Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, August 03, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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....... ! :
ill i
You can be sure that East
man film purchased here is
fresh, has been kept under the
proper conditions In fact, is
a thoroughly right as when it
left the Kodak City.
This store is a dependable
source of supply for a depend
able film.
Our finishing department
gets all out of your films that
there Is in them. -
Music and Photo House
SUnton Rowell, Prop.j
I PER52NrtL i!5 LOCAL j
Cocaecciag Sucda;
Four days' run of .two great
' photoplays
WM. S. HART , ' : '
'The Aryan"
To be followed by Frederick
. Warde in
Silas Marner
in seven reels
i R. M. Wilson made a business trip
to Talent this morning.
F. W, Russell left this morning on
a business trip to Klamath Falls.
Miss Pauline Swacker went to
Rogue River this morning to Ttsit for
some time.
Miss Doris Caldwell returned -this
morning from Monmouth and Port
land. N
H. E. Gethtng, who has had charge
of the fish house, left this morning
tor his home at Oaktand.
Mr. and Mrs. a. B. Mansfield left
this morning on the stage for Cres
cent City. -
New' stock of cane poles Just re
ceived at Cramer Bros. $15
E. M. Light spent the day in town
from Hugo yesterday, returning last
night t
Mr. and Mrs. William Light, of
Leland, spent yesterday In town at
tending to business affairs.
All this week. 10 per cent off on
garden hose at Cramer Bros. 815
Ed Austin and mother went to'
Ra Benson, a former Qranta Pass
boy, It spending a tew days with old
friends. 1
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Cosmey left last
night for Marshfield after Visiting
here with relatives for about three
months. '
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Blancbard and
Prof. J. S. MacMurray went to Merlin
this morning In the Rlanchard car.
Children's Story Hour-
Tire children's story honr at the
public library will be discontinued
tor .the next few weeks, to be re
sumed at the beginning of school.
Special for Friday
Beef pot roast, 12 Wo lb
City Market.
Phone 53 for quick delivery,
Touring Southern Oregoi
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Williams and
son, of Gladstone, hjtve been in the
Medford today to attend to business L.artM from ni.llfltnnA ,
"f " ' 4 . intended to surprise his mother, but
, : ?V 7,1 ,r learned of hCT before
last night and from there will go in- wachlBf Cr4nt8 PaM, Tney ,re now
m vurrj vuumj , nuere ue w ml ia-'
spect some mining property. 1
i White Crown jar caps the sanl-1
tary kind at Rogue River Hard-)
ware. 315
Bijou iv '
i Triangle "Program.
Paramount Photoplay.
en route to Crescent City and back
to Yreka. and 'will so from there to
the Oregon Caves, where they will
stop a few days. After visiting the
caves the return trip will be made.
Sept 18, Monday Courier Bargain
' 47. '
Sept 19-20-21, Tuesday, Wednesday
j Thursday Josephine county fair
and celebration.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams and
sons returned to their home at Glen
dale last night after a tew days in
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Payton, of San
Diego, arrived in Grants Pass yes
terday and will spend a few days
looking after property interests.
Mrs. O. Green and daughters left
last night for The Dalles and Prine
ville after visiting here for several
Children's trimmed hats at 50c.
Mrs. E. Rehkopf. 810tf
Mrs. David Williams and daugh
ter, Blanche, returned last night from
Crater lake, and will spend a few
days here with Attorney Fred Wil
I .. Mr., and Mrs. E. E. McKtbban. ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
j Hart, of Kansas City; left this morn
jlng for a trip to Crater lake, expect
ing to return Saturday.-: .v .Shook Family In Eant
Ten per, cent discount on garden Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Shook and son,
; hose during this week at Cramer Henry, of Grants Pass, Oregon, are In
BroA , 815, Austin renewing old acquaintances
Coming to Grant!! Iavt
A. G. Knapp and son, Gardiner,
left last night for Grants Pass, where
Mr. Knapp has a hair Interest In a
grocery store with his brother-in-law,
G. M. Mlssail. Mrs. Knapp will re
main here for some time. Mr.
Knapp has been connected with the
Knox Sanitary grocery In this city
since Its establishment' several
months ago. He has made many
friends here, who regret his leaving.
"In Mr. and Mrs. Knapp's removal
from Springfield we are losing one
of our very best families," said one
of the family's friends this morning.
Springfield News.
Englewood Dairy, Phone 222
The pure milk dairy. 6f.
i i ii i"Vi nwiTfiti' mhr liffi' nriiTimYf iinrni
Dorothy Gish
la v
Fivo-roel Fino Arts. ,
Bijou Theatre
Where everybody goes
Thai everybody know
Mack Seunett
Harry McCoy
I am ipilng to let UH IS UI K KS IIAIlltlSOV, of THE MKri(N' I'KTt'ltK WOlllil. the
fortMiiOMt rrltie in the world, hIkiho NmlneM it Is to give the public Mmlulit tl on ruwnt
kIiom. Hll you alHiut "LITTI.K MKEN.VS IMMAXCr;" fHurlu MI((TIIY GISH.
" 'tittle Mwmui's IttHniuice" In ooe of Ui IIuIhIuhI proluc tJoii tltnt di'llglit the critic even
iiMire than the iinnluwr ran Mlc-ve How gladly audi rvllnwl anil wel.rrfet"tel iro
tliictloiu are welcomed. The atory Is fascinating from the outt, though tin happy le.
ginning U due aliuont wholly to rharacterUatlon without a lilemUh In eonntruetlo'u,
with dlliiee pn'imratlon at every Mop and adequate realbatlon In mtlng, urttlng and
mi Im let lew, 'tittle Meena'a Itomance' niovca aweetly ami swiftly Into our heart, kcvpliig
iih busy guesting ait well aa perpetually entcrtaineil."
There's a Keystone, so come early.
Spend a Pay In UUiU Park
A party consisting of Mrs. J. S.
Montgomery, Mrs. H. W. Meseer and
daughter of Portland, Mrs. Ray
Wright and children of Roseburg,
Mrs. U. Gregory of Medford and Mrs.
Andy McCarthy and children of this
place were In Ashland Tuesday and
enjoyed the day In Llthla park.
Chetco Cove Carnival
"In the j country God made and
man forgot." September 2, S. and i.
Brookings, Curry county, Ore. SlJtf
W. H. Doht returned last night to
Portland after visiting here tor a few
days with Clans Schmidt with whom
he was acquainted In Alaska.
Mrs. H. A. Meseer and 'daughter
left last night for their home in Port
land after visiting here for some
time with Mrs. Andy McCarthy.
Mrs. i
i and visiting at the Art Warren home.
Mr. and Mrs. Shook have 'been to
Lowell, Mass., where Mrs. Shook's
brother, Henry T. Wheeler, died re
cently, and where they were called by
his illness. Mr. Shook says Austin
looks good to him, though he Is well
pleased with Oregon. He says he of
ten Vecalls the pure sparkling water
. REPORTED SCXK Ladies' trimmed hats at $1
- , ,E. Rehkopf. , , 810tf which this city enjoys in such abun-
London, Aug. 3. The liner Bri- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. French, of Ace, and which he thinks the people
tannic. owneA bv W. H. Cockerllne & Bend. Ore., are visiting their cousins. I or Austin ao not fully appreciate,
Company, has been sunk, it was an- Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Heath. Mr.
nounced today. The Britannic was French Is the leading clothing merch-
nnarmed. 'ant at Bend.' ' .'
Master John Patrick left this morn-
Vlxltors See Hell Gate
A party of out-of-town pleasure
seekers spent last Sunday enjoying
the beauties of Hell Gate. They
were Mr. and Mrs. Al Broun, of Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. Chas.' Thompson
and daughter, Qwyneth, of Salem;
Mrs. Hattle Harris and Tom Ken
nedy, of San Francisco, and Prank
Hlmes, of Salt Lake City.
The liner Britannic, of the Cocker-, ing for Can tar a. He was accompanied
line company, was a steel screw vessel ,as far as Ashland by Mrs. August
of 3.487 tons. She was built In 1904. ,Goettsche, who will spend the day In
Hull was her home port. As the . Llthla park with a number of Rose-
British press bureau confines all an-, burg friends.
nouncements as to the loss of steam
ers to the mere announcement of
their being "sunk," whether by mine
or torpedo, it may be assumed that
the Britannic was torpedoed. In view
of the statement that she was unarmed.
We have sold two cars of fancy
bartletts at $1.65 f. o. b. cars here.
If you wish your fruit to go In this
sale, call at our warehouse after
noons this week, or phone.
815 Grants Pass Fruit Association.
words, two Issues, 25c; tlx Issues,
50c; one month, $1.50, when paid in
advance. When not paid in advance,
So per line per issue.)
FOR EXCHANGE Business lot on
South Sixth street for tuto. In
quire at the Angelo Studio. 810tf
New cane poles for steelheads at
Cramer Bros. 815
Mrs. M.i T. Galvln and daughter,
Margaret, and Mrs. James Elliot, of
Portland, left last night for Port
land, where Mrs. Galvln will be with
her sons, Mike and Joe. The two
boys are working in the master me
chanic's office of the Southern Pacific.
Tom Harvey, Coos Bay hardware
merchant, is spending a few days in
the city with relatives and friends.
Mr. Harvey is a booster for the bay
section and extends an invitation to
Grants Pass people to attend their
railroad Jubilee the latter part of the
month. v
Austin is always glad to welcome the
Shook family back. Austin (Minn.)
Retorn From Crater Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Prantx and
Forrest McGregor, of Crescent City,
Cal.. are spending a few days In this
city with the family of A. B. Cornell.
During this visit Mr. and Mrs. Cornell
Joined their visitors In a trip to Cra
ter lake, returning Wednesday even
ing. The party reports good roads up
the rim of the crater, with a pleasant
trip and no accidents.
Benefit dance at Waldorf hall
Thursday, August 3. Good music. 14
Oregon Dixie Pay
On Wednesday, August 9, a south
ern Oregon Dixie day will be cele
brated In Llthla park, Ashland. The
affair will be a 'basket picnic, with a
short program, beginning at 4 o'clock
and dinner at 6, the Dixie organiza
tion of Ashland furnishing coffee. In
the evening a band concert will be
given. All sfuthern people are In
vited to be present with their fami
lies. A registration book will be on
the grounds to help locate those from
various sections. John Dill Is presi
dent of the Ashland association; Mrs.
Floyd F. Whittle, secretary, end Mrs.
Leah Caldwell In charge of the ar
rangements for the day.
At Camp on Rogue
A summer camp has been made
about a mile and a half above town
by a number of local people. The
camp Is at one of the prettiest spots
along the river, but Is near enough
to the city to allow the men to get
in' town in time for work. Those In
the party are Mr. and Mrs. N. F.
Macduff and children, Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Qutnlan, Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Reynolds and children, Mrs. J. P.
Truax and children, and Miss Bere
nice Quintan.
Baltimore, Aug. 3. As the director
filmed his Jump, David Dieter, 20
years old, a professional actor, leap
ed from a speeding automobile near
the studio of the Mllo picture corpor
ation on the Frederick road today,
receiving Injuries which resulted In
his death.
III , Reduction of $80.00. '
I 5-Passccger Car . . $41325 I I
II Runabout' . . . 39825 - I
HI I have sooond-hand Ford in I I
HI good condition . . . $17".00 I
, Also 2-pa3snger Maxwell . 85.00
II C. L. Hobart Company
lAiigust 1, 116, we personally exam
ined tho Golden Drift dam, and par
ticularly the fly wheel and shaft con
nectod with the pump, there Installed,
which said fly wheel It has been
claimed was destroyed as the result
of an explosion or some like cause.
The following Is tly text of the and upon careful oxamlnatlon'of the
report banded in to Judge Calkins, machinery and the parts thereof de-
by the grand Jury that Investigated stroyed, and from the examination
the accident to the pumping plant at of witnesses, we have reached the
the Golden Drift dam:
"We, your grand Jury, empaneled
and sworn at the January, 1916, term
of this court, now meeting In ad
journed session, pursuant to your or
der of July 31, 19)0, for the purpose
of investigating the recent accident at
the Golden Drift dam, three miles
east of Grants Pass, .Oregon, beg to
submit the following report:
"At the time of our session on
conclusion and hereby find from evi
dence submitted at this time that the
destruction of the fly wheel was
caused through structural defects
Job printing of every description
at the Courier office.
Envelopes printed at the Courier
at the Courier office.
FOR SALE Two young Jersey cows
. giving better than four gallons milk
per day. Phone Provolt central.
G. A. Dunlap. 819
MILLINERY Your choice of any hat
$1. Mrs. H. E. Burton, 407 North
Sixth street, Grants Pass. . 819
yyjQ Soil and Guarantee
The Big Red Front
Stair ml
JESSE L LASKY presents two distinguished names in iilmdom, v
Mac Murray and Wallace Reid
In a faithful, elaborate and stirring plcturlxatlon of the widely read
historical romance
To law and to Mold.
White House Special
For Friday and Saturday
OLIVE OILf-Imported and Cali
fornia, 13c, 23c, 45c and 85c.
Special on Guittards Coffee, strictly high
grade, 35c and 90c.
The White House Grocery