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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1916)
.MONDAY, AlM'IlT I I, 1014 faqk rom .E IUVKH COI'IUER A VICTROLA On Your Porch it a Summer Delight The cimnoe art thai yon and ytwr family pratk'ally live oa tha aorch" la the summer. II yon do, yon'll want a Vlctmla to entertain tow, for It rrqul "music- In Mm Kir" to complete tha dVHgnt of ftornNa end , evening on the porch. ' Com la and let an play Iwcorda yw would like to hwt'j then ak n about our easy lectin oa Vartrolas, IIS mid ap. Music and Photo House itantou Itowrll, Prop. ' " : PER52NL LOCAL lo Rogue lain ftr Tuesday llackbono 8c. aparerlbe 80. Also fork Tenderloin. Temple market, phone 131. 831 . . tltetco Cove Oamlral "In tht country God nude nd man forgol." September 8, 3, and 4. Brookings, Curry county, Ore. Slltf Paul Wanehard aent Hirer thla afternoon. Children' trlmtned hata at 60c. Mr. R. Rehaopf HOtf Geo. Holand went to Gold Hill thlM morning on a business trip for a few day. R. R. Wilson returned today from Merlin and will spend a lew days In thoclty. MIm 8tella Davidson went to Med- ford thin morning to upend a daya visiting. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. llolcomb re turned taut night from Portland and point on mado by auto. writer for the Country Gentleman Emery nsrtlett stopped off here for msgaslne, and took data regarding a few minutes this morning while on, the Ppson egg farm from which to his way to Medford. I build an article. Mm. Sam Ness returned last night 1 from a trip to Portland where she Kmtlewood lielry. rnooe sua visited for some time. The pure milk dairy. . 8ltf. Mra, K. Rehkopf, Mrs. I.ola Allon and I-ewls Stlnebaugh returned last Home Prom Outing tow i Inspected lllnheo Farm K, 0. Smith and 0. J. Barnhlll, of Ashland were In the city during the day, and vlalted the Illnhea ranch of the coast, the trip being TJ. L. Upson. Mr. Narnhlll la a special AMI MCMKXTM T031GHT lUJou Tht Stepping 8tone Htar Diplomacy night from 8n Francisco where they made a trip by auto. GERMANS FAIL 111 VERDUN ASSAULT Fuia. Aug. 14. Freach troops folloVtd up their auccessee north of tht Souinie yesterday, with an ad vance south ot tha river la sharp fighting last night southeast ot Ksterees, French de tachment, captured several trenches between Kay and tht road to Dealt court, widening their poeltloue. On tht front north of tht 80m me there was brisk cannonading around tht oewly won French positions at Mau- repaa. Oa tht Verdun front, tht Germans Attacked three timet last night east ot Mill 104 on tht west bank of tht Mtust, and In tht region ot Fleury All atUcks were repulsed. Tht success ot tht asw rrench thrust north ot tht Bom me In Sat nrdey and Sunday' fighting Increas es tht peril ot tht German lint from comblea to Peronne. Tht capture ot tht rill age of Maurepaa and Clery, necessary to an advance against Peronne from tht north t fealteved certain under tht ext great French blow on this front. Tht Germans bombarded tht French lines around Maurepaa heavl ly last night They art tipected to launch n heavy counter-attack to batter In the wedge thrust Into their tinea and It la poastblt thla cannon ading preceded a strong Infantry at tack.' summer vacation witn miss aiauae Barnee at Caves Camp. Attorney O. 3. Drown Is In from his home near Merlin today to appear In cases before the circuit court. Mrs. V. I. Megargle and aon re turned this morning from a visit In Portland lasting aeveral weeks. Ladles' trimmed bats at 11. Mrs. .Rehkopt. SlOtf Francis Wlaner left Sunday night for Seattle where be will attend col lege during the coming winter. Rev. and Mrs. 0. K. Wiener left last night for Frultvale. California, making tht trip by auto. L. Armentrout left thla afternoon for 8an Francisco where he will apend a week attending to business affairs. H. A. Schell left this morning for Medford where ht will apend a few daya attending to bnslness matters. u. .,J Im t. T ttvta laft thla afternoon for Ashland. They have, ! " .... , been at Crescent City tor several! Roy DUon. whe . was caltod to I Josephine county some time ago has weeks. ' . . ... v Miss Genevieve McCracken "VZ' leave next week for Portland, where l" - - - ahe will enter a business college tnlp," ' "., fc tella ua that Mra. Dixon, who KKVT TODAT (CLASSinCD AD RATES. IS wards, two Issue. JSc: tlx laauea. 10c; one month, II. 6, wkea paid la advance. When not a!4 la advance, at per tint per issue.) FOR BAIXThree cows, one with young calf. Inquire at 408 F St WANTED Middle aged woman or ataa and wife to room and board home cooking prices reasonable, Phone SiS-J. 828 BENCH VISK. filing cabinet, one case of shelves, Urge pigeon hole case, Platform scales, for Sale, Mra. Jos Moss. 881 FCRMSMRD I ROOM house for rent. North aide nicely furnished, at III U A. tanner. 828 . Judge Colvlg Sunday from a and wife returned 10-dav outing at k .... ; .. II II Hunting Scaaoa Speriala ' Cottage ham a 18o per lb. Salt pork l&c per It). All kinds ot lunch goods. Phono &'i for quick delivery. City Market. 1(23 Tw 11 Mure I'roud Katlier Two more proud fathers are strut ting around the street today drawing) everybody Into the soft drink parlors) ami telling them between sips, the merits of the very lates. For Sat urday, a boy was born to Mr. aud Mrs. Harvey Faublon and one this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harnett Girl 'Hikers" to Golden Gnle Two' "hikers" the misses Ora Saunders and Martha Darnea art in the city, on their way to 8an Fran cisco, They are making the trip from Seattle to the Golden Gate on a wager, the conditions being that they walk It Inside of five weeks, and that they accept no gifts or moneY Halt ot their time la now up and they are a little over half-way to their destination. Mlsa Oeneva Hall will spend her, woodruff bridge, on upper Rogue River. In the party besides Judge and Mra, Colvlg were Ralph Wood ward and family and Fred Colvlg and family, all of Medford. A pies sant outing Is reported with plenty of trout fishing. The Woodruff bridge It above Prospectv Ore Ctat at Wales Creek Commissioners Mnd and Robinson were In tht city today, and In com pany with Judge Gillette went ont to Waters creek where they Inveatlgated a proposed minor change In the high way to accomodate a new aiding which the new raltroad la to build. The construction of an ort ehutt for the loading of cars direct from the wagons wlthont shoveling necessitat ed a minor change In the road which was approved by the county officials. Well Known Athlete VUIU Here- Henry Jamison, accompanied by his mother and four sisters, arrived here Sunday and spent the dsy with Paul nianchard. Mr. Jamison la well known In football circles, he being an All-American tackle of Cornell University. They are making a trip by auto from New York to Corona, California. Mr. Jamison went to Stanford University a year and met Mr. Blanchard at that place. After being shown the new Industries of the nearby valley, Mr. Jamison remsrked that thla was the most promising place ht had yet seen on the trip. They left this morning for Crater lake and will return here Wednesday and then go to Crescent City. ' J. M. ciyae, eupenmenacni oi w 0. C. Lumber company, lert sun- day for Brooking In the Hitler and Randall stage. F. M. Osgood, of Seattle, who la In- tereated In southern Oregon mining properties, arrived from the north Sunday. Daniel Welle w and family arrived In the city oMnday morning from Sacramento, Cat, and will make their home In thlt vicinity. Mr. and Mra. Ceorge Sabln re turned Sunday afternoon from Port land where they apent a few daya at tending Buyert Week. Miss 8ut Cook left for Medford this morning after spending Sunday In the city. She will remain at that place until school starts. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hood, W. J. Anderson and Mra. Bamber returned Sunday from a two-weeks outing, having driven to Crescent City and the coast was so seriously 111 for sdttte time, hss Just been able to leave the hos pital at Medford. and It elowly re gaining health at tht home ot hit parents at Murphy. Josephine county Reporter. To t'amp on Cow Cree With the early hours ot Monday morning the Murphy automobile load ed to the guards with camp equip age and manned by M. Murphy, Ray Murphy. 8, A. Douglas. W. R. Mc Cracken and Claude McCracken left for tht upper limits ot navigation on Cow Creek where they will proceed to make camp for a week, and keep the deer on the lookout dodging tht bombardment ot heavy . artillery Mesdames Murphy and McCracken, Miss Genevieve McCracken and Maat er Clifford Murphy left on the morn ing train for Glendale, from which point they will take passage for the iCow Creek camp. im smut, runs To Industrial Club member of Jose phlne county: The state agnt for Boy' and Girls' Industrial Club. H. C Sey monr will be here Angust IS, It and IT. We want to see as many ot you and as nnch of rout project work aa pos sible, ao please be on the lookout for as aad tell na where to come. LINCOLN 8AVAGR, County Superintendent. Bijou Theatre vrS$jZL Big Double Program V A THOH. It. IMTi drama i (wtt Keystone la railed He Stepping Stone D . . c . nitn a great All-Hur raMe . Decking 500161? heeded hy 0 Mary Boland and Frank Keenan j Chester ConkEfl and Mpported hy UoNcct Mo Rlr end lUmey Sherry chaP8 RSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSS a COM1XQ KVKNT 4 Sept 11, MondaySchool open. Sept. IS, Monday Courier Bargain 47. Sept. 11-20-21, Tuesday, Wedaesday Tharsday Josephine county tatr and celebration. II BIJOU Tuesday and Wednesday "GOD'S COUNTRY AND THE VOIII lmn novel f the Canadian UocVles hy Jamce Oliver Cnm-ood ' A Magnificent FltJWT lU'.r'L powlnnion W Hh an all-r cart; the lending one being Nell Kttcpman. Gforge Holt and William Itnncna The Greatest Success Since "The Spoilers" QiSlar Tonight & Tues. Famous Players Conpaoy presents One of the most winsome and altogether rliarnilng of w lres'H's, MARIE DORO In a magntflmnt plcturitlm of 8rdu's grwit drama of diplomatic IntrlBuo, - "Iff OMflCY OiMINO The Intoruatlonal genius, Fannie Ward. In llefenso." 'For tha NEW YORK HAS MEAT SUPPLY FOR DAYS New York. Aug. H. 4Iow tht 5. 000,000 people living In Oreater New York will be ted In the event MOUNTAINEERS A OF STORM Aahevllle, N. C. Aug. 14. How possible heavy loss of lite In the villages below the great Lake Toi- of a railroad atclke la a problem , bt-, d-rB rM of ,W0linUlnMr, Jlt,t ahead of the waters when tht re taining wall broke, was told today Tha mountaineers risked death, I! MANY STEELHEADS CAUGHT SUtiOAY Sunday waa the beat day of the season for tly fishing on tht Rogue, and doiens of big gamy aleelheads were hooked and many landed. The morning waa a bit cloudy, an Ideal condition for tly fishing. Tha best sport was bad on the rlfflea between Grants, Pass and the Golden Drift dam. Lawrence Wteland had about Ing given considerable attention here today. vviu , viwi; 'by survivors Mayor Mltchel'a committee on food ; ' .VV1, .... w ..llnnl tk.A.i.h ).. .III.... t.lllnv Mayor Frank L. Dowllng that action! . ... . ... tMnumA thmm be taken by the cltr government to nnf Xq fl o ft hJ prvmr mil u luurnn vi '"-j0. jk, wa j0(( fle in foodstuffs. Hartlgan propoaet j' ' hjt survey bt mad. ot a 11 tource. of ' Hint, at rigid food tupply which could be com-1 mandeered If he ntrlkt Is decl.r d. when It became known Wtth tht el y ! tk irl, of In- tanui. tpld em c city g, theUiO.OOOauart.ofmllkthecly, ' consume, dally could bt brought to began w.plo, tht city In tht tvent of a .trlk. J Meat packer, estimated today that 1 ..... '' . . NOW lorn supply Oi uieai wouiq imm o'clock the break ripped wider and wider untlt H was ... -.!. Ammm If n. Ti.fA ;ft7:" PPwt -P of the wall waa In tied up. Mora than 600,000 tonrlsts . ... art now In New Tork, It I. estimated How these people could be fed, to say nothing of their being" unable to return to their home, and places of business, la also troubling city of A. New York produces practically aa much fun as mortal la permitted I no foodstuffs, a strike which would to have In a single dsy, and had 15 steelhesds hooked on a trip up the river.. That Wieland waa able to land only seven of the big fish, and had a fairly ooor batting average by allowing eight of thoae hooked to beat him at tht gamt, did not les sen the enjoyment ot the day. The biggest,-catch reported waa that ot the two Brlggs brothera who landed 1? ateelheada fishing from a boat on tht riffle below the dam. Earl Crouch caught tlx, and other fishermen by the dosen got leaser numbers. Fish ing In tht tvenlng, Jesse Johnston, who Is known by all the flah In the river by hla first name, landed two, cut off the city from Ita food supplies would result In appalling conditions In a abort time, authorities aald. INVESTIGATE THE HIGH WHEAT PRICE Chicago, Aug. 14. A federal In vestigation of the rlae la wheat prlcea was under way today evltable. Hardy mountaineer horse men volunteered to ride down tht valleys, to wsrn men, women and children of tha little hamlets that would be swept. Traveling abort mountain cuts and orten risking their lives by breakneck apeed, along nar row mountain aide trails, the rldero kept Just ahead of the waters. , ITALY BEGINS TO J H STRENGTH tant Federal Attorney Fleming aald that big broken and traders were having four hooked, and quitting with being questioned by District Attorney a 50-50 average. Joa Wharton landed Iciynt regarding the markefa Jump, two with three hooked. The ateel-j The government wanta to know heada are reported the best lot of whether a 10 cent rUe la waaat la fighters ever In the river, and If there the past two weeks waa de aaUreiy is anything wrong with tackle they a.tural causes or whether H waa soon show where the weakness Ilea. Tht No. 4 professor fly waa a good killer yesterday, though some of the fishermen had auccesa with a spinner. TO CRATER LAKE AND BACK Hi DAY plsnned 1a advance by trader.. . la the meantime wheat prlcea be gan declining today. Prices dropped from I to J cents during the morning. Paul Schultt, head of one ot the blggeat bakeries In the middle west, conferred today with Federal Trade Commissioner Hurley regarding a propoaed Increase in price of bread. London. Aug. .14. "Italy la only now beginning to put forth aomethlng Ilka her real strength." cabled Lord Northcllffe, who Is viewing tht oper ations around Oorlts, in an artlclt Assls- published by tht Times, todsy. "She has much reserve. Yet there ahould be, no mistake about the strength of the Austrlana' defensive organisa tion. "The Austrian front line (on tht Caxaa plateau! haa bean blasted aad drilled out ot limestone rock wtth machinery similar to that used In making tunnels. Sniper lockers art armored with Iron platea an Inch thick, cemented Into rock." Because many men on both aides have worked In America, the Italians art frequently able to converse with their prisoners In English Inter spersed with Amerlcsn slsng. Lord Northcllffe wired. j Schultt said be would ratae the price ( tomorrow If Hurley did not Interpose j objections, and that other bakers probably would follow hia lead. j Crackers, rolls and other bakery a producta were also due to advance. To Crater lake and back In single day la the record established j by a party from thla city Sunday. Two j Circuit Judge Calkins and Court autoa. Fords, left town at five Reporter Roy Davis came In from o'clock In the morning, the members J Medford thla morning tor a aesalon of the party being Dr. J. C Smith ot court la thla county. Tht two and family. Mra, T. B. Cornell, Miss ' gentlemen have Jnst returned from Trent Ahern aad P. P. Proctor and an ontlng along the upper Rogue family. Going by way ot Sam', val- river. ley. Crater lake was reached at one j 1 ' o'clock In the afternoon, with the re corded milage ot 10LI miles. After two and one-half hours In viewing the lake, the rftrt home was made, com ing by way of Central Point, reach ing Grants Paaa at aViut 11 o'clock. Stops were made to aee the natural bridge, the Rogue river gorge, and other acenic points en route. The dlMance ome by way of Central Point was U? mile, a total mlleasre for the day of Jll.i. Envelopes printed at the Courier Letterheads at the Courier. Location notices. Courier office. Location notlcea. Courier oBee, Y TOOLS and CUTLERY nooVK HAwndtoir The Rig Red Froat TYPOS WANT PRICE OF PAPER PROBED Baltimore. Aug. 1 4. "Something more substantial than perfunctory In vestigation" of the Increased cost of hlte paper wss demsoded ot eon grs here today at the opening ses sion of the sixty-second annual con- iru.iun 01 me international Typo graphical union. "The grip of the rUlng paper mar ket is throttling the life out of many rtruggllng newspapers and commerc ial printing houses." aald President Mnrdxden Scott in Ms annual re port to the'convcntlon. That. hundred of public schools are giving Instructions In printing wMeh Is harmful to the pupil, and Ihe trade, waa chanted by delegatea to the convention, Printers during I"4 year earned net ages of 11.011. 1M, according to President Scott.