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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1916)
WEDNtSDAr, JILT 5, IMS. DA1LT HOUCat BJVta COURIER ' " A TALE OF TURKEY; " , . ' , Queer Things That Happened In the Nam ef the Constitution, ;'. The ignorance of lb Turkish masae concerning political questions, saye Sir Edwin rm in 'Forty Ytara la Con. etaotlnople," la ihown by certain In cidents of the revolution of 100a ' The hamals, or porters In tbe towns, like the peasants In tlit country, when tbey beard that bla majesty bad sworn to ba faithful to tbe constitution. In quired wbat It wsa. Waa It a pereout Waa It a new callpb? And very few could give any clear explanation. Tba worda "liberty" and "equality" meant something good, although they could not bare aald wbat. To aouie tbey If allied general license. ' Two English frlenda of nine were motoring outside Smyrna when a num ber of Turklab boya eet upon tbetu and flung atonce at them. , The Kng Itabmen gave chase and caught the prlorlal offenders, - The eldest waa naked wby be bad thrown atones ;,. "Harriet Tar," waa the reply. "There's liberty. We can do wbat we Ilka mow." The Englishman , replied. "Ilurrtot var, and I am, at liberty to girt yoo good thrashing. 'am I not 7"' One of tba boya aald yea, ba auppoaed that would be eo, but be hoped tbe liberty would not ba used, Tbe Eng. llahman replied that It would not be need that time, but If tba offense ware repeated ba would use It to tba fulleat stent , V ,' ', The workmen on a newspaper during that time aaked for large Increaae efvisgea. ' . .,. But wbyr aaked tbe owner ' "Because there fa a coneMtftioti Sw The tramway men etruch' for higher wages, and the only JuaUflcatloo that tbey put forward waa that there was now a constitution. Yet ' men of kp classes rheered In tba luatlaet manner for the constitution. ' Throughout the month of. Auguet smuggled tobacco waa openly aokl In the atresia at a eery cheap rata, buyera and seller alike tonalderlirg that the constitution allowed men to act ald tbe taw tbat had made tbe aale of tobacco a govern ment monopoly. . HOSPITALITY IN SYRIA. A Custom That May Have a earing en a Passage In Scripture. Approaching bi hoped for truel a Syrian engnues bltn In aonietblug like the following dialogue, characterised by a glow of feeling whlrh the transla tlon can only faintly reveal: "Ennoble ua by your pretence." i would lie ennobled, but I rauuot accept" i That rauuot ie." "Yea, yea. It want I," . "No.; I swesr sgalnat you by our frtendnblp and by the life of Clod. I love Jut to acqualut yon with my bread and ealt" "I a wear also tbat 1 flnd Jt Impoaalble to accept. Your bread and ealt are known to all." "Yea, do It Just for our own good. By coming to ua you come to your own borne. Let ua repay your bounty' to oe." "Aatagbfero Allah (by the mercy, of God) 1 hart not bestowed any bounty upon you worth mentioning." Here the boat seines bla gueat by 'tbe arm and with an emphatic, "I will not let you go," pulla at him and would drag bltu bodily Into bin home. Then the guest, happy In being ranoiUbcd "with honor." consents to the Invlta tlon. IK) you now imderatand fully tbe meaning of tbo peerage In the four tcentb chapter of Luke'a gospel? "A certain man made a great Nipper, and bode many, and tbey all with ono conaent began to moke excuae And the Ixird anld unto the acrv ant, 'Go out Into the highways and bodges, and comtol them to come In. that my house may 1 tilled.' "A bra bam Mltrle Klhbnny In Atlantic Monthly. - Military Masters. ' h Alexander the Great'a active mill tary career began when be waa only eighteen yeara old and ended at thirty three; HannlbaVa laMed from thirteen tb forty -aercn; Caeanr'a from forty to fifty Ave: Gnstavua' from alxteen to thlrty-clght; Fredericks from twenty eight to fifty-one. and Napoloon'a from twenty -aeven to forty-alx. When thirty five yeara old Napoleon aald of biro self: "One bna only a certain time for war. abnll be good for It but atx yenra more; then even I Khali atop." Dla downward career began when be waa forty. yew York Sun - Havana. Havana, or Sun CilHtolml do In Ua bnnn, oa It wna oiigiuiilly mi wed, wn tbo hint of seven cities founded In Culm by tho lalund'e conqueror, the Adoluu tndo Diego Vclnaquen, tbe ditto being July 23, 1313. Since that wna twenty , three yeara after the well known Co lunibtiM dale thonwrfin't bu ninny new world cltlea older lii llavunn. iinhuui trig that most of trie other alx In Culm have since dlHiippeiirod. Feminine Architecture. "My wife linn plnniied n gent 'of a lilnce." "Whiifa her. Men?" . '"Au eight room house with 132 cloa eta Loulavlllo Courier .Journal. Hope Springs f tarnal, 'Mnud-llave yon ever hnd your smmtrgaWe4 ta)kTtta yon wafiftad1ttAT Beatrix NO; you et. w'tMay lived bere twenty-flvt yeara. Ufa : BOOTH AS HAMLET.""" Hla Stage lualneaa Waa Uaaal by tatfi reenter and Meunet-Sully. 1 Like all men before tba public, Ed win Booth waa frequently tba victim of malicious detraction. He waa ac cused of Imitating other actors, at first hla fatbar, than tba tragedian Peebter and otbera. i , , Fechler waa at that time very popu lar In England and In this country. Ua once called on tba younger actor and aad with brutal f rankneaa. "I bear them say you Imitate my business, and I am going to watch you Ilka a hawk." It must have been rather trying to play to this rival glaring conspicuously from ataga box, but at the conclu sion of tba performance Kecbter came back to aay tbat tba charge waa quite unfounded, .Shortly after thla experience Booth took a eight off and went to see Fecb tar, and be waa astonished to ace the German actor following the ghost In "Hamlet" with tbe handle of bis sword uplifted aa a cross. Booth remarked dryly, that Kecbter bad evidently ap proved tbat part of bis bualneaa and bad adopted It Shortly after tbla tbe critic or a New York paper made the Interesting discovery tbat Booth bad purloined thla bit of bualneee from the foreign actor. 1 1 ' Booth stalled at the extravagant praise bestowed upon Mounet-Bully for bla wonderful business lit "Hamlet! la swearing by tba abadow of tba cross aude - on - tbe ataga by bla sword. Booth's comment was that he had done thai -yeara before ' Mounet-Sully i ever played tbe part ef Hamlet Botuplecea ef btulheaa were the reaulta of eject dents. On one occasion bla a word stock trite tbe atkge ao that be could sot pull It out, and he noticed the abadow east by It and realised its algntflcance aa he pointed to It Oa another night, aa he waa atraggllng with Marcellue and Ho ratlo"Unhand me, gentlemen, or, by heaven, I'll make a ghost of blm that late me"-be lost hla held on the aword; It Sew op Into the air, and aa he caught It be noticed tbat the hilt made the sign of the cross; he cangbt tbe elo quence of tta meaning, and It became permanent part of hla performance Edwin Milton Royle In Harper Mag. aslne. " CANINE SWIFTNESS. laklmo and Siberian Dogs Are Seat, but the Greyhound Excals. Few neotila roallxa of what remark. able apevd doga are capable. Some ata Ustlca In regnrd to this have been gath ered by M. Dusoller, a French eclentiat After pointing out tbe marreloua en durance ahown by little fox terriers who followed their masters patiently for hours while ther were rldlne on bl cyclce or In carriages be aaya that even greater endurauca la shown by certain wild animals tbat are akM to dose. Thua the wolf can run between fifty and alxty mllea In one night and an arctic fox can do aulta aa welL If not better. - Eskimo and Siberian dors ran travel forty-five mllea on the Ice In fire hours, and there Is a case on record in which a team of Eskimo don traveled alx and one-half mllea In twenty-eight min utes. According to M. Dusoller. tbe sneml of the shepherd dogs and those used on huutlug ranges la from ten to, fifteen yards a second. English setters and pointers run at the rate of eighteen to nineteen miles an hour, and they can maintain this speed for at leest two hours. Fox hounds are extraordinarily awlft. as Is proved br the fact that a dojj of thla breed once beat a thorough bred home, covering four mllea In alx aud a naif minutes, which waa at the rate of nearly eighteen yards a second. Greyhounds, are the swiftest of all four footed creature, aud their speed la equal to that of carrier plgeona. EngllNU greyhound, which are used for coursing, are able to cover at full gallon space between, ekhleen and twenty yards every second.--Our Dumb Auiuiais. Held Bible and Rudder. Some yeara ago Japan was neither eo free nor so friendly with other nations aa she a today. In tbowe old 'day a when a foreign ship entered the Japa nese ports the captain waa obliged to place hla Bible and rudder In charge of the chief officer of the port and leave them there until he was ready to sail. Of course he wouldn't sail without either, and tbe Japs could easily keep talis on the movements of all ships In their harbora. Usslsss Spesehss. "Have you anything to say why sen-' tence should not be pnsaed on your atiked tho Judge. ! "Not a word. I made speeches the last three times 1 was convicted and they didn't seeui to do me any good." replied the prisoner -Detroit Free Preem Hastening the Evil Day. Willie Pn anya he wIhIics that you'd make hute r,nm) propone' to' sinter. Young Mail . (delighted Then bo Is willing to let her marry me If Willie 'Tnlut that Ho says you're not likely to keep coniln' here after sis hands you the mttterV.-Boston Transcript . ( Whet Counts. Orublm-I met it man today who can draw his check f or n million. Stuubs Thst's nothing, I met man who can drawVhWiettNe II rbed,-RItinMDd T4meaDiapatch. OH! MY The Kxpreaslun of Many, a Kidney I ' KiiITmw In fJrmnta I'naa A atubborn backache Is cause to suspect kidney trouble. When the kidneys are Inflamed end 1 swollen, stooping brings a eharp twinge In the small of the back that almost takes the breath away. Doan's Kidney Pills revive sluggish kidneys relieve aching backs. Here's . Granta Pass proof: , v ' : J. P. Morse, 333 Bridge St., Granta Pass, aaya: "Doan's Kidney Pills ere sll right and I don't hesitate to let anyone I bear complaining of back ache or lumbago know about them. I have been nearly down with these troubles at times, but whenever I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills 1 have soon been relieved. It Is now a year or more alnce I have had any trouble from my back or kidneys, but I know wbat to do If I should ever have occasion to take a kidney medi cine again." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a. kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Morse had. Koster-Mllbuui Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. (At neat English village lived a te bacconlst named Farr. Now, tbla tobae conlat bad a rival Both wanted tbe trade of tbeitows, Farr. being a wit deviaed a elga and bong It outside hie ahopr ' ' 1 ' "Beat Tobacco by Farr.r i :? i :t Tbe Jowuafolk; relishing a pan: flock ed tq hie shop, end bis trade tncreaawd at tbe, expense of bla rtval'a bustueaa Now. bis .rlvsl brooded and meditat ed,, consulted .many books of ancient lore.' a ttoget'a Tbeaaurus and a rim ing dictionary. - Oue day bis face waa aeen to-wreiithe Itwelf Into auillei. Gos sip hovered: expectant about bla aherp. TberauUclputloiia of tbe townsfolk were not dbiapMuted, for that -very, day he bung out n sign which read:. -..."Far .Better Tobacco Thnn tbe Beet by Farr."-New York Post Interesting Usee ef Asphalt WLeu the word ahpbalt la mentioned the-first thing we thluk of la pave ments and afreet, but ibis Interesting substance bas fonnd many ntber uses, chiefly through tbe efforts of tbe chem ists employed by tbe asphalt compa nies. The number of different com pounds devbted by the cbemtsta for various purposes la enormous, 8ome uses are in ahoemaklng, waterproofing, vat linings, linoleum, driving belts, rubber articles, cork flooring blocks, protective paints, asphalt putty and a boat of others. Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering. . YELLOWSTONE PARK. tarty Steriae ef Its Amazing Sights , Were Not Believed. The first recorded visit to Yellow stone park was mude by John Colter In 1810. He waa a trapper and adven turer who took refuge there from boa tile Indiana. Uls story of Its wonders waa discredited. The next recorded visit waa by a trapper uamed Joseph Meek in 1829. who described It as "a country amoklng with vapor from boil ing aprlnga and burning with gaaea Is suing from small craters." From some of these craters, he said. "Issued blue flame and molten brimstone," which, of course, waa not true, though doubt less Meek fully believed It to be tbe truth. . . Between 1830 and 1840 Warren An gua Ferris, a clerk In tbe American ur cotuny. wrote the first descrip tion of the Flrebole Geyser basin, but It waa not until 1852 that the geyser district waa actually defined and the geysers precisely located. - Tbla waa done by Father de 8met, the famous Jesuit mlwilooary. It remained for a government expe dition, aent out In 1850 under command of Captain W. F. Reynolds, to first really explore and. chart tbe region 8evcrnl private explorers followed, but so great wna public Incredulity na to tbe niurvelR they deai-hlied that they did not dare tell their exiwrlcmva be fore nn.v, general audience-. , ... The lante exploring expedition under Governor Henry I). Wiinliburn. aur veyor general of Moututm, In ISTO filially extabllahcl the facta to the pub lie belief and led to the creation of the Yellowstone National park. Cousins and toonomy. "Should cousins marry If" waa the subject of an animated discussion at a ladles' debating club the other night. After a great inuny speakers had vigorously taken the ncisutlve side a prepossessing youug Indy, who was knovvu to have crowds of cousins her self, spoke up boldly In the uiUrmutlve and threw fresh life Into the dlscusslou by declaring that she always did ber bcstto eucourage her own couslus to marry oue uuother, as such unions were very economical. "Econoinloal! How, dear?" ber club mates cried In chorus. "Well, you see," said the speaker de murely, "one wedding present Owe for both then." Exchauge I Envelopes printed at tbe Courier offlee. . . CHICHESTER S PILLS W , .TIIKIHAMOKinilRANll, a I XiTW I1! T5r (of A 'M.rBt.tM-t lllumillm 9) III la NrS Mil tUI4 mruilKN RR-a K IB . Ilntitltil. lvi II rlnl.k r ppr i wia .Vina. HiMmii frT.. A.hint, m.rin,.T HiAanan iiunii'ii.i. W D Clarified Adwfeing . aBBWBeWaBBVaaBHaBBBBVaVBVBjBiVMB rOH SALE FOR 8 ALE Six-room plastered bouse, close la, lot 100x100, good bade. Addreas No. 2413, care Courier. " . , ; 67tf FOR BALE Registered Guernsey bulla from high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. 2, Granta Pais, Ore. . 754tt FOR SALE Three-ton Velle auto truck. Tbe price Is eight Leonard Orchards Company, Granta Pasa. Ore. . i 754tf REGISTERED HOLSTEIN hull calf, born May 22, 1210.. Sire, Clover Idge -Segls Korodyke,, Advanced Registry backing. Dam, Pomona Hengerveld Doo. Fine Individual. Price reasonable. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 76tf FOR SALE 30 Angora goats and fine two-year-old Red Durham bull and Durham cows, milk and beef . type. Grave Creek Ranch, 7(9tf SLIDE TROMBONE for aale, second hand, silver plated, fair Instrument, for aale cheap. Address No. 1024, care Courier. 722 TABLES, 8 feet long, for sale cheap. Courier office. 722 ANGEL CAKES Phone orders to No. , 120-J. ! ' 787tf FOR SALE Good oat bay in field. Cheap if taken at once. L. E. Gil bert, Box 18, R. F. D. 2. Two mllea from town. . ; . - 789 TO RENT MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUSE for .rent at 727, North Fifth Street. Sleeping porch, bath, hot and cpld , water and gas, electric lighted. Call for key next door. 780tf WANTED WANTED 3300 ; for one year on security of over 32,000. ' Will pay good interest. Box 74, Merlin, Oregon. 791 WANTED Two exhlbUora for near , by territory. Referencea required, but no experience necessary. Rep resentatives In this territory have received from $20 to $45 per week. Call 305-J to get In touch with local representatives. . 788tf FOUND. AUTO license tag, Ore. 21720, 1916, baa been found and can be secured at tbe Courier Office by paying for thla advertisement. 789 M18CKIXANUOC8 CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In 5-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, treah, pure, sanitary. Telephone 29S-R and water wagon will call. f L'RE "MOUOTAlNWATER--Clear and refreshing. Bacterial testa as sure tbat thla water la pure. . De livered . In five-gallon bottles X E. Beckwith. Order by phone, 602-F-3. . 459tf ON YOUR WAYto thT coasratoTat Gasquet summer resort. Meals at all hours. Seventy-seven miles from Granta Pass. 808 ASSATERS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, metallurgist. Roma 201-208 Pad dock Building. Grants Pas. CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given tbat the Board of Directors of School District No. 7 of Josephine County, Oregon, will receive sealed blda for certain alteration and repair work at the High School Building in said district, all blda to be filed with the clerk not later than Wednesday, July 12, 1916, at six o'clock p. m. , Plana and specifications for the said work may be bad at the office of the clerk, second floor of First Na tional Bank Building. A certified check for ten per cent of the amount bid must accompany each sealed bid. The Board . reserves the right to rejeot any and all bids. EDWARD S. VAN DYKE,, , 791 . Clerk. Dry and Moist Air, A cubic foot of dry nlr weighs more than a cubic foot 'of moist air at the same, temperature and pressure. The addition of vapor to a cubic foot of dry nlr enlarges the volume of the mixture If .the nlr Is free to expand, aa In the atmosphere, and us the. vapor hns only dlmut two-thirds the density of dry nlr (It the same temperature mid pressure the density of the mixture la less than that of dry air, 1W'pt ff thatching till the Is at1-hand. 'Irk h Proverb TIME CARD The California, and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregoa Cavee Route) Effective Monday. Mar 1, 1918. - Train l It. Grant Pass.7:00 a.m. Arrives Watera Creek 8:00 a.m. Train 4 lv. Watera Creek .6:00 p.m. Arrirea Grant Pass 8:00 p.m. . Dally except Sunday. All train leave Granta Pass from the corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of tbe company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 131 for same. .... Train will atop on . flag at any point betweea Grants Pasa - im Water Creek. Fasscss erviee every da la the week. . ,.. Ar; , Te Make II Caet,, ,4 newlywed Darned Jones was talk ing to bla friend Casey the otber day about bla flat and was asking tbe oth er for a little advice. . "D you, know my fining roombj the, hottest, place in tbe world T began the newIywed,lr."po yon know of any way I might cool It offT t v fFrom experience I should aay that a very good way to bring about a change la atmospheric conditions." remarked the- older married man. "and one that la sure to bring reaulta one way or the ether Is to take a friend home te diav ner when your .wife Isa't feeling well and Isn't expecting company." Phila delphia Times.- . - . Poet Lauraats. - The office of poet laureate practical ly begins with. Chaucer, who assssed the title about 1383. After Chancer the office waa more oe. less la the abadow, but from Spewrer In 1599 the line of poet laureate is pretty well filled down to the present time..-Tbe office la largely honorary and baa not alwaya been held by tbe greatest of English poet. Dryden. Wordsworth and Tennyson being tbe most Illus trious of It bolder. London Saturday Review.. ,,. .... . ., ,.Ci ,. Mining blanks" ai the' Courier offlee. 1 I ,MMaKKlMl 8 -fi'l-itul H'ljr..lll. iJ-. t 1! :: a aa m as "The Machine i , with a , Personality" j ri M c f i I 9 li V, I TVTO matter what your I urn luuiu i n 15 ucw Roytl Master- Model 10 will fit it . Just hirh the Bet-screw and regulate the touch of this new Royal to fit YOUR 6 EL Ft Make it light and smooth as velvet or firm and snappy as you like. Built for "Big Business" and its Great Army of Expert Operators .Every keen-witted sten ographerevery office mana gerevery expert operator on the firing line of ' Big Bull nets " will grasp the enormous wflhvit. rafue oi the new Royal's AJjustiU Ttuck that takes the "grind " out of typewriting! But tbe new Model 10 has many bther big, vital new features, fovtstigatt tktm I . Get the Facts t 3 I S I 4 s I I 3 i 1 1 f S . Sand for the "Royal man" j $ and ask for a DEMONSTRA- t TION. Or write aa direct for our nrw brochures, "J7TJ SERVICE." and One Pro em Solvmd postal brings them free of charge i i Price$100 JvOaK iavH PBTSICIAKS L. O. CLEMZNT. K. D. Practtee Us&M to diseases of the eye, ejar.' nose and throat Glasses SttedJ Offioe hours l-i2, 2-5, and oa ap polntmeat Office phone 12; resi dence phone 269-J. ' S. LpUOHBJDGB, M.jD.(, Physlelaa and surgeon.., a ty or country calls attended day or . BlgHt. Kess phone . 219; office phone 111 Sixth and H. ToSs Bsildln. J. P. TRUAX, II. D., Phyalciaa aad Surgeon. Phones: ' Offloe, , J2I; rrjldsnce, 124. OaUa , aaswered at all hoars. Country eslls) at tended to. Lnndeturf Bldf. DB, XD . BTWATER SpedaUst a disease of. eye, ear.os aad throat; glasses fitted. Office hoars: S te 12 a. irw 2 to I p. so. PhoBsa: Res! 224-J; Offlee, 2B7-J, Schmidt Building, Grants Pass, Oregoa. A A. WrrHAM, M, D, PkyskUa M DurgeoB. uxoos: uau ainia.aa comer Sixth sad I street. Phoaaa: Offlee, - ill; - mUmee, 2IW. Honrs: I is. ta. to f ' .; :-: :- DR. B. .WARRXM MC3, Osteopa&M Physleiaa. ChrcaMe sM aearTpw' Luadbuxg buJlaa, opV' tempos olfice; phoae 149-R.' eldeae: Colonial hotel; pholl7-J. TIS K. C. hLACT. D. M. D.. Flrat-ciass Cjntlelry". ;. J0IJ4 8oatk etttti street. Grants Pass, Oregon. , BERT R. ELLIOTT. D. U. D.- era dental work. , Marguerite H- Elliott dental ssalstaat Rooms A and 6. Golden Rale halldlniv - Grant Psas, Ore. Phoae 2C6-J. AirOSNKTB H. . a NORTON. AUorxwy-at-Lav. Practice la all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIO ft WILUAKS Attorners- at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice in all courts. First National Bank Building. - :.v:.: f'."-- EDWARD H.., RICHARD. Attorney-at-Law. Offle Masonic Temple. Grants Pass, Oregon. ( - W. T. -MILLER, i Attorney-st-Uw County attorney , for . Josephine County. Office: Schallhora Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law, Granta Pasa Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Granta Pass, Oregon. ' V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-law. practtcea la : state and federal courts. Rooms 2 and S, over Golden Rule store. MUSICAL IX8TRUCTIOS VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco- Belgian school of violin playing, B. R, Lawrence, 21B I street DRATAGR AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and ' transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 122-R. Stand at trleght uetuv. a. ouhqv, rropr. . ,G. Isham, drayage and transfer. .Sejj.i, pianos and furniture moved packed, ahppedn , and - stored. nkl.. aa ra . a rasui uiafseec xioimsn, no. as. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Ca Phone 16-R. LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M. Stated Oommanloa tlon 1st and 2d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K Cma VJ w Ed. G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78. 1.O. OO. F., meets every Wed nesday eve In I.O.O.F. hall, cor. 6th and H. St. VlBltlng Odd Fellowa cordially Invit ed to be present I. V. Howell, N. Q., Clyde Martin, Seoretary. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, Office In Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 11J-J. Resi dence phone 205-R. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS -ir.,,. . , ,,,,.,, , p - PAPERHANGING, graining, palnt lng.:. For, tbe best work at lowest prices phone 29 5-J. C. O. Plaat South Park street. Job printing, of every, description sf the Courier e flies.