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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1916)
;.-r risx' csssr ero amsst '. - -"' "T " "" i '" ' -: T - ... - U '- ' - A a ! . . fll 1 OpyrlgM m TIm rklwre aavertkwn, sea If m ins-tnurciias I , . s. :' , III ftctuteTells Sal? iCECESC UJUJ WOOD COAL WILLIAM! WOOD A GOAL YARD Vtrd pbont 117-B Res. Pbont I7I-T Everything of Merit la co.Ncitirrii PRODUCTS Oregon Cement Sewer Pipe A TU CO. Try ALPINB ICE CREAJI It the Beat ii Cult Storge Co. P. T. Birchard Prop. Phone III New and Taw) tTHMTUUB t Right Prices Manuel A Hestoa 104 South Ith, Term Strict ly Cash uui see wnet cub will do bar rropLfcrs meat MARKET 400 8outb 6th 8t CliriHtlan Chun It Bible school, 9:45 a. m. ' , Song service, S 1 a. m. Solo, Mr. Harmon.. ' Meaaage, Mark Weather ford, "Am I My Brother's Keeper?" Communion, 1 J o'clock. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Service, 8 p, m.' ' , Message, 8:30 p. m., "The Draw era' Amendment," by Mark Weather ford. Special rltualc, t J, If. Harmon, Newman M. E. Church Preaching by thepeatort It a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning topic, "Just For Today." The choir, under the leadership of Prof. J. 8. Mao.Murray.jtfM alng the anthem, "The Morning Light." Duet, "IJghfet Evening Time," by Mlasea Pratt and Isham. Evening- topic, "Spiritual Freedom of Emancipation, by the Great Mas ter." Anthem. "Slnic Aloud Unto God.". Solo, "Just A I Am," by Ml Pattnio. Intermediate and Epworth leagues at 7 p. m. Lynn Bahln will lead the Epworth league. Topic, "My Tee of the Bible." Sunday achool at 10 a. m. Toil are cordially Invited to theee service. Melville T. Wire, Pastor. be re- with 1K.F.U. INGRAM Chiropractor All dlieaiea suo cwifully treated without tba knife. Office Hours 10-13 and 2-6 Phone 7 . 'grants pass dottlcvo WORKS Wig's of Country Club Gingerlle. i full Una of Bods tad Soft Drinks. Phone ltt-J Baptist Oiurrh All regular aervloea will timed today. Sunday achool at 10 a. m., claaaea for all eg. The pastor will preach at both ser vice. B. T. P, P. devotional at 'l p. m Wray Murphy preiddnt. A kindly welcome to all. S. A. Douglas, Pastor. Catholic Chnrrh MMea at 7:30 and i a. m. on Sunday. Iaat maaa followed by bene diction of the Weened Sacrament. IDdmnnd A. Wall, Paator. ALPINB RVTTER Made In Oranta Pau Freeh Dally ItOGl'R VAI.LKY (ItKAMEHV Fir-t (liurrh of ClirNt SolentUt ' Chrletlan Science servlcea are held every Sunday, In the W. O. W. hall. at 11 a, m. Wednesday evening meet ings at R o'clock. The enhject for to dar In "Man." The reading room Is open dally from 2 to 4 p. m., except Sunday. The puhllo la cordially In vited to attend the eervlcea and to vtiilt the reading room. IMitany PreMhytnrian Chnrrh Sabbath achool at 10 a. m. Harry II. Allyn. aupcrlntendont. There Are Stores in This City So Good That They Could Use Twice as Moch Advertising Space as They Now Use-and Hake It Pay! TIIUHETTER THE STORE THE'bET TER THE ADVERTISING PAYS. Your own observatious iu the store-world will confirm this truth. PUBLICITY is bad only for a bad pro position. It is just as surely good for a good one. What IS a "good store"! One that really SERVES THE PUBLIC, protecting its pa trons ns to VALUES, not merely as to PRICES. There are many stores in this city an swering to that definition completely. In every city there are always some stores that do not. - . An important phase of a GOOD STORE'S SERVICE TO ITS PATRONS is its news paper advertising. This should be complete, frank, informing. It should tell the store new as fully as a good newspaper tells the news of the da v. , Perhaps the 'best possible NEW POLICY for tho GOOD stores of this citv to adopt would be that of DOUBLING 'THE AD VERTISING SPACE THAT THEY USE thus giving 'them "elbow room"; giving them bigger opportunities for tellingtheir pat rons, in dctailabout every selling event, about every bargain offering, about every, dollar's worth of new stocks. Of course, even HALF ENOUGH ADVERTISING pavs( the .reallv good store;, but ADE QUATE ADVERTISING would. pay much better. ' : Cc:;iy! Cares" For Um aooooanodatloa of rl Itora to thla moat . wondrooa and beautiful piece of bature'a itiMlerKrouufl ' Work, CAVE CAMP baa boea eatabUahad on , William Creek, 27 milea from GratiU Paaa at the j a action of the auto road and government trail, tan nllea from tba Cavea. The camp la equipped with floored ten (a, clean beda and bedding, mattrewea and aprlnga. Ilatea 92.28 per. day; pecUJ ratea by the week. Saddle lioraea urntahed on abort notice, Telephone aer vice. . Ptohlng, Itecreatlon, Cool Itcfreablng For transportation Inquire ' Oranta Paaa Garage FRANK M. 801T1I, Mgr. FOR 8Ae JUgUUrad Oaernaey bulla from high producing cowa. i River Baaka rarm, R. t; OraaU . Paaa, Ora. 7l4tf POR BALK Three-ton Valla auto truck. Tha price la right Leonard Orcharda Company, Oranta Paaa. Ore. 7t4tf ANGEL CAKES Phone order to No. 10-J. 7TU FOR SALE Apple chunk woody f X tier, cut to lf-lnoh lengtha, from SO year orchard cut thla aprlng. Beat wood on market. Phone E. H. Richard. ' 8SS Morning worship at 11 a. m, Sub Joct of aerinon, "The New Ulnlater." Evening aervlce at 8 p. m. Ser mon, "Pood for Thought on tabor Day." , Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in. Tou will be welcome. L. Myron Booter, Minister. Get It 'Exact ' (TWhy la It thai the butcher alwaya aonda me more meat than 1 order, nev er by any chaiice lowr complained a young housekeeper to bcr hiwband. "Ivet me give him nu order." aald be. and. stepping to the fetrpboDe. be call ed up ibe market. 8end me two pounds of porter bouse." be ordered, "and. aay. If you can't cut two pound make It a pound and a half " lie got the two MMitid by ttw next dellvery.-New Vork Sun. MERLIN Mrs. Jay came up from her home In Kennett. California. Saturday and will spend the winter with her moth er, Mrs. Combs, and her sister, Mrs. Alice Bacon. The Ilyrd. Mill and Ellison fami lies and Ernest Prultt, of Merlin, and Miss Helena Peterson, of Huko. re turned Tuesday from Crescent City, Where they spent ten days camping. Mies Anna Calvert, of Grants Pass, spent the week-end with Miss Ediths Vincent. Mrs. Lemmer and children return ed Saturday from Cottage Grove, where they spent several weeks visiting. Will Morrison and Lee Enyart pur- cIiiuwhI a new Ford automobile last week. Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Cochrane en tertained Tuesday evening at their home, their guests being the young people of the Sunday school. The public Is cordially Invited to visit the Merlin Sunday Behoof next Sunday, September 8. A special pro gram will be given. You will want to hear the male quartet and the Merlin orchestra. All members of the school are requested to be pre sent who want to bo chosen tn the red and blue memory contest. APPLEOATE X I - Mr. and Mrs. Cheater KuWl and two daughters are ramping at Squaw lake. A large crowd attended the dance at the Socialist hall Saturday night Several cars came from Med ford and Jacksonville. , Mr. and Mrs. John Herrlott and Mrs. ; N. Vernoll were Grants Pass visitors Saturday, O. E. Rose and daughter, Gladys, made a trip to Crescent City 8atur day returning' Monday. Born, at Callahan, California, August 251, to Mr. and Mra. Dolbert Williams, a daughter. ,Mrs. Williams Is a niece of Mrs. N. Pernoll and was formerly Miss Nellie Culp. Mrs. Arthur Frier, of Us Angeles, California,' visited relatives here a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Benedict, Miss Edith Kubll and Mr. Wlnetrout are on an auto trip to Crescent City. Mrs. Snrah Ovlntt and Miss Moran, of Medford, wore Sunday guests nt tho Mansfield home. . ' Orr, Brown. ITugh Brown, Miss Margstot , Brown, accompanied by their cousins, Miss Lucollln and John Stone, of Portland, made trip to Crater lalto Tuesday, returning Wed nesday. Boy Brown was a business visitor nt Murphy Wednesday. He ' will tonch school, at Murphy beginning Monday, September 4. WINONA BERKSHIRE3 If you want tba most pork per lb. of feed, get a Winona Berkshire for yonr next herd boar. Spring pigs aver aged 100 lbs. each at four months. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Rural Route No. 1. 830tf X TIME CAJlli ' The Calif ornia aiid Oregon uoast Kauroad company (Tbo Oregon Caves RoaU) ' - Effective Monday, May 1. '111. Train 1 lv. Grant Paaa 7:00 n.m. , Arrlvea Water Cre)u 1 2 00 n. to. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek5:00 p.m. Arrives Oranta Paaa. :00 p.m. , uaiiy except Sunday. - All train leave Oranta Paaa from tha eorner of O and Eighth streets, opposite tha Sontbern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and 'passenger service call at the office of the company. Public Ser vice building, ' or phona" 111 for same. , Train will atop on flag at any point between Oranu Faaa Water? Creek. Paaeaszn service every da in tha week. 160 ACRES on atage road near Waldo, about 20 acres under cul tivation, 20 to 80 acres In pasture, . plenty of water to Irrigate, grow ing crops, two barns of hay, team, wagon, buggy, cattle, comfortable house, family orchard, etc., for sale. Will take GranU Paaa resi dence property aa first payment, easy terms on balance. Inquire 803 I street. Phone 288-J. 840 CAMP VITHV(XMIIK RKADV FOR MILITIAMEN- BURROS FOR SALE One American Jenny and colt and one big burro. George Lewis barn, Sixth and K streets. 841 FOR SALE Surrey, motorcycle and aaddle, all In excellent condlUon; also a few Angora goats. Phone 608-F-12. 842 Camp Wlthycombe, Ore., Sept. 2. Recruits at Camp Withycombe were put to work today preparing for the arrival of Oregon troops from the Mexican border. Company streets were laid out and recruits' tents moved aeilde to make room for those of the returning guardsmen. Cap tain Schumann, commanding, ceived orders to provide accommoda tiona for one regiment of infantry. its equipment and ammunition. FOR SALE Ranch team, wagon and harness. Inquire R. L. Coe. 842 FOR SALE Gas water heater, gas range, gas heater, oil heater, Win chester 25-50 rifle, ice cream freez er, 124 yards reversible stair car pet, nearly new and In good condi tion. Pbone 199-R. 843 ;OVKKOK HI JOHXSOJT MAY 'SPEAK IX ORJBCiOJf Portland, Sept. 2. Arrangements were made today for the contem plated speaking tour of Governor Hiram Johnson of California through Oregon in behair of Charles E. Hughes. The speaking bureau of the Hughes campaign committee has ex tended an Invitation to Johnson. It Is not known whether he will accept. NEARLY new .303 Savage rifle tor' sale at a bargain. Inquire at 517 O atreat 844 Washington. Sept. 2. A message to ' President Vll3on today from Henry Ford announced his plant would shut down Monday If a strike Is called by the railway brotherhoods. SECOND-HAND ORGAN tor sale. In quire of R. K. Hackett, First Na tional Bank. 841 . WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL wants work in notei or general Housework. Ad-1 dress No. 1563, care Courier. 840 1 WANTED Persons having work by which high school students may earn part or all of their hoard or lodging, kindly communicate with the principal, Prof. H. H. Ward- rip. 842 AGENTS WANTED under our strict-, ly new, money making plan. It you are a hustler and making less than 'ten dollars per day, Wake Up! Write PACIFIC NURSERY COMPANY, Grand Avenue, Port land. Oregon, 847 WANTED First class miners at Al- meda and Copper Eagle mlnee. Apply P. B. Wlckham, Almeda, Oregon. ' 844 WANTED A good young Holstein cow. Addreea Box 92. Merlin, Ore gon. 840 MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up in 5-gallon glasa Jars and delivered at gouf door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 29S-R and water wagon will call. TAXI STAND at the Mocha Cafe. Any where in town 10c. Phone 181-R. Residence phone 242-L. tt PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Sept. 2. Today's mar ket quotations were: Wheat Club, 1.38; blueetem, 1.28. Oats No. 1 white feed, 28. Barley Feed, 31. Hogs Bout live, 9.85. Prime steers, e.TS1?; fancy cows, 5.50; best calves, 7,50. ' Spring lambs, 8.23 (ft 8.38. Butter City creamery, 34; coun try, 27. Eggs Selected local extras, 30. Hens, 14; broilers, lfiff 17: geese, 10. Copper, 28. I ! i J -eWT7-i '. M"Brr"-' kkac -a II rr mn 8 mm h lanjj L. O. CLEMENT. U. DPmtlca , limited to disease of tfc tya, ear, no aad throat . Glasses ttttad. Office hour 1-12, 1-5, or on 'poiotment 'Offlc phone, 62; reat S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D Phyatotaa m wt Jt a a i. . . . iwiwa. , vmj or conairy onu attended day or night Rasldeno phone II ; ofllco phona 113. Sixth anfl H, Taffa Bldg. J. P. Truax, M. D., Physician and -, aurgeon. - Phoaear Offlcv III; rxV dence 124. - Calls answered at all hours. Country call attended to. Lundbnrg 'Bldg. DR. ED. BYWATR Specialist oa diseases of eye ear, not and throat; glasses fltfd. Office hoars: I to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phonos: Residence 214-J; office 257-J. Schmidt Bldg, Grant Paaa, Ore. A. A, WITHA1I. It, D., Physician and Surgeon. Office: Hall B3dg eorn er Sixth and I streetc. Phones: Office 1)6; residence 282-J. Bonn I 'aw m. to 4 p. m. OR. H. WARREN NICE, OsteopatMe Fhyalelan. Chronie and "nerrous diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and 2, Lundbnrg Bldg., , oppoaiU pent office; phqne 141-R. Reaidenca: Colonial hotel; phone 167-J. DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D. mntdua dentistry. 108 n South Sixth street. Grants Paaa" Ore, , - - BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Maud B. BraaV ford, dental aaslstant Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Rule Bldg. Grant Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. . ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON. Attorn ey-at-Law PracUce tn all Sute and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIQ 4b WILUAMS Attorneys- at Law, GranU Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Paaa, Ore. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice in all conrts. First National Bank Bldg. EDWARD H. RICHARD,-Attorney- at-Law. Office -Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. V. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law. County n attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law. GranU Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Phone 270. Granu Pass, Ore. .4WsarfSsaislBlalBlMaN,v I "The Machine I with a ii Si Personality' TTO matter what voiir I f f I Vt touch this new ! S Royal Master. U tm Itfnrtal 1ft -.til U II Just turn Le set-screw JjJ and rtgulate the touch 5 f of this new Royal to M fit YOURSELF! Make IS it light and smooth as tt velvet or firm and i- M J snappy as you like. j JSmU for "Big ! Easiness and ii ! I r- m. a r ureat rmy or ! I r A I Every keen-witted iten- J ! Ij ographer every office mini- 1 j ger every expert operator on f a ii 71 mat uses the ' of typewriting! II But the new . i i ii the firing line ol " Big Butt nets "will train the eoormoui mMrkmtaw wain ttm ham B Ra..i'. tAiu.t.ku 7-.,. i a that takes the "grind Model 10 has I ! many outer big. vital new I I features, hvtstigatt tkm I i Send for the "Royal man" and aak for a DEMONSTRA. t TION. Or writ ns direct for 9 ournwbrochurM,"firrt flf SERVICE." and One Pro- II blim Sotwdt postal brings them free of charge. Cef the Facts t '..(tnn - frrv , , ft mm GERMAN LEA'AXT MXKltS SEIZED IIV AM.U'is Athens, Sept. 2. AUJod warships lmve sMzeJ the German Ijevnnt llnprs Tlnos, Anatolia, , Seriphos , and Bolgnlos. ii 99 mm J J '.;;y mm I V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law, PracUce in state and federal courts. Rooms 2 and 3, over Golden Rule store. Mt SICAL LXSTRUCTIOX VIOUN INSTRUCTION Franco- Belgian' achool , of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence 2 15 I street DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. V Phone 1S2-R. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Propr. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transter. Sates, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stored. "Phone Clark ft Holman, No. 60. Resi dence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. .. LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84 A. F. A. M. Stated Communica tions let and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Cass. W. M. Ed." Q. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1. O. O. F., meeU every "Wed- nesday evening In I. O. O. "w F. hall, corner 6th and H. Sts.- Visiting. Odd Fellows cordially Invited to be present. Emll Gebers.. N. Q.s Clyde Martin, Secretary. VETERINARY SURGEON 31 is i v ri DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office In Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 118-J. Residence Phone 305-R. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGtNO, sralning. palnU ing. For the best work at lowest prices phone 295-J., C. O. Plant, South Park street. . It R0TAL TYPEWRITER CO. lac lm fit wj, Agent i g"f f 1Sym w mmmm a Urn MBaBaaaHaaaauM AekSAihltCi li. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, metallurgist. Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pa?.