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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1916)
PAGE mo i.aily uogve wvKn coturcn ITICHUAY, Al'UVBT I, 1010. Daily Bogue River Courier An Independent Republican News paper. United Preas Leased Wire Telegraph Service, - A, E. VOORHIES, Pub, and Prop. ' WILFORS ALLEN, Editor. Entered at the Qranta Pan, Ore gon, Postofflce as second-class mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $5.00 Six Months - 3.00 Three Months . .' 1.50 One Month.. ...........,.. .50 Payable la Advance. TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1910. f OREGON WKATHKR - ; Fair tonight and Wednesday; Tariable wind. . THE RURAL SCHOOLS. The greatest problem ot the edu- is not the building up ot the city school and the education of the boys and girls or the more thickly popu lated centers. It is how to give the children of the farms and ot the rural districts the advantages of the im proved racmues, tor it nas oeen pretty difficult to keep the country school at as high a plane of devel opment as the city school. This has raised an unrest and has caused many a family to leave the farm simply that the children might have the ad vantages of the city schools. The bureau of education has undertaken a nation-wide campaign for better rural schools, and the. work being directed by it Is of the utmost Interest to the hundreds of country school directors and patrons. At a meet ing held at Nashville, the presiding officer of the conference spoke upon the subject. "A More Efficient School System." He stated that the purpose of this campaign for better schools 1s to bring equal opportunity of edu cation to every boy and girl in America, In the country as well as in the town. As a means to this . end the commissioner pointed out the ne cessary agencies as follows: 1. A school term of not less than 160 days for each child. 2. A sufficient number of teach ers adequately prepared for their work. 3. Consolidation of rural schools with an average area of about 12 eqnare miles for each school. 4. Teacher's fcome and a demon- . a Dart of the school DroDertT. 5. An all-year session adapted to local conditions. 6. A county library, with branch libraries at the centers of population, with the schools used as distributing centers. 7. Community organization, with the school as the Intellectual, Indus trial, educational and sodal center. . 8. A modern high school educa tion for every boy and girl In Amer ica. In the conntry as well as In the town. It Is part of the game of war that the Deutschland should be hunted to the death by her enemies. She Is legitimate prey, and the allies know that the destruction of the brave little vessel will be a step toward victory in the clash at arms for them. . Re gardless of where sympathies may tend, there would be a feeling of horror if some day the word should come that Capt. Koenlg and his crew were sleeping the long sleep at the bottom of the sea in their iron-clad casket. The vessel has marked the way In sub-sea freighting, and as the first of her kind, she occupies a posi tion in the public mind apart from the belligerency of the nation which sent her. It is suggested that the city coun cil enact an ordinance setting five miles an hour as the speed limit up on the driveways In the Riverside park. If the park Is to be maintained as the playground for children and a place of recreation for all, dangers nhould be redu"ed to lowest point. JELL-0 Ice Cream Powder VANILLA CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY I.KMOX AXD VXFLAVORKl v THE ORIGINAL 10c JELL-O lOc LEMON OIUXCiK ItASPIlEKRY -STRAWBERRY CHKRJtY PEACH ' OIOCOI.ATK ' IKVT AtX'EPT A SI HSTITITE . KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First LEADERS FORESEE " GERIiifS KNELL! p.ri Aiur. l French troons to- day on the second anniversary ot the ""es today declared for a woman . . - suffrage amendment to the eonatltu war received message, of cheer from Q guth. General Joffre, Lloyd-George and er,and of utan. President Polncare, uniting in declar-j "My view is that the proposed ing that Germany's knell has been amendment should be submitted and sounded. General Joffre's message was: "Tour third year of war now be-; gins. For two years you have sup- oorted without faltering in this im- placable struggle; you have defeated j all the plans of our enemies; you , have beaten them at the Marne; you j stopped their advance along the Yser; you defeated them In Artois and Champagne whilst they were seeking, vininrv An hA RnRRian nlalns. Fin-1 jally your victorious resistance dur-j Ing Ave months' battle has broken , German efforts at Verdun. Thanks j to your resistance, our allies are able j to forge the arms ot which our one- noay in xne parcy iree io oewrimu mles today feel the weight on all for himself this question. The sub fronts The moment approaches when mission of the amendment, Is desired under our common impetus the Ger-ty many millions of voters, and I man military will give way com-think the day has come when con nletely Soldiers of France, you can greas should recognise the widespread be proud of your accomplishments, 4..,tn.Mnn a ..mniinh to 1VUI uova msmsv v w - r-. - i the very end makes victory certain. President Polncare's message read In part: "Already the allies superiority Is annarent. Destiny's balance has had long oscillations, but now one 'side of the swing ceases to mount, whilst the other descends, .charged with a weight that will never lessen. It was the Immortal glory of Verdun that prepared the ground for common ac tion of the allied armies. Glory to you, my friends, wno nave savea France and will avenge Insulted rights." DEUTSCHLAND LEAVES. 'Continued From Page 1.) away and the tip that the vessel would sail before night came from a more reliable Bource than the usual crop of unconfirmed and unconflrm- able rumors. There were also re- j.orts from various members of the Tlmmons' crew that the sailing Is at hand. The revenue cutter Apache lay in the Patapsco a short distance below the Deutschland, apparently ready to see that she-had fair play on her re turn Journey. Rumor had It that the Deutsch land's sister ship, the Bremen, is due along the Atlantic seaboard either to day or tomorrow, but there was no definite information as to whether she will dock here or In Boston. Envelopes printed at the Courier CARRANZA Photo l Amerlcun IVpu AMiuclttiun. . nr. Ki'immiii i'iiji mr urcu uy me 'I..... ...I ...... .... ; .- Till car has played an Important part I atrslnst the United Klnte lnmHi . A A r fi -rt sw Vol f r-T-1-irr-mrnr.i.iWi i. i ; i i - 7 ithvhi.. Hi V ', . .J- 1 - I llMf MflW. IIMIWIMIIIIIIIBIM HUGHES ENDORSES EQUALjUF FRAGE New York, Aug. 1. Charles K. ratined." Hughes said in nis telegram to the Utah senator. The telegram which evoked Hughes' declaration for a reoerai amendment for equal suffrage was as follows: "You will no doubt recall our con- venation a rew days ago wnen i urged you to make public your views with regard to the equal suffrage federal amendment. That platform commits the party to the principle of woman suffrage and recognizes the right of each state to determine the question ror ltseir. u is sueni upon the subject of the constitutional amendment and thereby leaves every- desire by adopting the resolution or suomission ana mm coaming iu states to pass upon the question which, without the preliminary action of congress, they would be prevented from doing. There la a feeling of In tense Interest In all these sutTrage states in respect to your attitude and I think it most important that yon, as soon aa possible, state publicly your personal position In respect to the matter. "Signed) George Sutherland." To this telegram Hughes replied: "My Dear Senator: Tonr telegram has been received. In my answer to the notification I did not refer to the proposed federal amendment relating to woman's suffrage, and this was not mentioned In the platform. I have no objection, however, to stating my personal views. As I aald In my speech, I think It to be most desirable that the question of woman's sutTrage should be settled promptly. The ques tion is of such a nature that It should be settled for the entire country. My view Is that the proposed amendment should be submitted snd ratified and he subject removed from political discussion. 'Very Blncerely yours, "(Signed) Charles Evans Hughes." XKW YORK GF7TS KEIilKF FROM HKAT WAVK New York, Aug. 1. The heat wave which, struck New York yesterday, causing five deaths and setting 93 as July's hot record, has abated. Tem- Iperature at 10 a. m. was ", and the weather man said It would be cooler tonight. USES ARMED RAILROAD CAR ..1 . . m .... Mexican reuerai srmy. notes ror tne In Mexican affairs in Carrnnsa's . In t RAILROAD HEADS TO BE ARRESTED New York, Aug, 1. Arrests ot higher-ups In the $20,000,000 explo sion on Black Tom poulnsula were ex pected today as a result of a long iright conference between Prosecutor Hudspeth and Commissioners of Pub lic Safety Hague of Jersey City. Ac cording to these officials,, at least two presidents ot railroads with Jersey City terminals are concerned. These officials before the expected arrests today refused to say whether the men would bo charged with man slaughter, as were the throe men ar raigned and hold in $5,000 ball yes terday, or whothor they would merely be charged with violation of statutes Regulating shipment and storing of 'ammunition and explosives, j Prosecutor Hudspeth's proposed re quests for warrants follows a 24-hour Investigation which showed that ap proximately two million pounds of explosives are handled at the Black jTom peninsula snd in the Jersey Cen tral railroad yards nearby dally. From i Hudspeth's figures and those furnlsh Ud by W. 8. Topping, chief of the J bureau of explosives organised by the railroads, It was also shown $33, i S4 2.4 SS worth of explosives wore shipped from this port during May and that more than $350,000,000 worth of munitions for the allies had 'been shipped from here during the , twelve months ending June 30 last. While Hudspeth's Immediate desire is to prosecute alleged violations, his j ultimate aim Is to force munitions makers and railroads to find some other place than Black Tom, or, In I fact, the -state of New Jersey, as a shipping point. He will be backed up by Representative Hamlll, whois said to be planning congressional action toward ' prevention of another such 'series of explosions aa shook five states Sunday. The known death list this after 'noon remained at four. The Jersey ,CIty coroner announced a fifth death during the night when Policeman .O'Neill took to the morgue what he thought was the head of Mrs, Freda Wilson, wife of a barge captain. It was not until an autopsy that the ob ject was found to be a half burned Image. Mrs. Wilson and her two babies are among nine known miss ing. It became known today that the loss Is almost entirely covered by In anranoe. Lloyds of England Is the 'company largely concerned. The allies, to whom the munitions wore 'going, will be the sole losers as far as destruction of munitions Is con cerned. , HUGHES SPEECH Washington, Aug. 1. President Wilson had Charles E. Hughes' speech of acceptance for breakfast ' t hla min Inn- Us kill nlnnlv nlJllma thoroughly to digest It the speech before cabinet meeting. When that body convened they all went to It. The speech followed lines expected by the president and his advisers, It was declared. So certain were administration leaders that Hughes would say Just what he did so they said today that the president has been preparing his own speech of acceptance1 for sev eral weeks and It Is now practically completed, with only a few changes necessary. It is understood his reply will be t w&wult tfr-M ..ii.1T'.'.T . ... ... uuns art iisru to ocnte at a aistunce. ties; sgnliist Villa snd would be used WILSON READS largely constructive, dividing Itself Into two major parts: , Development of a,doctaratton that the republican parj is a "remin iscence" with a platform ot policies some of which It failed to handle when In power and many of which the democrats hav put Into laws during reoont months, . ' Enunciation of a constructive busi ness policy for the futureshowing what has been done and what will bo done through Industrial preparedness to meet the economic- upheavals after the war, The president's address will "hot be as long as that delivered by Hughes. It will Include a defense of the ad ministration's dtplomatto course 1n Mexico and toward European nations, It will point at length to prosperity and peace. There Is now no Intention on the part of the president to reply to Hughes' address previous to his speech of acceptance at Long Branch. IL ... LOSSES OF THE WAR Berlin, via Sayvllle, Aug. 1. Naval losses sustained by the allies sines the start of the war have been three times those of the Teutonlo forces, according to a German admir alty statement todsy. The statistics cover the period up to June 30. "During this time the allies lost 49 men-f-war, of 562,000 tons. Of this loss, 40 vessels, of 485,000 tons, were British. Tho Teutonic allies lost 30 vessels, of 191,000 tons,, of which Germany's part was 25 vessels, of H2.000 tons." PRICE OF PRINT PAPER IS PROBED Washington, Aug. 1. Increased prlcea on print papers were pluced under a government microscope to 'day when nowspaper publishers and 'representatives ot newspaper associa tions from all parts ot the United States met with the federal trade com I mission to discuss the subject. An open hearing with the publish ers had been arranged by the com mission for two purposes: To got any Ideas publishers may have aa to the cause and Justice of the Increased price of paper; to ah) v the publish ers what the commission has been able to learn of the facts behind the price boost. For two months the commtsslou has bad fifteen accountants at work in paper manufacturing plants of the country going over the books to de termine, If possible, what has mado print paper suddenly more expeuslve. It already has been determined tbat the demand for paper has shown an Immense Increase. At the hearing will develop the first report of the commission. The commission's report Is expect ed before October 1. In the meantime hundreds of editors have written, some making suggestions ot dlffffereut kinds and values on means of bringing about a reductiou. A number of big news papers have met the situation by In creasing the price of their street edi tions. For the most part, however, com munications from editors put it up to the coiumlHHlon, with the hope that It will find some means of nllevlutitig the new burden attached to news paper publication. CMHR TAKES HEAT IN HlTUEME (Ol'ItT Washington, Aug. 1. John II Clark was sworn In today as a Justice of the supreme court. ESTIMATE NAV Men Wanted Box factory men wanted at once for both day and night shift. Wages $2.00 and up. Apply Dorris Lumber & Box Co. Dourus, California; : an Al! ns Usht-SturaKlupclinlu?d COLLAR IV Milt firV Cl.UtTT.IAaOOV .: INC. MAKSH Portland, Aug. 1 .Today' mar ket quotations were: . Wheat Club, 97; bluestuiii, l.ou. OtttNo. 1 white feed. 27. Barley-Feed, 37. lloiss -IK'st live, 9.30H 9.35, Prime steers, 6. B0: fancy' cows, S.&0; best calve,' 7.50. Spring lamps. K.25. Butter--City creamery. 'J; conn--try, 37. Kkk elected local extras, 27 J28. ' v Hens. 15; broilers. l4i 17; geese,' m. Copper. 88 Vs. AMERICANS ABLE TO E Sun Antonio, Aug. 1. American troops are able to handle the bandit situation themselves and any call for ' assistance by Carranxa soldiers ! un warranted. This was General P.;n ston'a attitude today toward the ac tion of Customs Inspector Bean in sunimonlnira Carranxlsta force to aid a detachment of troop' F, Eighth V, 8.' cavalry, which had surrounded a num. PORTLAND MARKETS COP WITH BANDITS tier of Mexican bandits In a house south of Fort Hancock yesterday. The official report from General , Bell at El Paso, received last night. If said that two Americana and four Mexicans were killed In the action. Bean,' who accompanied the soldiers, Is reported to have summoned aid from the Mexican side ot the border because he feared the bandits would escape. Funston believes the Americana Were able to handle the situation without assistance and stated today that Bean's action was unwarranted and without authority. PRICE REDUCTION Detroit, Aug. 1. In the face of greatly Increased cost of materials and -labor, the Ford Motor company today announced wholesale rcduc- tlons In the prices ot all models of the Ford company. At the same time the company announced the opening of 33 new branch offices lm various parts of the country, bringing the total to 79 and the total or em ployed workmen to approximately 50.000. Those reductions in prices were an- . pounced: Touring car from 1440 to $360; runabout from $390 to $345; town car from $640 to $595; sedan from $750 to $645; chassis from $360 to $325. In view ot the tendency on the part of most other manufacturers to Increase rather than reduce prices, the announcement of the Ford com pany caused surprise In automobile manufacturing circles throughout tho country. i Job printing of every description at the Courier office. FORD ANNOUNCES a