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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1916)
I Wl-D.MkOAY, JILY 12, 1019. DAILY HOOCH JUVER COURIER PtGE TttUllC 4P TAUGHT THEM A LESSON. The Ciar't Rebuke U the Officers ef On of Hit Rtglmtnta. The vKiir In grently loved by lit own soldiers, mill no wonder, for the follow lug story In tyiiu of him: A ceitulii ltu-liiii lli'uti'iiunl who wtia none (ik will tf wim otic duy seen riding lu u Ir.un. Tho other olii rr til" lu ri'itliiiciii wcie furluua ui Wllllt llll'.V cslldl Nil IllHIlll ll (III.' Ulll- form, mill li-y todl tho llfutciuuit tlmt ill) MUM SVIld l III 'IIM'I. Tlio mi fortiiimto .voting uiliici- liml m alter lirttlve. Ihic before In- cuiilil do so 'the ernr heard of (lu. ii.Tiili' h:iiin'ilnf. ly putting n't tut i;u!.'i,iin or ttm iriiiiiii hi iii iiuiHiioii. it (m iimjiMtr It'ft the 1'iilun', hulled ii iiiihIhs (rniii liml, entering It. Hut calmly down tint ft It Stopped lu front of Hid liumirkM. There lin cot out mill, uNi'iiilillii ui Hit oilli'i'lx. t.ii lil N iliciu; "tlentlciiu it. mv j,. ,1,1,1,.,, (mu the iiiliu In u iruiii. tind i illn, in know Jr yon w hli nit. to ,.i ,y aK'in. I if(ntiiiin I Iiuvq illiimict'it my uul form." - Naturally tli (ittlit'i-H (vet limn fOU titled. "Sire," NiHiuiiii'K'il the niiijor nrv ouly. "you could nwer tin that." Tlnm." ininwcriHl tlu- cr.iir. tinlin;i. "ik I have not degraded tin. uniform IJenteimnt mtiiiot tmve done so ami will Hum retain his commission in this regiment even f he, like me. dure to rltlo in u I mm." After tlmt snubbery died eedy death lu tlmt particular regiment.-Pearson's. TRY IT ON THE DISK. A Test Thai Prevet tht Human Skull a Good Sounding Box. An Interesting experiment that proves what good sounding box the human skull la can be performed by any one who baa a (Halt phonograph, aaya Elec tric 1 Engineering. Stop up both of your ear with cottou ai tightly aa possible, ao that no sound will be beard from the outside. Now place au ordinary darning needle be tween your teeth by biting on It bard, taking cure that the tongue or Up tlu not touch ttte needle. The latter la Im portant, because If either lip or tongue touches tho needle the sound will be do ereased considerably. For tho brut results the needle Itaelf bould project not more than uue or one and a half inches from the mouth. For that reason the dnrulng needle bould be broken off about one aud ouo half Inches from It sharp point. It goes without aaylng that the thorp polut abould project out of tho mouth, while the broken off end ahould be In elilo the mouth. Now atart nu ordinary dink phono graph and carefully prom down upon the record with the needle's point bold at the tame angle na the rcproduccr'e needle la held ordinarily. Aa toon aa tho needle touches the record with suf ficient pirn tire the Inside of the head will be tilled Immediately with music exceedingly loud aud clear. Brlgnoll In a Tamper. On one occasion ISInmhl, the uoted teacher, went on the stage to tee Url guoll. the famous singer, whom bb found clng up and down like a mad man. humming over bla part "Why, Urlg, wbnt Is the matter with you? Are you nervous?" he naked. "Yes, I au nervous." waa the reply as he walked harder and fatter than ever. "Hut, Itrlg, you ought not to bo uerv oua. I've beard you ting the part 200 times. I heard you ting It thirty yeart ago." "Thirty years ago! Who are you that ahould know ao much?" "Who am I? You know who I am. and I know who you ore." "Very well; you kuow what I am, but 1 oin sure you do not know what you are. and If you with I will tell you. You are a fool!" Alaxandar In Mesopotamia. The marshes of Mesopotamia were fammia In the me of Alexander tho Great One of tho hint acts of his life, within a few weeks of his death, was a voyage down tho Euphrates to the great dlko of I'allaknpas, about ninety miles below rtnliylon. TIiIn sluice has been constructed by the ancient As syrlun kings roVt off tho water of the river .when It devalue exclusive Into the martinet. It was reported not to bo working well, and Alexander proposed to construct another sluice lower down. He Hailed on Into the marshes, steer lug his vcnhcI ItliriKcIf, with his diadem on his head, to explore thorn and the tombs of (lie kings, and so extensive were tho lakes mul swamps that Alex ander's fleet. lost Its way aniiuig them. Weather Varloty. Rome growl perpetually at the wrath rr; It Is too hot or Ion cold: too wet or too dry. And yel a kind Providence arriinucH It lullnltely better than we could. Whiit a liciintlful ironilse ihu wim lu the curly history of the rncoi "While the earth iciimlnelh. weed time and hni'Vit. mul roM and lion I. mid summer and winter, mul day and night shall not eeuwi."-f"hrlHllau Her ald., , Looking Ahtd. "I think I had better get A Job before we marry." "Don't be so miromiintlc, Freddy. 1 won't need any clothes for a long, long time." . "Hut you uuiy want to eat almost any time, my deor."-Plttsburgh Tost, .Vlnlna MUnlta at the Courier office, BUILT IN BLOOD. rtregrad, the Artlflolsl Capital of the Ciar't Dominions. ' ' jf Travelers seiik of Mohcow hs the heart of I(u(n, the real IIuhkIhii city, aud dismiss t'etro.rrad ss an Imlistlon of other Kiii'opcnn capllals. Hut to me I'ulwgnid seviim uiory chnnicterlKtlcal ly Hiuu'lnn", wllh Us liutueiiHe facades of govern inent buildings and barnn ks marching along us fur us the eye iin reach, brond streets and mighty on-u apaeea.. - The great stone ijiiuys sloug the Neva, the puhices, cnheitrnls mid liti-IH-rlsl avenues pttved .with eobblM grew under the hiiiids of lunumcrnble strfs chained lit a swamp by the wIJI of a tyront and were cemented with their blood, for where Petrograd now sprawls for miles mid miles, city built for giants, whs nothing but a feverish umrsli a hundred aud fifty years ago. And there, where no rouds naturally lead, the inimt desolate spot, the moid vulperuMif 'and the most remote from any natural center of tho Kusslnn em pire, P'tter the (ircat hud a whim t found his capital, Twenty thousand slsvea a year for leu years were killed by fever. U,j dU4t0 lu the build Ing of Petrogrnd. Nine times the court nobles them selves conspired to wreck the hated city and force the court to return to Moseow; three time they set Are to It, and three times the cxar bung them at the doors of the palaces he bad forced them to build. A powerful section of tho reaction ary party hns always agitated for the restoration of M,ocow as tbo capital, and It Is only lu tho last twenty years that the population of Petrogrud bas not been artificially kept up. John Heed lu Metropolitan. PARTING SALUTATIONS. Thots Utsd In Different Nstlens Are Very Much Alike. The parting salutations of various nations are strikingly alike. The vale of the .Latins corresponds with the similar expresslou of the Ureeks, and. though piety la not expressed distinctly In either. It waa doubtlets undenitiuMl for who cau be kept In health without aa tbe ancients would say, the will of tho gods? The Greek word perhaps hss a high er signification than the Latin, tor It was not a mere complimentary saluta tion. St. John forbids it to be given to heretical teachers. The French on taking leave aay. "Adieu," thus distinctly recognising tbe providential power of tho Creator, and tbo same meaning Is Indeed con veyed In our own word "goodby," which Is a corruption or "Mod be with you." The Irish In their wsrmth of manner and love of words often extend the ex pression. ' A well known guide, upon one of our frlcuds leaving one of the loveliest spots lu Wlcklow. shook hands with htm heartily and said lu a voice some what more tremulous through age thau It was when Tom Moore loved to listen to It: . "Uod Almighty bless you, tie with you and guldo you safely to your journey's endl" This, salutation, when used thought fully aud aright, baa not only a pleas ant sound, but deep meaning. Phila delphia Impilrler. When He Was Bad. It has bceu said that you never kuow a inuu till you truvel with him, and certulnly traveling has a tendency to bring out all the depravity lunate lu human nature. Out of this test, how ever. Uenjamln Disraeli emerged with flying colors. This Is what was said of lilm by Mrs. Austen, who, with her husband, traveled with him wheu he was quite a young man, as related In Mr. Monypeuny's biography: "Your brother," she says (the letter was nddresKed to Disraeli's sister,, "Ih so easily pleased, so accommodating, so nmtisliig mid so actively kind that I s l)it II alwuys reflect upon the domes tic part of our Journey with the great est pleasure. Your brother has ! Imvcil excellently, except when there Is a button, or, rather, buttons, to be put on his shirt: theii he Is violently had, and this, happens almost dally." Fooled Them AH, The discussion u limit (he fitness of horse meat to eat calls to mind the stcry of a young niun lu Paris, a good many years ago, who made n wager with some friends tlmt at a dinner ho would serve one coursu that would be horse meat and Unit none of' thorn cutild tell which It was. Aflerthdln tier lie iiNked them to mime the horse incut course and found that they did not agree. One named one course, one another, and ho on, but tltcy all agreed (hat It was a mighty gwsk dinner, "(icnt.emeii," ho said, with his tUuinlM stiit'U In the nrmhulcx of h! waistcoat, "It wnn nil horse." Not s Lesrnsi'. "Theie's a nmn In the next apart ment IciH'itJnu P plu.v the clarinet!", expostulated the nervous tenant. ' "No. he Isn't." replied tho Janitor "He Iiiim , lu'cn working on that tune for three mouths, and he doesn't play It n bit better than when he sturtod," WaNhlngion Star KncoMqa on Wood. The. "knock wood" superstition Is sii Id to (pile liiick to thednys of sylvan cods, s lien oak, ash and rowan were need tires, deities would come to the 'tmUfHW of" the knocker. ,,...."! CHICHESTER S PILLS X7nA frf?' '" f-fX III l U.4 U.liM.inA liMOSB HMSSM fll.U. fa SS SOLD BV DRUGGISTS tVERVWJItRS I Portland, July 12 Today's mar- ket quotations were: Wheat Club, 87; bluettem, 98. Osta No. 1 white feed, 26.60. IlarleyFeed, 27.75. Hogs Best live, 8.80. Prime steers, 7.50 7.85; fancy cows, 6; best calvea, 7.60. ButterCity creamery, 29; coun try, 27. Kggs Bdecfed local extras, 20. Hens, 18 CP 14: broilers, 15 018; geese, 10 11. Copper, 28 V4. FO0T8 CltKKK The picnic held at this place July 4 waa a success. A fair sized crowd was present. At noon a bountiful picnic dinner, consisting of almost every Imaginable thing good to eat, was consumed. Supper was also served. Jce cream, lemonade and candy were plentiful. A nicer day qould not have been made to order. The decorations were flags. Races and a ball game constituted the tporta. The ball game was a very one-sided affair, John Short's team defeating Joe Woodcock's team 81-8. The following program waa given af ter dinner: Song, "America"; prayer, nev. J. M. Spencer; reading, "The First Independence Day,". Mr. Carle; reading, Declaration of Independence, Mrs. Champlaln; reading, "Our Flag," Lester Boling; reading, "Em blem of Liberty," Mrs. Swacker; speech, Mr. 8hort, an old civil war veteran; aong. "Battle Hymn of the Republic." Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Woodcock re turned last week from Takllma, where Mr, Woodcock was employed. Miss Emma Guanyan, of this place, spent a few days In Ashland last week. Koester Bros, -were business callers In Rogue River Friday. Reuben Koester, who is working In Rogue River, spent Sunday at borne. ;- Mrs. Milton and her mother, Mrs. Mathey, called upon the Fisher family Sunday. Frank Avery Is driving a new cart on his mall route as a result of a runaway one day last week.- Miss Margaret Strahan returned last week from Fort Jones, Cal, for a few days' visit at home. Robt. Gllmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Gllmore, of "Rogue River, la a member of battery E, field artillery. A short time before the call was sent out he passed the examinations and became qualified to become a commissioned officer In time of war. Mr. Gllmore was the assistant editor of the Photoplay Magaxlne, published In Chicago. Married, Franklin Lake and Mrs. Annie Davie, several days ago! Also Will White and Hazel Moore, June 18. at Klamath Falls, Two weeks ago Tracy Spencer and Glodys Sniuck, of Rogue River, were married in California. They are well known here and their many friends wish them a happy life. George Lance, of , this place, re cently purchased a new Ford car. Miss Katherlne Cook Rpent Sunday with tho Lance family. JsCKitonso. Most girls and some boys have play ed In their time the game of dibs or knucUlelMincs or Jackstone. but few of them know that the game has exist ed hIiiic the third century li, C. and is probably stlli older , How it was pl.iy ed lu ancient dnv mi one cau tell, but the ankle Joint bones oV the sheep, ox. deer and pig were used, ami the game was called "a.niyul," It tun the l.attn Word for the anUie joint, lu Sentlnud pebbles are 'often employed, whence the name ."ohnekleV Kven precious stones ami gold mid brouv.o "stones" have been ti.seil, and In some countries (he bones weie marked with number and colored to represent kings, uecns knaves uud pawn London (itohe.' The Bndflt of Boilt. Among the many works curried out by the Into Sir John Alrd Is the most oddly mimed bridge In the world. This is In Peru, on the railway from Lima to Oroya, spanning a deep unit precipi tous chasm over WK) feet wide and resting on three gigantic piers. Many of tho men employed on the wor't were ex sailors, whose training enabled them to wtwk at dizzy heights Although the work was necessarily of a most . dangerous character, there were comi'iirtiilvely few accidents. Hut un eotdemlc of bubonic plague broke out So the bridge was olilclally christened Pueute de his Verrugas, or Itrltiue Of Holtw. muie which It stiP inttiitiia.-Lxcuiuua'. , , P LAND MARKETS FOrt SALfc FOR 8ALX Reglitered Guernsey bulls from high, producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grants Pan, Ore. 7Mtt FOR SALE Three-ton Vail aoto ' truck. The price la right Leonard Orchards Company, Grants Pass, . Ore. 75f REGISTERED HOL8TEIN bull calf, born May 22, 1916. Sire, Clover Id ge Begla Korndyke, Advanced Registry backing. Dam, Pomona HcDgtrvold Doo. Fine Individual, Price reasonable. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 756tf ANGEL CAKES Phone orders to No. 190-J. 787tf "HOME COMFORT" cooking- range, cost $82, used nine months; gen uine leather rocker, new, cost 125; fumed oak library table, new, un common design, cost $30. All or either at bargain. Address No. 1130, Courier. 797 Y TO RENT MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUSE for rent at 727 North Fifth Street Sleeping porch, bath, hot and cold . water and gas, electric lighted. Call for key next door. 780tf WANTED WOODCUTTERS WANTED Apply Sugar Company Office. 793tf MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL 8PR1NGS water .put np to C-gallon glass Jars snd delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water. wagon will call. PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure that this water Is pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles "X. E. Beckwith. Order by phone, 603-F-S. 459t( ON YOUR WAY to the coast stop at Gasquet summer resort. Meals at all hours. Seventy-seven miles from Grants Pass. V 808 Such a Changs! "Your daughter seems to have ac quired a One polish t that finishing achool ahe attended." "Yes." answered old Mr. Gadder thoughtfully. "But I'm afraid ber health is uot what is used to be." That's too bad." 1 , , "Before she went away she wss a strong, husky sort of girl and able to wait on herself. Now she can't even dress without tbe assistance of a Freuch maid." Birmingham Age-Herald. Loyalty. "1 have been treated very badly by my native city," suid a man who bad Just been fined for drunkenness, "but I love her still." "True," remarked the magistrate: "I should say her still Is about all you do love." Your achievement will uever rise higher than your faith.. ADMIRAL H. T. MAYO. Ntw Commandsr of Atlantio Flttt, Who May Blockade Mexico. STUB1 -- . C Photo by .aintriuan PrM Asaoclatloa, f .YVttif.-. S I i Classified Advertising TIME CAIU) The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (Tbe Oregon Care Itonte) Effective Monday, May 1, 1916. Train 1 Ir. Grants Pass 7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 a.m. Train 4 Ir. Waters Creek....5:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass 6:00 p.m. Dally except Sunday. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite tbe Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at tbe office of tbe company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 131 for same. Train will stop on flag at any point between Grants Pass and water Creek. Passe&sei errlce every da In tbe week. ALEERT L MILLS. Brigadier Central, Chief of Militia Division . United Stales Army, i ' . Photo by American PressAaaoclatloik. i i S4 .Hi) 5tiakBtsii ttfltitsattlislstaaiBi..j Si CSJ ma The Machine j . with a i V9 11 TtT matter what your f touch this new SS 99 41 Royal Master- fi Model 10 will fit it lm at Tm turn tfiA cot.orou? J and regulate the touch sj of this new ' Royal to fit yourself Make Jg it light and smooth as e velvet or firm and Jj snappy as you like. . Built for "Big Business" and its 99 Great Army of if Expert Operators i IS) mm M i ja Every keen-witted Men I ographer every office mana- is gcr every expert operator on M the firing line oi " Bi Buii- nest' will grain the enormous 15 wrksaiHHg value oi the new wvi tuHjidcig Mumim aal that takes the "grind of tvoewritinS I out ( But the new Model 10 hat It) many other big, vital new lettures. lnvstigett thtm I Get the Facts I a 0 n mm 10 Send for the "Royal man 0SJ andsskforaDEMONSTRA TION. Or write us direct for If J ournewbrochuree,"Brr? SERVICE," and Ons Pro. f J 55 bltm Sodi postal brings J 2 them fret of charge. 2 ' 1 it IVVIHL lirLWKIIU, tilt BKe j AVafl MMtNm.MM,., . v-jm V4 1 net COlHUKlt, Ageat ! j"'1' -'. 'If ' Var-Ttsirttei i sarfl ijbdta-emsiaiBaiaaaj -g NktVkiaa.J rilYSICLiXS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the ey, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment. Office phone, S2; resi dence phone 359-J. v 8. LOUGHRIDGB, M. D., PhysleUa and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Residence phone 869; office phone 182. Sixth and H. Tuffs Bid. J. P. Truax, M. D., Physician and surgeon, f hones: Office 82S; resi dence 324. Calls answered at all hours. Country calls attended to. Lundborg Bldg. DR. ED. BYWATER Specialist on aiseases or eye ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office boors: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Residence 234-J; - office 257-J, Schmidt BIdg, Grants Pass, Ore. A. A. WITHAM, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office: Hall BIdg., corn , ttr Sixth and I streets. Phones: Office 116; residence 282-J. Honrs 9 a. o. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopathie Physician. Chronic and nervous diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and 2, Lundburg BIdg., opposite poet office; phone 149-R. Residence: Colonial hotel; phone 167-J. - - DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D.Flrst-daas dentistry. 109 ,. South 1 Sixth street, 'Grants Pass Ore, BERT R. ELLIOTT. D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott, dental assistant Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Rale BIdg. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. ATTORNEYS H. D.f NORTON. Attorney-at-Law Practice in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank BIdg. COLVTG & vi at Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. BIdg, Grants Pass, Ore. ; E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practice in all courts. First National Bank Bldg. EDWARD . Hi RICHARD. Attorney-at-Law. Office Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. : W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law. County attorney for Josephine ; County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLlNCHARD, Attorney-at-Uw. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Ore. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law, Practice in state and federal courts. Rooms 2 and 1 3, over Golden Rule store. 1 MUSICAL IXSTRUCTIOX VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco Belgian school of violin . playing. E. R. Lawrence 215 I street. MtAYAtiE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Propr. ' E. C. 1SHAM, drayage and transfer. ' Safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stored. Pljone Clark & Holtnan, iso. 50. Resi dence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; . so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co.' Phone 15-R. LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84 A. F. A. M. Stated Communica tions let and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed, G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1. O. O. F., meets every Wed nesday evening in I. O. O. r,' j,all. corner 6th and H. Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially invited to be present. I. V. Howell, N. G-; Clyde Martin, Secretary. VETERINARY Sl'RGEON DR. R. J. BESTU'L, Veterinarian. Office In Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 113-J. Residence Phone 305-R. DETORATOHSAX I r.VI XT ERS PA PER11ANG ING , . graining, paint ing. For the hest work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C. 0. Plant,. South Park street."' ' ' ' '.:':, A98AYEIW E. R. CROVCH. Assayer, chemist, metallurglat. Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pais. . ' l