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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1916)
Sl'NDAY, JINK IN, 1010., DULY BOGVB TJXZJ. COl'MEIl pag3 ma $3,080.08 in CASH PRIZES to foe given away fur the beet Itkturee fur llluMratliiK Kat iiimu Kodak advert iNemetiU. Tea prises, 1 00.00 to ft, 000.00 each. Auk us fur further particulars, or write. You don't have to be pro. fww()ii) photographer to win prise. tide and Phcto Hesse Btantoa ItoweU, Prop. H1LLIE Ul'IUCU la Mtorftl irrwn actress Its u probably tomboy ear lier la life. Hack of her faa clftftUad vivacity ax the high aptrita of eoand health he la fooauia of ant oral energy and seemingly eitfuMisUeas vlg or. Every movement, however, nicely balaaced py training, spring from the natural Ini pttlaea of it woman to whom mera existence la a natural pleasure. Bach, at least, la the impression aha roaveya to tboea who rejoice with her, whether ahe la merely amusing bereelf or whether the la ahatterlag anme old world petmisa. Extract from M. P. World, by l4tula It. Harrlaoa. ALL GRAYTA PASS la going to aee "PEGGY." AMI 8KMEXT8 TONIGHT llljou Dlltle Burke. Mar "Mica and Men." STATE WARDEN E E State Game Warden Carl D. Shoo maker autoed Into the city Friday nlgbt, and tnli forenoon left for the mouth of the Rogue, there he will investigate condltlona In that dis trict. He waa accompanied on the trip by B. L. Jewel, deputy Mate fish warden, of Oregon City; James Drls coll, deputy game warden, and C. H. Flory, assistant district forester, of Portland. Tboy went by way of Cres cent City, which point they were due to reach last night. Mr.' Flory will visit the Wlnchuch portions or the 8lsklyou reserve while tho others of the party go on to Gold Roach and Weddorburn to Investigate the fish and game condltlona. On their re turn, It Is expected that all the gentle men will make a trip to the Jose phine caves, going In from 'the Illinois valley side, where they will bar a walk of less than five miles over the trail that leads up Cava creek. ' 1:. Washington, June 17. An am bulance company and a field artillery company and a field hospital corps ordered from Cheyenne, Wyoming, to the Indiana training camp, today was diverted for service on the border. To the People of Grants Pass : In presenting "IVggy" at the llljou Theatre tonight niul to morrow, I wMi for tho sake of the photoplay art to appeal tNMM'hilly to those to whom the photoplay Ix nn unuNiial nnniKt' mcnt. It la my dwriro to nIhixv thin picture, undoubtedly the ItCHt ever shown In this city, to the Irregular ahow kwih hn h 1c iiioiinI ration of a photoplay utory, Immitlfully told, Hkllfully directed ami artistically con-Nti-ticled nud photographed. - I believe lu'the photoplay. In my opinion, It Is (lie neweet of the Arts, and will fake Its place willt the other -seven.' I want you to see "Peggy" because It. Is In regard to pure artistry and construction the , peer of any photoplay ever pro dncert. M-AKK MOIIKY' ' Muv. Ill Jou Theatre. SHQEMAK HER PER52NIL Mrs. 8, J. Uaseel left last night for Olendale. Mrs. B. A. Hanseth left last night for Monmouth, ; Mrs. P.' J. Bchsumberg left for Gold If 111 Saturday afternoon. Miss Anna McKeown left Satur day afternoon for Gold IIIU. Camp stoves at Cramer Bros. 771 Willis Garba is registered at the Granta Pass hotel, Frank and Raymond Ulloy left Saturday for Bray, California. ' Mrs. Paul Coatell left Saturday morning for Grass Valley. Ice cream freesers at Cramer Bros. 771 Mies Elsie Miller returned to Gold fill! after a few days' visit here. , W. H. Tsylor left Saturday for Crescent City In the Hlller k Randall stage. Perfection Blue Flame oil atoves, In one, two and three burner sites, at Cramer Bros. 771 Miss Nellie Leets returned yester day to Reuben after visiting relatives here. O. C. Helnie, of the Oolden Hula,! left Saturday to attend the Knights Templar conclave at Los Angelea. Mr. and Mrs. A.' Aubery left yester day for Greenvlew, California, to be gone for several days. Fishing tackle for ramping parties at Cramer Bros. K . 771 Misa Florence Plumley left Friday evening for a visit to Hugo for a few days. Mlsa Gertrude Parker left Friday fot Monmouth, to attend summer school, .' ":, ; . ! 'V, A. N. Holman, formerly connect ed with the Grants Pasa Banking company, Is In town on business. Mrs. Thomas Ahem returned to Hugo Friday night after visiting here for a short time. Tents and wagon covers at Cramer Bros. 771 B. 1, Shannon left Friday evening for Eden valley to take charge of the forestry station at that place. Thermos bottles at Cramer Bros. P. B. Delano left Friday night for Portland to spend a few days la the rose city. , , A. E. Hammond and family left yesterday by auto for Seattle to make 'their" home. Albert and S. J. Williams left tor Portland last night They will drive back an Oakland oar and a truck. Garden hose, guaranteed for sea son, at Cramer Bros. 771 Mrs. S. Loughrldge left Friday evening with Dr. M. C. Flndley for Salem to spend a few days. Miss Josephine Palmer left last night for Monmouth to attend sum mer school. Miaa Grace McCann went to Mon mouth last night for the summer school session. Miss Elisabeth Robinson returned to Mod ford Saturday after witnessing the rose ahow here. Lunch sets, 25 cents for 19 pieces, at Cramer Bros. 771 Mrs. Mollis iBeldlng left yesterday for Eugene to attend summer school and to bo with her son, Don. I Miss Lois Dale left Saturday morn ling, for Merlin to visit a short time j with Miss Edltha Vincent. Dr. and Mrs. W. 11. Flanagan and 'daughter, Winifred, left Saturday for 'Los Angeles to attend the Knights Templar conclave. Trout spinners and trout flies, In all styles, at Cramer Bros. 717 George MaoVlear and J. W. Mc Kwen left Friday night for Montana to work on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad. Btcyclo repairing at Cramer Bros. See the new shipment of ladles' silk and lingerie waists, Mrs. Reh kopf. 77Stt Miss Elisabeth Robinson, librarian of the Medford public library, attend ed the rose festival, the guest of Mrs. A; J, Klocker. t -tt44- COMING EVENTS Juno 20,, Tuesday Meeting of ArtB und Crafts Bocloty, at 2:30, at ' homo of Mrs. Harry Clark, 215 I' . West B. , !rW..'iM0-21. Tuosday, Wednesday Thursday -Josephine county fair and celebration. CIVILIZATION. : Tha vpwerd swtsp of civil) ntlon Is net vnllks tht rising of the Incoming tld. It advanets " and reoodst, but ch advance tsrrlts humanity to s nlghtr ak tltutfs than tt had reached be 1 lore. B. O. Ftowaf , iffi LOCAL 1'urt hae Intarrwt W. 11. McNsIr and Thomas H. Simpson have taken over the Interest of E. E. McKlbben of liobart Mc Klbban. The business will be con ducted hereafter by C. L. liobart. ConotrtMt Telephone Line The work of setting the telephone poles along the C. k O. C. R. R. rigbt-of-way has teen completed to Waters Creek. A force of men writ begin at once to string the wires and the line will be rushed to an early completion. Englewood Dairy, Pbone 223 The pure milk dairy. 6ltf. Many Kat Oregon Products The committee that waa in charge of the "Made in Oregon" dinner served in the Oxford dining ' room Friday la mora than pleased with tba patronage accorded, stating that 219 people were served at the dinner and 78 more at the supper. The com mittee wishes its thanks extended to the public. Will Hike Dovns Rogue Dr. H. W. Nice (s planning a bik ing trip down the Rogue quite soon. He haa not yet found anyone willing to undergo the discomfort caused by sore feet of the first few daya. Any one, however, wishing to make tba trip should aee the doctor and ar rangements could probably be made to go with him. Haa Photoa for Display N, F. Macduff has been working on two photograph albuma of views that be haa taken on tbe lower Rogue. One will be loaned to the Commercial club and the other win be on display at the library. The pictures are very Interesting and will be of much interest to anyone In tending to make the trip. Ashland Parade Parties Intending to make entries for the . celebration at Ashland, notably In connection with featuring tbe children's and comic parade on July 6th, are requested to communi cate with Mrs. E. H. Bush, 12 Beach avenue, Ashland, at an early date. All entries should be made by June 25th. , 7T5 Will lnsect Lookouts D. B. Reynolds, deputy forestry supervisor will Inspect tbe lookouts In this district to determine how much of the territory Is visible from them. . He will prepare a chart which shows the country from which only tbe smoke rsn be seen and also the country In which the fires may be seen. This will aid the lookouts greatly to determine where the Are is located. 'lalrvoyant-PaImlst Madame LaVera, rooms 10-11 Tre niont. Office hours, 10 to 8. Prices reasonable. nt ' ' v (lilld Welfare Kxlilhlt The Child Welfare Exhibit, which should have been Installed in the Commercial club rooms Friday, ar rived Saturday and will be ready for the publto tomorrow. Monday even ing there will be a steropttcon lecture on the subject by Dr. F. D. Strieker, and parents and all those interested In the welfare of children are urged to be present, as there will be pre sented many Important facts and sta tistics. As one of the objects of the commission Is to secure legislation in favor of child conservation, candi dates for the legislature and for Judi cial positions are especially Invited. This exhibit will be open throughout the coming week. Bathing Popular . John Mock, the bath house super intendent, announces that there were 127 poople using the bath house Fri day. The tickets Issued last year are good until used up, although a slight misunderstanding has arisen over them.. The ticket allows the holder only to use the rooms and Is good for only one person. It Is thought now that two or three boats will be ready to rent within two weeks. ' A refreshment room will be added near the bath house and Mrs. H. S. Pres- cott will have rooked food there for sale. All the picnic necessities may be had there or will be made and left there If ordered of Mrs. Prescott before needed. , Other refreshments will also be on hand. Th refresh ment booth will ba under the control of Mr. Mock or an assistant. Job printing of every description. Art and Crafts Meeting - The Society of Arts 'and Crafts will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry Clark, 216 West B atreet, on Tues day afternoon, at 2:30. Subject of meeting, "Japanese Art." . ClirlMtLiRS Win . The Christians won the twilight bsseball game Friday nlgbt after a hard fought battle. The game was filled with spectacular plays and tense moments. An extra inning was played to break the tie and In the sixth tbe Christiana managed to get the run which won the game. Brat ton and Smith and N. Best and G. Best were tbe batteries for tbe Cbrl tlans and Presbyterians respectively. School Election Monday The annual school election In this district will be held Monday, at 10 o'clock, at the Central school build ing. At that time the annual report will be submitted, and nominations for school director will be made. Tbe term of office of Director I B. Hall will expire, and tbe new 'director will be elected to serve for a term of Ave years. Tbe election will occur In tbe afternoon, tbe polls to be open from two till six o'clock. "PrBK7M at the BIJoo . "Peggr." Thoa. H. luce's photoplay In eight reels, featuring Blllle Burke, will be shown at the Bijon theater to night and tomorrow. Tbe star, Blllle Burke, la one of the most famous and most beautiful of tba stars of the legitimate stage. Of tbe $250,000 apent In tbe making of this picture, the largest amount. It ia said, ex pended on a picture, with one ex ception, Miss Burke received $40,000. Tbe picture has broken feonse attend ance records In many theaters, re cently showing continuously In Med ford from one o'clock until 11 in tbe evening for two consecutive days. Delegate Return The members of the O. A. R. and W. R. C. who attended the encamp ment at Eugene returned Saturday morning. The members of the W. R. C. attending from here were Mrs. Mary Hlldretb, past department pre sident: Mrs. J, D. Stlnebaugb, past patriotic Instructor, and Mrs. J. S. Pool, president of the local W. R. C. Grants Pass .was honored by bavfngj two delegates. Mrs. Elisabeth Wertx and Mrs. Stlnebaugb, elected to the! national convention, to meet at Kansas City this fall. 540 veterans and 266 There were members of the W. R. C. at the encampment. An Oregon Product Young John Thomas, "Jack" for short, who was a prise winner In the baby show held in connection with the rose show Friday, ia a notable;!' The prises offered character when tt comes to claiming title aa an Oregonlan. Jack is the five-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bewitching Billie Burke , . . , in her photoplay premiere A photoplay Classic In ElKht Delightful Keels fMJOU sTONiGE-inr Feggy This picture has broken house records in every theatre in which it has been shown.' All Grants Pass is coming. , . i ' " ' """ ' ' ,' '. 1 1 "" . 1 "' '. ADMISSION Children 15c, adults 25c. ' No matinee today. ; . ' f TOMOKRQVV Show Mart at 2:30, 4 -WL-IHI II I II I. II I . 1 .. . '.',.''','''' - , . f Daniel Frohman presents MARGUERITE CLARK as "PEGGY" la the six-part Paramount comedy-drama Endorsed by the Woman's Home Compaaioa . First performance 7:45 Clyde J. Thomas, both parents being native Oregonians. All four of hla grandparents were natives of tbe state, and If this la not auffident to brand young Jack with tba Oregon brand, be can point to bis great grandfather, John WbKeaker, who waa the first governor of the state. Randall's Grape Joke Just tbe thing for tbese hot daya. Better Juice; larger tottlea. White House Grocery. 774 Rev. Wire Retaras Rev. and Mrs. M. T. Wire return ed last nlgbt from Lakeview, where they were called ' by tbe illness and death of Mrs. Wire's -mother. Rev. Wire will occupy the pulpit at tbe Methodist church today. Boosting Roand-Vp , - Hon. R. W. Ritner, a member of the Oregon state legislature, acconv panled by Marshall Spell , and Roy Buchanan, all of Pendleton, were in the city Saturday afternoon. The gentlemen are , traveling by auto through the state, boosting the com ing Pendleton Round-Up. Dental Meeting i Drs. W. W. Walker. M. R. Britten, and Bert Elliott attended the Sonth- . em Oregon. Dental association jneet- i lng at Ashland Saturday." Dr. "Want- er is secretary of the organization. Dr.. Elliott read a paper at tbe meet ing. Gall Hamilton accompanied tbe doctors on the trip. '" Best Dancers for the best waltzera . caused keen . competition among the local Vernon Castles. The first prize was given to Miss HatHe I j r i V Admission 8 and 15 Jewell and Rodney Calvert. Tbe second prlxe waa awarded to Miss Louise Harvey and Fay Klser. - The dance was at tbe Moose ball and given Friday as a fitting close to tba rose abow. - NOT1CE TO BEET GROWERS The Utah-Idaho Sugar company. who are the successors of the Oregon Utah Sugar company, beg to an nounce to the -beet growers of Jack son and Josephine counties that they will modify their contracts for the crop of ltl$ as follows: For all beets polarizing 12 per cent and over eugar content and SO per cent purity, delivered at tbe fac tory or on cars, S5 per ton will be paid. ' : - '.-v.- This doea not apply to beets from Sutberlin, or those that have to be hauled by trucks. - 780 UTAH-IDAHO SUGAR CO. GRASS FIRE NOTICE Ordinance No. 752 of tbe ordin ances of the City of Grants Pass, re lating to the cutting and destruction of .grass, notice whereof haa recently been published in the columns of this paper, among other things provides that if the property owner or person In possession thereof elects to bnrn the trass upon any premises such burning shall be done upon notice previously given to tbe chief of tha fire department personally, and at . ,im. mA In mofc monitor in DUtiU iiiaajv aM a ' w shall prescribe and under his super vision, and not otherwise. The ob servance hereof ia necessary, for the protection of property, and the or dinance provides a . penalty for fail ure to comply. A. K. CASS, 777 Fire ChieL ) :30 and 7 :15. , .. ( at the Canrler offlot, ' ,