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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1916)
riai six daily rogue crm. couitxcn INDAY, Jl'LT 9, IBltt. GERMANS RESUME -ATTACK AT VERDUN jsmnnnE TUBES Stand Restrain Savage Grafinite Tubes in Savage Casings give maximum service and satis&ctioo. Pure Para Rubber-Savage Grafinite tube ta lami. Bated made of layer on layer of pore my Pari ruin ber. To test quality of the rubber, put a deflated tube in water it will float A still better test, put Grafinite Tubes in your casings all around. Graphite Coated The only tube that has graphite' VULCANIZED into its surface. Prevents deteriora tion, sticking, friction and heating: eliminatea necessity for soapstone; lengthens life of tube, ... A true round at the splice Vulcanized with the tube in this shape. No chance for trouble as there might ... be if spliced flat Savage Grafinite Tubes, like Savage Tires, are sold direct from factory. Prices on both very low. Quality considered. FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS s C.E. GATES, - Hedford, Ore. . AMI 8EMEXTS TONIGHT r ; ' '..-. , , BIJOU V Madison Square Theater Co. e , Star ; "The Spider." At the Churches Mining blanks at the Courier office. Opyrlffct W TWrktwt advertisers, Box tf 7 Sv H sw UUtaSBHBBBJBW 40 The Ticiure Tells Me Story t WOOD COAL WILLIAMS WOOD COAL YARD ' Yard Phone 137-R Res. Phone 376-T , Everything of Merit in CONCRETE PRODUCTS Oregon Cement Sewer Pipe Tile Co. Parts, July 1. The German crown prince has resumed (he drive on Ver dun with most powerful attacks on both bunks ot the Meuse, the war office announced today. The most I violent fighting in many weeks has developed on the northwest sectors of the fortress. In a series or ter rifle attacks west ot the Meuse, tho Germans raptured a fortified work land elements of connecting trenches In fighting east of Hill 304. French counter-attacks later regained all the lost ground. Kast of the Mouse,, the Germans again tenotr;fted Thiaumont works, which was recaptured by the French yesterday. The redoubt itself was ! entirely smashed In by terrific ar tillery fire. The French retain the outskirts. ' The French official statement. It is to be noted, Is silent on the opera tions near the Somme, where French and British armies hare been launch ing a gigantic offensive. The Germans resumed the attack! on the west bank of the Meuse to ward evening last night. The entire region east and west of Hill SO 4 be came the scene of the bloodiest fight ing. . The Germans launched four dif ferent attacks. The first, preceded by liquid fire, was directed against a French position between Hill S04 and the Esnes-Hancourt road. This onslaught was repulsed, the Germsns losing heavily. In the second attack, the enemy swarmed In compact masses, attempt ing to carry French positions west of the Esnes-Hancourt highway. This sttack was also repulsed. After a brief respite, marked only by Intense eannonadlng, the Germans directed a most powerful thrust Newman M. E. Church Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. Topic, "The Expediency of Jesus' De parture." There will be an anthem by the choir, and response, "Hear Our Prayer." A duet by Mrs. Wlble and . Miss Ament, entitled "Abide against the French Hnes east of Hill With Me." 304. It was In this fighting that the "At evening service Prof. Florlan 'enemy captured the French fortified VonEechen. of Willamette unlversrty.j work which was later taken, will make an educational address on Early this morning, the Germans the subject, "The place of the Chris-1 launched the fourth attack against tianColleae and the Place of the the Avocourt redoubt. This attack Bible In Education." There will be an anthem, also a solo by Miss Mangum at this service. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Junior league at 3 p. m. Intermediate and Ep worth leagues at 7 p. m. Tou are cordially Invited to these services. Melville T. Wire, Pastor. Is MttlTM) MVS0M0 Try ' ALPIXE ICE CREAM It's the Best Cold Storge Co. P. F. Blrchard Prop. Phone 393 New and Used FURNITURE at Right Prices Manuel & Heston 304 South 6th Terms Strictly Cash But see what cash will do here PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET 400 South 6th St . Baptist Church Sunday school at 10 a. m. Paul Klrker, superintendent. Morning theme, "Gripping the Es sentials." Evening, patriotic service address by pastor . Solos by Mrs. Parsons and i Miss Genevieve Pattlllo. B. Y. P. U.. 7. R. K. Hackett. president. A cordial Invitation to the public. S. A. Douglas, Pastor. M. E. Church South Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 o'clock. Evening service begins at 7:30. Come, worship with us. G. A. Taggart, Pastor. BAILEY'S TAXI City and Country Service Phone 262-R or call Spa Confec tionery. DH. F. H. INGRAM Chiropractor au diseases suc cessfully treated without the knife. Office Hours 10-12 and 2-5 Phone 7 GRANTS PASS BOTTLING WORKS Mfg's ot Country Clnb Gingerale. i full Una of Sodas and Soft Drinks. Phone lll-J ALPINE BUTTER Made In Grants Pass . Fresh Daily ROGUH VALLEY CREAMERY i Christian Church Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Service, 11 a. m. Sermon, 11:30, "The Publicity ot Christianity." Solo, Mrs. Harmon. Communion, 12. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Geo. Swlnney, leader. Song service, 8. , Sermon, 8:30 p. m., "Our Nation and Its Responsibilities," a sermon in keeping with the Fourth of July spirit. Solo, Mrs. Harmon. J. H. Harmon. Saint Luke's Church The Second Sunday after Trinity Holy Eucharist at 8 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Holy Eucharist at 11 a. m. No evening service. All are cordially Invited to these was speedily stopped by Trench fire. East or the Meuse, the battle that has raged unceasingly for two days for possession of the Thiaumont work, continued throughout last night. Determined to take the posi tion at any cost, the Germans direct ed exceedingly heavy assaults last night after battering in the redoubt with heavy shells. The French were finally driven out of the -main por tion of the position, retaining the outskirts. FRENCH FAIL TQ RETAKE WORKS Berlin, July 1. Repeated British and French attacks at many points on the German front were "everywhere repulsed," said an official statement from the war office this afternoon. (It Is not clear whether the Ger man official statement refers only to fighting going on last night, or in cludes the operations on the British front going on today.) "French attempts to recapture Froide Terre and Thiaumont works in the fighting around Verdun were repulsed with severe enemy losses." "Prisoners and materials remained In our bands at several places," the war office asserted. "The advances were given Initial impulse by strong artillery fire, gas attacks or blasting. This morning the activity on both sides of the Somme was considerably Increased. "North of Rhelms and north of LeMesnll smaller Infantry details were repulsed. "West of the Meuse there were In fantry combats. East of the Meuse the enemy tried to re-conquer our positions on the Froide Terre and on and near Thiaumont. As on May 23 and 23 against Douaumont, strong masses of troops were engaged In this attempt to storm. services. "Once analn. on the around of un- Rev. Charles Wilson Baker, Rector. ,mp0rtant local successes at the ba the action, the Catholic (liurch Masses on Sunday 7:30 and 9 a. ra. ginning or the action, the enemy rather too hastily has reported this night the re-conquest of the fortress, Week days at 7:30 a. m. The last while In reality the attack everywhere mass on Sundays loiiowea irame-j failed under the most enormous dlately by Benediction of the Blessed .losses. Enemy soldiers who at sev Sacrament. Edmund A. Wall, Pastor. ,eral places reached our lines were taken prisoner. It Is to be noted that DURING THE PAST YEARS WE HAVE HAD OUR SEMI ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALES IN JANUARY AND JULY OR AUGUST. THE EVIDENT UNFAIRNESS OF. THIS METHOD LED US TO DISCONTINUE TI IE CLEARANCE SALE PLAN. LAST JANUARY MARKED THE LAST OF THESE SALES 'AND THE ADOPTION OF OUR NEW CASH SYSTEM. The "Sale" Plan is Unfair to Many Customers UNFAIR BECAUSE IT PLACES A TAX ON THE CUSTOMER WHO BUYS IN SEASON. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU ; BOUGHT A SUIT TODAY AT $25.00 AND NEXT WEEri SAW IT PRICED IN THE WINDOW AT $18.75? IF A LARGE PERCENTAGE OF CLOTHES ARE SOLD ON CREDIT OR OUT OF SEASON AT A DISCOUNT, IT FOLLOWS THAT THE MAN WHO BUYS HIS SUIT IN SEASON AND PAYS CASH PAYS TOO BIG A PROFIT. Our Neyr Plan ONE PRICE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. LAST JANUARY WE WENT THROUGH OUR STOCK AND RE-MARKED IT AT A REDUCTION OF FROM 5 TO 15 PER CENT. FOR IN STANCE. OUR $18 SUITS FORMERLY SOLD FOR $20. OUR $1.35 SHIRTS WERE $1.50. ETC. Don't You Think This Method Fairer? SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THIS PLAN JANUARY J. OUR BUSINESS HAS INCREASED NEARLY 20 PER CENT. WE HAVE GIVEN BETTER SERVICE. AND RIGHT TODAY WE ARE SHOWING COOp ASSORTMENTS AT PRICES NO MORE THAN WHAT MANY MERCHANTS CALL "SALE PRICES." THE MANY INQUIRIES AS TO WHEN WE WOULD HAVE OUR SALE PROMPTED THIS ANNOUNCEMENT AT THIS TIME. PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. , CASH CLOTHIERS "If Men Wear It, We Have It" First Church of Christ Sclent hit Christian Science services are held every Sunday, In the W. O. W. hall, at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet- the French enter the fortress only as prisoners. "The enemy's air squadron attacks against Lille caused no military darn ings at 8 o'clock. The reading room age, but there were numerous vio ls open daily from 2 to 4 p. m., ex- tlms among French civilians, especial cept Sunday. The publlo Is cordially y In the church of Saint Iuvens. lDviieu 10 auena uie services ana w More tnan do aeaa ana wounaea were visit the reading room. accounted for there." MEXICAN PRESS APPROVES NOTE Mexico City, July l.--The Mexico City newspapers today vigorously ap proved the statement given out yes terday by Foreign Secretary Agullar, commenting on and refuting asser tions in the American note. The for eign office statement was published In the same editions with the Am erican note which was thus given to the public for the first time. The newspapers printed first a paragrapn of President 'Wilson's communication and then Inserted a paragraph of Agullar's reply answering that par ticular charge. Officials said today that the tone of Aguilar's statement was fully Jus tified, because of the tone of the United States note. They complained that' the United States has sont sev eral sharp and undiplomatic- mess ages to the Mexican government and said that they had withheld the pub lication of many of these, because they do not wish to stir up hostility toward the United States. The foreign office announced today that immediately upon receipt of In formation that Lansing had Issued freBh warning for Americans to leave Mexico, Instructions, were telegraph ed to all civil and .military author ities to give guarantees of protec tion to all Americans and other for eigners within their Jurisdiction. The. war office has received from General Trevlno a, complete official report of the Cardial encounter, In cluding the statement of the Amer ican guide 'Lem Splllsbury, which shows the Americans were the ag gressors. This version of the Carrtzal clash not only supports the previous Mex ican official narrative of that en counter, but gives the new allega tion that Captain Boyd of the Am erican forces, defiantly declared he "would march to Villa Ahumada In the face of fire," It was said In the official report of Colonel Itlvas. After recounting bow Rlvas went out to confer with 'Boyd when the detachment was sighted, how Boyd was warned of the 41 ex leans' orders not to permit further advances, and how General Gomes personally par leyed with Boyd, urging him to wait until word could be received from Juarez as to the right of the Ameri cans to proceed to Villa Ahumada, the statement continues: "To this the overbearing Ameri can chief replied he did not care to lose any more time and would walk over the Mexicans, If necessary. Gen eral Gomes answered that he might march ahead If he thought he was able. Then General Gomel and we who escorted him retired to where our forces were. The American leader did likewise, going to his forces, and ordering his horses chain-' ed up and with his cavalry afoot, ad vanced in open skirmish formation upon our forces, who remained mounted and without making a move until the Americans opened fire at a distance of R0 meters, On request of,General Trevlno, It was announced today that General Carranxa had pro moted Rlvas and five, other Mexican officers for 'constancy In service, gal lantry in action and defense of the country' in the Carrlzal fight." MKXICAN GOVfSflNOIl ORJKIU4 , RTOIJW CTJLK JWITItXED Eagle Pass, July 1. Ooreraor Mlrelos of the state of Coahulla, through Mayor flthwhty oMols city, today signed a manifesto ordering the return ot 100,000 cattle recently seized from American owners Just south of the border. It Is reported that Carranza soldiers already are rounding up the stolen stock. Man and the Carnal. When Mum flrM saw the camel he was so frightened at his vsst site that be fled away After a time, perceiving the meekness and gentleness of his temper, he summoned courage enough to approsch htm. Hoon afterward, ob serving that he was an animal alto gether deficient In spirit, ho assumed such boldness as to put n bridle In his mouth and t set a child to drive blui. Use serves to overcome dread. From Aesop's Palileft. Know This BurolarT "Hnd every cent tnkcu Inst , night Woke up lion r Inn sumo one in the room. Reuchcd, miller tho pillow for my re volver, but didn't shoot." "Why didn't you 7" "I'd probably be u widower If I had" -New York Journal. Shertags In China. "I don't like tho family I'm wld. Seven courses st dinner." "Tbnt's stylo." "Not when you gottn wnsh tbo dishes from one course before you ran go on wld the next"-Louisville Courier Journal. ' Had His Hands Cull. Judge-Why didn't you seize the thief when you found him? Policeman -How could IT I had my club In one hand and, my revolver in the otnert Fllegende Blsetter. All Shell and No Kernel. Charley-My friends tell me that I hare all the eccentricities ot genius. Beatrtce-What a pity it Is, Charley, that you bare not got the gonlus Itself! I The wise man Is cured of ambition by mbltlon.-r.a Bruyere