. "f ( TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1016, DAILY ROOD BITIR OOrBIEU PACK THBEK SEEN FROM A BRITISH TRENCH IN FRANCE Classified Advertising MHaWnaaHMBVMMB I Koveiit photograph from ihu wetrn (runt, rVrne taken from ItrltlJh trvwli lu northern Frame allowing wire ulmiKUMiitfiiU In foreground ami (icriimn shell utrlklnir e ruined Fronch chateau. ' THE PITCHER'S BOX. In ftaeeball'a' Early Days It Wat Jutt a line Twelve Feat Long. I'p to 1C7, or for lgbUHu yenra lifter the Km I giunv of baseball wa played, there was 110 limit to tlin nuin tier of liiutnpi. m llri Nldo si-orlug tM-uiyono runs, or "me," n they were i lu ii called. being the winner. In 18.17, Itowevfr, tlio uuiiio was illvliU-d Into nine InuliiKN. Thv pluher Und a line twelve ftti loni. kvl Utblud It aud mold tuke n utmrt run tiofoiv hU dt livery, Jimt tlio xnmt-11 U I'eriultted In rrlckft ttxluy. In mil tho old "lino" for tint idtilier to Hi und U'lilod wint donti any with and tlio t w trier llmlied to a "box" twelve feet loiitf and four feet wide, but In tliln area he could rttnui ut will aud throw from uuntevpr iot hr pleamnl. A few year Inter tlio "box" waa made all feet ainar. und In 1H7H tt waa ajtaln reduml to four feet wll aud alx feirt long. Ten .venr Inter It wa made a foot louuer nn a fool wider and In 1SN7 rut down In length to Ore and one-half feet Theaa "boxea" betiiK alwaya a aource much cuaime mid dlacumiloii, they were dually ebolUhed altoiretlier and a rubber atab U by 4 lurbea took tbelr plan, the iiluher belntf retulrid to keep bta back foot agalnxt tlte stub Tbla slab waa en la rued to two feet by alx Incbea lu KK and but remained the aama alnce.-rbllndelphui Itulletln GROW, BUT 00N7 SWELL av Kaartlen ef eaatlng and Uaa It ' In Dalng Yaur Taaka. It la wall for yon to turn confldenca la yoor ability, but wbao it reacbea lae aline of "a well beadedneaa" your value There Are Stores in This City So Good That They Gould Use Twice as Hnch Advertising Space as They Now Useand Make It Pay ! TUN BETTER THE STORE THE BET TER THE ADVERTISING PAYS. Your own observations in the, store-Vorld will . confirm this truth. PUBLICITY is bad only for a bad pro- MHsitioji. t is just ns surely good for a good one. Wlia 1 1 8 a 4 'good store "I One that really SERVES THE PUBLIC, protecting its pa-' trons as to VALUES, not nicrclv as to PRICES. There arc many stores in this city au swering to 'that definition completely. In every city there arc always some stores that do not.) An important phase of a 000D STORE'S SERVICE TO ITS PATRONS is its news paper advertising. This should bo complete, frank, informing. It should tell tho store news as fully as a good newspaper tells the ' news of tfie da v. , , , Perhaps the 'best possible NEW POLICY for the COOD stores of this city to adopt would bo that of DOUBLING THE AD VERTISING SPACE THAT THEY USE thus giving them "elbow room"; giving fheni bigger opportunities', for telling their patrons, in detail, about every selling event, about every1 bargain offering,, about every . 'dollar's worth of new stocks.. "Of course, ' wen HALF ENOUGH ADVERTISING' .pays the; really, rood ' stored bjit ADE QUATE ADVERTISING would pay much .. better. ; ' " to youraelf or to any one elaa bejlaa to dwindle. "Soma men grow wlta reepoualuillLy; otbera merely (welL" The man wbo awulla baa ce aawl to Itrow. lie baa reached place where be tbluka ba baa all tbe kuowledso be needa, and naturally all growth ta re tarded. The beat way tbe niont convincing way to prove onV rapublllty la by nctioua, not worda The fellow who la continually brag ging about what be can do U aeldniu of much Mccouut. A It la the iiitin who dtN itiliiun tu a quick, IntelllKent nmnner wbo wlna 8111I1 a man will l found at tbe top bccaUN be ilcscrvM to Ih there. All cotiecnm wnnt lilm. becnune bo not only accoiiipllNliea murb a the re ault of hi concentrated endeavor, but bta Influence In isood nu the other oin ployee. - - 8nv the exertion It tnkea to tell wtiitt you etui do nod iirc It In iH-rforinlng your tnxka. In thlw way you will get o much coiiMlderntloti eventually that you will not be tempted to brag. The other fellow will do It for yon. Loulavllle Herald. . Cheaky John Forater. Id "William Uarrlaon Alnaworth and QU Frlendi" tbe author. S. M. Ellla. telle a quaint atory of Alrinworth and bla friend John Porater. Alnawortb bad dlacorered M line act of Uogarth'a engravlnga wbkb waa beld at fa, a anm wblctr. be aald, "1 could not Juai then apart or at lea at did uot think I ought to apare, I took John Koratet down to aee tbe Qogartba. wbereupou be actually aald that x be would aud muat have tbem bliuaelf and aa ba bad not 5 of looee money at that toomeut I abould lend that aum to him. I IKilutod out (lie nhaurdlty of the pout tloii-thnt I wanted the engraving for cuyiM'lf and could not ulTord to lay out the money; bow, then, could I lend It to him? It wu of no uho, He over ruled i"f. had the i'lot iiic'iind bought the Iwgurtha I waa longing for." , A Narrow Eacapa. , "1 licit f hud 11 Ncrap tlits morning.') confided n alcudcr youug luwyer whom you wouldn't AUKHi't of U'ltig belllg' ercut. "Who with?" w. grtknj with no re Kit hi for urn 111 urn r "Jlnunle Sitili!KH I 1 upoke haatlly to lilm An.vliow. Ik- got the Idea Hint I win, ted in lick ttiui " "Well, what did be UoV "lie took It ou the run lloucKt. did three blocka tit ti lxtit twelve aec onda before I could any h word." V "Tbut'a going mime for a big mini like Sqnlggs." "Alu't It? Aud it didn't do btm a bit of good. I wna half a block abcad of lilm every atep of the way.M-Clee land Plalu Dealer Strategy, "Nora baa Juet dropped another plate." aald Mrs. Twohble. "Well, my dear." replied Mr. Twot ble, "aupuoae you go Into the kitchen and drop a blut to tbe effect tbat abe muat not break auy more china f "Evidently you don't know bow to manage Nora. If I lead her to believe that we rather enjoy having her break a put occasionally I tblnk aha will be mora careful."-Blrmlngham Aga-IJer-ald. - Eaempt. "We've been playing acboot. mam ma," aald little Etbel. "Indeedr replied her motber "I bop you behaved nicely." "Oh, I didn't have to behave!" aald BtbeL "1 waa tbe teacber."-8u Loula Poat-Dlapatcb It Waa Coming, ratlent Doctor, what 1 need ta some thing to atlr me op aometblng to pat me In fighting trim. Did you put any thing Ilka that In tbla prescription? DoctorNo. Tou will find that tn the blllJudge ProcrHHtlnatlon la one of tbe mom eipenalve forma of happlnew.-Llfa diving Away the Bride. An archaism of tbe English marriage ten-tea which baa fallen Into disuse Is, "Who glvetb this woman away 7" It la a relic of tbe days when a woman could be donated by ber father or her brothers as property. It Is related that at a wedding tn California many years ago when the clergyman said, "Who glvetb this wo man away?" a sepulchral voice from the body of the audience rcpllod, "I could, but I vou't!"-Los Angeles Times. KING FERDINAND. New Photograph of the Ruler of Roumania. 1 x. 1 FOM SALE - FOR BALEReatered Guernsey bulla from high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grants Pass, Or. 754tf FOR SALE Three-ton Veil auto truck. Tbe price la right. Leonard Orchards Company, Grants Pais, Ore. " 754tf REGISTERED HOLSTEIN "bulfcaTf, born May 22, 1916. Sire, Clover Idge Stgls Korndyke, Advanced Registry backing. Dam, Pomona Hcmgervcld Doo. Fine Individual. Price reasonable. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 7&6tf NUKL CAK23 Phone orders to No. 1K0-J. ' 787tf FOR SALE, or trade for Grants Past property, 10 acrea Irrigated young orchard near Medford, good soil for sugar beets, bouse, barn, chick en house, good fence. Address No. 1161, care Courier. v 821 ABARGljNI will sell for flToOO cash section 24. T. 37 8., R. 7 W.. 160 acres Clear title. , Mrs' E. 0. Herlng) 1622 W. Monroe St.. Phoenix, Arizona. 827 NOW COMES "N. n. G.", UtUe Wiz ard labor saver. Washes clothes In ten minutes without rubbing. Makes clothes white without blue ing. Removes Ink tfnd fruit stains. Contains no wax, naptha, lime,, lye or potash. Absolutely harmless to hands or clothes. Five washings for 15c. Now on sale at People's Meat Market, 406 South Sixth street 814 SNAP 160 acres, Arizona; 35 clear ed, family orchard, two windmills and ponds, two acres alfalfa, two room adobe house; fine horse, un limited water. $2,000 cash. Box 741, Grants Psss. 815 FOR SALE Good young Holstein cow, very gentle, good milk, with heifer calf five weeks old. M. Car dots, Soldier Creek ranch, R. D. 1, box li: 815 WANTED WANTED Man for small ranch ad jacent to city. Wages $45 per month. Address No. 1352, care Courier. 812 WANTED By a German 'ith a ' large family of boys a large farm to work. Good references. Ad dress FPappel, R. F.'D. 2, Grants Pass, Ore. : 813 TO RENT MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUSE tor rent at 727 North Fifth street Sleeping porch, bath, hot and cold water and gas, I electric lighted, 8,000 feet fenced for poultry, and woodshed largo enough for cow. Key at 421 Evelyn. - 795tf SEVEN-ROOM plastered house, bath, running water, electric lights, large wood shed, for rent Inquire Mrs. Mary Dodge, 211 West A St. &08tf FOR RENT Five-room residences South Park street, with bard it desired. Phone 295-J. C. G. Plant, South Park street 811 LOST LOST Black ribbon watch fob with Knight Templar charm. Reward If returned to Courier offlce. 813 TAXI SKUV1CK CITY TAXI City and country ser . vice. Night calls promptly attended to after 10:30; Phone 227-J. Day phone 262-R. A. F. -Berrie, proprietor. """"m IS Ki.LA X KoT 8 816 CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up tn 6-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. j, PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Cleat and refreshing. Bacterial tests as- sure that thls.water Is pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles '.V. R. Reckwlth. Order by phone 602-F-S. 46tf PAINTING, papering, tinting andi decorating. Clean, expert workman. Prices reasonable; no charge tor estimates. Square (leal to all. John Courtney, 239 West 1 street Phono 217-L. ' 824 ; fcupremaoy. "So you believe In the aupremacy of the feminine wllir "I do." replied" Mr. Meekton "I eat anything the rook put up and never think of offering an arguuieut"-' Wnshlngton star. , , Job printing of every description at the Courier offlce. . ' TIME CARD The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregon Cavea Ronte) Effective Monday, May 1, 1916. Train 1 lv. Grants Pass ...7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek....8:00 a.m. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek..6:0O p.m. Arrives Grants Pas.. 6:00 p.m. Daily except Sunday. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding ; freight and passenger service call at tne omce of toe company, runuc Ber- jvlce building, or phone 131 for same. . . .. . - I Train will stop on flag at any ; point between Grants Pass and Wat" Creek. Passes-?; ervte; every day In tbe week. JUSTICE BRANDEIS. New Member, of United Statea Supreme Court After Taking Office. by CUnedtnat. . af -m nsisinr-" MjlBBslaaMW Vi "The Mnrhino i! tnith v C3 Personality' c2 C3 t 1TU maner what yotjr Y touch this new ! S tl Model 10 will fit it nuyii iviasier- fl Just turn tle set-screw J and regulate the touch I to. gj fit you selm Make U ifc fc1 taiU OlllVVrila JO a? velvet or firm and 5 snappy as you like. Built for "Big Business" and its m Great Army of a Expert Operators !! Every keen-witted Ken- 5 8g ojjrapher every office mini f ger every expert operator on M the firing line of " Big Buii- aeaa" will Mraio the enormoua H I I But the new Model 10 baa I I 81 many other big, vital new I I I feature!. lmvtstiaaU tktml Get the Facts I $M Sand lor the "Royal man" f 1 1 and aak for a DEMQNSTRA I I TION. Or write na direct for I I ournewtirochuraa."A7Tff ! SERVICE," and Oh Pro- I I Lr . C-l t .-1 1 ! I them fre of charge. . t I Jj 1 1 t 1 r 1 i n lOTAL-TTTmiTn CO, lac I HGQVb K1VKR ft OOUIUKIt, Ageat i i hi-'" i 5-rir. .vi 1 r i.ii a 4T w nrrirrf ! I 11 If writ-saving, value of the new If It Royal's Adjustablt Touch 1 that takes the "grind" out i of typewriting I v a i t 111 1 PUYSICIAX8 U O. CLEM2NT, if. D-PraUca' limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat Glasses . fitted. Offlce hours 8-12, 2-6, or on ap pointment. Offlce phone, 62; resi dence phone 359-J. S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Residence phone . 369; offlce phone .182. Sixth and H. Tuffs Bldg. J. P. Truax, M. D Pbysiciaji and surgeon. Phones: Office 325; resi dence 324. Call answered at all hours. Country calls attended to. Lundburg Bldg. DR. ED. BTWATER Specialist on diseases of eye ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Offlce hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Residence 234-J; offlce 257-J, Schmidt Bldg, Grants Pass, Ore. A. A. WITHAM, M. D-, Physician and Surgeon. Offlce: Hall Bldg.. corn er Sixth and I streets. Phones: Offlce 116r residence 282-J. Honrs a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopath! Physician. Chronic and nervous dleases specialty. Rooms 1 and 2. Lundburg Bldg., opposite post offlce; phone 149-R. Residence: Colonial hotel; phone 137-J. DENTISTS E.-C. MACT, D. M. D. -First-class , dentistry. "109 South Sixth street, Grants Pass Ore. 1 BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott, dental assistant Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Rule Bldg. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. ' ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-Law "Practice jn tu state and Federal Courts. - First National Bank Bide. COLVIO & WILLIAMS Attorneys, at Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg, Grants Pass, Ore. E S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all courts. First National Bank Bldg. EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney. at-Law. Offlce Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oris. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law. . County attorney for Josephine County. Offlce: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. B LAN CHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bids. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Ore. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law, Practice In state and federal . courts. Rooms 2 and 3, over Golden Rnle store. MTSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco- Belgian school of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence 215 I street DRAY AGS AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of dray age and .transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Propr." F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clark & Holman, No. 50. Resi dence phone 124-R. ' THE WORLD , MOVES? so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. . LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No.. 84 A. F. A. M. Stated Communica tions 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Cass. W. M. Ed. O. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, n6T78. I. O. A F- meets every Wed- T nesday evening In I. O. O. F, hall, confer 6th and H. Sis. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invited to be present. Emil Gebers. N. P.; Clyde Ma.rtin, Secretary. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office In Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 113-J. . Residence Phone 305-R. DECOlttTOHS AND IliTERsT PAPBRHANGING, graining,, paint ing. For the best work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant, South Park street : '-.,.. A MAY UltS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist. meullurglat Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass.