PAGE TWO D.ULT ROGUE IUTEH COURIER Hl'NIUV. HKITIKMIIKK , ltl. Daily Rogue River Courier A. K. VOORHIE3, Pub. u4 Prop. W1LFORD ALLEN. Editor. . Eater! at Um Grants Pua, Or CO a, Postofflc m ascond-clasa man Batttr. Oas Tsar.-.. CU Months... 9fare Month.. On llonta .15.00 1.00 1.10 .10 SUNDAY, SKlTEMRFtt 3, 1B16. OREGON WEATHER ' t Sunday unsettled, probably f hovers vest, fair east portion; southerly winds. Store will be closed all day LABOR DAY KINNEY & TRUAX VILSOll'S mm f LECTION JUDGEMENT IS JUSTIFIED What would happen when a rail road should be built out to the val leys ot the Applegate and the Illinois has long been s favorite topic for dissertion and discussion In Grants Pass. The Courier has expatiated upon the subject to the extent of columns of space, and the tonnage of i cover ore and of lumber and ot agricultural products that would come with the building of the road has been held up as a tempting bait to the Southern Pacific for 'nearly a quarter of a century. Then the people of Grants Pass determined to quit the watchful . waiting game, and toy a practically unanimous vote they appropriated f 200,000 of their own money as earn est of their good faith. It is with The strike has been headed off. at least temporarily. But the Issue has not been closed. If the railroads abide by the provisions of the new law they will surely raise a howl about the increase in operating expense, and will seek an increase of freight rates STRIKE DANGER ENDS. 'Continued From Page 1.) Yorkers arrived at the same time. As James pushed his giant frame up on the scene the sun came out. The band began playing and every one felt better. Immediately afterward the president called his guests to luncheon. A contingent of boy scouts, delee&ted to d reserve order. pleasure, therefore, that the cHitens l tne flag ,n ront of tne man. who put up their cash so cheerfully '8on The president's personal flag. see their judgment justified. For with a red eagle surrounded by stars the operation of the first unit of the Jon a background of blue, was brought road, running from Grants Pass toi Washington ral9wl ,, iV . , j when he began to speak. nays mu, proves aai vuai una imu claimed for the district the road is Pew Leaden Are Present Aside from members of the New to open up and develop. Every month J jer8ey 6tate committee, the president the trafflo is increasing, and with the ' found few of the battle-scarred vet road less than a year old it is turn- erans of democracy on hand. Champ ing a stream of shekels Into the cof-'Clart, W. J. Bryan, Charles Murphy, - . - ,. Thomas Taggart and many others fers of the operating company. The ; D were absent. Clark and Marshall re . August business was most gratifying.. ma,ned Jn Wa8htngton t0 Bign the 'not alone from the amount of freleht .... v n . ..,im win paid for hauling the products of the i The president plans to affix his mine, the forest and the farm but also signature when he reaches Washlng from the indirect dividend which the ton tomorrow, road Is paying the community as a! Vice-President Marshall arrived , , . . , unexpectedly at Shadow Lawn a few wHole. The operation of the mine j mM , and gives employment to many men, and loU)1jy cneered. all the activities that have been given j At 4 Q,clock ,t wa8 e8timated that new life because of the railroad are 20,000 persons were on the grounds leaving the Impress of prosperity upon of the summer White House. the district that comes within tne I James concluded speaking at 4:14 a 1 6-year-old girl iu Portland, Ore gon name withheld on the govern or's request. She wrote that she had a dream in which she saw and shook hands with Mr. Hushes and Mrs. Hughes In the White House. She knew the dream was coming true. The candidate wrote her a letter him self, and Mrs. Hughes added a post script thanking the tittle lady tor her prediction. In St. Louis today the nominee was the central figure in an automobile parade on his arrival shortly after eight o'clock, and was to speak at a luncheon under the auspices of the Business Men's league at the Missouri Athletic club. Late in the afternoon he was to shake hands with the public at the Hotel Jefferson, and at night apeak In the Coliseum. To morrow he will rest, leaving at night for Nashville. Those close to the candidate Indi cated today that the governor Intend ed particularly to dwell upon tlie principle of exclusive federal control of the militia, which he enunciated at last night's meeting at Kansas City, and on the Mexican policy in speeches during the next few days. He Intends, It was said, more specifically to out line exactly what measures he advo cates to correct the abuses In gov ernment which he ascribes to the democratic administration. Hughes has been considerably rolled over democratic declaration that his cam paign so far has exhibited mostly complaints, without Indicating cor rective and constructive remedies. To night he proposes to answer these de clarations, while still thrusting away in critical analysis of what he con siders democratic Inefficiency." lxng Hranch, J., Sept. 2. A record of "peace, prosperity and hap piness," while the old world stagger ed beneath a load ot sorrow, Insures President Wilson's re-election In November, Senator Ollle M. James of Kentucky assured the president in formally notifying him of his nomln atlou by the democratic convention this afternoou. "With an enthusiasm, unanimity and earnestness never surpassed in the political life of America, the rep resentativee of the purest democracy in the world have summoued you again to lead the hosts ot peace, pros perity and American righteousness," said James. - "They do not make this call upon you for the purpose of honoring you, for you already have bad bestowed upon you by your countrymen ths greatest honor within their gift. They call you for service to America and mankind, a service you have so amply proved to be of the highest type known to governments among men." James enumerated some of the ac complishments of the Wilson admin 1st rat Ion. The federal reserve act. he said, freed the country from the money oligarchy, "destroying at the same time the money trust" and the panic trust. Referring to the presi dent's diplomatic successes without plunging the country Into war, the senator said: "This great triumph you achieved for America and for the world gave protection to non-combatants and neutrals that war-mad countries must respect and this diplomatic achieve ment will be the guiding, protecting precedent to millions of lives of the Innocent and unoffending long after you are gone. "This triumph of yours will not be told In history by a great war debt, a mammoth pension roll, vacant chairs and unhappy firesides, but It will be told In the victory of match less diplomacy and Irresistible logic." scope of their influence. The origina tion of 138 carload shipments ofi freight over the little 15-mile road -during the last month is full justifi cation for the confidence of the Grants Pass public. The road will he a world-beater when It is built as planned through the Illinois valley : and to the coast, and Grants Pass j end the tributary territory will de- j velop at an equal pace. and was applauded for one minute. 'President Wilson began speaking at 4:16, reading his speech. KANSAS CITY GREETS HUGHES St. Louis, Sept. 2. After receiving last night at Kansas City what was probably the. most enthusiastic recep tion of his campaign tour. Nominee Louis relnvlgor- Enactment of tbs child labor law, an Increase in saving deposit!, at tainment ot a position of world load ershlp tn the matter of exports and prosperity everywhere were credited to President Wilson by ths Ken tucklan, who after predicting another Wilson victory, said: "The greet convention which nom inated you was neither controlled nor Intimidated by any un-American or foretgn 'influence. It had the heart best sad spoke th true sentiment of the it'itnvy." Job printing ot every description at the Courier offlcs. location notices, Courier office. What is Your Hardest Day ? Monday, of course. Hut wa can do your foundry end weekly wash ' Ing ami you will not have Iliat worry or Inlaw Grants Pass Steam Laundry Phone it? and our wagon will call FASHION GARAGE and Machine Shop Best Equipped Shop in Southern Oregon Expert Machinist in charge Oxy-Acetyline Welding Vulcanizing and Tube Repairs Overland and Studebaker Service Station AUSTfiiS IT E MA STAG1 T , TWELVE MONTH3 OP CLIMATE The weather of the Rogue valley Is Hughes came to St most seasonable. August was the ted and ready to ram home further typical summer time when the sun la8sau,t8 on the democratic adminis tration. It was believed that the poured his brightest rays down upon jcandldate wod D)ake 8om furthor the earth and caused vegetation to am dearer references to that portion grow apace if the water was there ! of his policies referring to the hyphen for irrigation. It brought on a mag-;'" 'his city the city with the second nificent growth of' hops, and then, ,large8t Germau-Amerlcao population i.i. a . i , ,, . ,., in the United States. In speeches with September 1st, the 'first week . ... . ,. . ' which he delivered through Kansas 1 I 1 . I ,, W.. 1 1 1 .1 . . tlw.l.t 1 oi nop pick. s. . u.ur.. "'" .yesterday Hughes took occasion lant" will tell you-that It always ; elaborate his views on the necessity or most always rains the first week 'for unity of spirit in the movement i of hop picking. And the weather Is ,or Americanism, lie was expected HerkuleH and Kin rdoe, the enemy mnnlna- true to form. Fridav the i at tonlht's meeting at the Coliseum ! was repulsed In Thursday's fighting." weather was a bit threatening. Sat- Berlln, Sept. 2. Hermannstadt, former capital of Transylvania, and the town of Sepsl-St. Gyorgy have been evacuated by the Austrlans be fore the Roumanian advance, it was officially announced In a statement received from Vienna today. (Hermannstadt, a city of 35,000 In habitants, lies twelve miles from the Roumanian frontier. It is well built and has a number of fine public build ings and educational institutions. It was a strong fortress city In the Turkish wars and was formerly the seat of an extensive trade with the cast. The evacuation of 'Hermann stadt, together with the evacuation of Kronstradt a few days ago, gives the Roumanians possession of two of the principal cities of Transylvania. It Indicates further that the Rou manians have penetrated the fatuous Red Tower pass In their Invasion of Transylvania. The, town of Sepsl- ,0St. Gyorgy lies 16 miles northeast of Kronstndt.) "On the Russian front, near Orsovn, Oook by Uire! It's a Snap! where his competitor In the prnsl-'sad tlx; Austrian statement. "Olhcr- dentlal race was rc-nomlnated ..nlfft.... on 4hn cimmni. nnl .1 ... .i. . ..... in. jo. 11 1..IU-.I, miM ..... n : uiree inonins ago sun rurtimr to en- nient." broken. Now for that glorious Sep- large on thene views. ' only , wise there was no Important engage- t'nib';r w-ather when :.o ihi'!-'1. uno: t;w on their !il i.h, iui'l s!i-(,rli .::::: from th th'' bucks v:il Pi'; 1 th'; wMlo'.v:, !i,-:i 1 1 1 f v:ll seauijc'r up t.i. W lillt.'.! 'IK' i '. '.' tic I V.J move of It., and then Deei'iiMcr, lis urcn. th' Rogue? Jnw; U 't the w! apples ilVp.H will tal: the w.c.i , will sunshine, and I'-'r i'.uli is ti i-'fity so, -its-re!? u.apl'-s 'ri'. r Will lie SO.IHt November, am! this II vim; in rlvf r valley .where you runt months of climate. The governor and Mrs. Hughes j j0b printing of every description were touched today by a letter from i. tins Courier office. Not 'itily will the people of the Hot'i.e -.-nil';.- hear Farmer Smith dur ing the ,ronrenH of the .Josephine county fair, but the sugar hoot people, liavo lrert that they wotild send an agrlcultuiul expert here to talk upon liuct culture during the fair. You Went Good Tires TII'.FS llinl will (I- lend i Ii-t.i-iO. v U'liut. kind of it t is--- i'. I inil -.' Ue FIRESTONE" I hit tire Ilia! Is mil luiiiill v nihi l 1 1 v . us the !.(".( I'lff I For Sale by the Ford Garage Cook by wire! Six (m the lire! Ktre went nut of dtile, my ilesr, wlicn Hilly Suiiduy discovered wntcr. Wlwt ycr lo yini think this I IIMMr, How xllly! iMm't you know this In the ago when a Ul Is horn every minute, Mn nt Imve Mrguincnt Mtille Urn"' HiiiiinmihI iiiIIcn apart and imunIciiI sIuiwm only cnri-y llire. r four waril mlm trunks-'.' Puucy! We're not cooking uny longer with W(MkI, msIics, dirty Ultdii-ns, nml, misollsie, Itoiium canille matihi'H, wihkI, smoke nor raiigt'N which iiuike you us Imt as llelcne, the ItllSSljIII IIC4MI of III ('. O. I). U'imhI U now lielng used for cafe tallies, cmil Is Mild CM-Iuslvcly to tVntral Stutlotix, ns lias nil It run do to take cure of polltltiil spc lies nml misolino Is ho ipnsivi tlmt only klngH anil waiters uin n (Tori I to cook Willi It. Hnioke, riiuies, Monty pot- nml the other old fashioned tlilngH have Ihcii laid on the sliclf wlih Mcydcs, kiim pendei-N and William .lenningm liiyun. Why woman, this In 11)1(1! Today electric raiiK "d neropluno fiictories employ threii rtlilftK Vcstrrilay fM,(MM Immlcts weir "kllhsl" In ii movie wnr! Ili'til sliaiks are pulling the t-CMiHcrV legs at tlanllc t'ity (hii. year! Tills Is ItMfl! Tlio electi lc i-uiigo In fiiM'Inutlim, cliuiniiiy, homey, I toplan iiiul every other f nicy ml,etlve yon can think of! It Is giinrniileed to remove work, worry mid widow hood ami iiuike Monday looming seem like Saturday nt'tcrnoon with I'lidles Hinging In tin tree tops. Mccli-lc rooking In delicious, (aliening, eugenic, ip-l-like, rcrorfout and ten time Ih Kci' IIiiiii Mollicr used to iniike. In fact, some women are no ciay sil'out It Hint Hie sale of ninned sardliii'M dropped from $18 to IM icnts In one town in one week. Name on request', l.ykelle! Order your electric iiinue VOW! It will put your favorite dream of licuven In the piker class! Iloo't wony siliiint the pl-lce! I'upu will seltli If you know how to work ll ! The M'licnie not the riinue! As Wooilrow W ilson says, "Write today!" -I'.y permission of Daisy lliiyload, owsKC'ja'acB Ulna I0H-J ornse0re f.2.u;.sTiKi:i', igoii oiver Go u CHANTS 1A::.:, OKIXX)N i i