PAC3V0V nnr room juvkii coihleh WEDNESDAY. JVLY 19, ltlC. Lekutd Population In F7FPA0MII Atlb I nr II Hot Weather Has Just Started In Every Outing KODAK HAS ITS IXMXG Brownie canieras from $1.23 up Kodaks front $6.00 up Premo cameras from 75c ap Music and Photo House Stanton Rowell, Prop. AMI SEMEXTS TONIGHT -r . Sur f Anna Held. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE There are funds in the city trea sury to redeem all warrants drawn on the general fund numbered 11928 to 11175 Inclusive. Interest will cease after July 14th, lilt. Dated at Grants Pass, Oregon, July 12th. 1I1S. O. P. JESTER, TI7 " City Treasurer. COimO KYEXT8 4 Sept 11-20-11, Tuesday. Wednesday Thursday Josephine county fair v and celebration. HUGO, After spending; the Fourth at Ash land and a few days at Huso, Mr. and Mrs. John Breeding and Miss Wilms Savage returned to Takllma Monday. Dave Peterson, of Portland, is here risiting his folks. Thomas Ahem is rushing his cherry , harvest with about , eight helpers. Harold Tracy returned to Hell's Gate, where he is working in the hay harrest. A farewell party was given Satur day night for Mrs. Alden, who is leaving ifor Detroit. Michigan, where he -will Join her husband, who is In the real estate business there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schmidt are in Hugo, where Mr. Schmidt will .have charge of the lire patrol for the summer. Mrs. Katie Hayes, who spent the winter with her sister, Mrs. Baer, was married in Los Angeles to John Moore, of that city, last week. Mrs. Lena Allensworth and Mrs. Fred Wilson returned home Monday after spending the past week risiting at Ashland and Medford. Leonard Martin returned to Takll ma Monday. A. Canvelle lett this morning tor Roseburg. Mrs. A. A. Flynn left thla morning for Portland. W. A. Palmer, of Seluia. la in the city today on business. J. B. Johnson left tor a business trip to Medford this afternoon... R. B. Ryan, teacher at the Selma school, is in the city for several days. S. C. Rockwell returned to Cottage Grove last night after a few days In town. Mrs. W. E. Evertou and daughter, Louise, left last night for a visit at Riddle. Trimmed hats at one-halt price and less at Mrs. Rehkopf's. 792tt Mrs. William McDonald and Miss Evelyn Hahn lett this morning tor Roseburg. Prank Mashburn lett this morning for New York to attend to business matters. Florlan and Alois Saner left last night for Milnor, North Dakota, to remain indefinitely. Bert Presley left this afternoon tor Ashland and will return tomor row by auto. Miss Helen Ballard, ot Roseburg, is In the city, the guest of the family of Rev. C W. Baker. Miss Maud Barnes left for the Chautauqua at Ashland today and will stay until Friday. R. E. Kroh arrived In town this morning from Kansas City to at tend to business matters. Wanda and Vivian Wardrlp return ed this mprning from Ashland, where they attended Chautauqua. Mrs. O. E. Hampson, who has been visiting here with Mrs. George Scott, left last night for Roseburg. Mrs. D. Tuttle and three children arrived last night by automobile from Fort Jones, Cat., to spend a few days. Miss Clara Tucker arrived this Game Wardens Here Dlstrlot Deputy Gam Warden Driscoll and Deputies Walker and Mansfield, of Jackson county, are in the city today. Reynolds Apprehended The sheriff's omce here baa re ceived a telegram to the etfeot that Merle Reynolds, wanted on a charge of burglary, has been apprehended at Pasco, Washington. Dance at Selma Platform Saturday, July 22. Tickets 11.00, Including supper. 801 Return Front the Coast Deputy Game Warden L. L. Jewell has returned from a trip to Crescent City In his Overland. He was accom panied by Eclus Pollock, the Misses Clara Calhoun and Belle Letcher, and Mrs. Hutchinson. The latter remain ed at Harbor. Ashes Ashes were once the sign ot mourn in;; now they are the cause of mourning for those who do not burn gas. See those white enamel ranges at the Oregon Gs & Electric com pany's office. 795 Ruling for Pensioners ' According to a ruling of the de partment of the Interior, the distri buting clerk has given notice that in cashing pension checks it will be no longer necessary to exhibit the pension certificate, the ruling having taken effect July 1. The population ot Leland was given a boost upward today when a ten-pound boy, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wtllard Miller. Mr. Klrker Wants Wages Paul Klrker, fsrmerly 'bookkeeper for the Public Service corporation, has commenced action in the circuit court of this county to collect some. ISO salary due and unpaid. Vltlt Citwcant City Mrs. W. B. Plnkerton and daugh ter, Louise, and Barle Voorhtea lett this morning for Crescent City by auto. They expect to remain about a week tn the coast town. Knirtewuod llry, Phone 823 The pure milk dairy. 3tf Pays Fine Albert Pearson today was fined ten dollars tor violating the traffic ordin ance. The charge preferred against htm was that of cutting a corner. Mr. Pearson Is a tourist from California. The to Buy an Electric Fan for Comfort Prices $5.00 and up. BUSH ELECTRIC STORE Buy Electrical Goods at the Electrlo Shop More Fowls Arrive C. L. Hobart, of the Ford agency. received a carload of Ford autoa Tuesday, thus breaking the drouth In this vicinity for machines of that make. He had completely sold out before the arrival of this carload. Water Vsere to Meet- All the water users of the north and south side ditches are requested to meet tomorrow, at 7: SO, at the Commercial club assembly room. If you want irrigation, attend tnis meeting. The meeting Is rilled by authority of water users. Christ Una Win In the most lopsided game of the season, the Christians won the game from the Methodists with the score 14-4. The game could well be term- Pompeii. Pompel was overwhelmed on the night of Aug. 24. 79 A. D. The prin cipal citizens were tbcn assembled. It appears. In an amphitheater where public spectacles were in progress. After a lapse of fifteen centuries a countryman, as be was turnlnir up tbe ground on the farin where be was em ployed, found a bronze figure, wblch discovery led to further search. In the course of wblch numerous other ob jects were brought to light, and tbus, at length, was the whole city uncovered. NEW TODAY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two issues, 26c; six issues, 60c; one month, f 1.60, when paid In advance. When not paid In advance, 6c per line per Issue.) FOR SALE or exchange for Josephine county property 8 lots In Florence, Ore; 5 acres in Blanco, Colo.; lot in Woodburn, and one on Ten-Mile Lake, Ore. A. Dawkins, General Delivery. 800 MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUSE for rent at 727 North Fifth street. Sleeping porch, bath, hot and cold water and gas, electric lighted, X 8,000 feet fenced for poultry, and woodshed large enough for cow. Key at 421 Evelyn. 795tt PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Masonic Temple. Office phone, 174-J; resi dence, 341-R. Miss Harris. tt "We Sell and Guarantee V TOOLS end CUTLERY ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE Tbe Big Red Front fourth when the Methodist team went to pieces and allowed eight runs on three hits. The batteries were Sratton and Smith for the Christians and Coburn and Gllmore for the Methodists. ed "a comedy of errors," the Chrls- ma .i.i. lions taking the big lead in the uiui uiuj iiuui uvm a a tta auu vvtta tor several days with Miss Louise Harvey. They were accompanied by Mrs A. Green, who spent the past three weeks with Mrs. Tuttle. her daugh ter. Silk petticoats, In soft finish taffeta. also Belding satin and sateens, etc. Mrs. Rehkopf. ' 792tt Mrs. F. D. Smith, who has been here for the past week visiting friends, returned this morning to Eugene. . Mrs. Harriet Fielding, of Ashland, returning from a visit . at Portland and Seattle, spent a few days with friends in the city. B. E. Beanpre lett this morning on a business trip to Gazelle, California. Lloyd Dyer went to Ashland this morning to spend a couple of days at the Chautauqua. Mrs. M. A. Murphy and Mrs. Sloan Fortenberry, who have been visiting tbe Jerald Gilbert family, left this morning for Klamath Falls and will go from there to their home In Texas. Mr. and Mrs. George Sabln and daughter, Marion, and Mrs. Sam Baker and children went to Ashland today to Chautauqua. Mr. Sabln will return tonight, but the others will staj during Chautauqua. Will H. Harris and wife, of Fresno, Cal., arrived today by automobile to spend a few days with their cousins. Edward G. Harris and family. The Harris families had not met until to day since leaving Florida 20 years ago. Breaks Leg In Runaway Thrown from the hay rack which he was driving when the team ran away, E. Badger, of Provolt, had the misfortune to break his right leg. The break was between the knee and ankle. Dr. Lougbrldge was call ed to set tbe broken limb. Arrested on Poaching Charge - The first complaint that has been made for some time In Josephine county for illegal fishing was regis tered by the officers when warrants were issued against A. J. Mead and Roy Darrell. It Is charged that the two men took salmon from the fish- way at the Golden Drift dam, and four fish are held In cold storage as evidence against the defendants. The evidence was gathered by Special Deputy Warden Will Mansfield, who was sent over from Medford for the work, the local deputies belnn known to the suspected men, who would naturally he on the look-out If they had designs upon the unsuspecting salmon. The men resisted trros at the time, and the deputy was for:ed to draw a gun to protect himself. Tbe warrants have not been served. Do You Can Fruit? Then try doing your canning this summer on a gus range or hot plate and you will be surprised how easily you 'will get through, even on the hottest day. Oregon Gas t Electric Co. 796 Bring la Cleaa-Cp Goldsbury Brothers have just brought their placer mine clean-up for the winter to the Josephine County bank. The mine is located In the Althouse district, and it Is re ported that there were nearly 100 ounces ot pure gold In the sluice boxes when the water was turned off. Wharton Ha Quit Walking . Joe Wharton Is the latest contrl butor to the coffers of the oil kings of the nation, he having purchased a new Ford automobile Tuesday. He selected a touring car that he might have plenty of room to take some of his friends out on his fishing trips. , lYesbyteriaa Picnic Friday The Presbyterian picnic, which was postponed from last week, will take place on Friday In the park. The good time will commence at 10: SO and continue throughout the day. Everybody who has any connection with the church and their friends are Invited to attend and bring their basket with them. fig Star Tonight & Thurs. The Oliver Morosco Photoplay Company Presents the Inimitable ANNA HELD In the brink French farce-comedy of many matrimonial tangles "Madame la Ppcsiflente" A photocomedy dis tinctly "different," por. traylng the height of Mints Ilekl's charm and fuKcftiation, and bub bling over with laugh tor and the Joy of living. Mis Held is supported by an all-Mar cast, which IncfudM Forrest Stanley, Page Peters, Herbert Standing, Helen Eddy, Lydla Yeamans-Tltus, and many others. COMING Lois Welter1, in "Sunshine Molly" Find Rich Gold Vein The Courier has received word from Kerby ot the recent uncovering of a rich quarts rein on the old Free and Easy mining property near Kerby. The vein Is said to be seven feet that will average $16 per ton. The people who last worked this claim are said to have been within 18 Inches of the ledge when the quit work. Grover Montgomery and M. McClaln are the discoverers of the rein. CAVES CAMP Fishing has been good In this branch ot Williams creek this year. T. P. Cramer and son caught nearly two hundred iflne trout by Cave camp a few days ago, some ot them measuring ten inches long. Farther up tbe creek, on some of the branches, fishing Is reported even bet ter than here. All visitors to the camp are de lighted with the water, casting aside lemonade, grape juice, etc., and fill ing up on the fine mountain snow water. The camp Is now In line shape and ready to furnish accommodations to all tourists. The number of visitors going to the caves la Increasing daily and In dications are that there will be more visitors this season than any time In the past. There will soon be a string of pack horses here for the public. Among the visitors to the camp last Sunday was a jolly picnic party con sisting of Mr. and Mrs, David Vine yard, Mr. and 'Mrs. David Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sutton, Mr and Mrs. M. J. Johns, Mrs, Stella Stratton, Misses Helen Johnson and Ida Vine yard, Clay, John, Kenneth.Vlctor, Guy Vineyard, John Murdock, ill of Williams Creek; Miss Blanch Hicks, ot Ashland; F. P. Dodge, of Cor- vallls, Ore; Mr. and Mrs. E. 1 Co burn and son, Clair, and Mr. aud Mrs. M. L. Opdycke, ot Grants Pas. A big picnic dinner was spread under the tall firs, the table being burdened with tried chicken, col meats, salads. pickles, plea, cakes, and other dain ties, aud all topped off with a big freeier ot Ice cream. This wss one of the jolllest parties that has visit ed the camp this season, .and they hsd their pictures taken by the offi cial camp photographer. More game has been seen In this vicinity this year than for many years past. A tourist coming out from the caves Saturday afternoon saw a five-point buck, and when only a mile from the camp saw a hear. Other recent guests to the camp and raves were Misses Leila Riches and Frieda Morchan. of Silverton; A. E. Slderqulst, of Chicago, III.; George II. Buehler, of Pittsburg, Pa.; S. C. Rockwell, Cottage Grove, and Oliver F. Olds, of Grants Pass. Twlnk Wlttorff. Max Lewis, Robert Ingalls and Keith Edgerton were four young Grants Pass boys who have been visiting a few days at the caves and Caves camp. The boys think they have had the time ot their Uvea. They climbed a mountain to the snow line, where they could get a good view of Mt. Shasta and the Rogue River valley. They thought It great sport to snowball In July. QUARTZ MILLING MACHINERY Engine, boiler, compressor, rock crusher, 5-etaiup battery, concentrators and other equip went FOR SALE All In good conditio For particulars Inquire of G. E. HOWLAJfD Oxford Hotel t..!.! .!. ."', !''.... 1' - !..) plea of the hotelkeeper that the elig ible young men who used to keep tbe summer girls company have gone to the border or else are drilling st Plsttsburg. The shortage ot men Is serious. Also the resort hotel pro prietors are noting with great chagrin that society or a goodly part of it at least Is now on the border, brav ing heat and glare, to be near brother guardsmen, spn-guardsmen ot sweet- hesrt-gnardsmen. lm HOOPER THOUGH T OFFICER ROBBER Carthage, Mo., July 12. Chief of Detectives Portley of Jopltn testified today at the trial of John Austin Hooper, charged with murdering 8peclal Patrolman Louis Wells, that Hooper confessed to the shooting af ter bis arrest at Joplln. According to Portley, Hooper told the officer that he did not know Wells wss s patrolman, hut thought htm a robber. Sure te Grow. "What you said about Jsck Uo't worth repeating." "It's young yet', give It time. "-Ex change The future Is purchssed by the pree ent Johnson. Location notices, Courier office. DEARTH OF YOUNG MEN AT THE SUMMER REHOHTS New York, July 12. This "near- war on tbe border Is playing hob with summer resorts. Everywhere along the Jersey coast,, up north and In the mountains, comes the plaintive FALL IS COMING Are You Prepared? Thousands of men are wearing KD V. PRICK sulfa longer than any suits on the market. It ua show you our complete line of style and sample. Geo. S. Calhoun Local Dealer BOOKS PM!P Rooks to help pass away the dragging hours of the long Journey. Hooks to bright, many" dull or stormy days that are bound to come. Hooks to amasS, to Interest, to Instruct, to suit every fancy and every taste, , Demaray's Drug and Stationery Store iV fi (i