Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, June 20, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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' I
vol, vi., Nu. aaa.
Member of Carranza s Cab
inet Says Situation Is Not
Desperate, and Quiet Reigns
in the Mexican Capital
Mexico City, June 20., -Addressing
patriutlu demonstration toiy, See
gttary Acuua of the Department of
Oobmclon, declared tht he did
not consider the situation between
the United States and Mexico to be
desperate. He added that he thought
the eontroteray would be eettled toy
Bight x thousand miners in one
group today tendered their service!
to General Obregon. Military train
ing of thousand of citizens who
have volunteered for service in esse
of war will begin neit Sunday.
Secretary Acuna'a expression was
endorsed this afternoon by several
other officials and Is held in well In
formed business circles In the capi
tal. The city was absolutely quiet this
morning. Not a single case of moles--tatloa
of any foreigner this ..morning
was reported to any of the embassies.
It was expected that manifestations
would "be renewed this afternoon,
more volunteers pledging their sup
port to Oeneral Carransa.
Arrangements are being made to
establish training camps at various
p.,rts of the city to care for the vol
unteers who begin drills Sunday.
Washington. June 20. Major
general Uonard Wood, commander
of the Department of the Rant, has
requested the, 'secretary of war to
ami go hlra to a position In active
service appropriate to his rsnk, It was
learned today.' He has no deelre, snd
It wonld be without precedent, for
n officer of such rank to go with
the militia.
Secretary of War Baker refused to
admit Wood'a request or to say
whether Wood would be sent to the
, . . ;
Portland, June 20. Mobilisation
.f h Ornirnn national sward at!
Claokamus range, 12 mile from Port
land, will .be completed by Wednes
, day night, according to reports re
reived by Adjutant-Oenoral White tp
PnrlUnil trann. about 800 strODK, !
will move to the mobilization grounds jnns to attack. Del Rio. Ap
art 2 o'clock this afternoon, and a tent ))arently 'the Indians formed a June
olty will rise Immediately. The sanl- tion wun a Mexican force and the
tsry detachments this morning com-two bodies are marching under one
ploted their work of putting the range command. The force was last re
in shape for encampment. ported about 40 miles south of Del
Lieutenant K. P. Williams, the Rio and should arrive opposite the
Ttuvstering-ln officer, will Inspect the .city todny. 1
troops, probably Thursday, when they
will bo formally mustered Into the
federal service.
Patrlotto enthusiasm rsn high In
the state today. Nearly 400 men
liad been enlisted this morning, and
more recruits are awaiting examin
ation. Although many were rejected,
chiefly 'because of fist foot and bud
teeth, 90 iper cent of the applicants
were In excellent physical condition,
H according to the recruiting offlcers.
The first troops arrived at the mo
bilization t rounds at o'clock this
morning. The. were, the supply de-
tachment of about 25 men.
'"', " Q&vr 1 own in the
rmm ' "r o,.,,
Mxleo City, June 20. -"If the
United States wishes war with Mex
ico, they will have to begin it by In
r tiding our territory, General Car
ranza told a delegation of men and
women teachers aad students who
called on him today.
"We will tolerate the sending of
no more punitive expeditions 'across
our border, even on the pretext of
hunting tandlts and assassins," add
ed the first chief.
Laredo, Texas. June 20. Wild
rumors are being circulated In Mex
ico, tending further to lower Amer
ican prestige and correspondingly to
fan 'Mexican patriotism.
A newspaper circulated In Nuevo
Laredo states that Oeneral Trevlno
In ordering Oeneral Pershing from
the country .specified that the Amer
ican commander should leave all his
munitions, motor trucks and artil
lery, or Trevlno's forces would de
stroy the expedition.
To this, according to the news
paper, Pershing readily agreed.
A rumor Is current In Nuevo Lare
do to the effect that War Minister
Obregon hss kidnaped Oeneral Car
ransa and Is deporting him to Ha
vana,, This report was received with
crest enthuslssm oy the Mexican
population, as Carrenxa's popularity
hss been on the wane for some time,
while Obregon is the national Idol.
Mexicans arriving here from Mon
terey report that S.000 ' Carranxa
soldiers are encamped between Nuevo
Laredo and Alto, awaiting orders to
march north. 1
San Antonio, June 20. Interest tn
the border situation early today cen
tered on Del Rio, directly west of
here on the iRlo Grande, where It Is
reported that 1.500 Mexicans and
Ysqui Indians are approaching the
city from the south. Reports of the
advance were brought to Del Rio by
Mexicans and transmitted to General
Funston by Colonel Sibley, command
ing at that place.
General Greene, commanding the
Eagle Pass patrol district, sent a bat
talion of the Third Infantry on motor
trucks to .Del Rio immediately upon
receipt of the information. Sibley's
command la of fair strength and with
the reinforcements he should be able
to defend the city against the Mexi
cans and Yaquls In case they attack,
according to Funston.
The presence of the Yaquls so near
the border Is taken as confirmation
nt itia rnnant rmtnrf thftt the envernor
OnBhittla hrtn sont . hand of In-
Wushlngton, June 20. 8ectal
Agent Rodgers at Mexico City today
wired the state department he has
arranged for a special train to take
Americans from Mexico City to
morrow. The message carried news
of the iflrst anU-American, demonstra
tlon there. The demonstration ma
not take serious turtri'Rodgera said.
wAf: wim ran
World the Size of Grants Fnss
Cairanza Told Tlt Troops
Are to Be Retard Below
Border, and "Gravest Con
sequences" Threatened
-Washington, June 20. The Amer
ican, government today threatened
General Carranxa with "the gravest
consequences" it he attacks United
States troops now in Mexico.
This threat was contained in a
long note replying to his last with
drawal demand. Full of short-arm
diplomatic jabs, the note positively
declined to Uke the United 8tates
forces out of Mexico.' It excoriated
Carransa for his failure to co-operate
and resented his bruskness and his
Intimations of bad faith.
"The de facto ' government is
pleased to Ignore this obligation (to
protect American rights od chase
bandits)" ssld the note, "and to be
lieve that. In case of a refusal to re
tire these troops there Is no further
recourse than to defend Ua territory
by an appeal to arms, for the govern
ment of the United States would
surely be lacking In alncerlty and
friendship If It "djd not frankly Im
press upon the de fscto government
that the execution of his threat will
lead to the graves! consequences."
Bluntly the note told Carransa that
this government "can not recede from
Its settled determination to maintain
Its national rights'.' and to prevent
further raids across the boundary.
The high lights In the note were:
Resentment of Carranza'a dis
courteous tone and temper in his last
Charges that bandits have gone un
hampered and unpunished in attack
ing Americans.
Recitation of scores of Instances
of bsndltry.
Charges that the Carranxa regime
had been Indifferent to atrocities snd
even encouraged and aided some of
the leaders of these.
Charges that Carranxa did not take
proper steps to apprehend Villa and
Lansing takes up In detail Car-
ranza's last demands. Charges that
this government had not fully an
swered a previous communication are
flatly denied. Several misstatements.
noticeably a quotation carried In the
Carranza communication and pur
porting to show this government had
formally admitted that the dispersion
of the Villa band had been accom
plished, are cited.
Mention Is made of the Mexican
government's suggestion that Ameri
can troops Be withdrawn on the
ground that Carranza forces are now
so disposed as to prevent outlawry
snd border raiding.
it. was because of these sugges
tions and General Scott's confidence
they would be carried out," says the
noto. "that he stated In his mem
orandum, following the conference
with General Obregon, that American
forces would be gradually withdrawn.
It Is to he noted that while the United
States government was willing to
agree to this plan, the Carranza gov
ernment refused to do so.'
General Carranza Is reminded that
even while the 'border conference was
on at El Paso and after American
conferees had been assured Carranxa
troops were able to .protect the bor
der, the attack at Glenn Springs oc
curred. Charges In Carranza'a note to this
government regarding Influences In
the United States , that have sought
to bring about Intervention are an
swered by dtatlon of Inflammatory
articles that have appeared in Mexl-
(Continued on pat I)
Has a Paper With Full Leased
Bgity Thousand Teuton Sol-
dim Are Cut Off by
. . .
cn toward Lemberg
Petrograd, June 20. Eighty tbous- the grlngoee." The belief la general
and Austrian troops, retreating from on the other side of the river that
the region of Czernowitz, have been 'Anderson's column was forced to re
cornered la Bukovln by the light- treat by the Carranxa garrison.- Two
nlng drive of the 'Russian left wing. 'Mexicans, wounded in the rear guard
Tht 'Russians are presdng the pur-Action as Anderson withdrew, died in
suit with the utmost vigor. A large the Matamoras hospital last night,
part of the Austrian force in ail bringing the. total Mexican dead as a
probability will bo cut off and aur- result of the engagement to fonr. '
rounded. The others (ace the alter- J ' '
native of retreating through the east
Carpathian pasties, abandoning their
guns, or crossing into Roumanla.
General Pflanxer, commanding the
Austrian around Czernowitz, is re
treating southward in the direction
of the Sereth river with his beaten
forces. How many Austrlans escaped
westward, planning later to Join
Bothmer'a army, Is not yet known.
Practically the whole Russian front
nortn of Cxernowlts la steadily press- forces tf they moved south, east or
Ing In upon Lemberg. It Is reported west was the most Important devel
that measures have already been opment in Mexico early today, in a
taken for the tacuation ofthe Ga- 24-hour period marked by compara
llciaa capital. Russian troops, press- Uve qniet. ' V"
Ing down upon Brody in the advance ! If the threat is carried out, Amerl
upon Lemberg may already have on and Carranxista forces will clash,
crossed the Galiclan frontier. jUpon learning from friendly Mexi-
It is admitted here that the Aus- cans that the bandits were operating
trian defense Is becoming more stub-. to the south and west of Namiquipa,
born. East of Brody,. and on a wide General Pershing 'at once sent two
front directly east of Lemberg, the detachments of cavalry In pursuit
Austrlans are counter-attacking with, The American troops trampled over
the greatest spirit, using flame eject-.Carranza'a "dead lines,"
ors and large quantities of shells. Pershing arranged to support these
Both on the Brody front and far-(detachments wlta heavy relnforce
tlier south Austrisn prisoners have, menta should they be attacked. Ho
been captured who admit they were i sJso keeping his communication
rushed into' action a few days ago lines north to Columbus strongly
from the Italian front.
That the Russian offensive not on-
ly arrested the Austrian drive south-
ward Into Italy, .but frustrated an
ambltious scheme of ' the Austro- ,
German general staffs tor the con-
quest of southern Russia, was Indl-
cated by 'Bucharest dUpatchea today.
These reports said It had been learn-,
ed from German sources that an.
Auatro-German thrust across south- J
em Jtussla to the Black sea was to
follow the Austrian offensive In Italy,
the plan being to cut Russia off en-(
Urely from the Balkan states. 1
It this report is true, the Russian
strategists outwitted the enemy.
The latest reports Indicate that
from half to two-thirds of the Aus-J
trlans facing the Russians when the
offensive began were killed, wounded
or made prisoners early In the fight.
The soldiers were so badly dlsorgan-
lzed that the Russians pushed for-
ward with the greatest rapidity.
Only the arrival of fresh Austrian j
troops checked the momentum of
General Bruslloff's rush.
The military experts here, though
iiui uiieuiiHiuis iu .illumine luo nu-j
. ...4- .1 ... ... I I I .V. 1m
portance of the present iRusslan op- -eratlon,
advise the public to restrain , . '
its enthusiasm for bigger events ex- , Bronvl 1 f ' Te"8' une
pected very soon. of wm,4m P' Browne' cu e
TO 8KK SEC. LANSING a bullet hole In the bead. Apparent
- ly Browne had been dead several
Washington, June 20. Mexican days. He was last . seen In Mata-
Ambassador Designate Arredondo moras Saturday night.,
this noon cancelled his cnRngementj Passengers arriving from the In
to see Secretary Lansing at 2:80. .tertor of Mexico' by train last night
lie broke the engagement after hav 1 reported that all Americans at the
Ing received this government's reply cerralvo mines had been murdered,
to General Carranza's demand for jxhla can not be confirmed,
withdrawal of American troops from Excitement continues In Mata-
Mexico, no reason ror nis action was
obtainable at the state department.
' ' i - i
P. B. Delano returned this morn-
ing from Portland, where he had been
for a day or two on business.
Wire Telegraph Service.
Brownsville, Texas, . June 20.
i Mexicans who began repairing 400
jfeet of railroad leading to the lo
iter national bridge after Major An-
Ad-,?"",;' "", l0" " ,!; "s.
built a barricade of steel rails at
tb? end of 'b,0Wdf
,celpt of the news that Preside
on re-
PraMn, WH-
SOn nad caiiea outtne national guard.
The population of Matamoras to
day is still celebrating the "retreat of
El Paso, June 20. Defiance by
United States troops of Carranza'a
tnr to General Pershing's
.guarded. ' ,
Trenches have been thrown up in
Juarez near the two International
bridges. General Francisco Gon-
sales, commander of the garrison,
stated that, while he did not expect
a clash with General 'Bell's forces in
.El Paso, the entrenchment were in-
tended as a precaution against at-
American refugees reaching here
say they passed seven troop .trains
sidetracked near iMoctebuma. They
estimated the trains carried 2,000
Carranxa soldiers. It is believed
these were reinforcements for Villa
Ahumada, near General Pershing's
communication line.
Another motor truck train heaped
with ammunition and supplies for
Pershing's forces left the Columbus,
N. M., base at dawn today, guarded
by troops with machine guns.
iouyer ana a oroiner oi mayor a. a.
Browne, today was found on the
'.Moilr.n bIHa nf Iho Xin nrnnrto with
moras, where a food famine Is ren
T. F. .Fee was in town today from
his Evans creek randh, returning this
afternoon. '
War Departeent to Purchase
Achats for National Guard,
to Be Assecby at Var
ious Points in the Ccuztry
San Antonio, Texas, June 20.- ,
General IHinston annoanced today
that the quartermaster's department
at Port 8am Houston has been or- -dered
by the war department to pur- ,
chase 60,000 horses and males for .
the national guard.
They will be assembled in various
stations throughout the country. Bids '
will be advertised for at once.
Funston was asked by the war de
partment to indicate bow many ,
thousand militia he wants at once.
He said he wired a request for a
certain number, but declines to state
the exact figures. .'-
It Is believed, however, he aaa
asked for at least 15,000, perhaps .
more. The troops will be distributed
from the Gulf of Mexico to Califor
nia a brigade here and there, the "
remainder at other points.
No Indication is given s to wnat .
militia will be called here first, bat
It is Relieved the New York snd
Illinois contingents- wfirrecelve lne"
initial orders. . , -
Petrograd,' June 20. Russian
troops nave occupied the villages of
Zadova, Strogineta and GHbonka, the
war office announced tonight. ,
Zadova, or Zadovka, lies on one
of the branches of the Styr; 10 miles
southwest of the fortress of Lutx and
20 miles north of the Galiclan bor
der . Stroglnets, or Storosynets. Is
olgnt miles southwest of Cxernowlts,
The village of Hliboka, 10 . miles
south of Czernowitz, may be the
"GUboka" mentioned is the Petro
grad dispatch. It is possible that
the name wss garbled in cable trans
mission. ,
XTsaw tleivAfft - efVimn Tntta 4A Tka '
41WW SaStTCU) WUUi UUXJ gVi"l uo
call to arms issued throughout the
country yesterday swept Tale's base
ball and crew ranks snd threatened
to destroy the Ell athletic hopes be
yond repair. Four members of the
varsity crew, which Is to meet Har
vard on Friday, belong to the Yale
battery. Three memoers of the base
ball team are also subject to the call.
Their cases were taken up by
Adjutant-General Cole of the Con
necticut national guard, who grant
ed the athletes permission to remain
away until the baseball season closes
on Saturday.
Laredo, Texas, June 20.- Military
authorities are investigating the re
port that a small bridge on the In
ternational ft Great Northern railroad
30 miles east of here, which was
burned last night, was set on fire by
Mexicans. All traffic has been held
up pending reconstruction of the
bridge. All tuBtness places in Nuevo
Laredo, opposite this city, which were
closed late yesterday by official on
ders, remained shut today.
The population of the, Mexican city
was greatly' excited last night, but
no ' anti-American demonstrations
were staged, so far as knows.