is f ags roua DAILY ROGUE RIVER COURIER FRIDAY, iVhX 91,, I 1 ' 1 I s 1 1 94 Take a VICTROLA With You There may be tculs, gulf, boating, fishing, bathing and snany ether outdoor directions a the swnmer home or camp oat the YktroU will add aet to many moment la between. The portable "sises cost bat $15 to 50 each and we can fire you easy term If desired. tlssic asd Pkcto House 8tantoa RoweU, Prop, NOTICE ,, Another of those artistic and powerful Paramount photo plays. The Trail of the Lone some Pine," from the cele brated novel by John Fox, Jr., will fee at the Star theater nest Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. ' " In the all-star Laeky cast Charlotte Walker plays "June"; Theodore . Roberta, master craftsman of the character actors, is "Deri! Jndd Tolllv er"; "John Hale," the rerenue officer. Is enacted by Thomas Haighan, and Enrle Fox is old ToiliTor's jealous, wicked nephew, "IXare. ' J COMING EVENTS 4 July S3, Saturday Children's story hoar, st the public library, st 11 a. m. Miss Ruth Hathaway, story teller. July 29. Saturday Pomona grange st Murphy. Sept 18, Monday Courier Bargain . day. . Sept 19-20-21, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday Josephine county fair snd celebration. SHE SET A TRAP FOR HUBBY. Suspicious Wife Cures Him of the Tra ditional Failing. The wife of s Dorchester (Mass.) man who had the traditional falling-be for got to mail letters has cured him. The mail Is delivered st their borne before the breakfast boar, which is com pars tiTely late. Ooe morning she said to her husband: "Did you have sny mall tbls morn ing, dearr .. , "Only a circular." he answered as be hit Into s fine brown slice of toast "H'm." said wife. "By the way. did you mail the letters 1 gave you yester day r - "Sure I did." was tbe righteously In dignant reply. "Well." answered wife, with an elo quent ssUle. "it's funny, tben. you had no letters this morning, because one of those I give you to mail was addressed to you Just as a sort of key." , Hogarth Used to Forget Wmiam Hogarth, tbe famous Engflsh artist, was so sbsentmlnded be caused his friends much entertainment When he was prosperous enough to have his own carriage be first used ft to make a call upon the lord mayor. When he came out of tbe Mansion Bouse It was raining hard, snd tbe artist tramped the entire way borne, wet to the akin. When asked wby be bad not come In his carriage he said be forgot all about It, and a messenger bad to be dis patched to the coachman to tell him to return. NEW TODAY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, 60c; one month, $1.60, when paid In advance. When not paid In advance, Sc per line per issue.) PLENTY of money to loan on good security. See Isaac Best. 80S FOR RENT One apartment at the Dean Apartment House on North Sixth street. Also large sleeping rooms. 803 FURNISHER ROOMS for rent, rea sonable. Nice lawn, plenty of shade, and place for auto. 80S North Tenth street. 804 PIANO for rent. Call at 719 North Fourth, or phone 157-J. 898 FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, res Hot and cold water, bath;, cool and "" shady. Inquire 232 West I. 804 -JM. C jWe Sell amd Gnnraatee V TOOLS and CUTLERY ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE! Tbe Big Red Front : PERSONAL H. Mclntyre spent the day In town yesterday from Merlin." Miss Anita Kerltnger, of Merlin, was In town yesterday. W. R. JBrower was in town today on business front Rogue River. Rev. C. W, Baker left this morn ing for Roseburg to spend the day. Mrs. Victor Bailey left this after noon for Ashland to spend tew days visiting. Mrs. B. F. Laphara left this after noon tor Boston. Mrs. A. R. Marsh left tor Los An geles this afternoon. E. A. Armstrong, of Kerby, spent tbe day In town yesterday. Trimmed haU at one-halt price and less at Mrs. Rebkopf's. 793tt Mrs. Will Garbe left this morning for a month's stay In Portland. Mrs. H. H. Houghten lett today for San Francisco to spend several weeks. Children's and misses' white can vas button shoes, with leather soles, to close at 50c a pair, at the Golden Rule. .803 Miss Nettie Stevens left this morn ing tor North Bend, where she will probably remain. Attorney E, H. Richard spent Thursday in Med ford attending to business ' matters. National Mazda automobile lamps at Rogue River Hardware, the Big Ked Front. 803 Miss Blanche Hicks, librarian at the public library at Ashland, Is spending a few days with Miss Maud Banes. Mrs. R. H. Seegmlller, who has been visiting here with Mrs. C. R. Williams, left this morning for Port land. Ladles' pumps, strap slippers, but ton and lace oxfords, 65c per pair, at the Golden Rule. Small stzes only. Mrs. H. H. Wardrip returned this morning from Ashland, where she has been for several weeks attending Chautauqua and visiting friends. Miss Anita Dodge arrived this morning from San Diego to visit tor several days with Miss Clara Wolke. Miss Dodge .and Miss Wolke were friends at O. A. C. Mrs. Cornelia Robinson left this morning for Los 'Angeles. Mrs. Rob inson has been visiting here with her brother, W. E. Reckwith, for several days. Silk petticoats. In soft finish taffeta, also Belding satin and sateens, etc. Mrs. Rehkopf. 71 2tf Mr. and Mrs. S. R. BrlBtow lett this morning for Tslent after visiting here for. several days with Mr. Bria tow's parents. They will visit tn Talent for a few days and then re turn to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Brown and daughter. Miss Rits, left today for Portland, making the trip by auto. Mrs. Brown and her daughter have been visiting Mrs. W. R. McCracken and daughter, Genevieve, and Mr. Brown has been In Medford on busi ness. Englewood Dairy, Phone 222 The pure milk dairy. 692tf. Test the Three Branches of our business clean ing, pressing, repairing. There's something for you to gain by doing so. Unexcelled service. The Ward robe cleaners. Phone 147. 609 G street. We call for and deliver. 804 "'iftaiflf Tonigl11 ffi ggf JlltiliL & Sat. ffl Children's Matinee Saturday at 3 o'clock DANIEL FROHMAX presents the Idol of the screen Mary Pickford I in Faiichon the Cricket By George Hand Never lis the gifted , little star leen presented In so . aiwplciou a characterisation, and perhaps never In her entire career before the cum era, replete as It has been ' with long series of successes, has she so humanly and lovably mingled pathos, with humor, Admbwbm 5 and 13 .COMING Charlotte Walker, In "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," :.:, .)'.;.' by John Fox Jr. 25 LOQfIL : '.New Cot Style Middles Imported crepe, assorted stripes, Just received at the Golden Rule. 80S Women of Woodcraft to M A meeting ot the Women ot Wood craft will be held at the home ot Mrs, J. D. SUaebaugh this evening. Dance Waldorf 1U11 Saturday nlgbt, 9 to 12; dance, 8 for 60c. 10c per 803 Keep Cool- By wearing one of the dainty sum mer dresses sold at the Golden Rule. Prices greatly reduced. 803 .Many Enjoy Swim- The bathing beach was crowded yesterday afternoon at the park when 148 bathers were In the water The hot days have caused a decided raise In the temperature of tbe water, the thermometer registering 67 in the river today. Large numbers ot people picnic In the park, several parties be ing held there every evening. The Sale Still Continues At the Bishop's old stand. $23.50 and $25 suits on sale, $20 $10 and $10.50. See windows. You need not look shabbily dressed at this price. 803 It You Want to Take the World Easy the last half of your life, you must systematically save the second qusrter of your life. If you want to always live from hand to mouth, then spend your money as you go. Start right by depositing some money in the Josephine County bank. 803 Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Iteturn , Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Flynn returned home on No. 15 this afternoon. Mr. Flynn has been In Salt Lake city on business connected with the Public Service corporation, and was joined In Portland by Mrs. Flynn, who has been vlsting In Puget sound cltleB. Messrs. Flynn and Sanders left Salt Lake city together, but Mr. Sanders i went around by Missoula, Montana,' and Is expected to reach Grants Pass . early next week, when, says Mr. Flynn. they will be prepared to pro ceed with their enterprises here. $10,000.00 Worth of Clothing Gents' furnishings, hats and cloth ing, less than manufacturer's prices. It will pay you to get your wants and save dollars at the Bishop's old stsnd. 803 $5 Reward Five dollars reward will be paid for the arrest and conviction of par ties caught stealing copies of the Dally Courier delivered at sub scribers' homes. Rogue River Courier. Big Game Tonight- ' The big game of the season ot the Twilight league aeries will be played tonight between the Baptists and Christians. The Christians are now tn first place, having lost no game, while the Baptists are a close second, with only one game lost. Should the Baptists win the honors for first place will be tied. The Baptists will have for Its battery Ptttenger, Doug las and G. Smith, and the Christians will have Trimble, Bratton and El. Smith. A collection will be taken to night to help defray the expenses of the league. First performance 7i4fi SEE PEAR BLIGHT DE Grants Past was well represented at the demonstration at the southern Oregon experiment station Thursday afternoon, a doien auto loads of people going from here. Director Relmers of. the station has mad a most comprehensive study ot the pear blight as It affects orchards In the valley, and has already determined a number of facts that will save the growers muoh future concern. The station Is now conducting expert ments for the development of pear stock that will prove resistant to blight, and the experiment plots con tain the. greatest variety of pears, especially the wild kinds from for eign lands, ever brought together tn the world. Through a aeries of In oculation, the degree of resistance of each variety U definitely determined. Numerous experiments In pruning of pear trees are also In course at the station. Because of recent cutting of the hay the demonstration of alfalfa under different fertilisation wai not possible. At least 180 fruit growers from different parts of the valley were present. County Agent Thompson, of Jose phine county, ststes that arrange ments are now being made for a live stock demonstration In this district In the very near future. It Is pro posed to Invite the farmers of south ern Oregon to gather at 8teel's Winona ranch, where Prof. Relmers and others will discuss some of the problems that surround swine pro (taction tn the Rogue valley. WF.LSH-WHITB ROXIXQ ROUT DECLARED OFF Minneapolis, July 31. The Freddie Welsh-Charley White boxing bout for the world's lightweight championship, which was scheduled for tonight, was railed off at noon today when Harry Pollock, manager of Welsh, refused to accept Billy Hoke as referee of the contest. Location notices. Courier office. Robert Warwick and Madeline Traverse In "The Fruits of Desire" (hie of the "big" dramas of today Robert Warwick In the most powerful role lie has ever en acted, Mark Trultt, the "Fight er," who wins his way up the. ladder by masterful force; crushing human beings and sweeping aside obstacles, only to And Uiat after nil "The, Fruits of Desire" are not whol ly supplied by wealth. , By . Wadsworth Swain The Great Man stands alone About him lie the FrulU of Ills Desire Riches and Power, the Booty and the Spoils. He has attained the Heights. Rut 'lo! his face Is turned His eyes would pierce the back ward Veil Of these long Year of Ruth less Climb. Within his hand n Crumbling Faded Flower, Worn In the Hair of the One he once had met And left behind him, trampled on the Path Of his Ambition. PEARL WHITK In THE IRON CLAW WHO IS "THE laughing: MASK"? This Is a grout program BIJOU THEATRE Where ererybody goes ' That ererybody know Mil STRAIN "Ambition" CO Only Theatre in South' em Oregon playing the great American play 4The Birth of a Nation TTiurclidy-- Friday -Saturday July 27 July 28 July 29 Three days, beginning Thursday night at 8 :15 and twioe daily thereafter at 2 :15 and 8:lti. Tiie H .r Cation Management of Elliott and Shirman.' 30-Symphony Orchestra-30 PRICK Kvenlngi First 10 row. 91.00; IaM 0 rows, SI.OO; balcony, Unit 4 rows, M.OOi next 4 rows, 7 Act balance, ROr. Matinee, SMc, 00c, T3c, 11.00 Mali orders, accompanied by check, received now. Oft 'em now. Ikm't wait ami ln disappointed Save Your Money By getting the highest quality meats at the lowest prices Fresh and Smoked Meats ot all Kinds City Market Phone ftS for II R, R, P. S, CO, Toe ordinance through the opera tion ot which, the $1,000 bond given by the Rogue River Publlo Service corporation will be declared forfeited and made payable to the city ot Grants Past was passed by the coun cil last night, and It now In force and effect. More than a year ago the Public Service corporation, through Manager Sanders, was grant ed a franchise for the construction ot an electric lighting system within the city. A bond of f 1,000 was en tered Into for the performanoe of the terma of the franchise, which pro vided that two miles of wire should be erected within the city snd carry ing current within nine months. The time limit expired last spring, and work upon the system within the city had not been commenced. The bond was given through the American 8urety company. The ordinance de claring the forfeiture was up for ac tion at a prevloua meeting, but was laid over because of the request ,of Mr. Sanders, who wrote from Salt Lake stating that his activities In tho interests of the sugar factory had forced him to neglect the Publlo Ser vice enterprises, and asking further time.. In that letter he Indicated that he would soon be In the city again, and requested delay till In August. The ordinance was laid over for two weeks, but no further word coming, the council last night took action upon It. Six members, Coun cllraen Bunch, Burkhalter, Demaray, Herman, Knlps and Paddock, voted for the forfeiture. Councilman Atchi son voted against the passage of the forfeiture ordinance, Indicating that he favored granting the Sanders' re quest till August. Councilman Burke was absent, Tbe ordinance amending the traffic regulations ot the city was passed. Under this all aiitoi and other motor-propelled vehicles are required to go to a street Intersection before turning aroond. " The provision does not apply to horse-drawn vehicles. Another amendment permits the dray and delivery teams to stand when de COUNCIL FORFEITS 0 MEDFORD 1 0 Quick Delivery liveries are being made without be ing tied, providing the wheels are locked with a sufficient brake. MKKTINQ NOTICE A cordial Invitation Is extended to resders of tbe Courier to attend the camp meeting of the Church of God, which will be held near the school house on the E, C. Neeley tarm, IS miles west of town. Visiting minis ters from Washington and northern Oregon are expected to be present and assist In the preaching. Good camping privileges free. Ev ery effort possible will be taken to make all comfortable and enjoy tbe outing as well as the meeting. Meals' can be secured on the grounds If desired. By way ot correction, I wish to say false reports have gone out that we were ot the class known as Holy Rollers, which Is absolutely false In every part. We have no affinity with that work. 'We will be glad to have you come and Investigate tor your aelf. Those wtahlng to come by train to Merlin will be met and conveyed to the grounds on July 26, free of charge. Respectfully yours, J. L. GREEN, Pastor. Route 2. . NOTICK TO CAVE OAMP STOCKHOLDERS A meeting' ot subscribers to the Cave Camp company It hereby called for Friday evening, July 21st, at th assembly room of the Commercial club; at eight o'clock. There la busi ness of Importance to be transacted, and a full attendance Is desired. By order of 803 COMMITTEE. NOTICK My wife, Clarlbel Randall, having left my bed and board without Just cause, I will not be responsible for bills contracted1 by her after this date, July 19, 1918. 803 HARRY RANDALL. CHICHESTER S PILLS jCtT& JjR"'?' "'" "'"' 'f tannin 3.7r"",',"r inaisstntttf HrmmmM. . . n.. . niwwm, v w MkfF, r pf ., V M. A-fc'M IIMirK.TI'n-' (ini khaVii rii.i s f.5 a SOlOBYMUGGlSREVMlERfi 0 V