Fill D AY, U SE 80, 1010. DAILY ROGUE, RIVER COURIER 1 ri3 tmra m GETS II CARRANZA ORDER is Japan tea for instance. You may drink it because you like tea but it's possible that you would like some other tea-taste even better. Schilling's Best offers you four distincl tastfrypesof tea t and a simple inexpensive way to picky our favorite Schilling's Best Sold through grocers only Send for Taste Packet whiih tiinfr ftrthmj tnvit- if St kiting' t But Tt4-Jpn, Ojfm, Ofcng nJ tngliih Brtth til. Ewghftr Svi r tix tufi tf itih km J. bhi.'tJprtnfthttrmipt if JO unt$ (ittmft tr turrtmj). ' MJrtut A Sihillmg W Ctmftnj, 333 Stuni Strut, $ Frtntiitt. rftftftftftftj yijiL j INFANTILE PARALYSIS HAS MANY VICTIMS New York, June JO. Thirty-eight new cases and seven In Manhattan brought the known total of Infantile paralysis victims In New York'a epi demic of the dread disease up to 29? today. This Is the largest number to far reported In one day and It purred board of health officials Into renewed effort to check the CHICHESTER S PILLS Ijcv thic DIAMOND MRAN. a amMfl fill In H.4 J M iuiik ))IMi MUM 1 ItUHoNIt HIUNn fill . .. WI kMHNiat Sl, M IH Rt I III 'I itk HI. k.u.a. lira w na ar imf MWI IIM III k-TTB-a l HNNl flt.l, . SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHFRE Special Instructions were offered to all mothers of greater New York urging that they keep their babies scrupulously clean and avoid letting them play with others not of known rleanllnees. Te board also has ask ed the United States board of health service to Investigate and ascertain whether the disease was not brought to the United States by Immigrants on Italian liners. Catenlng en to Dad, Eddie Let's aneak round behind the barn an' smote a cigarette, Sammy Too likely to get caught Ever since dad swore off he's been sneaking around there to smoke his own. Judge. ' Mining blanks at this Courier office. Go to Newport Oregon's old reliable outing resort Numerous attractions make this beach city an ideal place for an outing Washington, June 30. Callln on Secretary of State Lansing today, Mexican Ambassador Arredondo de livered to blm an official copy of the Instructions which ordered relesse of American prisoners at Chihuahua City, tbe state department announced, following the visit. Previous to tbe conference Lansing bad said he expected General Car ranrVi reply to tbe American de mands "at any moment." The envoy said he bad not deliver ed the reply to Lansing and that he did not know when It would arrive, or what Its contents would be. Lansing told Arredondo frankly that the patience of this government Is about exhausted. He pointed out that the United States government bad asked originally that Carranza's statement of attitude he made at once, whereas several days have now elapsed, and all this government has had has been tbe "expectation" of Consul Rodgera a to early delivery. Lansing believed this forenoon thst he was about to get tbe message from Arredondo. The, latter visited him without tt, but toe Indications In their conference were that Carranza's plan la to send his answer through the envoy, rather than through Consul Rodgers at Mexico City. Carranza's delay was partially explained In of ficial quarters as due, perhaps, to an effort on bis part to let matters calm down and If possible to shape up with hla cabinet an answer sstlsfac- tory to the United Slates. These Facts developed today after tbe cabinet session. Only brief con sideration wss given the Mexican altuatton because of tbe president's baste to catch a train for New York, where he will speak tonight before tbe Press club. ; As for the general policy and the military situation, tbe cabinet mem bers said these were not altered. The state department has telegraphed Consul Hod sen that all Americans must leave Mexico -at once or the United Stales will not be responsible for their safety, according to a tele gram to Mexican Ambassador Arre dondo from Mexico City today. Few er than 300 Americana have left Mexico City, and not more than 250 from the surrounding country, the telegram aays. A great majority of Americans in Mexico City have de cided to remain. The Mexican gov ernment has guaranteed protection to the Uvea and property of Ameri cana in the state of Guanajuato and Tobaaco, whenever Americans express a desire to remain. Arredondo denied today reports from Mexico City that Americans' property was being confiscated. He has received a number of dispatches lately saying great feeling exists against Mexlcana on tbe American side of the border and that many are being mistreated. FOR SALE -Six-room plastered house, close In, lot 100x100, good hade. Address No. 2411, care Courier. 67tf FOR BALE Registered Guernsey bulls from high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. z, Grants Paw, Ore. 784tf FOR SALE Three-ton Veils auto truck. Tbe price Is right Leonard Orchards Company, Grants Pass, Ore. 7Mtt REGISTERED H0L8TEIN bull calf. bora May 22, 1116. Sire, Clover Idge Begta Korndyke, Advanced Registry backing. Dam, Pomona Hengerveld Doo. Fine individual. Price reasonable. P. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Rout 1. 766tf FRUIT RANCH FOR SALE 85 acres on Applegate river, seven miles from Grants Pass. Beat of soil. Bearing orchird of apples, peaches, cherries and strawberries, choice varlette. ;; Grivftf lrrlga tfon; abundance of Viler. Haa" a trve-robm hobs and other 'out buildings. Thfe is money-maker rlgtt from the start. The MJnsti meht bureau ot tbe Portlabd As sociation of Credit Men, " 3. M. Wafnlck, Ttouts No. 4, Grants Pass, Ore. 78l STRIKERS THROW en add ROCKS AHte Reach Heal Hocks Horky UaiiHCwny Hurt bathing Nntatorlum HtiwIliiK Alleys Devils Punch Howl Government Light House Yaqiilna Ray Fine Fishing Dunce Hull Clam (UKK'n Low Round Trip Fares are on sale dally to Newport from air Southern Pacific stations In Oregon. .Return limit Oct. 81st. For complete Information regarding hotels at New- port, rates, train service, consult our agent or write , for copy of illustrated folder "Nowport Beaches." John M, Scott, General Passenger Agent . , y orftand, Oregon,, , SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES San Francisco, June 80. A mild form ot guerilla warfare is raging along the waterfront today as a re suit of the longshoremen's strike. Ten mounted police and 36 patrolmen have been added to the regular de tall there to keep order. Showers of bricks greeted Harry Youne. manager of the California Stevedore and Ballast company, when he drove along the warterfront In his automobile. Groups ot pickets pass ed the word along that Young was approaching. He was forced to run veritable. gauntlet south of the Ferry building. More missiles were hurled by men on a bridge over Beale street. They dropped rocks on motor trucks passing under the viaduct with supplies for strikebreakers living on barges moored off the wharves. Guards on the trucks replied with re volver shots, but there were no casualties. After having discussed the prob lem of a sympnthotlc strike, members of the teamsters' union referred tq their executive board, with power to act. AXOTHKH IU MOlt THAT VILLA IS WITH CAItn.UXl Eagle Pass, June SO. Juan Rod rlgues, a Mexican resident of Texas arriving here this afternoon from Torreon, said that Tancho Villa has Joined the Carranza forces at Mon clova with1 several hundred men. Rod rlgues claims to know Villa well and says he can not be mistaken regard Ing his Identity. rot BAUt TIME CARD The California and Oregon Coast Bailroad Company (The Oregon Caves Route) Effective Mondsy, May 1, 1918. Train 1 lr. Grants Psss...7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek.8:00 a.m. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek..6:00 p.m. Arrive Grants Pas........:00 p.m. Dally except Sunday. All trains leave Grants Paaa from the corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For ail Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company. Public Ser vice building, or phone 181 tar aame. Train will atop on flag it any point between Grants Paaa art Wate Creek. pancsj errice very da In the week. - ' - ' - FOR SALE 20 Angora goats and fine two-year-old Red Durham bull and Durham cows, milk and beef type. Grave Creek Ranch. 7t9tf FOR SALE OR TRADE for small one-seated automobile one vacant lot In Glendale. Write or see Clifton Beats, Daya Creek, Ore gon. 788 PHY81CIAK8 L. O. CLEMENT. 11 D. Practtoe limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 1-12, 1-8, and on ap pointment Office phone 62; resi dence phone 1S8-J. 3. LOUGHBJDG9, 1L D., Physician and surgeon. City or country ealla Attended day or sight. Rat. phone ; Sil; office phone 111 Sixth and H. Tufa Building. J. P. TRUAX, 1C D., Physician a4 Surgeon. Phones: OSes, 8:8; residence, 824. CaUs smwti at all hours. . Country ealla at tended to. Lnadetorg Bldf. ooujrrr treasurer's call FOR ROAD WARRASTS All Josephine County (PIak) 4load Warrants, protested prior to October Utb, 1115, are hereby called in for payment, including numbers &tz. 8021. 578. '447. 140. 402, 85 Slid 68, protested October 11th, 115, all of which are payable at the Trea surer's office on or after the 80th day of Jane. 1816, at which date interest will cease. J. E. PETERSON, ' 787 Josephine County Treasurer. OR. ED BTWATER Specialise OB diaeaaws) of yv ' . 4 throat; . glasaea ttted. flee koart: t to IS avau, J to 8.9. an. Phonea: Bs. 2S4-J; OOee, 267-J. fechsaldt Bunding, vGrafs Pats. brt;. FOR 8ALE Registered Ayrshire, and other fresh cows. Phone 291-L, or call at, former Laurel Grove Dairy north of town. 786 FOR SALE Soda fountain and ac cessories, show case, candy-making and Ice cream manufacturing plant, together with complete equipment ready 'for business. Building. 2ixlB0, can be had for reasonable rent. Apply at once to Fred A. Williams, assignee. 786 TO RENT FURNISHED five-room cottage for rent, close in. Inquire at 21 S C street, or phone 168-R. 778tt MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUSE for rent at 727 North Fifth Street Sleeping porch, bath, hot and cold water and gas, electrio lighted. Call for key next door. 780tt Portland, June 80. Today's mar ket quotations were: Wheat Club, 82 88; bluestem, 848. Oats No. 1 white teed. 26 26.50 Barley Feed, 26.5028.50. Hogs Best live, 8.20 8.25. Prime steers, 7.25 7.50; fancy cows, e.&u; nesi caives, a. Spring lambs, 8.75. Butter City creamery,' 29; coun try, 27. ' Ekks Selected local extras, 24 ft 25. ' Hens, 13 14; 'broilers. 16018; geese, 10 11. II HAV7LEY 'ORKS IIV L BASE MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In 5-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. MJRB MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. . Bacterial testa as sure that this water la pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles. V. E. Beck with. Order by phone, 602-F-S. 459tt WILLIAM BOOG. practical painter. Wood finishing and enameling In any color a specialty. Rooms en ameled 82.50 nnd up. Estimates on request. Can refer you to many satisfied customers. 208 Foundry etreet 788 Ort YOUR WAY to the coast stop at Gasquet summer resort. Meals at all hours. Seventy-seven miles from Grants Pass. 808 REMEMBER Miss Moore, of Med- ford, will be at 627 North Third atreet on Saturdays. Phone 256-J tor lessons and portrait sittings. Variety of art work on sale. 761tf VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL. Vetarlnarlan, Office In Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone S05-R. DR. F. D. &T&XCL2r-DUeaaet ot chflif sin had luteal prcoa. ta VSMlim ,.'2Zi: ' tutotiA -gir. ds' ' '-r' :. '..''!. a. x. wnaa tx K klm tai -ernar4UiaheaaltCArtn: OCca, 111; ,rslcs3n, 4:J. Houm: 9 a. as. to 4 f. n. dr. jl wasuoi &c cvtorrM Physlelaa. Cutxtilo ,mi itrfw diwaaea apeelaJty. Boon 1 and S. LuCShnraj lnXlla(. oppoU pott bOoe; phono 14Y-B. SU&mf: CWonlalhotalj ticflu 117-J. Tit E. C. MACT. D. M. IXnntreJsa dentistry. . 10ft SonOt BOA street. Grant Paaa, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT. D. M. D. Mod ern dental ,work. Mrguerite H. ElIloU, dental aaeiatant Room t and 6, Golden' Rnlo bnildln. Grant Paaa, Or. Phone 265-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorn,y-atrUw. Practice in all State and Federal Court. First National Bank Big. COLVIG tt WILLIAMS Attorneys at-Law, Grant Paa Banking Co. Building, Grant Pass. Oregon. E. 3. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice) In all court. First National Bank Building. Washington, June 80. Supporting a bill for the establishment of a naval base at Astoria. Congressman Haw- ley declared today to the house naval affairs committee that every United States naval vessel which leaves the Bremerton station passes under the nose of British guns. "In case ot war with England, tbe Bremerton navy yard would he use less." said Hawley. Hawley declared the far north west, with an area as large aa Ger many, capable of supporting so.ouy,- 000 to 70,000,000 pepole, would be in danger of occupation by a foreign foe unless the mouth ot the Columbia river was strongly guarded. He aald If foreign troops ever occupied this territory, controlling the mountain passes, they never could be dlBlodged. "You are aware this naval bill now provides for a commission of naval experts to study the Pacific coast with the Idea of establishing another naval base," eaid Chairman Padgett. EDWARD B. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Offie Maaonle Tempi. Grant Pa; OMgon. W. T. MILLER. Attorney-at-Lftv County attorney tor Joseph! County. Office: Schahhorn Bid. O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Grants Pas Basking Co. hnUdiag. Phone 870. Grant Pes. Orege. V. A. CIJCMENT8 Attorney-at-tavr, practice tn ttat and federal courts. Rooms 2 and 2, Golden Rule star.' ' MUSICAL INSTRUCTION v VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franeo Belgian school of violin playing. . E. R. Lawrence, 815 I street .. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER QO. AU kinds of " drayage , and tranafcr . work carefully and promptly dona. Pbon 118-R. Stand at friegtt depot A. Shade, Propr. FEUITDALE CALL OX WIIiSON TO . INTERVENE FOR CASEMENT Washington, June 30. A request that President Wilson intervene to Bave the life ot Sir Roger Casement Is made In a resolution Introduced In the senate this afternoon by Martlne of New Jersey. The resolution was referred to the senate forolgn rela tions " committee, where Chairman Stone promised It attention at the first meeting. : If you tnvlte people's oplulon you've no right to sneer nt them becuuxe tbry don't say what y wsuted -PM ftrnhnm Phllllr ' : Grange meets Saturday, July 1. Mr. and Mrs. A. C Crews and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Crews motored over from Ashland and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wardrlp. F. Breltraayer and family and A. Breltniayer and family were guests at Underwoods Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stanbrough and son were week-end guests ot Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Blanchard. Ethel and Gladys Wardrlp, ot Tokay Heights, helped their cousin Wanda spend her birthday at Glenora ranch labt week. Mrs. F. Breltmayer and Mrs. B. R. 'Elliott spent several days of last week with their mother, Mrs. Slat tery, at Lorelei. , Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Blanchard, Mr. and Mrs. John Stanbrough, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. White. Mrs. W. S. Coutant and Frank Hall, members of Fruit dale grange, attended Pomona grange at Merlin Saturday.., THE WORLD MOVES: so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phon 15-R. Clone and LavenoV. There in no record of a lion ever bat Ing attacked a trainer wbo had taken the precaution with lavender of perfuming himself . Q. 4aham. rayge and transfer. ' Sajj pianos and furniture moved peeked, shipped and ' stored. Phone Clark & Holtnan, No. 19. Residence phone 124-R. " LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. T. A. L Stated Commanloa tlone 1st and 8d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Cass, W, M. Ed. G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. ' O. F., meets every Wed ( y nesday sve In I.O.O.r. vw"p hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially invit ed to te present I. V. Howell. N. Q., Clyde Martin, Secretary. . ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH, Asssyer, chemist, metallurgist. Roma 201-208 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGINO. graining; palnt- Int.; Tor ths boat work at lowest prices phone 295-J, C, Q. plant South Park street Vwa