Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, August 30, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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filitig Devices
You can lm-rcase your efficiency bjr using systems and devices that
ar adapted to four particular business. The various style of fll
In cabinets ar designed to meet every requirement, , We carry Y '
and K and lit Wcls cabinet awl supplies and a complete line of
Heals auri rubber itaniNi to order
Drug and
Stationery Store H
it will pay you to pee
The Josephine Grocery Co.
before buying your winter's supply.
Many Grant Psas lUwutos Have
Heard It and Profited Thereby
"Oood news travel fssi," and tbe
many bad back sufferers In Orantf
Pou are glad to learn where relief
may be found. Many a lame, weak
and aching hack I bad no more,
thanks to Doan'i Kidney Pills. Our
citizens are telling tbe good news of
tholr experience with this tested rem
edy. Mere Is an example worth read
ing: Mrs. Paul Coitol, 615 East L St.,
Grants Pass, ssys: "I was subject to
Inflammation of tbe bladder and at
times It caused me a great deal of
in I nor y. Tbe kidney secretion were
very Irregular in passsge, causing me
much annoyance. Occasionally
sharp pains raiiKht me in tbe small
of my bark. I tried different kidney
medicines, but nothing did me any
Kood until I began using Doan's Kid
ney Pills. When I bad finished about
three boxes, tbat awful misery in my
back stopped and my kidneys acted
Price r0c, at all dealers. Don't
simply sk for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Coittel had. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
ANGEL CAKES Phone orders to No.
190-J. 787tf
Chicago, Auk. 30. Produce and
livestock prices In the local markets
soared today as additional western
railroads prepared to ban perishable
freight shipments, beginning Satur
day. Notices were posted on the floor
of tbe Chicago Dairy board that the
Mlchlgon Central. Michigan Southern
and (he Unit I more ft Ohio railroads
would accept butter and egg ship
ments consigned to Philadelphia, New
York and noston, only until Saturday.
Produce men predicted a big rise In
butter and erg prices.
Unfavorable strike news boosted
hogs to tholr former high level of
It 1.30 a hundred pounds. Cattle al
so showed a gain, while sheep advanc
ed from 15 to 80 cents per hundred
Potato prices Jumped also. Mln-
III. i. U.4 Mt U.I4 m.i,V
Ml "Mil HIM K.U.. V
Tub Wr. nt mtwmtr V
ftiun imiku ...... -
" . , i ... nm
nesota and Ohio shipments were
quoted 15 cents higher at $1.35 a
bushel. Live poultry showed gains.
Intnrurban lines today prepared to
carry out plans to handle double
their usual trafflo In case of a strike
Monday. Officials planned to convert
passenger coaches Into freight cars
to handle produce shipments.
A strtko will throw out of employ
ment 30,000 workers In Chicago's
stock yards.
Dr. Destul vaccinated hogs at the
llxlo ranch Thursday.
Hop picking commences Monday.
Hop pickers are moving In every day.
Agricultural Export Austin waa in
this vicinity Thursday looking over
the bent crop.
Clarence Baldwin and uncle, Mr.
McCredle, from Medford, were at the
Dixie ranch Friday buying peaches.
10 Thompson and Walter Fsrrs,
from Provolt, have gone to Oallre to
look for pasture for their cattle.
Olon and Percy Wllhelm have Just
returned from a hunting trip, bring
ing with them a big buck.
Mrs. Louis Lucke made a business
trip to town Monday.
Elmer Heatsh called at tbe Dixie
ranch on business Wednesday.
Geo. nilllnKS. of the People's Cash
market, was at the Dixie ranch Fri
day buying beef.
There Are Stores in This City
So Good That They Could Use Twice
as Much Advertising Space as They
Now Useand Make It Pay!
own observations in the Btorc-world will
ronlirin this truth.
ITKLICITY is bad only for a bad pro
position. 1 1 is just as surely good for a good
What IS a" good store ' ' I One that real! v
SERVES THE PUBLIC, protecting its pa
trons ns to VALUES, not merely as to
There are many stores in this city an
swering to that definition completely. In
every city there are always some stores that
do not.
An important phase of a OOOD STORE'S
paper advertising. This should bo complete,
frank, informing. It should tell the store
news as fully as a good newspaper tells the
news of the. da v.
Perhaps the 'best possible NEW POLICY
for the GOOD stores of this citv to adopt
would be that of DOUBLING THE AD
thus giving tlicin "elbow room"; giving
them bigger opportunities for telling their
patrons, in detail, about every soiling event,
about every bargain offering, about every
dollar's worth of new stocks. Of course,
pavs the really good store; Hbut "ADE
QUATE ADVERTISING would pay much
better, i
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 30. Edwin A.
Hamilton, a Union Pacific conductor
'for 18 years, today applied to District
Judgo W. O. Sears for an Injunction
preventing the Order of Railway Con
ductors, of which Hamilton Is a mem
ber, from declaring a strike on the
Union Pacific system on September
i Hearing on the petition for per
manent injunction was set for Sep
tember 2. Hamilton named as de
fendants A. II. Garretson, president
of the order and Included the three
divisions of the brotherhood, known
as the Eastern, Southern and West
ern associations, but the order only
Is effective In Nebraska, the limit of
Sears' Jurisdiction.
As reasons for asking the order
Hamilton, In his petition said that
up to July 1 the railroads were re
garded as separate units In the
brotherhoods, but that at that time
tbe rules were amended and It was
provided that the vote of all should
rule the conductors on each road. He
claims this Is Illegal because strike
ballots were sent out June 15, snd
that, he claims, the conductors of the
Union Pacific did not cast a two-
third vote, authorising the strike.
Hamilton asserts that If the strike
goes on he will lose his pension
, rights if he strikes, or If he does not
strike he will lose his rights In the
1 brotherhood, and so brings the suit
not only for himself but all similarly
! Courts are trying to get service on
Oorretson, who lives In Des Moines,
and a long string of other officials.
widely scattered.
Union Pacific railroad officials here
today made statements claiming that
tho sentiment of a majority of the
Union Pacific employes were against
a strike order, and that Hamilton Is
correct In claiming that the Union
Pacific employes should not be bound
by the rules claimed to have been
adopted July 1.
j Hamilton denies that the railroads
are back of his suit.
Ji,' .i I ".
A ' t 1 " I m ' m
FOR SALE Registered Guernsey
' bulla from high producing cows.
River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grants
Pass, Ore. 754tf
FOR BALE Three-ton Veil auto
truck. Tbe price Is right Leonard
Orchards Company, Grants Pass,
Ore. 754tt
FOR 8 A LP, Apple chunk wood. $2
tier, cut to '16-inch lengths, from
30 year orchard cut this spring.
Best wood on market. Phone E.
II. Richard. 853
want tbe most pork per lb. of feed,
get a Winona Berkshire for your
next herd boar. 8prlng pigs aver
aged 100 lbs. each at four months.
F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Rural
Route No. 1. 830tf
motorcycle, in fine condition, $125.
Inquire City Market. 837
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
(The Oregt Cave Rontc)
Effective Monday, May 1, 1)16.
Train 1 lr. Qranu Pasa........7:00 tun.
Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 e.m.
Train 4 Iv. Waters Creek(:00 p.m.
Arrives Grants Pasa....6:00 p.m.
Dally except Sunday.
All train leave Grants Pass from
the corner of O and Eighth streets,
opposite the Bouthern Pacific depot.
For ail information regarding
freight and passenger service call at
the office of tbe company, Public Ser
vice building, or phone 131 for
Train will atop on flag at any
point between Grants Pa and
Waters Creek. Passes:-; -errte
every day la the week.
Ban Francisco, Aug. 30. North
western fruit interests are threatened
with serious losses as the result of
160 ACRES on stage road near
Waldo, about 20 acres under cul
tivation, 20 to 30 acres in pasture, 'an embargo placed on perishable
plenty of water to Irrigate, grow- 'commodities and livestock shipments
ing crops, two barns of hay, team, by the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe
wagon, buggy, cattle, comfortable 'railroads. The orders, growing out"
house, family orchard, etc., for of the threatened railway strike, are
sale. Will take Grants Pass reel-! effective today, and Just In the heavy
dence property as first payment, shipping season, tbe fruit interests
easy terms on balance. Inquire 'of tbe country find' themselves wlth
303 I street. Phone 286-J. 840 out means of handling the rapidly
BURROS FOR SALE One American ipnlng crops, which will be ruined
Jenny and colt and one big burro. " re,iei 18 "ol
George Lewi, barn. Sixth and Kj Nor Is the shipper the only one in-
Btreetg g41 'convenienced by the new peril. A
message has oeen sent to an ucxei
I O. CLEMENT, M, D. Practice
limited to diseases of the eye, tar,
nose and throat Glasses fitted.
Office hours Ml, 3-6, or on ap
pointment. Office phone, 63; resi
dence phone 869-J. :
8. IX) UGH RIDGE, M. D., Poystdu
and surgeon. City or country eatt
attended day or night. ' Reetde&e
phone 369; office phone 111.
Sixth and H. Toft Bldg. ' ;.
J. P. Truax, M. D.. Physician aid
surgeon. Phones: Office S3S; resi
dence 334. Calls answered at all
hoar. Country call attended to.
Landburg Bide
DR. ED. BYWATR Specialist jam
disease of eye ear, bom aad
throat; glasses fitted. Office Bonn:
to 13 a. m., 3 to 6 p. bv Phones:
Residence 234-J; office SS7-J,
Schmidt Bldg, Grant Pass, Ore.
A. A. WITHA1I, M. D., Physician aad
Surgeon. Office: Hail Bldg., eora
er Sixth and 1 street. Phone:
Office 116; residence 283-J. Hour
8 a. m. to, 4 p..m.
DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopathia
Physician. Chronic and nervous
diseases specialty. Room 1 and 3,
Lundburg Bldg., opposite poet
office; phone 149-R, Residence:
Colonial hotel; phone 167-J. ,
FOR SALE Gas water heater, gas ,gentB Dy Passenger Traffic Manager
range, gas heater, oil heater, Win- c g Fee of tne 8outhern Pacific, in
chester 25-20 rifle, ice cream frees- structing them to advise passengers
er, 12 ysrds reversible stair car- that they may experience delays nn
pet, nearly new and in good condl- ,CM thcy can reacn tnelr destinations
tlon. Phone 1-B. , 8J7 by Sun(,ay night.
The embargo order of the Southern
Pacific follows: . ' .
On account of the Impending
TO TRADE 13,000 equity in 100
acre Missouri farm, 65 miles from strike, all shipments of non-perlsh
St. Joe, rich bottom land. 74 acres able frelKbt for all destinations reach
cleared. . Want small acreage un- eA by tnl8 company and its connec-
der irrigation. What have you? tlonB win De accepted only 'subject
Address No. 1566, care Courier. 37 to indefinite delay.' The company
can not accept perishable or livestock
shipments destined to Portland, Og-
.r-n. or E, pag0 of pontB WMt tnere.
scales for weighing hay. State of wh(.h can not be reached y regu.
lowest casu pne aenereu on uim- . . ... . . ,.ehl,duleg ,bv 7 . m.
mlck place, one mile west of Grants Saturdayi 2 effectiTe lm-
rass. rnonena-j. s.m medlate,y...
WANTED Hop pickers, beginning 1 With the grape harvest Just start-
September 4. Leonard Orchards ing and the cattle raising sections
yard, Phone 612-F-13. j just rounding up stock for market
EXPERIENCED GIRL wants work in tne oraer comes as a sen-
hotel or general housework. Ad-,0U8 b,ow to California farmera. It is
dress No. 1563, care Courier. 840 ,to.Pau8e trouble ln "M-
:Ing this city s needs until water trans-
WANTED Four men to work ln lum-jportation Is Inaugurated sufficiently
ber yard. Apply
Adams' sawmill.
Edgerton ft to handle some of the commodities.
837 ! As a result of the strike prepara-
rrrr. . tions, neither the Southern Pacific nor
'the Santa Fe expects to cease pas-
CHYSTAL SPRINGS water ,put up tn isenger train service If the strike Is
6-gallon glass Jars aud delivered I railed Monday. Southern Pacific of
at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary, j flp,a!s declare former employes and
Telephone 293-R and water wagon jthose ln the service long enough to
will call.
Washington, Aug. 30. The firBt
formal effort of congress to rush
through legislation to prevent the
strike of four hundred thousand rail
road employes, set for Mondny morn
ing, ended temporarily In a quarrel
today, when bitter charges were made
that certain senators are "attempt
ing to make political capital out of a
disastrous situation."
The charges were made by Senator
Robinson, Arkansas. They followed
a statement ln committee by Senator
Ciimmlhs and other . republicans.
TheBe senators, it was stated, de
clared that since the date has been
set and that a strike appears Inevi
table", there Ib no need to rush through
hasty legislation that might after
wards prove Inadequate to hold for
nil time ns law.
"Tho strike Is not Inevitable," Rob
InHon was quoted as saying, "It
seems to me that at a time like this,
when the nation Is faring the most
disastrous Industrial situation In our
history, members of all parties should
stand together, regardless of party or
personal ambitions."
The meeting grew so stormy that
the committee adjourned the session
after passing a resolution, agreeing to
i hear the employes, the railroad man-
NIGHT BUSINESSS SCHOOL Com- pending crisis.
warrant a pension In a short time
have been fully organized for the lm-
E. C. MACT, D. M. D. Flrst-claaa
dentistry. 109 H South . Sixth
street. Grants Pass Ore.
ern dental work. Maud B. Brad
ford, dental assistant., Rooms 4
and 5, Golden Rule Bldg. Grant
Pass, Ore. Phone 26 5-J. .
H. D. NORTON, Attorney-atLaw
Practice in all State and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
at Law, Grants Pass Banking Co.
Bldg, Grant Pass, Or.
E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. , Praottee
ln all court. First National Bank.
Bldg. - '-
at-Law. Office Masonic Temple,.
Grants Pass, Ore.
V. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law.
County attorney for Josephine
County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg.
O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law.
Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg.
Phone 370." Grants Pas. Ore.
V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law,
Practice in ; state . and federal
court. Rooms 3 and 3, over
Golden Rule store.
Belgian school of violin playing.
E. R. Lawrence 215 I street
menclng September 11th., 7 to
p. m., twice a week, work In the
Commercial Branches and Civil
Service will be given, advanced
and beginning. $2.00 per month.
No pupils attending High School al
lowed. No age limit. Instructor, A.
Dawktns. M. A., 734 N. 2nd St. 839
It is not known what preparations
have been made by the Western Pa
cific to meet the strike.
TAXI STAND at the Mocha Cafe. Any
where ln town 10c. Phone 181-R.
Residence phone 242-L. ttj
Fans In Japan.
Fan are tn universal use ln Japan.
Even the Japanese servant girl has a
flat fan made of rough paper to blow
tbe charcoal fires with or to use an a
agers and the shippers ln the senate j
office building tomorrow.
Just before adjournment, however,
the committee decided to meet again
this afternoon.
The first legislative step on the
floor of either house was taken early
this afternoon when Senator Lewis,
Illinois, Introduced two resolutions.
The first was an amendment to the
Interstate commerce act, providing
for two additional members of the
commission and division of the pro
posed nine members Into three sec
tions' of throe members each. Each
section, under the amendment, would
be assigned to certain districts, there
by necessitating repeol of the original
act, which provides that the commis
sion shall sit only in the District of
Columbia. Arrangement Is being
made for Joint action by all three
sections "when necessity demands."
The second resolution provides that
railroads, "whenever necessity exlBts
for Increasing wages or readjusting
hours of labor," can apply to the com
mission for rate Increases to meet
such losses.
"See the
County Caves"
For the sccomniocUtlon of ris
iters to this most ivondrous
and beautiful piece of nature's
. underground work, CAVE .
CAMP hits been established on
jllluma Crock, 27 miles from
CiriiM Pass at the Junction of ,
tho auto rood and government
trail, ton miles from the Caves. .
The camp is equipped with
floored tents, clean beds and
bedding, mattresse and
springs. Rate $2.2.1 pej day;
special rates by .Jlie week.,.
Saddle homos fiirntNhed on
short notice. Telephone sei--vice,
. ;.:.) (..I. t
Fishing, Recreation, Cool
Refreshing -
For transportation inquire
( Grant Pass Garage
klnda of drayage and transfer
work carefully and promptly done.
, Phone 132-R. Stand at freight
depot. A. Shade, Propr. ,
F. G. I SHAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and furniture moved,
packed, shipped and stored. Phone
Clark ft Holman, No. 50. Resi
dence phone 124-R.
THE WORLD MOVES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84 A. F.
A. M. Stated Communica
tions 1st and 3d Tuesday.
Visiting brethren cordially
Invited. A. K. Case, W. H.
Ed. G. Harris, secretary.
''Jly' O. F., meets every Wed
nesday evening In I. O. O.
, p. hall, corner 6th and H.
Sts. Visiting Odd Fellow cordially
invited to be present. Emll Geber
N. Q.; Clyde Martin, Secretary. .
DR. R. J, BESTUL, Veterinarian.
Office in Wlnetrout Implement
Bldg. Phone 11 3-J. Residence
Phone 805-R.
PAPHRHANGINO, graining, . paint
. Ing. For the" best work at lowest
' price phone 295-J. C. G. Plant,
South Park street.
E. R. CROUCH.r-Assayer, chemist,
metallurgist. Roms 301-303 Pad
dock Building. Grant Pass.