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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1916)
' - 1 T70LT 03EEIC 4 I. nipreritativet of the Vuiar fac lory assure the growen that beets here are considerably tbov tbe aver age. Tbe drlnly rains of the past weak have helped rauoh and tot for ward the date when Irrigation ahould begin. , Soudan gran, another now product here, haa not made the growth ex pected, but everything except fruit on the trees la backward tbli season, but with the coming of normal grow ing weather growth, ai uiual, will be phenomlnal. We are no longer dependent upon tourists on the Pacllla highway for the inuslo of the chug wagon. Mn. Rogera, of the Wolf Creek hotel, ha a Howard, and Mr. Story, of the Wolf Creek Mercantile company, baa a new Ford on the way, and It la rum ored that several others will aoon be In possession of this evidence of pros perity. Mr. HInterlelter, of the Wolf Creek saw mill brought bla evidence of prosperity with hint from Florida and hai for aome time owned a Ford. L. L. Lown now haa a cobbler's outOt and la prepared to mend the soles and uppers of alt who continue to walk. Jordan and Molntoih are putting Dasay'a pine to the Dunbar mill and are negotiating with, a vlow to mar keting all the scattered pine In this vicinity. ; ; ; ; v ''' ' ' c The Southern Pacific la putting on the, finishing touches of Improve ments extending over nearly a year, Oiling trestles, lessening curves and laying new rails, and with a few more trees down and other Improvements being mad "the famous two-mile loop and beautiful Wolf Creek val ley" will be all the more attractive to announcing porters and the tour: Ing publlo. Letterheads at the Courier. CHICHESTER S PILLS yam. AtolftSWffiriw SOtO BY DRUGGISTS IVFRYUHCRC i. .SB FASHION GARAGE and Machine 5hop Best Equipped Shop in Southern Oregon Expert Machinist in charge Oxy-Acetyline Welding Vulcanizing and Tube Repairs Overland and Studebaker Service Station All II 11 11 II pj ammED mil ItOfJl'K 1UVKU IMH'NI-l'P DEDICATION' OF SPRINGS PROGRAM FOR TI ESDAV, JULY 4TU O:00 a. 111. Industrial and Patriotic Parndo. 2:00 p. nt. Rogue River Round-Up llaiul CViuert In Llthln Pwk . WU Sports nt NatJtforiiiin, Dancing SPECIAL TRAIXCiltAXTa PASS TO ASHLAND AND. RETURN iiwive Grants Pam 7.00 a. in. IrfNivo Rogue Rtver....7:20n. nt. IrfviveUold Hill 7:4t m, m. Leave Tolo 7: BO a. m. ' Arrive AnIiUikI (Up Town) at 8: 50 a. m. . Returning, sHM'lnl will leave Ashlnnd (Up Town) at0:30 p. 111. IOW IUUIVn TRIP FARES will le on anle from nil Southern Pacific stations In Oregon; RoRetmrjt nnd Mouth to Asliland, July 8, 4, fl.and 6. , -( Return limit July 7tli ,: For further Information as to farea, train Service, etc., &k loral Agent ' JOHN M. SCtyTT, General PasNenger Agent, Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PAC IFI C LI N ES Of tnjEPHY s The 'iioxtj. Porno will be at Murphy the last Saturday In July, every one Is sure of a good time who can attend. , ( Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mitchell, Mr. end Mrs. W. 0. White and L. W. Carson drive over Jacksonv-119 bill AthlaMl up to Walter Sprlnxs and jnk th'Oiigb Med foil sod J wn Rogue P ur last Sunday, tbey re port crops it. oklng fine and plont of fruit In sight. The poHtal Inspector rode over the route with the carrier last Friday, A number of farmera are taking advantage of the County Agent's of for to help soli stock and produce. Roy Drown has been selected to teach the Murphy school. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Carson, Mr. snd Mrs. W. 0. White and Mrs. R. K. Woodson drove up to attend Po mona at Merlin Saturday, and report an extra good mvtln and i.e at tendance. . ' Word has been revived tuta the Robert Pahlberg Jamil and they are located In San Antonio, Texas. Mrs. T. IS. Ollmore returned Sun day from, Ashland, where she ha been visiting for several days. Tbos. Beagle and Henry Darncllle were fishing In Rogue river Mon day, and brought home a fine 30 pound salmon. .;' I T dnnnu JprtlPA I. tt v r. Martin Saturday, with his family to attend Pomona. The Cook boy who was so badly In Jured Is, getting along as well as could be expected. ' Arthur, Ollmore, who resides' In California, la visiting hla parents Mr. snd Mrs. J. Ollmore. 200 MOKE REFUGEES ARRIVE FROM VK1U CRUZ , Galveston, July 1. The ateamer Dade arrived here today with 200 refugees from Vera Cm. One thous and were landed today from the U, S. transport Dixie and the steamer Her bert 0. Wylle, which arrived yester day, but were detained because of lack of quarantine facilities. One thousand ' more are expected from Vera Crus tomorrow. At ASHLAND Irfwve Central IrfNive Modford Iieave Phoenix 1oave Talent MEXICAN 'ARMY CROWDS PERSHING El Paso, July ' 1. Carrantlst troops In the southern portions of the state of Chihuahua art being moved nearer to the contracted American lines, according to Information re ceive! here today. General Trevlno, commander of the le facto government's northern army, Is closing In on General Per shing's base near Colonla DuMan. Carranzlsta reinforcements continue to arrive at Villa Ahumada. These movements are believed by military officers here to be the fore runner of an attack upon the Am erlcan expedition sbonld relations between the two governments reach the breaking point. The negro cavalrymen captured at CarrUal and released from Chihua hua prison were among the first to see the 23 horses returned by the de facto government late yesterday on their arrival at Fort Bliss. With shouts of Joy the Carrlzal heroes made a mad rush to see If among those recovered were their favorite chargers. Much affection was shown for the horses by tbe colored men. El Paso,' July 1. Today a tented city of several thousand militiamen Is coming Into existence on the cac tus-decked plain near Fort Bliss. Before the end of the coming week there will be an army of 25,000 na tlonal guardsmen stretching from El Paso to Columbus, N. M, Tbey will gradually assume patrol duties of over 6,000 regulars, who csn be rushed Into Mexico to join General Pershing's column. Local authorities believe Carranza's state ment from Mexico City yesterday might lesd to tbe punitive expedition being reinforced. While the militia's sdvsnce on the border is screened by an official el lence, 10,000 from Pennsylvania and New Jersey are the vanguard expect ed here today. ' ' Regulars at Fort Bllsa were bard at work this mornlntc. clearing the new camp site of mesqulte and cac tus. The regulars relieved by the ar rival of the guardsmen wilt bo held in momentary readiness for a dash Into Mexico, should trouble further develop. The latest estimate of the Amerl can army now In Mexico is about 11,000 men. Even reinforced by the 6,000 regulars, Pershing will bare only a third of tbe number the Car ranxa government has concentrated In a horseshoe formation around Pershing. MILITIA AID BILL PASSED BY HOUSE Washington, July 1. The Hay resolution appropriating (2,000,000 for the relief of dependent wives, children and mothers of married mill tlamen was passed by the house to day by a vote of 296 to 2. It gives the secretary of war power to pay a family without income $50 a month Congressman James of Michigan and Congressman Small of North Caro- I Una voted against the bill. 'Hull Point.. 8:00 a. in. .....: 1 7 1. m. ...... . ..8::t0 a, nu 8: 40 a. in. llmll ,s 3ssfM At! wising KM I ALE FOR. SALE 8lx-room plastered house, close In, lot 100x100, good bad. Address No. 2411, cars Courier. M7tf FOR BALE Registered Guernsey bulls from high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grant Pass, Ore. , - 7S4tf FOR BALE Three-ton Veils auto truck. Tbe price Is right Leonard Orchards Company, Grants Pass, Or. 754tf REGISTERED HOL8TEIN bull calf, born May 22, 1916. Sirs, Clover Idge 8egla Korndyke, Advanced Registry backing. Dam, Pomona Hengrveld Doo. Fins Individual. Price reasonable. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch. Route 1. 766tf FRUIT RANCH FOR SALE 35 acres on Applegate river, seven miles from Grants Pass. Best of soil. Bearing orchard of apples, peaches, cherries snd strawberries, choice varieties. Grsvity irriga tion; abundance of water. Has a five-room house and other out buildings. This is a money-maker right from the start. The Adjust ment Bureau of the Portland As sociation of Credit Men, J. M. Warnlck, Route No. 4, Grants Pass. Ore. 788 FOR SALE 30 Angora goats and fine two-year-old Red Durham bull and Durham cows, milk and beef type. Grave Creek Ranch. 76tf FOR SALE OR TRADE) for small one-seated automobile one vacant lot in Glendale. Write or aee Clifton Beals, Days Creek, Ore gon. 788 TO RENT MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUSE for rent at 727 North Fifth Street Sleeping porch, bath, hot and cold water and gas, electric lighted. Call for key next door. 780tt WANTED WANTED $300 for, one year on security of over $2,000. Will pay good Interest. Box 74, Merlin, Oregon... . 1 ,781 MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In S-gallon glaas Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary, Telephone 288-R and water wagon will call. PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure that this water Is pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles. X. E. Beckwtth. Order by phone, . 602-F-8. 45tt WILLIAM BOOG, practical painter. Wood finishing and enameling in any color a specialty. Rooms en ameled $2 50 and up. Estimates on request. Can refer you to many satisfied customers. 203 Foundry street- 788 ON YOUR WAY to the coast stop at Gasquet summer resort. Meals at all hours. Seventy-seven mtles from Grants Pass. 808 REMEMBER Miss Moore, of Med fdrd. will be at 627 North Third street on Saturdays. Phone 266-J for leesons and portrait sittings. Variety of art work on sale. 761tf ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, metallurgist Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. FOUR ARE KILLED IN CLOUDBURST Wasco. Ore., July . 1. Relief parties started early today from Wasco and Moro to learn what dam age was done by a cloudburst which last night swept Grass Valley and Hay Creek canyon, causing at least four deaths. Telephone lines were broken by the floods which filled every gulley and details of the dam age done were meagre. The four known dead are John Kounsmann and F. L. Burnett, of Moro; Mrs. L. H. Lawrence, of New Meadows, Idaho, and a Mrs. Fortner, of Wasco' The roads were In such bad condi tion from the heavy rains that relief parties in automobiles made Blow progress Into the remote districts where the cloudburst occurred. Location notices, Courier office. Mining blanks at the Courier offlco. WASCO TDfJB CABD The California and Oregon uoast Railroad company (The Oregon Caves Route) Effective Monday, May 1, lilt. Train 1 Ir. Grants Ps...7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek..6:00 e-m. Train 4 lv. Water Creek: 00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pas-:00 p.m. Dally except Sunday. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all information regarding freight and passenger serrlcs call ai the offlos of the company. Public Ser vice building, or phone 111 for same. Train will stop on flag at any point between Grants Pass as Watem Creek. Passsszsr rrlce every da) In tbe week. COUNTY TREASURER'S CALL FOB ROAD WARRANTS All Josephine County (Pink) Road Warrants, protested prior to October lltb, 1915, are hereby called in for payment, including numbers 6Z, 5024. 579, 447, 440, 402, 559 and 569, protested October lltb. 1916, all of which are payable at tbe Trea surer's office on or after the 30th day of jnne, 1916, at which date interest will cease. ' x J. E. PETERSON, , 787 Josephine County Treasurer. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the County Court will consider bids for 50 tier oak, 25 tier pine and 25 tier fir chunk wood, 18 Inches long, to be delivered at tbe Court House, and for 60 cords oak, 25 cords pine and 25 cords fir wood, 4 feet long, to be delivered at the County Home. . 25 tier fir chunk wood and 25 cords fir wood to be delivered on or before August 25, and tbe balance to be de livered on or before October 1. AH wood to be cut out of green body timber." '; ' ''''-. -V- . All bids must be filed on or before 10 o'clock a. m. of the 6th day of July, 1916. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids or award the contract according to the best interest of tbe county. By order of the County Court of Josephine County, Oregon. E. L. COBURN, , ' County Clerk. CALL FOR BIDS . Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Directors of School District No. 7 of Josephine County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for certain alteration and repair work at' the High School Building in said district, all bids to be filed with the clerk not later than Wednesday. July 12, 1916, at six o'clock p. m. Plans and specifications for iis said work may be bad at the office of the clerk, second floor of First Na tional Bank Building. A certified check for ten per cent of the amount bid must accompany each sealed bid. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. EDWARD S. VAN DYKE, 791 ' Clerk BRITISH NEWSPAPERS COMMENT ON NEW DRIVE London, July 1. In their largest. blackest type, ''the London evening newspapers announced that the great allied offensive lias begun. "Our great offensive ;ln conjunction with our allies has started," declared the Evening News. "If there Is any truth in the proverb, 'Well begun 19 half done,' then we have every rea son for hope." "The allies are now striking hard on all fronts," announced the Even ing Standard. 'British and French have taken the offensive," announces the Evening Star. "Germany can not transfer troops from the east to meet It. She already has drawn on her last re serves for the Verdun struggle' NANCY BOMBARDED BY . GERMAN LONG. RANGE GUNS Paris, July 1. The city of Nancy was shelled by German long range guns last night, It was officially ad mitted today. , ... S Nancy la the capital of the French department of the Meurthe-Moselle and lies 35 mites south of Mets. ' Its population is about 110,000. Nancy has been attacked several times by German flyers. v PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, If. D. Pr actio limited to disease of tfcs eys, sar, nos and throat Glasses flttsd. Offlos moors M2, 2-1, and on ap pointment Offlos phone 62; dene phone I8I-J. 8. LOCGHRIDOI. U. D.. Phnlclaa andsnrgson. City or eountrj calls attended day or night Ros. phone III; offlos phono 111 Sixth and H. Tuts Bolldtng. J. P. TRUAX, u. D., PhyalcUs nnd Surgeon. Phonos: OS00, III) rosldsnco, '834. OaUo onsworoi at all hours. Country oaUg at tended to. Lnndobnrsj Bids. ' DR. JCD B TW ATE & Specialist on diseases of sys, oar, noso and throat; glasses flttsd. Offlco boon: 9 to 12 a, nu, 2 to I 9. m. Phonos: Ros. 214-J; Offlco, 257-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Pass, Orogoa. A. A. WITHAX, X. D., Physician and Surgeon. Offlos: Hail Building, corner Sixth and I streets. Pnonos: Offlco, 116; residence, 288-J. Honrs: a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopathia Physician. Chronio snd nsrvouo diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and t, Lnndbnrg building, opposite post ofice; phono, 149-R. Resldsnee: Colonial hotel; phono 167-J. T6S DKXTIST8 E. C. MACT. a M. D.. flratclaa dsntlstnr. 19t South Sixth street. Grants Pass, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT. D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerlto H. Elliott, dental assistant Rooms and 6, Golden t Rola building. Grant Pass, Ore. Phono 26 W. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON. Atternv7-t-Lsw. Practice in all State nnd Federal Courts.' First National Bank Big. COLVIQ WILLIAMS Attorneys- at-Law, Grants Pans Banking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice in all courts." First National Bank N Bnlldlng. wVs-..- " ..-.. C EDWARD H. RICHARD. Attorney. at-Law. Offle Masonic Temple, - Grants Pass, Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Lftw Connty attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phono 370. Grants Pass. Oregon. V. A CLEMENTS Attorney-t4aw, practices . in state and federal courts. Rooms 2 and 3, over Golden Rnlo store. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco- Belgian school of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence, 215 I street DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Ail kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phono 133-R. Stand at frleght depot A Shade, Propr. '. O. lsham, drayage and transfer. Sss, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phono Clarke A; Holman, No. 60. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A M. Stated Commanloo uons 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A K. Cass, W. M. Ed. O. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. r-n-;, 0 meeU I Wd jT nesday eve In I.O.O.F. hall, cor. 6th and H. St. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to tie present I. V. Howell, N. Q., Clyde Martin, Secretary. VETERINARY SURGEON uk. K. j. BE8TUL, Veterinarian, Office In Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 11 3-J. Resi dence phone S05-R. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANOINO, graining, paint ing. - For the best work at lowest prices puone zo-j. u. u. riant South Park atret. ' Job printing of every description at the Conrlsr office.