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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1916)
DAILY ItOQlE 1UVEU COl'lUKR TIKHDAY, AIG18T I, 1914. ; PAGE rOUR " Say! Have You Heard It? The new song with Mich a catchy awing ami melody that li keeps running through your head long after you're heard It. ARRAH! GO OX, I'M GOXXA GO BACK TO OREGON You H1 waut it sooner or later, so why not get It now 'before the first supply to gone.? It's a good as "Ttppertvy" and ' costs but 15c a copy. If you cant come In, write for a copy. Mime and Photo House Stanton Rowell, Prop, Last Time tonight of Blanche Sweet, sup ported by Chariest Clary, Horace B. Carpenter and an all-star cast, in the Paramount - lAsky thrilling, gripping story of capital and labor, "The Blacklist," based. In part, on the report of United Statee Industrial Relations com mittee. STAR THEATER AMI SEMJEXTS TOX1GHT Bijou "The Man from Manhattan.' Star Paramount Photoplay. 'Hy for the last two weeks, left on chief agricultural expert for the rom- No. 1 Monday for Portland. ipany. will arrive In the city to- COMING EVENTS 4. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Williams, of! morrow. They stoD first at Suther- 8ept 18, Monday Courier Bargain day. Sept 1S-20-21, Tuesday, Wednesday-iWilllama. Thursday Josephine 'county fair! New cane poles for steelheads at and celebration. Cramer Bros. 815 Dr. M. R. Britten aad family went HAIG REPORTS NO CHANGE OX THE WESTERN FRONT London, Aug. 1. "No change In Mrs. Prank Scrltsmler, Mrs. A. J. account of road construction. Tour the sltuatIon,,, was reported today by Davis, Miss Law and Allen Hogan j ists must go north by the Vay of the General Haig, British commander in left this morning for Crescent City, Glendale bridge nnttl the new road Trance. Haig related that north of going In the Hlller ft Randall stage. i completed. Bazentin-le-Petit a hostile attack Frank Crouch, Bruce Locke and; against the British trenches was sue- Jim Hendricks went to Galice this ( Vacation for Mr. Bramwell cessfally halted and said there bad morning to spend a few days on bust- Frank S. Bramwell, who has been teen heavy artillery firing during the ness. , I doing valiant service for the sugar aight. ' ' All this week. 10 per cent ofT on;company for the past year, has been . garden hose at Cramer Bros. Slajgranted a 30-day vacation, and will NEBRASKA CORN CROP Miss Bess Wharton returned to her soon leave for California and Utah BENEFITED BY RUN borne at Roeeburg this morning after for that period. He will then return Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 1. An all- aight rain orer the eastern half of Nebraska brought much needed re- lief to the com which was beginning to suffer seriously from the drought, la some sections there has been some Bring and the corn Is badly damaged.' The rain, which was a steady down- pour, will save many fields which were given up as lost. HEADQUARTERS OF OREGON MILITIA MOVES San Diego, Aug. 1. Headquarters of the Third regiment, Oregon mill- tla. has today been moved from Palm City, near the border, to Imperial Beach. Detachments continue to re main, however, at San Ysldlro and Calexlco. Physical examinations are now be- lng given. According to Colonel Mc - Lauehlln only a few of the men have I tailed to pars. Job printing of every description at the Courier office. NEW TODAY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 26 words, two issues, 25c; six issues, SOc; one month, 11.50, when paid in advance. When not paid In advance, ( per line per issue.) FOR EXCHANGE Business lot on South Sixth street for .auto. In quire at the Angelo Studio. SlOtf TWO HORSES for sale cheap. Tele phone 2?8-R. 812 We Sell and Guarantee Y TOOLS and CUTLERY XOGl'E RIVER HARDWARE ii ' . . The Rig Red Front j PER52Nf1L Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cook left this morning tor Wolf Creek. . Mrs. Ueorge Cavey left last night tor Portland for a visit. ! New atock of cane poles Just re ceived at Cramer tiros. 81 & Mr. 3. P. Poole left thla morn ing for Eugene, where ahe will visit tor aeveral weeks. Miss Eva Davis weut to Med ford today to spend a tew days there visit-'San inj. White Crown Jar caps the sant- tary kind at Rogue River Hard- ware. ' SI 5 Mrs. A. S. York left this morning tor her home at Coram after visiting here for some time with Mrs. E. E. Watts at Murphy. Ten nr rint discount on i;ar.Uii hose during this week at Cramer Bros. v 815 I Harry Harper ts spending a few , - days In Montague, having left this! lUgln Poultry Shipment. afternoon for that place. j Kuox & Armentrout have besun a C. Bertelson and E. Bertelson re-'series of shipments of poultry to San turned to Gold Hill this afternoon ! Francisco. The shipment for the after a tew days in town. Miss Gertrude Parker I returned this morning from Portland and ( Monmouth, where she attended sum-j mer normal. Children's trimmed hats at 50c. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. SlOtf i J. H. Clark arrived from Portland! this morning and will spend a fewj weeks In town before leaving for his home at Selnia. j Gordon Bradford returned to Rogue River this morning after a few days in town. He will probably 'stay there for the rest ot the summer, j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shults arrived last evening from Hornbrook by car. jThey expect to remain In southern ( Oregon. j Ladies' trimmed hats at $1. Mrs. E .Rehkopf. SlOtf Virgil Praytor, who has been visit ; lag here with the C. C Presley fam Guadalupe, Cal., who visited in Port- land, stopped off at Grants Pass this morning to visit their uncle, G. D. to Kerby yesterday to spend two weeks la recreation. They will go to the coast before returning. visiting here for several days with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wharton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lister left today by automobile for Sacramento and San Jose, expecting to be gone about five weeks.' Claud Booth accompanied them as chauffeur Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield. Mrs. A. D. Crouch of Portland, Mrs. W. E. Parks 'of Hoqulam. and J. Miller arrived last ,night from Crescent City on the jHiller & Randall stage. Skfllmans Take Hotel j Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Skillman have today tagen cnarge or tne ?ran Pass hotel under a five-year lease from Its new owner, J. H. Gotcher. Mrs. Skillman will have charge of the. dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Banks, who become possessed of the Gotcher farm on Williams creek, will at once take charge of that fine ranch and will specialize In dairying. The trade of the ranch for the hotel was consummated Saturday, possession being taken today. Ninety Maids were nent from England by Sir Edward Handy In 1021 to be come wive to Virginia colon IkI. These maids were known as "Sir Edwin' lKwes," and were pnld for at price ranging from one hundred to two hun dred and lifty pounds ttt to. bacco. Hated on, and around, thin historical Incident, Mary Jolui. son wrote her hiaHU'rplere of historical romance, "To Have and to Hold," which has been made Into an eJatiorate and stir, ling photoplay for the Puro. mount program liy'the Lacky rotiMNiny, with charming Mae Murray and handsome WallM Reid In the lead, which will he prvNrtited at the STAR tlieu. ter Wednesday and Thurmluy nlglit. LOCfIL : Jubilee Meeting There will be a jubilee meeting at the Saltation Army hall etery sight this week. All are cordially Invited. Kidlewotnl Dairy. Phone SM The pure milk dairy. 63tf. Ir. Truax ltara Dr. Truax left this morning for Diego, where he has been ordered by the army department a surgeon at the aviation school. He will be goue for three months Fords Reduced , C. U Hobart, of the Ford garage, 'announces In the advertising columns today a reduction In the price of Kor.i cars, the five-iiassencer mi lehines selling at $413.23 at Grants Pass, a reduction of JSO. week will amount to about 200 coops or 8.000 pounds. They were shipped through Wells Fargo. . Special for Tomorrow- Shoulder mutton. IJHc. City Meat Market. Phone 52 for quick delivery. SIS Presbyterians . Christians Tonight The Christians and Presbyterians will play tonight on the Twilight dla- mond. The Presbyterian team will all be on hand and a hard game Is 'expected Uax'lmll Benefit dance at Waldorf hall Thursday, August 3. Good music. 14 Sugar Co. OftlcbU Come Manager Cutler, of the Utah-Idaho Sugar company, and Geo. Austin, I in. and will come from there by auto, a machine going from this place to meet theml Stage Gulch Pas Closed A Hansen, In charge of the road work on the Pacific highway between Grants Pass and Roeeburg. has sent notice that Stage Gulch pass Is dosed to traffle for probably two weeks on to Grants Pass, which will he near the time for the maturing of the beet crop, and resume his work here. . will Tour Oregon , j. e. Dent, relief aitent for Wells Fargo, will arrive here this evening from Medford to take charge. W. D Evans, local asent, and Mrs. Evans will leave at once on a two weeks tour In company with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Winetrout. The trip will Include all points of interest between here and Portland and a trip on the Columbia ( highway will be taken. The party win return througn eastern uregon and will stop at Crater lake before ; returning. Fishing Season Close The commercial Ashing season closed last night. The river has been open for two months although the first month yielded very few fish. The last two weeks have been better, about a ton being averaged each night. The principal market for the catch has been at Portland, but when the rivers to the north were opened a market In California was found for part of the fish. The price for sal mon has been steady, during the sea son, the average price being about eluht cents a pound. i Fraternal llrtherhood A local chapter of the Fraternal Brotherhood lodge of Los Angeles, Cal., was installed in this city Satur; day nlgbt. In the W. O. W. hall. The following officers were elected and In stalled: President, Mark E. Stone; vice president, Roy Martin; chap lain, Nancy Turner; past president, O. Hlller; sergeant-at-arms. Geo. Mc- Kenzle; mlstress-at-arms, Doris Rus I sell; Inner door keeper, Lottie Mar- tin; puter doorkeeper, Mrs. Lucy Reo; treasurer, Adelbert Shepard; jsecretary. Lulla Stone; finance com jmlttee. Chas. Glese, Roy Martin and Mark E. Stone,' The work of organ- lilng and Installing waa done by it. H. aud Mr. M. E. Houghton, of Koto- burg. They expect to b la Grant Pa's a month and continue In the work. The chapter moeta each Sat urday night, In the V. 0. W. hall. 485 OUNCES GOLD FROM LOGAN PLACER Three bricks of gold that weighed t S j ounces gladdened the eyes of those who saw them at the First Na tlonal bank, the gold being a part of the monthly clean-up at the togan placer mine at Waldo. The value of these brick was more than $9,000, and marks one of the largest clean ups In the record of the mine. Not all the sluice boxes had been com pletely cleaned when these bricks were cast, and the total output of the mine for the month Is expected to reach $11,000. IHtltTLAXO MAX FAI.I INTO IIOIMNG WATKUj Portland, Aug. 1. Police quea-j tioned Dan O'Connell, night foreman ; or the I'nlon Meat company's glue! plant, today with regard to the hor-! rlble death of E. Otto, day foreman, I who fell Into a vat ot boiling water and suffered fatal burns. O'Connell was detained on the word of W. A. Carswell, an employe of tho com pany. Carswell alleged that O'Con nell admitted having knocked Otto In to the vat. Questioned by Deputy Sheriff Hammersley.' the suspect Is alleged to have admitted that he struck the blow which caused Otto to topple Into the boiling water.' O'Connell Is said to have declared, however, that he had no Intertion ot i pushing Otto Into the vat. MII.K (XKTOi MOItK IX tlTV OF CHICAGO Chicago, Aug. 1. Chicago house wives had another cent added to the dally cost of living today. Two big milk dealers announced today the price of milk hereafter would be nine cents a quart Instead ot eight. A "milk shortage" Is the excuse for the raise. DELAY CONFIRMATION OP WILSOX APPOINTEE Washington. Aug. 1. Charging that President Wilson violated the law by making the farm loan board democratic Instead of non-partisan, republicans on the senate banking and currency committee today sue ceeded In holding up the confirma tion of W. S. A. Smith, of Sioux City, Iowa, as a member. OBITUARY Mrs. Inea AkIi Inez Ash, wife of I. W. Ash died at her home at 315 Rogue Illver avenue Monday evening, July 31st, of tuberculosis, from which she had been suffering for many months. Mrs. Ash was aged 25 years, two months and two days. She was born In Nebraska, her maiden name being Inez Lowe. She was married In 1907 to Mr .Ash and with him came to Grants Pass seven years ago. The deceased Is survived by her husband and by one little daughter. The fun eral services will be held at two o'clock Wednesday, from Hall's chapel, and will be conducted by Rev. Glazier, of the Free Methodist church. Interment will be In the Granite Hill cemetery. Envelopes printed at tbe Courier Bijou Theatre Where ererybody goes That ererybody knows CXJOL, CLKAN, AIHY A Mutual Mater Picture "The Man From Manhattan" featuring Itliea Mitchell aad William Stowell The utory of a young editor and a live newnpaiter Plenty of Pep One-reel comedy "TIIKIIt (JKItMATIC LOVK" y y '!?t'f?MJTT "ft t if "'"" "' v y NEW PRICE ON FORD CARS Reduction of $80.00. 5 Passenger Car . . $41325 Runabout .... 39825 l have St'ooiid-hiiml Ford in irood condition . . . $173.00 XUd 2'p:wmger C. L. Hobart Company Pickling Spices The aeaaoa for making pit kit la at hand. We have choice eplfa always In Mock AlUplce Mace MuatAJ-d Seed Ginger Root faraway Seed dove Cinnamon Pe-piM Own CorUndrtr 1MI1 Heed Caaikla llud Demaray's WAR NOT TO END A" E1 I London, Aug. 1. The great war will not be a "drawn game." The allies will surely win tbe reward of jtholr sacrifice and those sacrifices j will have been in vain u ulcus there shall result new world conditions ot comity and better umlcrxtaniliiiK. j So declared Lord Newton, under secretary for foreign affairs, in a statement prepared today for the United Press. It was In response to a query addressed to the foreign of fice for comment on the second anni versary of the confllot. i "Entering the third year of the war," Lord Newton asserted, "one Is struck by the fact that contemporary , events in France Indicate the allies' effort, which until now has beou largely that ot preparation, will not result In the depressing state ot I equilibrium which some have pro jphesled for It, using the metaphor 'a drawn game.' The sacrifice of our I own men and those of the great I French republic and our other allios on scattered gigantic fronts will quite assuredly win their reward. "What li to be the reward of all this sacrifice and effort? "It Is not only punishment of tbe blood guilty, or new hope for the na tions that have been victims of the central powers; new hope for Hel glum, Serbia and tho Armenians and Syrians; that those who planned such deeds of violence will aesuredly moot Just recompense; hut beyond what Is to be meted out there stands the pos sibility of the future and our sacri fice and effort will have been In vain unlosa there shall arlso from all this bloodshed new world conditions In which action between state and state Is conductod In an atmosphere of bet ter understanding, or whon mutua) understanding falls the points at Issue 'be decided more under the influence of the principles of Justice," Jl IiY RAINFALL IN IOWA IHCLOW NORMAL Ues Molnoa, Iowa, )Aug. 1. A half lnoh of rainfall was reported In six Iowa cities and towns today, and at Cedar Rapids an Inch has fallen, indicating the breaking ot the drought and the collapse ot the boat wave which has threatened the corn crop and seriously Injured late po tatoes. The rainfall In Iowa during July was 2.30 Inches below normal. Envelope printed at th Courier DRAW GAM 7 Maxwell . Anbm Celery Seed TuiimwIc t'arditmonM Itay !ve Drug and Stationery Store "See the Josephine County Caves" For tho accommodation of vis itor u thl moat wondrous and beautiful piece of nature's underground work, I'AVK rt.MI' luts hem eatablUhed on illlninit Creek, 27 miles from (nii Pan at the Junction of tho auto road and government trail, ten in lien from the t'ave. The ramp In iHulted with floored lent, clean hedtt autl ImmMIiik, matirrfte and Hprlngn. lUte 9'J.SA ter day; aperlnl raUa hy the weok. Saddle hot-vcn furnUhed on ahort notice. Telephone srr vice. rlithlng, Recreation, Cool . Refreshing For traiiHrtatlon Inquire Grant Pass (inrage FltAXK M. SOl'TH, Mgr. ('IIICAUO KDITOIl IS VICTIM OF DYXA.MITKIW Chicago, Aug. 1. .Several thousand dollars damaxe wus done and the family of ICdltor A. M. Llcbllng of the Jewish Dally Press were blown from their beds early today when two bombs were exploded In the business office of the newspaper on the floor below. The explosion shattered win dow panes In houses for a distance of several blocks. Llcbllng says he was recently threatened because of testi mony given at a labor trial. Commencing Sunday Four dayx' run of two great photoplays WM. H. II. Un til "The Aryan" To he fidhnved hy lYerterk'k Warde In Silas Marner I In seven reels II