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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1916)
PAGE TITO DAILY ROGUK BITER COVR1UR MONDAY, Jl'LV 10, ,1010. Daily Bogud Biver Courier. Am Independent Republican News United Prnsa Leased Wirt Telegraph Barrioa A. S. VOORHUC8, Pah, aad Prop. WILTOIU) ALLEN, Editor Xatered at Us Grants Paaa, Orn- Pontofflc M tcond-laas mall natter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oa Tear .....i 15.00 U Months 8.00 8m Mwiths 1.81 Dat Month . .50 . Pnyabla la Advanca MONDAT, Jl'LY 10, 11. OREGON WEATHER . - Tonight aod Tuesday fair; easterly winds, -f YOC WILL LIKE -OCR rt'RE EXTRACTS SALAD ASH OUYE OILS TEAS AND SPICES COFFEES V. WE LIKE TO SELL Til KM Reran They Give AJbeolute KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First Medford Is today rotlng upon the question ot the Issuance of a bond Issue ot 8300,000 tor the purpose of assisting in the financing ot a rail road to the Blue Ledge mining dis trict There Is much opposition to the adding ot more bonds to the al ready over-bonded community, and the vote will likely be far from unan imous even U It carries. Strong campaigns hare been made tor sad against the Issue. One ot the slogans which is used by the friends of the issue is "Shall -we tap the Blue Ledge from Grants Pass or MedtordT" The way to the rotlng ot bonds for public enterprises has been pointed for our Jackson county friends by Grants Pass and Rosehurg and Crescent City. SUBMARINE FREIGHTER. (Continued from page 1.) THE CRUISE OF THE DEUTSCH , ' ' LAND. The exploit ot the big under-sea freighter, Deutschland, which has ar xired from Germany, la mora specta cular than commercially valuable. The United States would, ot course. wVlcome the receipt ot certain sup plies such as the Deutachland carries from Germany, for stocks ot dye stuffs and other goods made la Ger many are exceedingly low here. But marvelous as is the Deutsch and'a ex ploit. It can not be expected that nnder-sea freighters can carry ear goes sufficiently lsrge to greatly af fect the markets at this time. Far thermore, the safe arrival ot the first of the U-traders was made the easier because it came unheralded, such whispers as had been heard of the attempt being discredited. Now the allied fleets will patrol the sea lanes, and other vessels of the Deutsch land fleet will And watch-dogs on their trail. The arrival of the vessel marks an epoch in navigation, and Is a re markable development of the most re cent Idea In navigation. Prom Balti more comes the information that the sew vessel most impresses toy her ap pearance ot compactness and solid ity, and some time greater ships of the classwfll no doubt cleave the waves or glide beneath them. A de scription of the craft states that she is almost as long as the average tramp freighter, -but riding low in the water, as though only barely afloat, her sides round smoothly up, with no evidence of seams or joints, fcimB m uivavu vu w ! .t,o Ih. nlM onfall. hull has been pressed out of one great Koeng sheet of steel. The only break in the . .Ach Gott e8 lst 8Cnoent li the smooth contour of the hull is at the elder one of the dreaders who dream bow, where her great anchors hang, 'ed the Ocean Navigation Company, But even here it is hardly a break. 'Limited, and its progeny, the under ... . v.. sea cargo carrier. vi luc .uvuu.- uw Mw . They then went ,nt0 Becret Be8sloni pockets that still maintain the smooth L.hey mugt conBlder what wouid be roundness of the hull. Painted a 'tne reception and the procedure with marine green that blends perfectly this giant stranger in a strange har- What should they do about her that England had claimed could not be pierced Not until hours after she arrived at quarantine did American officials take any action. Then Customs Col lector Ryan, with doctors and other officials, boarded the Deutschland. ex amined her crew ot twenty-nine viewed her manifest and talked with the blue-coated, white-capped sub mariners. ; When the examination was com plete,' the U boat, now flanked by scows and tugs; continued on her way to the gun-protected wharf ot her consignee, the Eastern Forwarding company. Henry G. Hilken, senior member of A. Schumacker A Company, interest ed in the North German-Lloyd line and the forwarding concern, boarded her with his son. Paul G. Hilken, Swedish vice-consul and member of the North German-Lloyd agency. Tears were in the eyes ot the men ALLIES PRESS FORWARD. (Continued Prom Pag 1.) great allied offensive the French have advanced on a front ot 15 kilometers (about 10 miles) to a depth ot from three to five miles, It was stated semi officially today. The greatest advance was made along the south bank of the Somme, where the capture of Biaches ad vanced the French front nearly six miles from its former, position. , The war office today reported min or activities In several other places on the French front In the Argonne a French reconnaisance cleaned up a German trenoh. North of Verdun the sectors of Chattancourt, Floury and Lausee were under bombardment and strong German patrols were dis persed. In the Voeges German detachments unsuccessfully attacked French posi tions at LaChsppelotte five times dur ing the night ' OFFICERS PROTECT OREGON Portland, July 10. Quarantine officers were placed at every railroad station in Oregon today under orders of the state board ot health to pre vent the spread of Infantile paralysis to this stste. The temperature ot every child un der 15 years will be taken Im'medU ately upon arrival in any city. ' If any symptoms of the dreaded malady are observed, the child will be quaran tined. Detailed instructions for de tecting and preventing the disease have been sent broadcast by the state board of health. Dr. H. N. Roberg. state health officer, Is in Seattle today conferring with Dr. T. D. Tuttle, commissioner of health for Washington. Roberg hopes Washington will adopt the same measures. I with the waves in which she rides, it . Dor- a -,o. .ho .nlUlaH in tha haven . would be next to impossible to sight --" T " " ' to eradicate the dread disease her, even when fully afloat, at a dis tance of two or three miles. The conning tower rises like the hump of a camel in the middle of the great boat's back. It Is cleft through the center with a stairway, on which the captain and look-out Washington, July 10. Public ser vice health heads today decided to ask congress for a 1100,000 appro priation and permission to draft phy. slclans from civil life to end the para, lysis epidemic raging In New York and other cities. Surgeon-General Blue and heads of divisions of the service met this morning to take this and other steps Con gress will be asked to make the ap propriation available immediately. The service now has only $15,000 to as a peaceful merchantman? They thought so. . Ulkn iknnlH oho return ' Thpv did I .. . , a . j fight contagious diseases not know or, at least, tbey were not D telling. Arrived In the middle branch of the Patapasco river, the Deutsch land pulled alongside the pier of the Eastern Forwarding company. Down . CITY BILLS PAID . At the meeting of the oily council held July 0, 1018, the financial com mittee reported favorably upon the following cUlma against the city ana the same were allowed by the council and warrants ordered drawn on the treasurer tor the several amounts as follows: ' i H. H. Uasler, salary 1100.00 II. D. Norton, salary 15,00 U. P. Jester, salary - .'. 10. 0Q Rogue River Courier, print ing and publishing 10.80 Rogue River Courier, pub lishing 10.50 C. H McLane, salary............. 75.00 C. A. Wlble, salary .. 55.00 Frank Swacker. special police man 2.50 K. S. Bush, flashlight bat teries 1.20 Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co., ser- vIog J 0 A. K. Cass, salary...... .... 80.00 Noble T. 'Best, salary 80.00 Scott Hamilton, fire assistant 23.75 Granta Pass Fire Dept., vol unteera 15.00 Grants Pass rtre Dept. vol unteers ". 1.50 Mashbura A Jones, mainten ance material 1.00 Rogue River Hdwe., broom. 76 F. D. Strieker, sanitary In spector's salary and ex- ' pepsea 88.00 it A. Dean, sslary . 80.50 P. P. Proctor, printing no- ticket 400 C. H. Demaray, engineer's office supplies 1.00 F. L. Coon, teamster 80.00 Grants Pass Livery Stable, feed 82.48 O. P. Jester, trustee, C. E. Glasler, feed 0 40 P. T. Birchard, barn rent 8.00 James Trimble, repairs........ 18.36 Tom Larson, labor 85.00 Luke Lilly, labor 88.75 A. L Bocock. labor with team 64.00 Mashburn A Jones Co., as signee Chas. Rumage, labor 1L35 J. V. Schmidt, assignee, Henry Williams, labor 2.00 Ore. Cement Sewer Pipe A Tile Co., pipe 86.88 Williams Wood A Coal Co., coal 1725 Jewell Hdwe. Co..' material.... ,0.70 Grants Pass Hdwe. Co., re pairs and material 7.25 Grants Pass Hdwe. Co., re pairs and material 3.15 Grants Pass Lumber Co., me- terlal 2.15 W. H. Black, street cleaning.. 84.00 Albert Williams, street , sprinkling 38.60 James Trimble, repairs 6.45 Leonard ft Jennings, repairs 5.25 R. C. Stretchberry, grass cut ting 4.00 Maude F. Barnes, salary ot librarian 50.00 Gerald Prescottk Janitor ser vices at library 7.00 Dodd, Mead ft Co., install ment on books for library 8.00 Joseph Msrtellettl. park aupt.. salary 55.00 Joseph Msrtellettl, psrk supt., . salary for Oct., 1915 85.00 F. E. Hall, park supt. part of June 15.00 Mrs. W. J. Cosmey, making hose for park 5.00 Grants Pass Lumber Co, lacing belt for park 25 Mashburn & Jones, material.. 24.50 Joe Wharton, tennis net for ILL Alg I5eisjaci (5 fdr 90ete mo aqfpn or If a "Want Ad" Can Do It for You, Don't Try to "Save the Expense" WHEN YOI out M rHK.V YOI' have use for a telephone, yon use It counting the reasoaablev almost trivial, perhaps, for the service rendered. You (has take tha "short cat" to the result vow want to secure. . Whea you have buslaees that ran to eotuflmatated IIK8T Ihruugn aalng claasltted advertialiif, I'SH Ul For the usual 'went ad taaas" are such as ran be secumplUhed saUnfartiirily ONLY through want-ad advertising. If you are harrowed by anxiety about that tenantleas property, n railgn of ebuwlfled advertising' is tha only Ul'SINEHSUKK SOLUTION OF THE MATTER. This "campaign" may not need to ' extend beyond a few consecutive Insertions 0f your "To UK" adaml the expend of securing a teeuuit, and restoring the KAUNINU POWKH OP YOUR PROPERTY, may be almost nominal. If (he future seems all askew to your vUtua becauae you are out ot work, a "want ad campaign' becomes a "real bualneae pro. poeltlon" to you one that should be ukeei up without aa hour of delay. " If you have iroverty to sell, and the 'TIME KLKMENT" is important, a real ealate advertising campaign la, probably, tha moat urgeut buMlnees plan you have before you today. A seriee of "ads," puliliidKHl conMKutlvely I NTIL THE PROPERTY IS SOU), may In volve so little espeniie, meaMired by the reult, that it will hardly "count" at all! If you get from "want advertising," every Variety of service It ran render you, you'll 11 ml life a great deal almpler and eaaler. park 2.00 Ore. Cement Sewer Pipe ft Tile Co., lime... .50 California-Oregon Power Co., power for park 31.26 Rogue River Water Co., water for purks 17.38 U. I,. Perkins, janitor services for Msy 15.00 L. L Perkins, Janitor services for June 15.00 Clark ft Holman, mattress I and comforts 8.00 iCramer Bros., mouthpiece for fountain 18 Grants Pass Rochdale Co., i on : .20 i Rogue River Water Co., I water 287.23 California-Oregon Power Co., lights 414.93 ascend to their positions. Halfway stream lay a British merchant ship between the conning tower and bow 'with the Union Jack streaming from ... , her mast. The men aboard the sub- and stern are manholes, covering ,,er U)a"1" . . ; . t . , At .marine smiled a nara smne. iney stairways leading down to the quar- &nd flaunte1 England ters of the crew and the engine room. Work of dj8Charglng the dyestuffs Two tall telescope masts amidships 'and other merchandise, amounting to carry her wireless equipment and from 500 to 1,000 tons, started early, from the rear of these floats the flag ,Sturtly Germans, with dose cropped , I von Hlndenhurg hair.went about their of the new merchant companr ownln joyf(Uy Armed guards Rt00(J the vessel. watch. There should be no spies. A Although the length of the Deutsch- veritable screen of barbed wire flank land is Impressive, she lies so low in ed the structure, and the curious were the water that one does not appre-1 keI)l at a distance. f ... , . , . . Orders went out that no one was lo c ate her s see until he has crossed . . . . ., . . board the submarine, though there her stern and noted her great width wa) proBpect that thH orrter w0i,i of team. From her slightly sloping be relaxed later, decks she balloons out on each side Backers of the Deutschland frankly in broad curves that leave no doulrt .anticipate trouble temporarily with ' . . . . . the United States officials, but they of her capacious hold. i. ,, ..... . . .believe that by tomorrow matters The real description of the Deutsch-1 w, be Btral(fhienfl(, flnd the rnltfld land, however, will not be written un- states would decide to harbor the til after the war Is over If then vessel as any peaceful merchantman, for it would tell not of her external Certainly, they said, she was nnarm appearance. but of the Inner design cd' a wrchantmaii with a legitimate cargo. Customs Collector Ryan and mechanism which kept her afloat gomned ,ke,y to g,Vfl ,he adVontlirer9 and drove her from Kiel to Baltimore. tne ,b,pneflt of all doubts. CARRANZISTA SOLDIERS. (dentin led from page 1.1 iranzistas were repulsed. The possi bility that former bandits of the Car ranztsta column went over to the VII llstas was also suggested. Except for artillery, the Vllllstas active In southern Chihuahua are re ported to be as well equipped to flght as the troops of the de facto govern ment. The rebels are said to have many machine guns which Villa had hidden in the mountains before the collapse of his former rebellion. Tha Resemblance. Why In a lilude of urn like a uote of hand? KeraiiKe It U matured by falling title. Llghtar at the Equator. A ImmIv welching KMMN) K)iiiids at the equator would weigh lO.CKIl pounds In New York. PORTLANDMARKETS Portland, July 10. Today's mar ket quotations were: Wheat Club, 86; bluestem, 86. Oats-No. 1 white feed, 26,50. Barley Feed. 27.50. Hogs Best live, 8.80. Prime steers, 8: fancy cows, 6.60; best calves, not quoted. 'Spring lambs, 8.25. Butter City creamery, 28; coun try. 27. Kgga Selected local extras, 27. liens, 14 0 '14 'A; broilers, 16 18; geese, 10 11. Copper, 28 H. Letterheads at the Courier. Mining blsnks at the Courier office. EARNESTNESS. .If we erd wiitly and deeply everything in tha world would straighten itielf out. Wo should be emend in the ehenge In our eelves. Then wo should marvel at the change in (ho people bout us. Changed Moaning. One of tlic lit'Ht Mt lcs of how to end letter Imorrertl.v Im Hint of u sol' dlcr who wriito lnmi l' Ills wife the fi)lntvliii( Neuieine ultlmul n Kinclr Hllll til' l.'Ol.illlil. ".May heuveii i'liei l.-!i iiikI l;eej j ( u fnini you in iirfertloiilileiy .1 'l 1 1 I loll" Difference of Opinio. "I Imve imtliliig In live fur.'1 ti:iu RloU'iii,v ut lal. le "Well, you'll liud nut kihhi Huh yon can't live, here for nothing." Miiiippi'il his landlady.-riiilinlfliliiH IMut'v Ninety-Seventh Half Yearly Report of The German Savings and Loan Society HAVI.VOS (THE GKRMAN DANK) COMMRUOAh 526 California Street. San Francisco, California Jl NU iiO, 1H1H A8HKT8 I'iiIUhI HtaU-ft, HiMe, Municipal and Other llomU (market value aiH,:l7,.VM).oo), standing on books at $17,iai.:l:l.l4 lmn on Ileal Nutate, secured by first mortganes.... 4 1 ,000,H38..VJ8 g lAtam on Bond and Stocks (Il5,lni.7 Bank BiilldlnKH and IotM, main and branch offices (value HMHKMMlO), standing on hooks at 1.00 Other Itenl ltate (value S1I9,0INMN), standing on books at 1.00 i;iiilye' I'eiislon Fund (value fJ.TW.UJ), standing on books at 1-00 t'AKII S,OIO,(IH2.41 Total , :,HII,22.HI 1111,111 1 Ihie iH'piwItord I(lll(,7!i7,l.a Oiplml NiiH-k actmilly paid In... 8,mmi,4KMm IteM i vn and CoiitliiKeiit I'iiihN H,OHI,0!!I.H Total '.. i )lll!,Mll,!ili8.H N. OlILANiyr, President ' ' h.'"v Subscribed and sworn lo before me thin ilOth day of June, 1916. (Seal) CHAS. V. DL'ISBNUIORO, Notary Public. (1KO. TOl'HNY, Manunnr For the six months ending Juno 30, 1916, a divi dend of 4 per annum was declared. . 1