Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, July 10, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY,- Jt'LY 10, 1916.
Several Thousand Cords of
Wood for the Sugar Factory
Will pay $3.50 per cord for four-foot wood,
mixed fir, pine and hardwoods; ' Can be
split to nine inches. Will ' use round wood
up to seven inches. Price paid will be
$3.50 at factory.
Would also like bids on same class of
wood on board cars at shipping point.
Weird Sounds That Startle Travel
In the Oseert ef Goal. "
Id Ceylon tbo devil bird la constant
source of alarm. No ont knows wbst
pedes of bird It is, but throughout tbo
wbolo night Its cries art borrlblo and
bloodcurdling. The ostites regard tbo
cry of this mysterious bird a a aura
presage of death.
In tbt desert of Gobi, whkb divides
th mountslnona snow clad plateau of
Tibet from the milder regions of Aala.
travelers assert I bat at night tbojr
bavt beard aounda high up In tbo ajr.
aa of tbo clashing of arms and aounda
i of martial manic. If travelers fall to
too roar or got separated from tbo
caravan they bear themselves called
by name. If they go after tbo voire
they get lost In tbo desert Sometimes
they hear tbo tra roping of bnrsea. and.
taking It for their caravans, are drawn
way, and. wandertiig from the right
course are hopelessly lost. The people
believe that these aounda are produced
by the spirits tbst haunt tbo desert.
Tho Irish banshee may bo traced to
the owls, as the description of tbo cry
la so similar to that of tbe owl. which
completes tho Identification. Most of
tbo weird sounds that are beard In tbs
Ir at night seem to hare superstitious
terrors and are often magnified and
altered by those who bear them. Pear
son's Weekly.
CorbotVs Nerves Jangled When Ho
Wss About to Most Jeffries.
, Jim Corbett was all nerves when pre
paring for a bout Jimmy Coffrotb,
who promoted tbo bout between Cor
bett and Jeffries at San Fram lsco, told
tbla one on Jim:
"Corbett wss an cosy man to get
along with save tbat be was finicky
about small matters. For Instance,
bo came to mo before the Jeffries light
and wanted to know who would be a
likely referee. When I told him the
man be sought him put and put blm
through a third decree on boxing. .
s "There never waa a question of ring
form tbat he didn't brlug up. ' A few
days before the fight he came to me
and asked to be ahown the door In
Mechanics' pavilion through wblcb be
would enter on hla arrival. I showed
him the big front door, and he aaltl,
'No, too much Jostling there: show me
another door.'
"I took blm to every eutrance In tho
bulldlnit, but none would suit, and I
wound up by having a carpenter cut a
epoclnl door In the side of tbe Build
ing for him. That was tho queerest
whim I ever ran across donllng with
boxers."-New York World.
A Drop of Wstsr.
Figures are aomotlmcs Impressive
almply by being so atupondoui that the
human mind graspa them with difficul
ty. An instance In point Is afforded
by tbe Illustration once offered to bis
hearers by an eminent scientist who,
In order to bring to their comprchon
alon the Idea of ultimate particles of
water, stated that If be were to empty
a tumbler containing half a pint of
wator, letting out each socoud a num
ber equttt to 1.0(H) times tho population
of tho enrth. It would require some
where between 7.000.000 ami 47.000,000
years to empty tho tumbler. Lord Kel
vin has HHNiircd us Unit If a drop of
wator wore iiihkiiIMpiI to tho' sine of tho
earth tho particles would tic between
tlie Hlztt iif cricket bulls and footballs.
If t tin t statement In correct the drops
of wilier In till the oceans are not
riuin.v t lines so numerous dm tho par
ticle, or molecules, In a alnitlu drop.
Surs Way.
"Senium', vlnli you'd rccoimuend
ih!a .vi'tiiiK hum for Mike." '
"Hut I kimw of no olllre I could get
him," ' . . '
"'J IiuIm ull ilulit. I don't really want
blm to M't tiny ottlce. Hut be wants to
tiiurr.v luy daughter, and If ho has done
nnytliliitf nIhuI.v In the punt I'd llko to
ilttiye the (nets brought out."-1oull)l
Sugar Co.
Itsry ef a Deg'e Jaw.
The strength of a dog's Jaws and
teeth were never more exemplified than
In tbe case of a ttoss-sblre gamekeeper,
whose collie was unfortunate enough
to be caught In' a steel vermin trap.
Tbe gamekeeper, gun lu baud, was
soon on tbe scene, but In tbe short
lime tbe dog bad become quite Infuri
ated with pain Ha vlnii nothing suit
able for mussllnx tbe animal and fear
ing to place bis foot upon One trap
spring with tbe due's jaws free, tbe
gamekeeier plm-ed the nun barrels In
tbe dog's nioii I h mid held them there
while eatug tbeyprtim. With a vi
cious snap tbe teeth closed on the cold
steel ere be rritnlned bis freedom. The
barrel were holnj iliroitcli-tni almost
Incredible jierf onus nee and were ex
amined shortly after.-London (iraphlc.
Britain's Oldest Colony. ,
Bermuda now ranks us tlx oldest of
Britain's voloulcn, the English (lag hav
ing, Iteeu lioMcd there In HH2 by a
party of coloulM (mm the Virginia
company who niopiwd at the Mumls oii
tbe way to the nuilitluud. went ou to
VlrgluM. found Jatnextotvo In a state
of starvation and returned. A previ
ous explorer, .limn de Reminder, gave
the croup its name
Rubbering far a Kiss.
The yoiinif hUKlmud, baited st tlie
gate and retrucvd hla stepm.
"DM you come baek for another kiss,
deary Inquired the bride.
"Well. I'll tuke another kiss, bnt
what I came back for waa my rob-bers,,,-Brooklyn
Three ef Them.
Dearborn-Do you know the seven
wonders of tbe world ? Wabasb- Well.
I know three of tbem. Dearborn Only
three T Wabasb-Yea. I've only got
three sons, you know.-Exchanfe,
- Revenge No. 1.
Adam partook of tbe drat shad.
"You made such a fuss over losing a
bone I thought I'd give you plenty,"
observed Eve. New York Times.
Liberty exists In proportion to whole
some restraint Daniel Webster. ,
His Type ef tssuty.
"This yur young man Hollnr that's
sorter runnlug for the legislature," aald
Gap Johnaon "well, I can't pre
slsely describe blm to you further than
to state that I reckon he Is the. only
one of the kind ever born in captivity.
Ills head la so narrow that his eyes are
ou the north ami south ends of bis
countenance and be has to come at you
stdewaysr-Kansas City Star.
Hssd of Dtmooratlo Congresa
ienal Campaign Committee.
'it'.' j&'i' i
. ... j
L :
Tbe yearly value of the agricul
tural products of the United. States
has doubled In, tbe past fifteen years.
In the same period of time the popu
lation of the country baa Incresaed
one-third. ,
Karlier In the season it looked a
If the loss of.frult trees In this com
munity was very heavy on account of
"winter Injury." We were perhaps
unduly alarmed, as present conditions
will now show, since a very large per
cent of the Injured trees have shown
more or less life. While a great
many have suffered the loss of a good
many limbs and also even the entire
stock, very few are entirely dead.
Some of our fruit growers have Uo
pruned away tbe Injured stock and
limbs, and In some cases removed
the entire body of Jhe tree, allowing
new growth to come up from the root.
While It Is somewhat of a setback,
It only means a delay In the maturity
of the tree.
I wish at tbla time to remind those
who have not pruned these affected
trees that It Is time to give them at
tention. Cut away all of tba dead
portion, even cutting back Into the
live wood. Thin out the new growth
where It baa started vigorously.
Where tbe entire top Is dead, remove
the entire tree.
Don't forget to give that corn
proper attention now. It needa cul
tivation, but not deep cultivation.
Since the warm weather Is coming on
it needs more cultivation, but be aura
to cultivate shallow, so aa not to dis
turb tbe roots. Refer to the cut in
our notes of two weeks ago, which
shows tbe proper relation of the
shovel of tbe cultivator to the plant
Cultivate often and shallow. '
If you should hsppen to be down
In the northern portion of the county,
stop at the Grave Creek ranch Just at
the foot of Mt. Sexton and see that
field of Canadian field peas. 8ome
of our people have the Idea that the
field pea Is a failure here, but here la
a place where they are a great suc
cess. Dr. Nehrbss, the owner of the
ranch, telle me this Is his second year
with rbem and they are very profit
able with him.
I am very anxious , to have the
farmers send In specimens of diseased
plants and Insect pests of the garden.
If not convenient for you to send
them In, let me know If you have
such troubles and I will, come out
after them.
County Agricultural Agent.
No Matter How Good They May Be
This Caution la Necessary.
Many a car la sold on tbe representa
tion tbat "tbe Blankmoblle will run
from 7.000 to 10.000 tulles on a aet of
tires." and tbe motorist thus gleana
tbe opinion that bis tires need no at
tention for that length of time.
But no car dealer's statement or tire
maker's guarantee can Influence good
or bad luck, and It la largely tbe work
of the latter 'that places the bit of
broken glass, tbe sharp stone or tbe
protruding nail directly In the path of
the unwary tli-e. Such an obstacle
will not necessarily penetrate tbe tire
the chances are that It will not-but a
cut will be formed In the outer layer
of rubber or tread, which, like an In
fected wound, will eventually spread
and "Inflame" the entire surface.
A few moments spent In examining,
cleaning and pliiKKlng the cut or bole
will add tbouauuds of miles to the life
of the tire. Tbe Inexperienced motor
In t 'can form no conception of tbe readi
ness with wblcb mud, sand and water
can enter tbe slight opening In the sur
face of the tire and by gradually work
ing Its way "under the skin" will tend
to separate the tread from the outer
layer of canvas.
In a few hundred or thousand miles
tbla trend will he banging In flapping
shreds, worth no more than so much
old rubber, and In order to be reclaim
ed the tire must be retreaded or used
In connection with one of the several
detachable treads on the market H.
W. SIbukoii, M, K., In Leslie's.
The Cordis n Knot.
, The famous (lordlun knot was made
of Irrithcr taken from Koine purt of
Jhc liarucMs bclontsJnK to the chariot of
Gordlus, klntc of Phryulu. It Reems
(hut this limit wax no tied that the
enilH of the lent her tlnuiK were not vis
ible, hence the diniculty In loimenlni;
It Many must have tiled to untie It.
fi' lis fume an a "mlcker" at last
reached the irreat mai le. which dei liir
ed that the lucky exKrlmcutcr atumlri
be-rewarded 'by the kjumdilp of Per
sia, Alexuuder, trying hlw Imiid mid
meethiK with no better xticce tlitin
the others, drew his sword and. nit
tjito the knot uptll he round the end
of ii. .v, .',J:.V:." ,; i
FOR BALE Registered Guernsey
bulla from high producing cows.
River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grants
Pass, Ore. 764tf
FOR 8ALETbree-to Vail suto
truck. Tba price is light Leonard
Orchards Company, Grants Pass,
Ore. 7SUf
born May 22, 1211. Sire, Clover
Idge 8egls Komdyke, Advanced
Registry backing. Dam, Pomona
Hengerveld Doo. Flnt individual.
, Price reasonable. . F. R. Steel,
.Winona Ranch, Route 1. 7Stf
ANGEL CAKES Phone orders to No.
190-J. 787tf
FOR SALE Few tons of hay In
shock. Telephone 278-R. 722
"HOME COMFORT" cooking range,
cost f82, used nine months; gee
ulne leather rocker, new, coat f 25;
fumed oak library table, new, un
common design, cost $20. All or
either at bargain. Address No.
1120, Courier. . 797
FOR EXCHANGE Southern Califor
nia properties for southwest Ore
gon. In or near Grants Pass, Med
ford or Ashland preferred. No
agents. Address owner, W. F.
Arebart, Hawthorne, Cal. 792
rent at 727 North Fifth 8treet
Sleeping porch, bath, hot and cold
water and gas, electric lighted.
Call for key next door. 780tf
W ANTED Two exhlbltore for near
by territory. References required,
hut no experience necessary. Rep
resentatives in this territory have
received from f 20 to $45 per week.
Call 305-J to get In touch with
local representatives. 788tf
LOST 12x14 tent in sack. Lost the
Fourth, near Savage rapids. Find
er please notify No. 1127, care
Courier. 798
CRYSTAL 8PRINOS water .put up la
5-gallon glass Jars and delivered
at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary'
Telephone 292-R and water wagon
will call.
and refreshing. Bacterial tests as
sure that this water Is pure. De
livered In five-gallon bottles
"77. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone.
02-F-2. 59tt
ON YOUR WAY to the coast stop st
Gasquet summer resort. Meals at
all hours. Seventy-seven miles
from Grants Pass. , 808
E. R. CROUCH, Aesayer, chemist
metallurgist Roma 201-202 Pad
dock Building. Grants Pass.
The Holland Primrose.
There, la a plant In Holland known
as the evening prljnrose. which jrrows
to S height of five or six feet snd bears
a profusion of larce yellow flowers, so
brilliant tbat they attract Immediate
attention, even at a peat distance, but
the chief peculiarity about the plant Is
the fact that the flowers, which open
Just before sunset, burst Into bloom so
suddenly tbat they elve ne tbe tm
preaslon of some metrical agency. A
man who has seen thl sudden bloom
ing says It Is Just as If some one had
touched tbe land with a wand and tbim
covered It all at once with a jrolden
Mungo Perk.
Tbe pioneer white man In Africa
was Mungo rack. Ue begnu his trav
els throuRh the dnrk continent as cur
Iv as 1705. nearlv twentr years before
Livingstone was born. . Park's ttr.u i
. I . . . ... . .. ...I .
irip iu Aincu wriipii-u iu ,n-ni mm
resulted In the very rlrsl definite
knowledge or Africa In modern times
During his second trip tie wan killed
by tbe natives near llrotinsa, on the
An Old Bachelor.
'Tm Rolnir to lie married soon."
"now old are your :
"You'll surprise pwple." V V
"Yes: I guess ho I don't know what
my bachelor chunm will sny "-Loul8-
vllle Courier-Journal
The Royal Atlmant.
Achilles i imipliilned of uu heel.
"Never mlml." we usmired him.
"Folk will take It for the fashionable
golfer's root" r New York Sun..
Letterheads at the Courier.
Classified Adw&fog :
The California and Oregon
uoast Eailroad company
. (Tbe Oregoa Cavea Roate)
Effective Monday, May 1, 1211.
Train 1 lr. Grants Paaa... 7:00 a.m.
Arrives Waters Creek 8 :00 a.m.
Train i It. Waters Creek: 5:00 p.m.
Arrives Grant paas.e:0Q p.m.
Dally except Sunday.
All trains tear Oranta Pass from
the corner of G and Eighth streets.
opposite the Southern Pacific depot
For ' all Information regarding
frelgH and passenger service call at
tbe office of the company. Public Ser
vice building, or phone 121 for
Train will atop oa flag at any
point between Grants Pass aad
Waters Creak. Pateasrg errtee
every da is the week.
A Cruel Custom.
In okleii time de-formed people were
frequently t brown Into prison to be
kept out of slcbt.
Hardships ef Begging. .
Lady Begging must be bard.
Tramp-It Is. lady. Tbls Is tbe sixth
time I have bad to eat sodp today.
Sturdy Hersss.
Siberian horses are sturdv. Tberwlll
go thousands of miles at tbe rate of
forty miles a day.
The Word Slave.
The word "slave" orleinallT meant
"noble," being. In tbe first plsce. "SUT."
one or the Slavonic race. .
Superstitious. t .
"What! Did you let tbe examina
tions go by again, Carir "
"I'll tell you, father. On tbe way to
tbe college I met an old woman, and
tben 1 turned beck again." Fllegende
"Tbere'a one thing I've noticed about
good luck." s
"What la nr
"It falia oftenest to tbe men who
use good Judgment" Detroit Free
Press. ,
location notices, Courier office.
i 1,7
The Machine f J
I Si
wit.i a
ri Personalitv"
c j TVTO matter wdat your
rJ Vi touch -this new
t Roytl Master
J Model 10 will fit it
ffj Just turn the set-screw
2 and regulate the touch
i of this new Royal to
fit YOURSELF! Make
J j it lifiht and smooth as
r velvet or firm and
J snappy as you like.
Business' and its
j t Great Army of
1 1 Expert Operators
ivotsi s aaitaiuH itucn zn
that tskes the "grind " out a
of typewriting f I
But the new Model 10 hat I
many other big. vital new II
feature. Invttlmalt tktm I
Get the Facts!
Send for the " Royal man "i
I and ask for a DEMONSTRA- m-9
St TION. Or write us direct for M
ourntwbrochur,"fi7Tfl f 1
SERVICE." and One - I
IS kltm SolvtJm posul brings 1 !
thera free of charge. .
JJPricellOOp l
rotal mmrra co. be
S I nuuuis luvKlt
I J ffl s VS
k . t ... . mm
ographer every office mens- 1 2
&S Ker every expert operator on If
ft the firing line of "Big Bull-
I I aess" will graip the enormous S J
v ,. . a
1 1
L. O. CLEMXNT, M. D. Practice
limited to disease ef the eye, ear.
nose ud UroaL Qlasaes fitted.
Office hoar Ml, 2-8, and oa ap
pointment OSes) phone 12; reeV
deace phone tliJ.
: LOUGHRIDGl), If. D., PltyaleUB
sad surgeon, aty or eoustry e!ls
attended day or night. Res.
phone 281; office phoae ltl
Sixth and H. Tufa Bnlldtag.
J. P. TRDAX. U. D.. Pkyalelaa aad
Sorgeoa. Phones: OfSee, III
residence. 224. OaUe ejuwared
at all hours. Country ealbj at
tended to. Londeborg Bids. .
diseases of eye, ear, aoae aad
throat; glasses fitted. 09 ce hours:
9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Pkoaas:
Res. 224-J; Office. 25W. ScaaUdl
Building, Grants Pass, Oregoa.
A. A. WITHAJC, X. D., PtartJdfea U
Sorgeoa. Office: Ball BuOdlag..
eoner Sixth and I streets. PkeaMS): -Office,
111; raaddenee, M4,
Honrs: 9 a. sa. to 4 p. as.
DR. H. WARREN N3C3, Oatawpaihfls
Phytlclaa. Okroate aad aerroaa
diseases epedaltj. Rooms 1 aad I.
Land burg banding, opposite post
office; phoae 149-R. KeeUeavee:
Colonial hotel; paooe 18T-J. Til
E. C. MACT, a M- D., rirst-claaa
deatlstry. .199 Soatt fJIxtk
street, Grants Pass, Oregoa.
ern dental work. Marguerite B.
Elliott, dental eaaletaat Rooms 4
aad 6, Golden i Bale building.
Greats Pass, Ore. Pboae 2IW.
H, O. NORTON, Attonuy-at-Lsw.
Practice In all 8Ute aad Federal
Courts. First National Bank Big.
COLVIO ft WILUAMS Attorneys-
at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co.
Building, Grants Pass, Oregoa.
E. 8, VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice
: In all courts. First National Bank.
at-Law. Offle Maaoale Temple.'
Grants Pass, Oregon.
W. -T. MILLER, Attorney-t-Law
. County attorney for Josephine
County. Office: Schallborn Bldg.
O. B. BLAN CHARD, Attorney-at-Law.
Grants Pass Banking Co. building.
Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregoa.'
V. A. CLEMXNTS Attorney-at-taw,
pracUces tn state and federal
courts. Rooms 2 - aad I, over
Golden Bole store.
Belglan school of violin playing.
K,.R. Lawreace. 215 I street
klnda of drayage and transfer
wr carefully and promptly done.
Phone 122-R. SUnd At frieght
depot A. Shade, Propr.
. o. liham, drayage and . traaafer.
Sai, pianos and furniture moved
packed, shipped and stored.
Phone Clarke ft. Holmaa, No. (9.
Residence phone 12 4-R.
THE WORLD MOTES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84. A. F.
A. M. Stated Commaalea
tlona 1st aad Sd Tuesdays.
Visiting brethren cordially
invited. A. K. Cass, W. M.
Ed. O. Harris, seoretsry.
O. F-, meets every Wed-
nesday eve In I.O.O.F.
hall, cor. nth and H. Sts.
Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit
ed to be present. I. V. Howell, N.
G., Clyde Martin, Secretary.
OR,' R. J. BSSTUL, Vetarlnarlan.
Office In Wlnetrout Implement
Building. Phone 113-J. Resi
dence phone 80S-R.
PA PERU ANQING, graining,' paln
, inf. For the beet work at lowest
prices phone 295-J.' C. G. Plant
Rontb Park street. .
' Job printing of every description
at tie Courier office. .