FRIDAY, Jl'LY T, 1010. H.U1Y HOUl'l KiTER COCBXSB fAcsTzzza Wood Wanted Several thousand Cords of Wood for the Sugar Factory Will pay $3.50 per cord for four-foot wood, mixed fir, pine and hardwoods. Can be split to nine inches Will use round wood up to seven inches. Price paid will be $3.50 at factory. Would also like bids on same class of wood on board cars at shipping point Utah-Idaho CHICHESTER S PILLS i4Nl An r rva. far kMMiH mju,ii,.(wiu sai it prists LYumaa ess PENALTY OF A RIME. Cawetie Celllngberne Paid Per Mle Taunt at Richard III. DM jroo ever, bear of spring pott who esme to bU death because of iIbmT Doubtless many spring poets hart merited tbe aame fate, but la oar day Justice tarries and tba workl Buf fers o silence. It waa not thua when Richard III., last of tba riantagenets, ruled Eos la nd. In tbe main the people who did not agreo with tba Duke of Glouceoter were wit enough to keep their opln tooa to theuieclvee. but William Colling borne thought to stretch poetic llceuse to make It cover an attack on hla maj esty at a lima when tba murder of tbe two prlncea In tbe Tower ought to hava taught prudence. Tb king waa under tbe away of "a beautiful and clever woiuou. Mm . Lovell, who waa thought to dictate much of bla policy, which waa hope leesly bad. Now, Colllngborna bad re course to tbe fact that the wolf dog waa called a "lovel" and ao ha penned tba fatnoua rime, "Tbe rat, tba cat and lovel, our dog. rule all England un der the bog." Aa a reault. England waa decidedly "on tbe bog." Did tbe rime en-ape tba eagla eye of Gloucester J Well. If It did It waa not overlooked by tba lady. Tbat waa a year Wore tbe famoua battle of Boa worth, when the Earl of Richmond cam to tba reacuo of hla Buffering peo ple. Richard bad put down Bucking ham' rebellion, and all tbe Ualtora had paid the price with their heada, ao another head mora or leaa did not mat ter. Colltngborne waa aummoned Into court, given perfunctory trial and aent to the block. However, there la no evidence tbnt be waa punished for writ ing atrocloua poetry. St. Louie Globe Democrat SAVING OLD MANUSCRIPTS. Hew Valuable Paper Are Mended and Mounted For Preserving. There are not fifty peraona In the United States who are skilled In the preservation and repairing of old man uacrlpta. One of them, says tba Uni versity of Wisconsin Bulletin, may bo found working ou tbe third floor of the Wlacoualu Historical library building at Madison, one of tbe alx or aeven in- atitutlona In the country tbat carry on aucn work aclcntlflcally. ., About a generation or two ago a priest In tbe Vatican library at Rome originated and developed tne process now In us In th taking car of old papers. Tbe first thing done In the process of preserving tbe letters la to place them between wet newspapers under a weight and leave them for flv or six hours. This removes tb crease and tb dirt Then they are put between wood pulp boards and left twenty-four hours and then betweeu blotters to complete the drying process. Tb next atep Is to repair th paper. The paper of some of these letters Is ao old wbeu received tbat It falls to pieces If struck. This Is strengthened by a layer of a sort of transparent cloth, on both sides of the piece of pa per. Other letters need mending along tb edges with parchment paper. To cover holes a plee of paper Is glued over the edges and Is left larger than tb bole until dry. It Is then cut down to tbe proper site, and the edires are Miim1mwri'd until smooth. After all Htii'li repair are made the letters are nimiiitetl on large white sheets and pre pared for lilwllim One virtue will eltme inini.v vn one vce will elfin nmnj vlniiee Palme ' tea Sugar Co. HVOO Moat of tba Hugo people spent the Fourth at Winona. After a big pic nic dinner tbera wera raoea of vari ous kinds. Tbeae war followed by an exerting ball gam between Hugo and Winona, -which resulted 1a a scora of seven to two In favor of Winona, lea cream and cake were served to tba crowd. The girls and boys of Hugo and Winona entered Into a game of hockey, In which great enthusiasm was shown. Winona won the game. All In attendance wera glad to spend the day with the Winona people, who certainly know how to entertain. Mrs. Mae Henry spent th Fourth at Ashland. Leonard Martin, who Is mining at Takllma, Is spending a few days with his folks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crockett and family spent the Fourth st Ashland and report a line time. Ernest Herny. of Los Angeles, Is In Hugo on business. Nelson Ward returned to Splma, where ho Is working In a sawmill. A dsnce was given at the hall the evening of the Fourth and was large ly attended and much enjoyed by the young people. The Crothers family, of Qrants pass, Is spending a few days with Mrs. Dlllen. Hay and cherry harvest is In full blast now. WAT Kit RIGHTS GRANTED IX JOSEPHINE COUNTY During th quarter ending June 30, 1916, State Engineer John 11. Lewis issued 1S7 permits for the approprla tlon of water, Including alx tor the construction of reservoirs. Accord Ing to these permits. It Is proposed to Irrigate 74! 16 acres of land, store 1,440 acre feet of water and develop power at a number of small In dividual power plants for private use, The following permits were Issued In Josephine county: A. H. Gunnell, of Grants Psss, for mining , purposes, diverting water from Woods creek, In section 32, township 40 south, range 8 west. 11. 11. Davis, of Williams, for the Ir rigation of 20 acres, diverting water from Coal Pit gulch, in section 36, township 38 south, range 5 west. w. a. nearu. m liw. vny, xor we Irrigation of 30 acres, diverting water from the east fork or Williams creeK, in section 14, township 39 south, range 5 west. Howell. 0f Williams, for the Irrigation of 20 acres, diverting water from Bamboo gulch, in section 25, township 38 south, range 5 west. H. H. Norton, of Grants Pass, for the Irrigation of 170 acres, diverting water from Munger creek, in seotlon 6, township 89 south, range 5 west. David Coulter, of Kerby, for the ir rigation of four acres, diverting water from Little Bear creek, In seo tlon 16, township 39 south, range 7 west. G. W. Drltton, of Grants Pass, for the Irrigation of eight acres, divert' Ing water from Rogue river, In sec tlon 18, township 36 south, range 6 west. 1 ' The Sixth Sense. NnturallKts hitve long held tbat there Is no magic about It If we postulate tbe existed' e of s Rlsth HciiHe h relational Mcnse. 11 tiHivi'fliliU'iil seiiHe, a euse of .HiM.'iiir mill tDtvtlmi. su h 11 iv eiiicM tin u very mmiII m'mU'.Iii 11 hiiiiUu's tniitue mihI 4he,iiptciiUuv 'f num. Km b h scnt-e uuinI leHlile, Urn, In mlnit!im bUkV ttvMiiHK liltieuuH.--Luudon MURPHY Harve Sparlln has leased part of the WUcoxon ranch, Including the poultry yard. The llobt. Dahlbergs, of Texas, have another boy.' Will Lelth Is on tba sick list. Elmer Ollmore and wife spent tbe Fourth at Kerby. County Agent Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Riley, of Or ants Pass, visit ed Murphy grange Saturday evening. Tbe lecture hour wts very Instruc tive, especially the talk given by Dr. 8weeney on farm sanitation. L. M. Mitchell and wife, Mrs. Mary Lelth, Miss Emma Haberman and Dan Lelth drove to Ashland In the Mitchell csr, leaving Monday after noon and returning Tuesday night Lester Darnellle and party attend ed, the celebration the Fourth at Ash land. Walter Beagle la very ill with pneumonia. Dr. 8weeney Is treat ing him. . Nearly every one Is trying for prJses on the big beet and nearly everything else In the agricultural Hat If other communities are mak ing as great preparations for the fair, there will hardly ha room at the fair ground for th display. While a number of people spent th Fourth at Ashland and various other places, there war numerous private picnics, and every on en Joyed th day aa best suited them' selves. Th 8weeney girls are camping up Murphy creek with friends from Port land, who arrived Sunday morning and will remain for some time. GRIFFIN FERRY Mrs. Bessie Tuttle, of California Is vIsKIng with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ogden. Nute Dean has been quite sick and under a physician's care at tbe home of Will McAltster for several days past. Tbe fishermen have done much bet ter tbe last few days than before, we are told. A number of people of this com munlty and a few from .the Dixie neighborhood enjoyed a pleaaant gathering on the Fourth In a fine little maple grovo on the E. C. Neeley farm, near the school house. Nation al aongs were sung by the children and young people. Dinner. lo cream and lemonade, free to all. were served In abundance. This same grovo Is being prepared tor the annual camp meeting which thla year will be held from July 27 to August 7. P. T. Everton and J. L. Green spent Sunday In Grants Pass with the church there, preaching at 11 a. m and 8 p. m. , KERBY Tbe quietness of our little town was made even more quiet by the absence of a number of our cltlsena who Journeyed elsewhere to partici pate in the celebration of the one- hundred-tortleth ! anniversary of the Independence of the United States. Ashland seemed to be the center of attraction of the greater part of those who went away from here. Hervey grove, in tbe Sucker creek district, drew the greater number from Kferby because It was nearer and more easi ly accessible. An accurate account of the program as rendered at the grove has not been received, and as your correspondent waa not able to attend the celebration but a meager account Is at hand. Report sayS that E. E. Blanchard, of Grants Pass, who delivered , the oration of -the day, made a sealous and patriotic appeal to the people of this country to stand by and uphold a republican form of government. A number of Kerbyltes went to Crescent City to celebrate on the coast and enjoy the refreshing breetes from the sea. Some went to Ashland, attracted by the promised "round-up" exhibition, about which hey had heard so much. Some, It Is claimed, went ao far as Hilt and Hornbrook, but why they went there can only be surmiaea. remaps a little more freedom was allowed them there than In Oregon for celebrating the Fourth of July in a style agree able to their convictions, An apology Is due from your cor respondent for some blunders In the communication of last week. Instead of rending "Irvln Smith, who' has been for a couple of weeks In Pals Icy, has returned to, Alaska for the summer," It should, have read Inln Lewis, of Grants Psss, who has 1een visiting In Kerby for a couple of weeks, has returned to Alaska for the summer. . , ' 1 " . Mrs. Jack Hussleton, who has been Tlslttng n Grants Pass for several weeks; has returned. I Classified AcHwtBiflg FOM SALE FOR ' SALS SU-room plastered house, clot in, lot 100x100, good had. Addrs No. 2418. car Courier. 97tf FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bulls from' high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R, 2, Qrants Pass, Or. 764tf FOR SALE Tbree-ton Veil auto truck. Tbe price is right. Leonard Orchards Company, Grants Paas, Ora. 764tf REGISTERED HOLSTEIN bull calf. born May 22, 1916. 81r. Clover tdge Segls Korndyke, Advanced Registry backing. Dam, Pomona Hengerveld Doo. Fine individual. Price reasonable. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 756tf SLIDE TROMBONE for sale, second hand, silver plated, fair instrument, for sale cheap. Address No. 1094, care Courier. 792 TABLES, 8 feet long, for sal cheap. Courier office. . 792 ANGEL CAKES Phone orders to No. 190-J. . 787tf FOR SALE Second-hand Ford, $225. C. L. Hobart Co. 792 TO RENT MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUSE for rent at 727 North Fifth 8treet Sleeping porch, bath, bet and cold water and gas, electrlo lighted. Call for key next door. . 780tf WANTED WANTED $300 for one year on security of over 12,000, Will pay good interest. Box 74, Merlin. Oregon. 791 WANTED Two exhibitors for near by territory. References required, but no experience necessary. Rep resentatives In this territory have received from $20 to $45 per week. Call 305-J to get to touch with local representatives. 788tf WANTED Party to cut rake and haul grain hay on four acres of land in city. Phone 305-J. 791 MISCELLANEOUS , CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up lo 5-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary Telephone 293-R and water wagon v will call. "URE MOUNTAIN WATERr-Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure that this water Is pur. De livered In five-gallon bottles W. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone, I02-F-3. 459ti ON YOUR WAY to the coast atop at Gasquet summer resort. Meals at all houra. Seventy-seven miles from Grants Pass. 808 AS8AYER& E. R. CRO UCH, Assayer, chemlat metallurgist Roma 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. CALL FOR BIDS Notice Is hereby given that tbe Board of Directors of School District No. 7 of Josephine County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids tor certain alteration and repair work at the High School Building in said district, all bids to be filed with the clerk not later than Wednesday. July 12, 1916, at six o'clock p. m. Plans and. specifications tor the said work may be had at the office of the clerk, second floor of First Na tional Bank Building. ' A certified check for ten per cent of the amount bid must accompany each sealed bid. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.. EDWARD S. VAN DYKE, 791 Clerk. Tfie Pspper Vine. The most commou and widely need of all spices Is pepper. It Is a native of tbe East Indies.' but Is now culti vated In various parte of tbe tropical belt of tbla licmlxphcie. The plant la a climber aud . has a smooth stem sometimes twelve feet lontf. The fruit Is about the sli of a ea and when ripe Is of a bright red color. In culti vation tbe plant Is supimrted by ihiIch In some localities small trees are used Instead of poles, -for the ml Pcpiwr In grown In a certalu decree of shade. ContrsrlntM.' MWben a girl promises to marry a man, Mlsa Ginger. Isn't It a sure proof tbat Hue Iovch biuiV "Nm tit all. ' Sin' iu;iu du It JiiNt to l'lte iiui(lier num." can , Hull. limn- Aiuerl- Letterheads at the Courier. TIME CARD ; The California and Oregon Coast Railroad company (The Oregon Cave Route) Effective Monday. Ma 1. 191. ' Train 1 lv. Grants Paa....7:00 am. Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 a.m- Traln 4 lv. Waters Creek.M.(:00 p.m. Arrives Grant Paas...l:00 p.m. Daily except Sunday. All trains leave Grant Paas from th corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of tbe company. Public 8er-vio- building, or phone 1S1 for same. Train will atop on flag at any point between Grants Paas aad Waters Creek. Passes gar aerviee every da la tbe week. -;. ' Ferae ef Habit Tb late H. Gassaway Davis, once a United States senator and candidate for vice president on tbe Parker ticket waa a brakeman before be became a millionaire and Is said on one historic occasion while sleeping soundly in th senate chamber to have dreamed tbat be was still guiding sn unruly treJgnt train through tb mountains ef West Virginia. Tbe dream was inspired by a nearby colleague. Senator Allen G. Tbnrmaa, who blew two mighty blasts on hi nose. Davis, thinking be had beard the freight whistle, seised hla desk aa If It were a brake and Beauty twisted tbe thing from Its moorings be fore he came to. New York Mart . '.. A Pleasure. ' 1 r T put through a big financial deal last week." remarked Mr. Dustln 8 tax. 1 thought yon said you were going on a pleasure trip." , "Could there be any pleasure greater than potting through a big financial deair-Washlnirtfln Star ',.,'.- Obliging. "Waiter, the steak 1 so tough I can't cut It with this knife." "Very good, sir I'll brln yoo an other knife, sir" Colutnhls Jester , To encourace talent I to create It Letting S Is i "The Machine until a t. at aa 1 ! t f li H rersanautv ' ! ; " 1 NU matter what your touch this new Rovsl Master. J Model 10 will fit it : r" Just turn the set-screw l and regulate the touch a of this new Royal to H fit YOURSELFt Make J j it light and smooth as gw velvet or firm and snappy as you like. ll Built for uBis S m M 1 Business cmaus t Great Army of 9 Expert Operators j Every keen-witted stea j ogrspher every office mana- ger every expert operator on 9 the firing line ol " Big Boil s' eeta " will grain the enormous S 1 (..- .1 .L. . ! Royal's A4jklt Ttmeh I ! 1 that take the "grind " out I j ioi (ypewniingi But the new Model 10 bse msny Other big. vital new features. Imvnlittlt thtml I a jL. r t 9 a I 1 I t- Ull lllllllllll j P oeno lor tne Koyiu man a and ask for a DKMUNHTKA- s p TION. Or write us dlwct for our ntwbtochura,"fi7TER SERVICE," and Om IVe Um SolwJ poauU brings tbtm tree of charge. Prioe$10O CO. he. 3vh kivca COVRUaV igeal . I 1 I ! 11K 111 ' 1 1 1 .... i K0TAL TTTET?nrt PHYSICLUI8 L. O. CLEMENT. M. D-Practloe limited to diseases of the eye, ear. nose and throat O leases fltted. Office sours 9-12, 2-6, and oa ap pointment Office phone 12; resi dence phone SS9-J. A LOCGHJUDGK, If. D Phyaldaa and surgeon. CSty or country ealLs attended day or night Res. phone 199; office phone 111 81xta aad H. Tula Bulldiag. . P. TRUAI, 1C D., Payalciaa aad Surgeon. Phones: OSes, 121; residence, 224. OaU aaawerai at all hours. Country eaUe at tended to. Londeburg Bidet DR. ED B11?ATE& BpeoUliat a diseases of eye, ear, nose sad throat; glasses ttted. Office hoars: 9 to IX a. as., 2 to I p. m. Pfcoaes: Res. 214-J; OOee, 2S7-J. ftlst Building, Grants Pass, Oreeo. A. A. WTTHAM, M. D., PkyttcSaa tat Surgeon, OSes: Ball Bulldog, comer Sixth aad I streets. Paoaos: Office. Ill; residence, 3IW. Bonn: 9 a. as, to 4 p. an. ' DR. H. WASSZN KICSL Osteoyttttt ' Physidaa. ; Ghnats aad aarvoas ! diseases spedaity. Seosu 1 ami I. " Lnndbnrg bafJdiag. oppestta post - M V . It, m a . VUlWi fSH AVV-A, aWHHI! Colonial kotolt pfcoae H7-J. Til . DiamsTa ?. a M-ACT, a K. D.nrat-dass dentistry. 109 Boats Brt street Graats Paaa, Oregon. BERT B. SLJJOTT, D. M. D. Mod- era dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott, dental tasCMaat Rooms and . t. Golden ;, Rale . building. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 26S-J. ATTOSS1CY8 H. D. NORTON. AttoriUT-at-Uv. Practice la all Bute and Federal Courts. First National Bask Bis. COLVIG 4 WILLIAMS Attorneya- at-Law, Graats Pass Banking Co. Building. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In an courts. First National Bank Bnlldlag. EDWARD H. RICHARD. Attorner-at-Law. Offle Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. V W. T. MILLER, Attoraey-at-Law County attorney for JosepkJna County. Office: SchsJIhora BIdg. O. S. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-Uw, Grants Paas Banking Co. building. Phone 270.. Grants Paaa, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-et-law. practioea fat state- aad - federal courts. Rooms I and . over Goldea Role store. : ' MCSICAIi DfSTBXCTfOIl i VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Fraaeo Belgiaa school of violin playlaaV B. R. I-awreooe, 216 I street ' DRAY AGS AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of . drayage aad transfer work carefully and promptly dona. Phone 1S2-R. Stand at frleght depot A. Shade, Propr. G. lsham, drayage and transfer. Sajji, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored.' Phone Clarke Is Holman, No. SO. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. .Transfer Go. Phone 15-R. ' LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. IL Stated Oommuloa ttons 1st snd 3d Tuesdays. , Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed. O. Harris, secretsry. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. . O. F., meets every Wed- nesday eve In I.O.O.F, V hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts. VlslUng Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to tie present ' h V. Howell. N. G., Clyde Martin, Secretary. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian, Office in Wlnetrout Implement 1 Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERRANGING, graining, paint ing. . For the best, work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C. G. Pleat South Park street' Job printing of every description at the Courier office.