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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1916)
wriramr, xr ft, ioia. tnrrrrt'i wriTr j I'ASIIIi'OT STATE FR52NflL LOCAL i . at- MILITIA Ell ROUTE 4 ... ..f f. . t 4 BAXLF ROOfn MJItM WVUSSM to 'Mftif4 MtM ff. fW4 lit 4 tfHMtm M ltw M, eel Ml f Mstfi H ( lhht l all M -t If (44 fHftfH 4 ewl f Uw iImi rtitwM hh4 etit fc Mt'lk n4 f. Mu-ic and llrJo House 4444444444444 AHticMfct4 tiMiMf , t M t t 4 t 4 t t 4 tMIMfi HVK&ti 4 44444444 4! f.- 4 Wm. vV, i, ! (4 'aM4 fbla ttwblag it lb iw4 v J. M. Willi l HI rlg 14 t4f1U4 "lf41M mWM mm b te. i, (')" wwl I tha tlUtHttn at A!tld 1Mb Wwtfulagv f, W; M) 14 I ft M4hif4 May I' rfc M ffM'f ' hi !"t' (t.i ""f ottili lit V, V, rtmlth ifl' M 4liUh4 10 Ih Mill IM HfiMi, M ,llllft Wlll.fthk lft (hl I In riMl lirt (iMtnltti, i Mf. Mit Mr J. J. Iit'-hr lfl r CmHUii'I (lilt timtrtlin flf vlHlM hnt lth Mf; ohd Mr Mnr Hmltnf, imtHilti ft1 It'll rtiM)h ih'1 Mill Im )Mt ilxilll tIMMIlll, , Ab ,Vlr KM't rottirnnil Hi! Mt 0ii l JmIt Ufl IhlN morn In f.-t- i )rt) lo fnttUrtil. Pp (ho w Mpmnt l U4Im' fbttM-Kr-julilH PUUHlf Ulf iu.f. Ttitf IH4 wlttltNll.tH, WAR NOT TO END M. (Unit Klfc, or nurlotl. .('.llfHUtln, tHit Mr, Mn, r. I). ;Mh, of Yruhi, to. rrlvl Mon MY MonlHif for vUlt with V. Wit iU4. ttlh Mm, ttlr ! Mr. Mmoii tt iUhmIHoi uf lr. Wlti0, TH4 0KflH4 MmHMMI H04 l . AmrtHi h hUly Mlhrln 10 i4(iil d'l l BO It T44 4 M lht of b.htt 4 ( Jh iXWamfM M tBI !fHn4nr Mr. Wn A. H, OoiiUnl fcrtrtdl l(tt do fMrt WwH ttrwi tl , iirt( votmiry horn" norlb fftttttt1 I l11 Will il "TMMIf, P4 W4r4 Stt W4ln Nml.- (rHil Hot b pfmsnt, fed! 1 toer trHc l. at ih ChrlMUtt fhnh'h H4 Aa hoi K4 1H Onwtirt MI. 'uimni, UrtNMlrt trt itottoyiM MHiitl J ' iimr H oih 4( lir th rr h4nMf 4w hf d.vmlrt 144 1 K rtwMW r th4 TU Wjwi Mftl 4 H. Hi iHMI nWHjWin i tfc "" l,lt 4 ipww4 V4mU wr f .' ' " 4y Irt ifr khM Mrtwl 'm- (A JVHm'a r VMtvv t44 of l4 dty why A4 K) ftHMtM 44 N HH4kn "l"t f 4f 04 fenAUAM f f 4M1. 4M tVAM W4 4 lrt r Wy. , N. aA(ia4 J rsMi. 4(A k.(MMlM i XVMih. XV-. a t (iitM f4 xVuHn- www) hi of Mv rtmow M4 M of -ao4 mAt-. ?f 44 U r,,,' ?,i', r""' v tAT Mil ,A,r- Vh " ' totii. a4 of 4r, 4 4ri Wto WpO1Vv) Wkfn fivwr. hO 4( (ilHrtt( n fV.KiiHHO ti Xft A irj tiMis ,f,.1 ftin ohm.-- XA 4 rnM4 f i1r lbfU 1i Ik f tff4tMrtifl0i m Mi l 'lMf f4(r4, All tfiU f WII4rriil Mbrd ft fU b6li IhM A(iltf on 14 t.Wfl ffN an4 IIMn4 to 4'r of (h ir, i4 OuUr. Mm. lilr im f roi'llacf mi b btblrt and fmatlMf la I4 rim. A fivmrtMp rontt w aUo fl GREAT CROWD AT ASHLAND FOURTH iimuu r nui ft Urit rnirwo- Ulloo ia (h AiltUlta ilbrtluo Tio.(U( mill Ui liiltl clly otrtala pil hor uwMi in ryl uinnnr. Tlia fllkil with tli rliil crowd rr liifvl In (iiitlmrtt Oregon, lli intiiitwr UpIiik rliiiilx .llmattl a from 19,000 to S0.O0U ptoplf. tint rlilof attraction th Itonu Itlvfi Hound l moot, attar lha faahlon of tha t'oit.t lotuu Hound Up, and Hioitn many of lha aaitia rid- ra and uoltawvd horaaa. Tlia cala tiratloit, la ftUo In tha uatura of a df dilation uf tha maattMcant HT6.Q0Q l.lthla park Juat complalad br lha ntunlHpalltr, la continuing ovr today and Thuraday. Tha Uranta l'4 Miia hand waa ona of tha four liaixl auppljilna ituialc on tha Kourtb, and It on many rompllniauti tor tha fliaractfr of tha melody which It dta oouraad, Tliumday will b Oranti I'm day at tha ralabratlon, and thara will ba anothar outpouring of tha population of thta and of tha vallay at that lima, Ymt Umt tfalaa, tarrying Ida mambara of tba WMhlagum al tjunal guard, paM4 Ihrangh thli elty tbla fomrwia an ronta to tha WnM a (rjr Tba tfrd train rarrUd tba baltMarlraatS' and aomai rara ri loftdfd wliii ltd Croa mlnil- flrM and aoppllaa Tba biya wira In fin aplrlta and rnptaa of tba Car rama reply glvm tbam through tba rou rl My of tba (Viirlur, which had Juat ralVKd It by wlra from Waah Ington. did not anont to mt thlr Idea of th alluatlon. Tha Carranita rrply wm moit ronirlllttory In tone, hut tba lioya In khaki wara amlnna to gt after tha Medi an and hla rahbla. Alioard I tie train wara nuuibar of oldlor boya who had frlenda In tbU rltr who graitd thm during tha tow mlnutaa tha train atovpad hara. With 'company I of Bpokana waa Jaaprr fFollotta, ion of Congrata. man V. f, trollatta, and ft former rlnMiuata of Nlr and Wllford Alton, Jr. HMrTft cnKKK OBITUARY .1 Mm. KIlMtlwSh lUnw Klltahath ttlnna, widow of Uao. II. Hlnn. dlad at bar homa In thla city Toonday morning, July 4, agd 7 awm, ona month and 14 daya. Tha dawawl born In Cornwall, Kug land, on May I A, tH4. and rama to tha t'nltad Htnta whan alght yaam idd, ha waa marrtad to Uaorta II. Itlnna In July, !, In llllnola. Thay oama to Oram l'a In ISJ, wham thay rallod until death. Mr. ninni dlat In rVhmary of thla rr. IVoMaad U mourned by at rhll-rn-thra danghtam and thraa aon. lAMtlaa t, tVNflll an4 INtv I llarrla, of Oraata Paw; 4Mard H. IMwna, of Med ford: Ann J. (Vanity, of Mamhfleld; tiuy V. Dlnna, of Santa ttarhara, and tra A. Ulnnn, of Albany. T4a hmaral wtll b hold Thnraday, at I: SO oYlorfc, fwrn tha St. ImV' KMi"0v chwroh, Iwtarmoat tw Om it Hill oamatary, rtland wtthlng to tw t4a ronialn wtU call at Itali a nndoHaVtng parlor Taunxiay, ba twvw ona and two oVUvh. Qe trtwfw. Vh wmr to .m W.niihiai ti tbvoary In wbK-h tt Mid thM rtwri; tSUS r v.w K.Mt ro.tMit of Vark" romlnd tN lbll) rha I ster r lb ae M tvn.Mrrai bwl ovwr tbt vem twro , tt.uwv iJiwioy1 Hfir.M-t!iK. -tw i n.i brw tw wtir.Mt ' aMiir.t tbo tirrtrti Uivotej bt1t wi1ttn, "Tboiw H wo batm In itilMtd." I 4- X 4VMXXV SIAwrtVtt A HAVP"-fh AWt -fi (kaitim. t; w tnnnr. V. oa toiiv, fft, wlion rM ta 4vhn,o a wot tM ta ar-aa, H for !i ror itia S X' i v.s. i-nswivr'wvA. vm. Mti.a oboaa. ri. ttioo, kaVft. V'Ui InafH tt 4 ASH; Vo tSNit hoi)o w ((A hacw A4a'0 Ooortor v 't "tt 1t WwA Xwa.tifMi NV,t V Vtrt V W A ft 41r Vww H a 1WI.LAS PICTURES DUSTIN FARNUM The Call of he Cumberlaimds Hrny Duffer and Hart Jonei, of tbla (ilrne, laft laat wak for Klamath Kalla, Thny ara looking for work. Mlaa Km in a (luanlgaw, formerly of Medford. la now living on root creek with her alater, Mm. Oao. Ina. Tha drill man who hav been tent ing a dredging project hara, left thla week, aa thay war not aatlafted with tha returna received. Thay am of tha opinion that tharw la not enough water hara to float a dredga. iMIaa Aide Chandler, of Rvani vallay, waa operated on In Medford for ppendlcltla. Tha laat report waa farombla. Jack Jlolcomb and Tracy (tpencer left laat week for California. They am looking for work In ft aawmtll. Mra. I'eler Mataon and daughter, Kit, of Seattle, ara vUltlng Dr. and Mm. Whltewker. of Kogu Alvar. Mm. Whlteaker la a daughter of Mm. Mataon. Tha ' Uv Oak" Rwbakah lodge of Kogu Hlvtr mat In bualnaaa aeaalon lal week and elected tha following oRWm: Mia Heatla 8aanun, noBla grand; Mm, Kraocl Burkhart. vie grand; Mm. Alva, Wetherall, aocm tao ; Mlaa Stalla Hulen. treaaumr. Oraadma McCanul, of Kvnna val ley, la aerloualy 111. She la not ex pected to Urn. Harvey Brown, of Hogua River, ti to leave aoon for Brooking. Cat., wham ha ha ecu red employment for the ummer. Mr. Brown la ft car lentar. Mr. and Mm. Tarkar returned to thalr homa at Whit W'aah. Washing ton, tor tha auramer. They hav bean valtlng at tha 1 B. Eltla homa. Mm. U A. Koeter vlatted her brother and ttl family laat Sunday for tha drat time In two year. Crop of thla vicinity are looking food. Harvest will ba excellent If warm, dry w-eathet aett Ift aoon. R. K, Cook and faulty, of thta placw, hav moved to Gold Hill, wber Mr. Cook will be tba cement com pawy'a MacVamltk. root Creek ran boaat of having the oldeat womn ta Jackaon connty. Mm. 9nanwft Whitney, who will be 144; ar old AagnU IS. 114. 6b 1 now llx-ftig w'.tk her dog4tor, Mr. J. B, hort i The grant bH at W lmor waa com- Moled laat week. Th wrk waa rob-, 1i a tt -AatJ h rejLdr iw Urn fori WmIo. wottcoa. Coarlor o.. jtbrrtk. JadpeO. H. OUnorawa Viwiag Miti at tb Courier c. orator of at ti coJebratloi. " 1 Wb Miller, an need roaident of Cardiac m-V, w aa foand doad ii kl hom by Owo Wood and Joaopk Vaa- biador laat wk. Mr. Mfllor waa 'alone at tba lime t hi doatk, wkick ' ! aa 4ue to a lingering illnoaa of over a )W daraxtoa. Jode ToaTolla had aont Ovoa Wood to take th oid : man to lb joor tarm, bar be ronld roooiv modioaJ attentita. Joe rakT, r HioJd HiU. Iita ' i in tb amy a Stra,, June it, to Jflr. a&d Mr. A. , XiWhron. ot CrtHA Hill, a tT-7onia daiirbw. The Refresh wg Qhamt of good tea h in its delicate flavor Unfortunately th world is not full of good tea Tou must choose with care, Those manywomenwho use Schillings Best know that the cost of good tea is veryvery little. But this is not the only reason for their preference Another reason a very real reason is that each of the four taste-types (Japan, English Breakfast, Ceylon, Oolong J brews tea of indescribable charm. Send for 'the Taste Pacht wltk awiw 0jftryi It Ski iht Ijft iftts iktt ysn hit int. Qftiuiftvrftrthmji tinltpt ySktlli Tt - 741, fliih Brttifttt, Cnk I 0f,i. 4Vr fvitr tlx tfift4k kind, hUiUi sAhrtm A 8( kiting If Cmf4'J jjj $mJ St., $4 Fr4tiiK Schillings Best Stli through grocers only, H! I C 4t KA'OIURI.K RKTOKT OX XKW RKVKXI K BIU, Washington, July 5. The admin- 1st ration revenue bill, intended to raise $210,400,004 additional rev enue to pay th bill of prepared nes and tb rot of tbe Mexican expedi tion. favorably reported to th bona tbla afternoon by tb way and aieaaa commute. It will b taken ap for consideration by tb bona tomorrow. To republican. Long worth aad Gardner, rotod tor tb Wll. In tba majority report, It la atlm ated 2,000.000 additional ia re quired to meet expenditure during th fiscal year of 1917. and of thla sum tl?,000.000 will b provided by tb present bill and 1(4.000,000 muat b taken from the general funda or tba government It U estimate tl25.000.000 will b required to meet tba extraordinary exrnc of moblllilng th national gnnrd and the expense of th expedi tion of tbe regular In Mexico. Letterhead at tb Courier. & Tksrs. wMa44gw4M4lkfa v... . UrtpL 44mtaianwi 4 4 44 rfrtft.rwa MDuftOhus;) WViVii4vwiij awA SMweilw wivHtiv a4 ftwwdu wimlnei a a .V4o... gee( aVwihaa Wn. lsTwe HVH, ehw 4Jrewax" j ahy Ciib. j Ti ttrto il.liiK -vi-h iiewlv uir?lt4 I (vui-iie yiivtit tnvewt n l a he by -car- f nnte Tbpv tnur tn mie. i'n aiig ' xhrpf fwH-iifff Mini anfl whmilfl he re j , pia.ied iwv r three yearn. ,j 1 x a wniHrtrifte tor a nwwnrtwr tbe j ! hwby cwrriktre Immm oouel. ai-tmtich It rvinrwlno The fwHwiihiliTy tor mure eecl- ' . dftiw Ta ! i-wrrtacin. w a ruin, are prtfwltnfl l:lfr ti prong Tttn" wwr j rttgt ulll. bera r hr intwi nrraiiinww. Tmik taitry cwrriiici. la jiroviAim w-ttb jh-wke. w hu h itrrtut it Ourtng lu lir j rime rrota ea.-eoilinc tlie miop4 limit. Tbta tmfXf amiue -eff Twlrufln. vr. Anew wa wwntyw Tj 'tw tBrv ; I a Nib Tbe oortinwrit tn wrtrq- irw 5JJW.'. i Wood Wanted Several Thousand Cords of Wood for the Sugar Factory Will pay $350 per cord for four-foot wood, mixed Br. pine and hardwoods. Can be plit to nine inches, Will use round wood up to seven inches. Price paicHwill he $350 at factory v Would also like bids on same class of wood on board cars at shipping point. Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. N