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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1916)
MONDAY1, AlUlRT 14, 1016 DAILY ROGUE IUVEB COCKIER PACE r. "Seethe . losephine County Caves" For tit accommodation of vl ltra to till miMit woitdi'im mill beautiful I'loco uf nature' itmlnruwutid work, OAVK OA Ml" linn Iwoii etalIUhcl tin ttllllunm Creek, U7 ltillv frtim UrunU I'KMHtl the Junction of tlio auto iHMttl mid government trull, ten mile from (he ('ve. The ramp la equipped Willi Jttxired tents, rlcwu Unit and bedding, mnttrenae and spring. Itnte D'i.Sn per dnyi IHH-Inl rate by tlio week. Htuldlo horse furnished on short notice. Telephone vice. Kililitl, Recreation, t'ool Itefreklilng Jir transportation inquire Urnnt Pus iriK s l-UAXK M. tiOVTII. .Mgr. A Hummir, p) yon still call your wife boueyr "Yet, n lid I keep n x busy a a bee supporting her." - linsum lrnniK-rlpt. In Studio, "U Hobmm suifi'ix An ImpretHlon lt?" "Ye. He's under tlm Impression (tint bo's un iinl'.t.". 'ttHlilni,H Ktar. Good nd Strang. Hutchor-WnNti't that n Rood steak I (tit you yesterday! OiMuiuer-Uli, It Wan good, dursMu Wit Mm. "Do you Mini your wife nreoT "Oil, ye, nlway; at least I do." ' Cleveland Plain lenler, Wtlcling Ring. Wedding rtttjf-i were woru by both Jews nnil Itonmim Mt (lute luiiit prior tu tlm Christian cm. , The Vatican Library. The library of tlio Vallum was be Ktm l.loo year auo. It contains 40.000 manuscript Rich and Poor, Aaklngtun-fclnt tin n rich husband, hatn't alio) Teller Yet, and at Uie auto tluto a mighty pour one. Hla Fool Purault. "Are you following tlio raceiT "Yen. and If I ever catch up to ttieui I'll quit." The Rat'a Santa of Small. Tlio rat'a tight la not good, but Ita cuso of smell and locality la without parallel. - Salmon 8kln Clothaa. Tli Eskimos of Alaska make water proof boots and shirts of the aklna of anliuon. There Are Stores in This City So Good That They Could Use Twice as Much Advertising Space as They Now Use and Make It Pay! THE BETTER THE STORE THE BET TER THE ADVERTISING PAYS. Your own observations in the store-world will confirm this truth. PUBLICITY is bad only for a bad pro position. It is just as surely good for a good . one. . What IS a" good storo ' ' t One that really SERVES THE PUBLIC, protecting its pa trons as to VALUES, not merely as to JRICES. There are manv stores in this city an swering to that definition completely. In every city there are always some stores that do not. . v An important phase of a GOOD STORE'S SERVICE TO ITS PATRONS is its news paper advertising. This should be complete, frank, informing. It should tell the store news as fully as a good newspaper, tells the "news of the day. Perhaps the best possible NEW POLICY for the GOOD stores of this city to adopt would be that of DOUBLING THE AD VERTISING SPACE THAT THEY USE thus giving them "elbow room"; giving them bigger opportunities for telling their patrons, in detail, about every selling event, about every bargain offering, about every dollar's worth of new stocks. Of course, even HALF ENOUGH ADVERTISING pavs the reallv good store; but ADE QUATE ADVERTJSING-would pay much better. ' Cutta Psroha. Outta percba la very like caoutchouc, but la stronger, mora aolulilo and hi laatie. The Bonanza Mine.' The great ftoimnr.n niln waa pur chimed for an Indian pony and iiian tlty of whisky In isr,;), Appropriate. "Why do the.v eall your new d" Avliitor?" "Heciiusn lw' a Stiye terrier." Camp Mtotinga. It was In AnuiiHt, i;iii. I hut the Urnt cm nip meeting for religion worship wu lu-ld In A merli n Oracotatt. Hnfreleta linve been worn an orim tiieula by almost every nation, nuvng aa well aa rlv)lxed . , A Way Baart Have. It la null that when u briir la du lulred of fo'xl It attxtuliia Hfo hy H k lug Ha pawa, Daclinina. Ue-TIiey aiy Him demand fur tliw lias gri-utly fli'i llneil. Klu (iffer out to the waiter and are l"-httne, If You Hava It "Monry till!:." . "You bet. and II never liri you either "-Ks.liautre. ' Ago o the Elm, An elm tri'0 will llvu OH) yiiira. It la mm lit to l In i prime at 1.0 yeiir old. . ... Roacting Peanut, l(iii"llna the peuuut et ll teiiiii-rii UTe iihovifcJJU h i(un;i;ntfK Im'allm men iiud iii'iilr Km dlu'etllillliy. Mattar Cnouuli, '.Viri'-ilcn j ! WliiitV tin- mutter with ,vmr fe? You h"'k ihou;;h youM Ik'cii In a l.';Ht!e. !lnl- l u.ix Ki'itiir; kIiiivii by n ):i y burlier when il t!i,ii'M' rrtti nvrot die tloor-llohtou TriMiii'iipf. Stark Resllem. .Moitii'i lenteiinj the iitt!Yeryi-Chll dri'ii. why ! ,vu Hit uijout IchUIii i mid liiihn;'iy? Vli.v not plcy u witi'ie of koine aortV 'Jue of 'tlm U" lite ('!.iyhi( .Vo'iv tiowuuii livile. i.inKlii!: a cufl.-NVw Vo.S. 'i'iiji-. Only Suicei'c !. "Kent-neo In (iusi"ire,l. 'ld lienor, M.nd Ihtrn fieri "Ye. sir." ' ; "If yon don't hrhuve yo'.ir-e f "!! " thing la gulitp to lilHtp" I.ou!n! Courier Jotinml. , . .. . Saerad Mountain.' Korrii'a ancrcd inountulii. Koiiko fan r lHuttioiid moiintoln, ntt it U mure fuiiiioiily 'u I led, carrlea, It la clulined. IS.XH griiulte eaka. rt)gi:ed and gnv le'Hiu In form and almost tmpoxalhle af Ixdng aealed. Knvelopea printed at the Courier Job prlntlofc- of erery deacrlptlon at tbe Courier office. ' AVIATION ILLNESS. Peculiar Distress That Comes to Many Aerial Navigators. FLIERS SHOULD BE ROBUST. They Should Alto Be Young, Rttoluta and Cool Hatdod, With Sight and Hearing and Narvoua and Vatoular Sytttmt PaHootly Sound. Thime w ho lire up Into the air In fly lug tuaehliiea an well aa thoxo wbo go down to the aen In Hhlpt are troubled by Hi'Ullur and tiuleuitnut phyHlolog lenl dlNtiirhanefi whli' h nuiy at timet l of grave moment Tbla, It eepeeutl ly true of iieropjnua pilot or putten gera ii nd tu let degree of those who attend In bulloout or dlil','HUi. The Ireiiiendout IiiimmIhii'0 of Hvlullou In war lend (hla anhjet peitillur Inter eiil, and ijiroi'.hMp Vcniiiel (I'arl de tote u ciei-lii) iirtlelu to the topic, The author, !r. I.niimonler. tiutcti that the ayuiptnint vary nrPori!lii to tho period of iiKi ent, of desi ent iilii of hllidlilK. ' lu aiieuilluv mi U'velciallon of thv rehplnitlon mid pulnw nro frequently noted ut iron) to 1.5'W meter a! tlnide. Iiivoitipanlcd hy a tdlKbt bend aehe I'K'tited In forehead uud lempleK and ly Indefinable discomfort without vuiullha or iiiui.ica. At 1,H(K metert there l.i a diniluutlou lu the kecnneiit of hi'ii'nit: nt tinii's there are Imlluil mitloiiM nud Cniilly an "iHthenlc" ecu, diilon n'hieh prevent tla uiimi'lei from obeylnrf the vUl with adequate rii ld ity. ' . .. On UeKveiiUiiiK the pulpltutloua of tbe be.irt Iwomc violent and nre a'.vj compiill by u licusutloii of niivriilli. j tlm ln'Mil ii'I'k U InteiiKo Hip nvlulur : hut wn lnereatliiif aetiHatlml of heat of the fllii, ee'inlly of the faee. and a desire to isleep, which I aometimea to aironc that the eyea uivoluntiirlly clta aa h ap!'i"""eiie(, th enh. In apita of Immincut ieril. Slriinue to N:iy, on liindln these trou blei are uumentitl. Benhlea the head a, ho and the Momuolence, hyperemia of the tonjniicrivi. (crtMvitietlvea) "Js ob aervwl, wlib cyanbsU of the cxtrcnil tlei, aci'elemtlou of the pulse and con atnnt lucrouae of arterial pressure. The aviator often fullg ntlccp a aoou aa be lnm)t. nnj tlil aleep la troubled and nourefreihliii;, while the headache may pepilHt for nmuy hour or eTen aevernl duya. The accent aymptoma recall thote of "uioimtiilii tdeknem,"' but are produced at a le altitude, because of the nerv ous tension, the cold and above all the relnilv). rupiditv of ateeuslon. But wbat.dMtlitKUlKhee avtaloW slekucaa fmm mountain anknesa la that the ; symiHoum perlxt durltiR descent and i are aRgravhteu after nudln. There are hvstdea VHHomotur reaetlona with hyperteiimoii Avhlch are ecullnr to tbla malady nud fclve it. according to Cmchet and Mmtllnler. a nort of noso. graphic autouoiuy. However, these troubles are not felt with the sntne lu U-nRlty by nil nviator. Some find they ; dlinlulHb w-lth experlemi. ns In tbe j case of seaHlckuesa It apiwara to U true that their Inteindtr depends prln i rlpally on the rapidity of tbe descent Tbe coolie to which are ascribed these symptom? Include cold and phys ical, nervous and mornl fntlgue. While cold may provoke the Imperious need of sleep, It t-Hnnot be tbe sole cause, slue the somnolence Increases on de scendlng Into warmer air and after landlug. Aualocous objections are made to fatlmie as a cause. Tbe most Important ef tbe determln Ing causes, according to the authorities quoted above. Is tiveed. not horltontal but vertical tpeed, which causes rapid decomprestdoo and recompreftslop in ascending and descending. At Pau Legagneax ascended to 3.200 meters jn. , twenty-eight minutes, wberens It would liltve taken an Alpinist eleven boors to ascend the same distance On foot At Varenne-iur-AUIer Vedrlnes descended In three minutes from height of 8.000 meters. Tbe difference of gaseous tension Is too great for the organism to. regalu Ita equilibrium In so abort a time. Sine these symptoms are not morbid they disappear naturally in a few hour or at most a few days, their cessation being favored by rest, aleep tnd moder ate warmth, fs'evertbelete they are of grave Importance because of tbe dan gcra to which tDey expose aviators. Hence It la highly advisable that fliers ahould be young, robust, resolute and cool headed men, with sight bear ing, nervons aiid vhscular systems peN fectly sound. And there should be rigorous elimination of candidates who bave a tendency tu heart trouble, epi lepsy, tuberculosis, hardening of ar fcrlea, , nervous , troubles, etc. (, , Tbey should bare methodical and.progres slv training, diet nmirlnhlng, but not bulky, and as little fermentable as possible. Tbey must abstain rrom al cohol hud but abuse tea or coffee. I The clothing must be very warm, but not heavy euougb to restrict movement Tbe wearing of goggles, putting cotton in the uostrllR and greasing face and hands will be sufficient protection against cold. Finally they ar advised to mount a slowly ns possible and to descend even more slowly Her Wish. : . "Darling, I wish you'd treat In Just tii same as you do one of your good cnatomer." "I don't get you, iuy'dear,"' " v ' "AU.Wovr me eff to dinner down tewn ow and tbetk'1 i1 I FQM SALE FOR SALE Reglatered . Guernsey bulla from blgh producing cowl. River Banki Farm, R. 2, Granta Fate, Ore. 7S4tf FOR BALE Three-ton Veil auto truck. Tbe price li rlgbt Leonard Orcbardi Company, Granta Pan, Ore, r 75f ro7stered11 born May 22, 1916, Sire, Clover ldge Sogla Korndyke, Advanced Reglotry backing. Dam, Pomona lleogerveld Doo. Fine Individual. Price reaaonable. ( F. R. Steel, Winona Rancb, Route 1. 756tf A.NU1CL CAKE8-190-J. Pbone orders to No. I Train will stop on flag at any 787,f!polnt between Grants Pats and A BARGAIN' t will sell for $2,000 citBh aectlon 24, T. 37 S., R. 7 W., ICO acres. Clear 'title. Mn, E. 0. Herlng, 1622 W.' Monroe St., Phoenix, Arizona. " ' 827 STULEHAKIwl light truck for sale. Inquire Sugar Co. office. 823 J8D0 BUYS 40 ACRES Deer Croeit bottom land, one acre cleared, bal ance tintber, probably 6000 cedar posts, four-roogi house, - lenced quarter mile from Sclma depot. , P. E. Gerould, Selma. . 825 HARTLETT PEARS The very best grade, second and ' third. Prices according to grade. Delivered. Phone 602-F-ll. ' 821 'FOR SALE Will give bargain in a i ,i passenger Maxwell If told at once, A. J. Green, Phone 614-F-2 160 ACRES on stage road near Waldo, about 20 acres under cul-j iivauon, zv io 3U actea in pasture, i . plenty or water to Irrigate, grow ing crops, 2 barns of hay, team, wagon, buggy, cattle, comfortable house, family orchard, etc-, for sale. Will take Grants Pass resi dence property as first payment, easy terms on balance. Inquire SR T SImaI 1 ' : .' 8?7 FOR SALE Surrey, motorcycle and j saddle, all In excellent condition; also a few Angora goats. "Phone C83-F-12. . 827 TO KENT '.MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUSE tbr rent at 727 North' Firth street. Sleeping porch, bath, hot and cold water and gas, electric lighted, 8,000 feet fenced for poultry, and woodshed large enough for cow. Key at 4 21 Evelyn. v 795tt HAVE ROOM 24x40 feet,' will sub divide to suit tenant Into suite ot two or three rooms," steam heat, water, janitor service. Rent $20. per month. Geo. E. Lundburg.823 FURNISHED 8 -room bungalow for rent V. A. Clements, Golden Rule Building. Phone 265-R. 824 MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In 6-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. PAINTING, papering, tinting and decorating. Clean, expert workman. Prices reaaonable; no charge for ;. esUmatea. Square deal to all. 'tJohn ' Courtney, 239 West I street. Phone " U7-L. . ' 824 6-ROOM HOUSE, Modern improve ments, for rent. Call at 724 North 6th, or Inquire of Arthur Conklin. WANTED WANTED TO LEASE A farm with the prlvlledge of buying it. Ten acres or more or would farm It on shares. Address No. 1472, care ' Courier. . 823 WANTED Two donkeys, must be cheap, for cash, and broke to ride or pack. Might consider ponies. F. L. McGrew, 323 C Street, Granta Pass. . 821 JAPANESE, middle aged, good work er, wants any kind ot a job by day or hour. Must be permanent: will do anything. " Another man wants steady Job as cook or porter and four others wants Job picking fruit anywhere. S. Sawada. 825 Count Up Vour 8ina. Augustus Montague TopladyV world famous hymn, "Hock of .AgeK," ortg Innlly apHnred lu the (tosiel Mumi alne for October. I7"!V. nud wiw pref uceil by a terrifying list of the inimnei of sins the avernge man muy be aup posed to commit durlns the wii'w o' hla lifetime. "At ten .veiirs old," conipntes the morbid niiithemutUlun who wrote the artlele. "eaoh of ns Is eluuveable wl li 81,o:t(i,Ot sins, ut twenty with th. PJO.000," uud (x'on imlil ul, c'.tlitv tl'. IM' atanila ut aA'C'AMwn Classified Advertising TIME CARD : ' The California, and Oregon coast Kailroad Company (Tbe Oregoa Cavee Root) Effective Monday, May 1, ltll. t Train 1 Ir. Granta Pass 7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek..8:00 a.m. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek..6:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Patt......6:00 p.m. Dally except Sunday. . All trains leave Grants Pass from tfie corner of 0 and Eighth street, opposite tbe Southern Pacific depot, , For all Information regarding freight and paaienger service call at tbe office ot tbe company, Public Ser vice building, or pbone 131 for same. ..,-' w Crock. Vizztzz" -erv.r .every da in tbe week. GEN. WILLIAM CROZIER. Chief of Ordnance of Unitad States Army Filling Ruth Ordera. 1 it ise 4 I . -i - t i -SW '. A Gfl ' jp ' I iasa , V- k& It 1 L I S w Vfc?.':a I 'tf-f .-.via , .5aTT-ttf5S bMtMa-aaMki.lietia)3 ajjsif'faiw"'PHia,1 a)ww-iM.a.aiauiM. - mm mm fsstr j "The Machine j It with a I Personality" j 1R matter what vnur I touch this new !' . Buysi Aiastcr j Model 10 will fit it 1 f Just turn t'ae set-screw I and regulate the touch t of this new Royal to ht rotfRSELFf Make Jj it light and smooth as rt velvet or firm and I snappy as you like. Built for "Big I I Flna!n an9 Great Army of m I Expert Operator ! Every keen wilted ttett- s ortpher every office mana that takes the of tyoewrltini! But the new Model 10 baa many other big. vital new features. ImtxstijtU tktml GttheFact$t Send for the " Royal man" and ask for a DEMONSTRA TION. Or writ nt direct fr our nwbrochur."fi7Tt SERVICE." and On IVa-J Ntm iSowa postal brings thtra trte of charge. , PricollOO iotai nrmrrrt ca , OOUIUKR, AATStt ... v. . V ' 'J T;mT?77Tr 1 1 e4l(iaMHnmmMiJ ! ler every expert operator on I the rin tine of Big Buil I aen" will graip the eeormout ! ! fl-Mw.vslue of tbe new ! i Royal's AdmUih Twck iLJi PHY6ICIAXS U O. CLEM2XT, U. D. Practice ; limited to diseases of the ye, ear, nose and throat : Glastea fitted. " ; Office hours S-12, 2-5, or on an ' polntment Office phone, 62; resi dence phone 35 9-J. S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., Physidaa ' ana surgeon, city or country calls attended day or night Besides phone 39; office pbone 181. Sixth and H- Tnffa BIdg. J. P. Truax. M. D... PhyticUn and surgeon. Phones: Office 32S; resi dence 324. Calls answered at alt ; hours. Country calls attended to. Lundburg Bldg. v DR. ED. BYWATER Specialist oa diseases of eye ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hoars: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Residence 23 4-J; office 257-J, Schmidt Bldg, Grants Pass, Or. A. A. WITHAM, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corn er Sixth and I streetc; Phones: Office 116; residence 282-J. Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. 1R. H. WARREN MCE, Osteopath! Physician. Chronic and nervous diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and 2, Luadfiurg Bldg., opposite post office; phone 149-R; Residence: Colonial hotel; phone 167-J, . '' : DEXTISTS E. C - MACY. D. ; M.. D. First-clan den'tlBtry.v ' 109 " South Sixth street. Grants Pass Ore. BERT R, ELLIOTT, D. 1L D.Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott, dental assistant .Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Rule Bldg. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 2C5-J. ATTORNEYS H.. D.' NORTON. AttnrnoMt.Ta rrncuto in au suie ana rederu ; CourU. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIO t WILLIAMS Attorneya at Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg, Grants Pass, Ore, E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practlc In all courts. First National Bank EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-. at-Law. Office Masonic Temple, ' Grants Pass, Ore. . " W. T. MILLER. Attornev-t-Law. ; County attorney for Josephin , County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Grants Pass Banking Co. "Bldg. -Phone 270. Granta Pass. Ore. , V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at Law, PracUce in state and lederal courts. Rooms 2 and , 3, over Golden Rule store. MISIOAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco - 'Belgian school of violin playing.. E. R, Lawrence 215 I street DRAYAGE AN IT TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER "CO. AU . kinds of drayage and , transfer work carefully and promptly don. Phone 132-R. Stand at freight depot' A. Shade, Propr. ' vt ' '. G. I SHAM, drayage and transfer. Sates, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stored. Pbon Clark ft Holman, No. 50. Real-, dene phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do w. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. ' ' - LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84 A, F. A. M. Stated Communica tions let and 3d Tuesday. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. 1 A. K. Case. W. M. Ed. G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE. NO. 78, L O. OO. F meets every Wed nesday evening in I. O. O. F. hall, corner 6th and B. Sts.' Vlfllting Odd Fellows cordially Invited to be present Emll Gebers, m. G.; Clyde Martin, Secretary. VETERINARY SURGEON ,DR. R. J. BE8TUL. Veterinarian. Office In Wine trout Implement Bldg. Phone 113-J. Residence Phone 305-R. ' DECOR.TOlIs"AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGING. graining, paint Ing. For the best work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant, South Park atreet ASSAYEltS B,' R. CROUCH, Asaayer, chemist, metallurgist. Roma 301-208 Pad dock BuildlnK.1 Grants Pasa.