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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1916)
r AGS TWO ..' DAILY ItOOm RIVER COVREH SUNDAY, JULY a, 1010. Daily Rogue River Courier. Am Independent Republics News paper. United. Press Leased Wire Telegraph. Bervioe A. S. VOORHa, Put. and prop. VTTLFORD ALLEN, Editor Entered at the Grants Put, Or tea, Postofflce m second-class mall attar. Ose Taar tk Months Three Months Das Month. .fS.OO 1.00 1.50 .60 SUNDAY, JULY 8, 1M6 4 OREGON WEATHER 4 : - , 4 Sunday unsettled, probably 4 4 sbowera; variable winds. 4 44 444 44444 444444 4 4 HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF. "War with Mexico" la a phrase which turna the mind ot the atudent Jmei to 1845, when "War with Me leo" waa the dominant note of the day, both in politic and In cItII life. for a year and more the cltlieni ot the United States bad been on edge over the threat of conflict, and that It true today. An observation of the trend of erenta at that time reveals a parallel to the tretid or the present that la almost uncanny. Political reasons and other Inter oats were then blamed as the cause of trouble. That la true today. An army waa eent Into territory which Mexico claimed as In her dominion, and a camp maintained there, despite the protest of the Mexican govern ment Our army and Its camp In Mexico today la maintained despite protest of the Mexican government General Zachary Taylor, in command, as General Pershing la ot the force on. Mexican soil today, heard that larze . numbers of . Mexicans went gathering a few miles south of him, possibly for attack. Be sent a troop of cavalry to reconnoiter, the same Captain Boyd's Tenth cavalry was eent last week, and it waa treacher ously attacked by an overwhelming force. Even to the result the parallel Is seen. To Arrive Fresh Monday Morning Bananas Oranges Lemons Cantaloupes Our entire store will be olosed all day JULY 4th. KINNEY & TRUAX Dry Goods Shoes Groceries a direct appropriation of $45,000 tor the building ot this road waa aide- tracked because the forestry depart ment wished the general bill to cover the building of all roads. It waa not antagonistic to the caves road, but asked only that its building await the passage of the Shaokletbrd bill. Un der this an appropriation of $1,000.- 0 per annum la made for the build ing ot roads within tta forests. The cost of the roads Is to be returned to the government from the first rev enues to be derived from the forests themselves, so that In the final ana lysis each individual county paya for tbe roads thus constructed. The fed eral appropriation Is only a temporary loan, to be returned from these for est revenues. If Congressman Haw ley now presses the matter before the departments there Is reason to be lieve that the cave road will be one ot the first to be given consideration. Full data regarding the needs tor the new highway has been In Mr. Haw- ley's hands for several weeks past, It having been supplied when be was pressing his original roads bill. PATRONIZING HOME INDUSTRIES. The following trite illustration of the trade-at-home policy" Is attributed to Governor Ferguson of Texas: "I remember that upon one occa sion a certain Farmers' Union lecturer In 1846, Captain Thornton, waa telling the farmers of Texas of of the attacked troop, escaped hy the the mistake they were making. He narrowest margin, while sixteen of said: The great mistake with the his men were killed and most of tbe 'Texas farmer is that be doesn't live others were captured. Taylor then withdrew bis force a few miles to the north, the act encouraging the Ignor ant peons to thinking they were driv ing the "gringoes" home. at home, he depends on selling cotton too much. You are continually buy ing something, and you don't ever sell anything. To Illustrate what I mean, I need but call your attention Last week General Pershing sent , to the fact that when you awake In SPANISH RELIC hi PLACER MINE A recent discovery, in the alulce boxea ot the Logan mine in the Illinois valley, ot a Spanish coin bear ing the date mark of 1784, ia held to establish the approximate date ot the gold-seeking operations ot Spaniards in southwestern Oregon. Flndinga made in the deep gravel throughout the past generation have confirmed the belief in the minds of those who have been In touch with them that during the Mission or pas toral period In California, and ante dating any local history. Spaniards visited this section ot Oregon In quest ot gold. This conviction has been based upon a aeries ot discoveries made from time to time since the present line ot miners has been oper ating, and aa more evidence Is un earthed the thread ot history becomes more plainly marked. First Intimations of previous work ings came aome years after the rush of gold-seekers had swept California and southern Oregon. The Logan property, then the Simmons placer, was first worked In 1852, after the usual preliminary gathering of nug gets In the most available gulches and creek beds. When the gravel wall bad been pushed back some distance a fllling-in was observed on Its face, of gravel and aoll ot distinctly differ ent color and texture. The filled-tn space was in the form of a trench, and when work on It had progressed, no doubt was left but that some pre vious gold-eeekera had sunk tbe trench., At the time there was noth ing to fix the tfme. No record of It waa known. That It was many gen erations previous was certain, for the fllllng-In by the action of the ele ments was estimated at one hundred and fifty years or more. Some time j later a small crucifix, much worn and corroded, was washed from the gravel j clscan friars made the' trip Into the basin of the Rogue. Acceptance 6t this aa tact has been constantly forced more strongly, until now it seems that the history ot Oregon will begin, not with the fur traders on the Columbia, but with the Spaniards whose explor ation has filled California's history so full of romance. Ancient docu menu ot early Spanish explorers con tain reference to southern Oregon, considering it as a part of California, which attracted them by Its suspected wealth much aa Marco Polo's Cathay waa the goal a hundred years before that The coin of the kingdom of 8paln which waa found thla spring, as well as the pendant found fourteen years ago, ia on exhibition at the Courier office. The Spanish piece has been worn thin and la much scratched and nicked by grinding of gravel and sand, and haa been struck In two placea by aome sharp Instrument. The legend on the face la "Carolua III Del Gratia 1784," and aurrounda the bust of the ruler. On the obverse Is the royal coat ot arms, encircled by the words "Rex-Imperator Hlspan ola et Ind.M Translation gives the coin to the reign ot Charles the Third, which extended from 1759 to 1788, designating him as King and Em peror of 8paln and the Indiea. Research Into tbe history of Cali fornia contemporary with the time of the historical evidence found In this locality, and also with that far ante dating that era. establishes beyond reasonable doubt the connection with this section ot Oregon of early Spanish visitors whose part la our history has heretofore been unsuspected. Ne Common Curt When assessing a family la Irving. ton tbe question of "what breed" was, asted or ue owner or ue ranuiy dog Tbe womsn of the house answered: "He's Just a cur." Uer six-year-old son straightened himself up to his full height patted bis dog on tbe head and proudly proclaimed. "Yea, and he's a full blooded car too.N-!ndlanapotls News. Could Live en Love. Father Tbe Idea of marrying that young fellow! Ue couldn't scrape enough money together to buy a aquare meal Daughter Dot what difference need that make? We haven't either of ns bad a bit of appetite for month YOl ll DIFIOMA You, bo (tout, prlae Uie diploma you received at whoul or college hut how much inure Important la the . ability that la back of It. I'ut your talents to good use and eiervlae your saving; eense. Start an account with ua. 4 Intrrtwt nld on Having, Accounts ' Grants Pass Backing Company Grants Pass, Ore. Fireworks and Fan s For the Fourth Demaray Dreg id Staticrcry Stcre aa. His Keener Optle. How did you net such a bruised eya RastusT "Well boss. I waa out a-lookln' for trouble an' dla yere eye waa de fust to nd It" Ponton Tranwrlpt. PORTLAND MARKETS out a troop of cavalry to reconnoiter the nmrnin It la to the alarm of s'bank Into the sluices and found I 1 . . i - i r 1,1. . .. mere, ninuug some couuewuu wivu You get up and v ,v. . , and determine the purpose of the Connecticut clock, gathering of Mexicans to the south of button on Chicago suspenders to your him. The men were treacherously Detroit overalls. You go out and attacked by a larger force. Captain" wash your face with Cincinnati soap Morey, like Captain Thornton, was in an Indianapolis wash basin. You the only officer to escape, and that by git down to your breakfast and eat good fortune. Seventeen men were1 from a table made In Grand Rapids, killed and a number of others cap- and you eat Chicago meat. And your tured. General Pershing Is reported bread Is made of Tennessee flour, to have withdrawn his force from 'cooked on a St. Louis stove. You go Kamiquipa and several other points. 'out and put a New York bridle on The Mexicans take this as the result a Kentucky mule, fed on Iowa corn, of a great victory and are clamoring and plow your farm all day, which Is to silence tbe "gringoes." Icovered with a Maasachusetta mort- About fourteen years ago another link In the chain was found in the form of a small metal pendant tear- j ing the Latin legend, "Mater TVilnrnaa An Prn Nntiln " Thla ' When the Mexican president In gage. And at night when you get 1846 would have made peace In pre- home you read a Bible printed In Bos ference to a hopeless war, be could ton and you say a prayer that was not control his people. They deposed written In Jerusalem. And you crawl him and gave the government to one under a blanket manufactured In New Paredes, a bandit-villain. War was Jersey, to be kept awake all night by declared and after two years the a damned dog the only home pro fited States bad acquired a great duct you bave on the farm'," tract of territory which had belonged to Mexico, and Is now known as Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas and Oklahoma. What the present state of affairs will lead us to can be only a matter of conjecture, but hlHtnry has been repeated in our Mexican affairs up to date. In the parallel, and today, the nexntdve Is ui to the Mexican pre sident. ! surrounds tbe figure of a saint, whose head Is circled by a halo, and whose heart Is pierced by seven daggers. On the other side Is a likeness of the Crucifixion, with lettering partly worn off. The pendant Is blackened and corroded. This and the crucifix were thought to establish the early work as that of the Franciscan friars, who founded tbe mission at Monterey In 1770, and who later founded the Mission Dolores In San Francisco. With the latest discovery of the coin, fixing the digging from which It almost certain ly came as after 1784, the fixing of the visitors as contemporary, at least, with the pastoral era of California history, It Is now considered extreme ly probable that someof the Fran- . Portland, July 1. Today'a market quotations were: Wheat Club, 82 087; blue stem, 95098. . OatsNo. 1 white feed, 16.25 26.S0. Hogs Best live, 8.35. Prime steers, 7.50; fancy cows, 6.50; best calves, 8. Spring lambs, 8.25. Butter City creamery, 29; coun try, 27. Eggs Selected local extras, 24 025. Barley Feed, 27029. Copper, 28. troops on the right Is little mora then sympathetic movement and a pro tection for the English flank. The meager official statements this afternoon suggest that the British have gained an average depth of per haps two miles slong a 16-mile front Thla Is a large victory for the first few hours of the fighting. It Is not probable that the British armlea ex pect to progress continually at so rapid a rate, but a few advances of thla nature will throw the German western front Into serious confusion. It Is aa yet too early to determine whether the British are succeeding in co-ordination with all the move ments that enter Into a major offen sive. Lack of co-ordination has been the most hsmperlng fact of previous offensives by the British and special attention baa lately been given to thla difficulty by tba British general staff. But whether the German western, front Is pierced or not, the present British movements may. well sava Verdun and It will unqueatlonably prevent i large German force being sent to support the Auatro Hungarlans In the east. News may now arrive at any time that the Rus sians are crossing the eastern Carpa thian and are amid the grain fields and pastures of Hungary. Whether in fact Hungary la to remain secure from the Slavs depends fully as much on the persistence of the present British offensive in the west as on the continued pressure of the Rus sians In the east. HOPE FOR THE CAVES ROAD. The passage of the Sliackleford roads bill by both branches of con gress, and the certainty that It will be signed by the president and so be come the law of the land, raises the hope that the highway to the Jose phine caves Is now near realisation. Tbe Hawley measure which asked for Auto Hospital Garage Don't worry, we can fix It. Backed by, ZO years experience, P. E. GOTTSCHALK, Prop. GERMAN FOKKER BIPLANES LOST London, July 1. Tbe Important German positions at Frlecourt is prac tically surrounded and Its capture Is expected at any moment, said a dis patch from headquarters tonight. The Germans are now counter attacking at Montauban, but have been halted. Announcement was made tonight that a fleet of British aeroplanes had bombarded the rail way station at Mile. Returning, the fleet was attacked by twenty Fokker biplanes, but the British aviators suc ceeded In bringing down two of their German pursuers and arrived safely back within the lines. CELEBRATE JULY 4-5-6. at ASIIAND Formal Opening $230,000 Park and Dedication of Fanioua Mineral Springs 3 Great Parades Honoring: Queen Llthia and King Sulphur. Miles of Floats $10,000 Roundup Feature, Pendleton Cowboys, Indiana, Horses and Cattle Fireworks Display Staged by Seattle Experts who Illuminated the Frisco Expo, 4 Concert Bands InNplrlng Mualc Everywhere by all Four, Days and Night Base Ball Games Every Morning at 10, Between Weed and Medford Teams Carnival of Gaiety Water Sports at Natatorlums, Dancing, Confetti Battles, Etc. Roundup Tickets: General Admission and Grandstand $1. General Admission and Bleachers AOc Free Camp Grounds Acres of greensward, shade, seats, rest rooms, rustic tables. Chll dren's playground. Splendid water accessible on every hand. Reduced Rates From All Points l L STAGE OP WAR IN PROGRESS Hy J. W. T. Mason. j Now York, July 1. Under Initial circumstances that are highly favor able, the long-awaited Anglo-French offensive is now In full operation. Tbe final stage of the war, In fact, will probably be dated from today. . j The brunt of the fighting In the western sector Is falling on tbe Brit ish armies. Tbe attack of the French Auto Drivers, Attention Autos for hire wanted at Ashland for the Springs Dedication Celebration July 4-5-6 FOl'It SHORT H.ll'LS CITY TO ltOUXn-l P GROUNDS (AFTERNOON). CITY TO IIASKIIAMj GROUNDS (MORNING). IJT1IIA PARK TO NATATOKIUM DANCE (NIGHT). CITY TO IIICLM.W'N NATATOKIUM (DAY AND NIGHT), Requirements! Special City License of So tent per seat for nil cars which run for hire t above points up to i-npndty of ito seats. Cars of more than 20 sealing capacity, lint rate of ten dollars. A seven-passenger car pays $!l.80 llcenso and a llvo-iiiuwniier Jwd pays f2.0,et'. (Hlato chauffeur's llrei.Mo necesanry, il"()0 for tho balance of 1010), . Here Is a chance to make money. Bring n load from your home town . and stay over, . ( Apply to C. H. GIlJiETTE, City Recorder, Ashland. ,