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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1916)
T INI) AT, JUNK IS, 11. daily aoGtrfl mrcn cocpjra III I M.j .! mMttlMJS , Mli R jllX fclU,fX SOLO BY DRUGGISTS CVUCYWntRS 4 i: WALDO : Tim 8unshlne Fancy Work club ; not at the bom of Mrs. R. A. Cook, ' of the Deep Gravel mint, Thursday ' afternoon. , . After fancy work tod convtraatlon, the. usual period was devoted to club business. The olub decided to bare a permanent olub worn In Waldo, whera the meeting will be held dor tog the lummer. At tba cloia of the meeting refresh manta wore served to the following: Uesdamea Mary White. 8ylvla White, M. !!. Akerlll. Frank Harrla. J. A. , Pysert, Elsie Corbett, J. A. Dyer. R. He expects to return aoon and get better acquainted with our people. Mr. Maxwell, of Oranta Pass, brought Mr. Huttdn Into the valley and re turned to Oranti Fate with him. He proved the ability of the Chevrolet auto to run over roota and atumpa, wade dltohei, climb treea and several other feata. Nearly one hundred tona of chrome ore baa been hauled to the rallrofcd at Watera Creek for shipment to the eaat , If thla ablpment proves to be profitable, then the IUInola valley will become famoua, for from ac count of proepectora there are Im- menie quantltlee of that mineral In thla Un mediate region, . The Odd Fellow of Kerby are pre paring to give a reception to the Oranta Pass lodge on Saturday even ing of thla week. The manner In which the Oranta Paaa lodge received the boys last week haa stimulated them to put forth their best efforts to make the Oranta Pass brotherhood welcome. We anticipate a good at tendance from Oranta Pans aa well A. Cooke, and the Mlisea Julia affH Ruby O'Brien. Mary Wlleon. 8a4le aa from the home membership, wblch rayn. Maude Matheney, Pearl Ut, U scattered all over Illinois and Suck er creek valleys. , KERBY j The "warm spell" Is here at last. It haa bees looked for and prayed for, but It has oome with Interest. i. LELAND -J i John and 8am Alderaon left for Nevada laat Friday to visit their sit- The temperature baa for thla week; ter, Mrs. Jack Farley. ranged from about 10 on Monday to II on Thursday. Grain, grass and ; vegetables are making rapid growth at present As long' as water for irrigation holds out, rapid growth may be hoped for. A trip up Sucker creek valley ehowa that harvest la Juat beginning. Several ranchers are now busy mak ing hay. Crops look very well, con sidering that the spring has been a backward and cold one. E. M. Mutton, representing the Western Bankers Life Insurance com pany, of Lincoln. Nebraska, visited Kerby and the IUInola valley look ing up business In the insurance line. OtprrlgM tl TfctFlrfus A4wUmm,Bm IT Orioa CUr. Orofoa I The ficture Tells neStory Mr. and Mrs. 8torey, of Wolf Creek, were In Leland Saturday on business. Olen Morrison returned from Sump ter Saturday. Mr. Fluhart la busy hauling a stamp mill to his mine on .upper Orave creek. ' r:: Lon Ferrant has fully ' recovered from his operation : and returned home from Olendale Saturday. Mrs. Amy Klura and daughter, Edith, atarted for looming, Nevada, Sunday, where they expect to spend the summer. Miss Margaret Strong went to Cot tage Orove last week to attend the a wedding of . her cousin, Strong. ... James Fret well went to Ashland last Sunday. MA!I WHISTLES AS HE SLAYS VOMAfl Seattle, June 17. Her throat cut by a cold-blooded murder r, who whistled a popular tune as he com mitted the crime, Mrs. Blanche Cole man, 35 years old, was found by neighbors murdered In her apart' ment at the Christie hotel here early this morning. John T. Soudas, cigar dealer, 2) Is held by the police aa a suspect. He Is said to have been In love with the woman and waa a frequent visitor. He was arretted at his stand, a abort distance from the scene of the mur der, after detectives found a bundle of bloody clothing In hit room at the Denny Hill hotel. Neighbors heard a man and woman quarreling early Friday evening. At 4 o'clock thlt morning they heard a stifled cry 'by a woman. The man was whistling, The whistling con tinued for some time, then the nan left. Ills departure was witnessed by Mrs. Agnes Hennesay and William McBroom, who occupied adjoining rooms to Mrs. Coleman's. He was whistling as he left the building. Bolteving that something bad gone wrong, Mrs. Hennetsy knocked on Mrs. Coleman's door. There waa no response. The door was unlocked, and the murder discovered.. Mrs. Coleman waa the foster- daughter fit A. R. Grosvenor, 1743 Avenue D, Council Bluff, Iowa. She recently divorced Clyde Harpool here. SOLDIERS FIRE : BAIT BAUD San Antonio, June X 7. General D..Lab w.lmA S! ...... ..I V. ......... Tmman iwyvnu v vruoiii ruuavuu from Brownsville this afternoon that a detachment of Colonel Bullards command Bred on a band of Mexicans MtM M...A ,rn ,m le,"ht ro,,M Mt ' 8" B"ltO, Texas. Monmonth Th,,,..,. '.km .t.. ' no Know whether any bandlta been attending normal. were killed, aa they scattered Into Tcou? JteccseS WOOD COAL WILLIAMS WOOD COAL YARD - .- , J V Yard Phone 187-R Res. phone 376-Y Everything of Merit In CONCRETE , PRODUCTS 8unday, where he expects to find em-' ployment. WRECK OF BEAR j. Cement Sewer Pipe ,dry-ehod. today. Tile Co. Try ALPINE ICE CREAM R'a tha Beet Charlea Ellis left for Reno. Nevada, recused the line. Bul- iru bbiu no wuuia louow men across the border If he could find a good trail. Tra velera from Del Rio said today that 200 Mexicans have cross ed the line there. This could not be ooollrmi'at Fonston's headquarters. American troops are building pon toon bridges near Del Rio and have michlne guns trained across the river. Funston said thla afternoon that he had received no direct word from Eureka, Cat.,' June 17. Sightseers General Pershing regarding the re walked to the wrecked steamer Bear, port that General Trevlno, Carran- Durlng the night .ta's northern commander, had Issued HIGH BEACH heavy aeaa forced the atranded vessel a veritable ultimatum against further shoreward and a shoal formed around J movements "by the punitive expedition her, so1 she Is now high and dry on forces, or entrance of more troops the teach. The liner Is Imbedded Into Mexico. Big red-lettered posters deeply In the sand. Experta believe distributed throughout San Antonio It will require months to free her, If bear this announcement: It can be done at all. . , I . "Volunteers wanted for immediate Cold Storge Co. P. F. Blrchard Prop. Phone 293 , New and Used , FURNITURE at Right Price Manuel Heat on 304 South 6th Term Strictly Cash But see what cash will do here PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET 400 South tb St. HAILEY'S TAXI Federal Inspectors Guthrie and service on the border. , Coast artillery Dolan are In Eureka gathering testl- company, Laredo. Apply In person mony to be used at the Investigation; or by mall to the recruiting office, here Monday. Coroner Hansen wtll Laredo." be the star witness. Hansen declared at the Inquest Into the death of the five victims that Captain Nopanderi was at fault In launching lifeboats I when the ship was In no danger of breaking np. ' VOU SALE 10 ACRES I Mi mile from Grants Paaa, ao Improvements, for aale at 140 per acre. Under ditch sur rey. Address No. 2416", care Courier. 6(7tf FOR SALE Six-room plastered house, cloee In, lot 100x100, good ahade. Addreae No. 2411, oare Courier. . S7tf MURPHY farm tor aale. 73 acre 10 miles from Granta Pass, on banks of Applegate river, soma bottom land, much upland under ditch, with water right. Address No. 615, cart Courier. 707tf, BLUB PRINT Plata of Oranta Pass for sale at Courier office. 11.60. IS FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bulls from high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grants Paw, Ore. ' 7B4tf FOR BALE Three-ton Veil auto truck. The price la right Leonard Orchards Company, Oranta Paw, Ore. 754tf REGISTERED HOLSTEIN bull calf, bora May 32, 1916. Sire, Clover Id je 8egla Korndyke, Advanced Registry backing. Dam, Pomona Hengerveld Doo. Fine Individual. Price reasonable. - F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 7S6tf FRUIT v RANCH FOR SALE 35 acres on Applegate river, seven miles from Grants Paw. Best of soil. Bearing orchard of apples, peaches, clwrrles and strawberries, choice varletlea. Gravity Irriga tion; afbundance of water. Haa a five-room house and other out buildings. Thla la a money-maker right from the sUrt. The Adjust ment Bureau of the Portland As sociation of Credit Men, J. M. Warnlck, Route No. 4, Grants Pass, Ore. 788 FOR SALE 30 Angora goata and line two-year-old Red Durham bull and Durham cowa, milk and beef type. Grave Creek Ranch. 769tt FOR SALE John Deere seven-foot binder and a registered A. J. C. C. Jersey hulL 16 months old. John B. Hair, Rogue stiver, Ore. 776 FOR SALE Extra good thorough bred Jersey cow. Price $60. In quire C. N. Hathaway. 1011 East A street Phone 117-Y. 776 195-EGG 81ENS for sale 25 White Leghorn hens for $25." Geo. P. Cramer. 776 MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put np In (-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, frwh, pare, aanltary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. HURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refrwhlng. Bacterial twta aa . sure that thla water la pure. De livered In five-gallon, bottles. ".V. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone. I02-F-3. 4(9tf WILLIAM BOOO, practical painter. Wood finishing and enameling In any color a specialty. Rooma en ameled 42.60 and up. Estimate on request. Can refer you to many satisfied customers. . 208 Foundry etreet. ' ' f ' 78g REMEMBER Miss Moore, of Med- ford, wUl he at 627 North Third treet on Saturdays. Phone 256-J t for lessons and portrait elttings. Variety of art work on aale. 761tf TIME CARD The California and Oregon uoasi Jttauroaa uompany (Tb Oregoai Cavee Route) Effective Monday. Mar 1. 1916. Train 1 It. Grants Paw..7:00 a.ra. Arrives Water Creek- Train 4 Ir. Waters Creek.5:00 p.m. Amvea uranta Faae. 1:00 p.m. Dally except Sunday. All train leave Grants Paw from the corner of G and Eighth ttreeta, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all Information reaardlnc freight and paaaenger service call at ue omce of the company. Public Ser vice building, or phone 131 for same.. Train will aton on flax at any point between Grant Paw aatt Wate- Creek.. ?iu.zzv. -rrlc every da) la the. week. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS FOR SALE Good saddle, not hurt by wear; also young shoats and an Excelsior motorcycle. . Phone 60S-F-12.. '778 TO RENT E NFQRCE VIRGINIA'S TRAIN WILL TAKE STRIKE VOTE BLUE LAWS TODAY Richmond, Va., June 17. Virginia will be paralysed socially and econ omically tomorrow If authorities carry out their announced decision to New York. June 17. The four or sanitations of railway trainmen which have been refused demands for an eight-hour working day and time and a half for overtime, are 'to take a strike vote, the result of which will be In the hands of the leaders August 1, when the demands wtll be renewed. Grand Chief Garretson of the Rail way Trainmen ald today the ballots will be printed before night and will enforce blue laws. With prohibitionists In power gtven to the local officers of the (over the state, they say that antl-( trainmen now In town. They will , prohibitionists are trying to make leave at once for their homes. . Oity and Country Bervlce Phnna 11 Spa Confec.ith rcform ,awB ridiculous by strict enforcement. tlonery, NIYtOMS ktOALTH DR.F. H.INGRAM Chiropractor All diseases suc cessfully treated without the knife. Office Hours 10-12 and 2-5 Phone 7 Authorities say they are going to arrest engtneers of freight trains, chauffeurs, telephone and telegraph operators, bootblacks, and confection- FIRE AT LAKEVIEW ' CAUSES 975,000 LOSS Lakevlew, Oregon, June 17. Damage to the extent of $75,000, era, proprietors o.t amusement places, .It was estimated today, was caused GRANTS PASS BOTTLING WORKS Mfg's of Country Club Gingerale. A full line of Soda and Soft Drink. J work everybody. druggists who sell anything but me dlclne, cigar store men, newspaper workers from edttora down, choir singers, street car employes, baseball players, golfers, bathers and all who try to sail, row or run boats for pleasure or profit, fishermen, persons who do "unnecessary" house or farm In fact, who does not stick1 close to the straight and ALPINE BUTTER netrow path and be mighty careful how he does that ' :- , i Offlolals have1, been 'Instructed to apply the letter of the law. Written or formal Verbal comnlalnt is all that R04?X l,B necessary for arreati under the ;, Made In Grant . Paw ,' Fresh Dally by the fire which wiped out a large part of the business and residence dtstrlcta of Lakevlew last night. Ten business houses, nine residences, the opera house and a laundry building were destroyed.' The telephone and electric light systems were put out of commission. Several people fight ing the flames collapsed from the Intense heat. .The flames, fanned by a heavy wind, spread rapidly and completed their work In two hours. FOR . RENT Five-room cottage. partly furnished, pantry and closets, city water, on aouth side of track. Inquire at 706 North Fifth street, or phone 208- L. 767tf FOR RENT Six-room cottage, newly papered and painted, bath, hot and cold water .boiler Installed, 614 North Second etroet. Inquire W. S. Wood, Palace hotel. 779 WANTED WANTED First class miners and . laborers. Almeda and Copper Eagle mines. Good wages and aure pay. Apply , to P. B. Wlck ham, Almeda, Oregon. 776 WANTED A good cook, experi enced, to take over a mine board ing house feeding about 20 men. Address Roy Clark, Takllma, Oregon. 776 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BSSTUL, Veterinarian, Office In Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence pbone S05-R. GERMAN SHIPS SUNK IN THE BALTIC SEA London, June 17. Exchange Tele graph dispatches from Copenhagen today aay two large German steamers sank In the Baltlo sea after passing Oxeloesund, Sweden. The vessels, the dispatches said, were seen going down by fishermen, but at such a distance their names could not be discerned. The men on the fishing boats reported having heard a cannonade. Notice Is hereby given : that the county superintendent of Josephine county, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of, appllcanta tor state certificates at Grants Paw' aa fol lows: I) V: .. : Commencing Wednesday, June 28, 1916, at 9:00 o'clock a. m., and con tinuing until Saturday, July 1, 1916, at 4:00 o'clock p. m. 1 . Wedaejsday FonsmmMi Writing (Peomanthlp), Music, U.S. History, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon , Reading. Physiology, Manual Train Ing, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods In Reading. Course of Stndy for Drawing, Methods -In Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Methods In Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestio Art Thursday Afternoon Grammar. Geography, Stenography, American Literature, Physics, Type writing, Methods In Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate, Education Science of. ' ' ' Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography Physical Geography, English Litera ture, Chemistry, Education History of, Physical Culture. Friday Afternoon , , ' School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. Education Child hood and Adolescence. ' Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany, Education School Administration. Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping, Education Methods. LINCOLN SAVAGE, 783 Co. Supt. PHYSICIANS U O. CLEMENT, M, D PracUoa limited to diseases of tha ay, ear. nose and throat Glasses lttad. Office Bonn 9-13, $- , and oa ap . polntment Office phono 63; rant- dene phone 319-J. 3. LOUGURIDOX, M. D., PbytlcUa and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or Bight Rem. phono 169; offlo phona 111 Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. P. TRUAX, ML D., Physlciaa aad Surgeon. Phones: , Offios, 331; residence, 334. Call aaswatwi at all hour. Country call at tended to. LaBloburg Bids. DR. ED BTWATER Specialist oa dlaeaae of eye, oar, bom and throat; glaasea fitted. Office hoars: 9 to 13 a. m., 3 to 6 p. a. Phoaa: Res.534-J; Offloa, 367-J. ScanUdt Building, Grant Paw, Oregon. DR. F. D. STUCUft Diseases ot ' children and gtneral practice. Teis pwi w. Ode: saaaoaia eUtf- A. A. wiTHAlf, M. D.. Phyalelaa aad Surgeon. Offloe: Haa BnUdlRg. corner Sixth aad I itresta, Pmoaat: Office. 116; rtjeldaaeo, ' 38 W. Hours: f a, m. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN, NIC3, OftSopatMs Physlciaa. ChroBlo aad aertoas diseases apedalty. Rooma 1 aad 3, Lundburf building, oppoalU post office; phoa 149-R, SesUoaos: Colonial hotel; phono 167-J. 768 i 1 'Tl II III 1,1 l,jl, DdTI3T8 B. C. MCT, D. If. D., Flrst-law dentistry. 109 ' South Sixth street. Grant Pass, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. It D. Mod em dental work. .Marguerite H. Elliott, dental asslstaBt Rooms and 6, Gotten Rule building. Grant Pas; Or. Phone 34 W. ATTOsXZS H. D. NORTON.' AttorawT-at-Law. Practice la all Bute aad Federal Coarta. First National Baak Big. COLVIG ft WILLIAMS AttorssTS. at-Law, Grants Pas Banking o. Building, Grants Paaa, Oregon. E. S.'VAN DTEE, Attorney. Practice ia all courts. First National Bank Building. EDWARD H. RICHARD. AttorasT. t-Uw. Offle Masonic Tempi. Grant Past, Oregon. " W. T. MILLER. AttoraTt.Tw County attorney for Josephlna County. Office: Schallhora Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-atJIaw. uranu Paw Banking Co. buUdlng. Pwon 370. Graata Pass, Oregon. V. A. (XEMENTSAttoraeyHtt-law. practices tn state aad federal court. Room 2 and I, Goldea Ral stora. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION lViiim. Belgian school of Yiolln playing. E. R. Lawrence, 21B I street DBAYAGK AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and tranafer work carefully aad promptly dona. Phona 188-R. Stand at trieght depot A. 8hade, Propr. Envelopes printed at the Courier Job printing of every description st the Courier oflot. ,. PERSONS imK LIVES IN 0ANI8TO RIVER FLOOD Hornell, N. Y., June 17. Four pe,r sons are dead here today as the. re sult ot a flood which nearly swept the area drained by the Canlsto river -last Bight and today. ' Property damage is estimated at $150,000. CALL U, S, CONSULS OUT OF MEXICO Washington, June 17 The state department Is considering a sugges tion that the remainder of the Amer ican consuls In small towns ot Interlqr Mexico be 'brought out. '. , Most of them came out several weeks ago for a border conference and have not yet returned. 11 Those remaining Include:. Vice Consul Dickinson at San Luis Potosl and John R. Sllllman at Saltlllo.' . G. Iaham, drayage and tranafer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. 60. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD Bunch Bros. 15-R. MOVES; to do we. Tranafer Co. Phone LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M. 8tated Oommialca tlont lit and 3d Tuesday. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Caw. W. M. Ed. G. Harrla, teoreUry. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, l.O. ,.: , O. F meeta every Wed jf N nwday eve la I.O.O.F. - hall, cor. 6th and H. St. Visiting Odd Fellow cordially Invit ed to be present I. V. Howell. N.. Q., Clyde Martin, Secretary. ASSATERA Paris, June 17. German flyers bombarded, Dunkirk, . Pont-a-Mous-son and Bar-le-Due yesterday and last night, killing four and wounding 15, according to the French official state ment A French air squadron. bon-Js barded Ionguyon, Montemedy and Auduln. ' ;yr ' ' ' E. R. CROUCH, Astayer, chemltt, metallurgist. Rom 201-203 Pad ' dock Building. Oranta Pas. DBCOR.ITOR8 AND PAINTERS PAPERHAN01NO. graining, paint ings For, the hetv work at lowest price phone 3954. a O, Pleat, South Park atreet.