen are in the guardhouse here As the result of trouble that followed the arrest of one of their number by a city police man. Over 100 of the negroes gath ered about the officer and his prison er and serious trouble seemed Im minent until the provost guard ar rived and arrested about half of.,the guardsmen. PORTLAND CHILDREN STRUCK ON LABOR DAY SCHOOL Portland, Sept. 5. Portland's pub lic schools opened today. The official opening was scheduled for Monday, but was not a success. Only about 40 per cent of the students appeared, the remainder staying away as a re buke against opening the school year on Labor day. 12 MEXICAN BANDITS HANGED BY CARRANZISTAS Laredo, Texas, Sept. ' 5.- Twelve bandlt9 who aUempted to hold up a Mexican .National passcneer n-ain just south of San Luis. Potoul lat Saturday wer captured by Carran.a attempted robbery. WISCONSIN HOLDING PRIMARY ELECTION TODAY Milwaukee,' Sept. 5. Voting In the VlnconRln primary election was excep- Jtlonally light. Chief Interest centered in the race between Governor E. L. Phillip, W. S. Hatton and former Governor McGovern for the republl fight between 8enator LaFollette and Malcolm G. Jeffries, of Janesvllle, for the nomination for United States sen ator has been hot. There are few contests between the democrats for the main state offices. Correct Lubrication Charts, Free We hive prepared chsru ihow ing the correct lubrication of the varioui makei ol automobiles a separate cha for each car. Aik your dealer, or write ui for chart tot jour car. JOrJlOTOtLOrS Sold by dealers everywhere and at sll Service Stations of the Standard Oil Company (ClllfQMl,) Grants Pais GENTLEMAN BANDIT LOSES SWEETHEART San Francisco, Sept. 5. -A rude awakening came to Helen Allen's romanre today. She came to .San Francisco confU dent of the Innocence of her one-time sweetheart, Edward von Walden, the "gentleman bandit" who held up a Mission street bunk recently and took $8,000 In gold. 8he left broken hearted, without having aeen htm. Miss Allen, known aa Ettelle Haley, arrived this morning with an attorney and money for von Walden'a defense. Though she knew of bis arrest, she thought him innocent. There must be some mistake, she in sisted. But when Attorney 8. It. Huhn had talked to the prisoner he broke the news that von Walden was not Innocent. The girl collaped. "I can't face him now," she said. "I can't ever think of hlra again with out shuddering. I would have risked anything on his being Innocent." RUSSIANS LAND AT ROUMANIAN PORT Rome, SepL 5. Russian trans ports have landed a large Slav con tingent at the Roumanian port of Constansa to aid in the operations against Bulgaria, according to advices received here today. Part of the Rus sian forces already have joined the Roumanians resisting the German Bulgar attacks along the Dobruja frontier. Roumanian vanguards have enter ed the Transylvanlan city of Her mannstadt. which was evacuated by the Auvtrlans several days ago. SPANIARD I NlElt A Hit EST Srsi'E4TEI OP MCHOKIt Columbus, O., Sept. 5. John Gun oftllun, 1M year old, of Detroit, a Spaniard, arrested yesterday for carrying concealed weapons, Is being held at the city prison today for In vestigation. The polio here believe he In some ways fits the description of Juan Cionzales, wanted at Omaha, Neb., for complicity In the murder of Detective Thomas Cassidy. RAILROAD MAN SI ED FOR HAW A MILLION New York. Sept. B.Charles K. Daly, vice-president of the New York Central railroad, waa made defendant today in a 1500,000 suit for aliena tion of the affections of his daughter, filed by Wm. R. Barnett. former gen eral passenger agent of tho New York Central, this afternoon. Barnett al leged that Charllnc Daly Barnett. his wife, returned to her father's home in March through Daly's Influence. SUBMARINE BREMEN RELIEVED ( A IT! RED New York, Sept. .". General opin ion In London Is thut British ships have captured the German merchant submarine Bremen, according to pus senders arriving here today on the liner Cameronlnn. No such official claim has. been made, however. AMERICAN-MEXICAN COMMISSION .MEETS New York. Sept. 5. With tho American flag flying at her masthead and the Mexican flag fluttering from her bowsprit, the presidential yacht Mayflower steamed out of tho New "ork harbor today bearing the American-Mexican Joint commission, which hopes to settle all differences between the United States and the de facto government. New London, Conn., la the destin ation of the party and the commander of the Mayflower hopes to dock there late this afternoon. .The first con ference will be held tomorrow. ENGINEER STOPPED N TRAIN FOR FISHING New Orleans, Sept. 5. Admitting that fishing la alluring, but contend ing that business Is business, Kdgar Wright, lumber dealer, today filed suit for $2,000 against an englneer'on the Baton Rouge, Hammond & East ern railroad. In his petition Wright alleges he lost a lumber contract worth 12,000 because the engineer halted his train two hours to try his luck at fishing In a pond -along the line. Job printing of. every description st the Courier office. , i l Mining blanks at the Courier office. GRANTS PASS WEATHER Following Is a summary of the weatner observation at Grants Pan for the month of August, 116. 1 S5 la 39 3 K8 ii 3 M O U i XI 47 34 6 : 4? sti S 43 , 47 7 SO SO ,30 H S6 43 43 S7 49 38 10 5 43 r3 It 94 SI 43 trale 13 91 til 30 13 80 63 . 17 14 89 63 34 H 88 65 33 .08 16 77 48 '.'9 17 66 60 16 .33 18 7U 41 S9 .03 19 78 37 41 30 83 , 37 40 31 96 40 f6 33 100 44 66 33 101 49 63 34 104 61 53 35 105 60 55 U 101 67 44 27 99 56 43 2S 96 S9 37 29 5 67 .38 30 96 53 43 31 K9 46' 43 Summary: Moan tnprature, 69 degrees. Mavlinlmit temperature, 105 dgree; date, 35. Minimum temper ature. 37 degrees; ate. 19 and 20. Total precipitation, .41 Inches. Clear, 37 days; partly cloudy. 4 days. Pre vailing wind, southwest. JNO. B. PADDOCK, Cooperative Observer. VICTORIA CltOSM POIl ' HERO OF AMI BATTLE London, Sept. 5.--King George to day awarded the Victoria Cross tn Lieut. RoMnsou, who brought down the Zeppelin in Sunday morning's raid on Ixmdon, tho war office an nouncod today. The official announcement made' known for the first lime that the Zep pelin was destroyed In a thrilling air fight by an English aviator, and not by shells from anti-aircraft guns, Lieut. Robinson was in the air for more than two hours, engaging the raiders under the most difficult cir cumstance. Before bringing down the Zeppelin over CufUey he attacked another airship. FOl ll ANN AltlUHt PEOPLE . KILLED IN AI TO A( VIDKST Ann Arbor, Mleh.. Sept. 5. Four Ann Arbor persons met death and throe others were seriously Injured early today near Sandusky, Ohio, when the automobile In which they were riding turned turtle at a sharp torn, according to messages received here. Tho dead: Harry C. Mlllman, Don A. Stark, Mrs. Stark, Norman 8chellback. AMBASSADOR PAGE TO VISIT ITALIAN FRONT Rome, Sept. 5. American Ambas sador Page will visit the Italian front in the near future. Letterheads at the Courier, I 1 THE "GREATER OREGON nun nw uulimnca. ninnr atldltliin to II ororofon will bln tta turtr-flrtt rmr. Tum dnr.SrulouiWr IS, ISIS. erlt trnlnlna- In Cmiinirrr. Journnllim, Arrmirriura, ijiw.nKHlh'Inr.TMK hint. Libra. ' r? Work, Muilr. I'hMlial Trnlnlna ami rina I Arl. anil trung ilrartinniiUuf l.lbor- i al Mwatlnn. . Library nf mora than SI.SoO vulumrt, flf- I too '1 bulldlnat fullf iulrl, lou tlriaillil ! ITiuna.luma. Tuition rraa. Iorallrln fur uian and fur i woinvn. Kipanna l.owrit. WrltaforfrraUlu(.alilrtlni Hrilitrar ' UNIVERSITY OF OREGON i kioksk, onrnoN I life JuMMftOM Hail JuMMftOM Hail aasn I i Filing Devices Ytm can Increase your efficiency by using systems and devices that are adapted to your particular business. The various styles of fll Ing cabinets are designed to meet every requirement. We carry V and K and the Wels cablneU and nllc, and a complete line of I-P loose leaf ibooka. Heals and rublier stamp to order Demaray's it will pay you to see The Josephine Grocery Co. before buying your winter's supply, ' mm m MU, a it o . ruitvf f aboov & (, inc f J Portland, Sept. 5. Today's market quotations were: Wheat Club, 1.27; bluestein. 1.30. Oats -No. 1 while feed, 2150. Barley Feed, 31.60. llogsIloet live, 9.66. Prime steers, 7.80; fancy cow, 5,25; best calve, 7.60. Spring lambs, 8.50. Butter City creamery, 34; coun try. 27. Kgg Selected local extras, 33. I tens, 14; broilers, I6$f 17; geese. Geese, 2 8 Mi. CANADIAN PACIFIC IJNF.H SINKING OI K TlUll'Itr London, Sept. 5. The Canadian Paiirtc liner Montreal has been In collision and la sinking off Tilbury. The Montreal is a steel twtu-screw four-malted steamer, built in 1900 for service between Canadian and Kimlluli ports. ShS Is 469 feet long and hns a beam of 56.3 fet. Liver pool Is her homo port. Tilbury la on the left bunk of tha Thames a few mile east of London. Several or the Canadian Pacific llnera have been commandeered by the British government. Tho location ot the a'-cMcut makes lt appear possible that the Montreal was either carry ing Canadian troops to Franoe or re turning from such a trip. SAN FHANCINCO HAH FIRST PARALYSIS VICTIM Sun Francim-o, Sept. 3, Infantile p.iralvsls claimed Its first victim la &tn Fanclauo during the night Fol lowing the death of Jane Santer, age four., the health department today Is sued a statement advising all San Francisco mothers to bo on guard. This warning was the result of an in vestigation by Health Officer llansler. In which hn discovered that th Santer child's case had been appar ently flHradlc. Only two menus by which tho child could have been In fected have been discovered. Re cently she received a doll from a grandmother In New York and about a week ago Kho waa visited by a lllU friend from New Orleans, whero the, plague has thus far not been known. 30N" jfl Bailor miuIiiih fnrullf. Ilm l I Out, .r.di,v Drug and Stationery Store PORTLAND MARKETS mm JTv.".. (A(rv5 OUR