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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1916)
'Continued From Pige ' 1.) ' -- -' ' '11 kJy 30C THE finest cook never quite equals "the things Mother used to make". An' no man ctn' beat old Mother Nature's recipe for ;elny Tobacco. VELVET is cured Nature's way. (fi Every rood quality of cholco Eeatackjr Burlay Tobacco to brouiht to pertectloa la VELVET by two years' ageing ol the leaf. 3C 31 ZZZZ2EZ KOItlfr Ti:!.T DUtY aVarest of Untali Faae Readers An lamtag the Duty of the Kldacye . To filler lb Mood U the kidneys' duty. . .... , When thy fad to do this the kid neys art weak. .. Itacksche snd other kidney 11U may follow; Help tbo kidneys do their work. Use Doan'a Kidney Pllla ttao test ed ktdMy remedy. Grant Pass people endorse tbelr worth. Mr. A. J. Morrison, 621 East L fit., Oranta Psss, aaya: "It Baa been several year since I have had any occasion to use Doan'a Kidney Pllla, but I can always apeak a good word for" them, for 1 know from past ex perience that they are all tbat la claimed of them. For backache sad rheumatic palm I couldn't, rec-om. mend a better medicine. ! used to have considerable trouble with these ailments, but after 1 bad taken sev eral botes of Doan'a Kidney Pills I wss rid of the rheumatic pains and wonderfully benefited In every way." Price DOo, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney mils the aame tbat Mrs. Morrison hsd. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props.. Buffalo, N. Y. , ... DHMATS MEET (Continued from page 1.1 parading around with It. Illinois and Maryland followed suit and there waa a general lining up1, the strong men of all the delegations attempting to root up tht forest of eigne. t Knthwlai Breaks Ixmae , Pennsylvania's huskies finally got . ..n miA Mlauitirl anil Alllka iu.ii. wm,. ; also. Meanwhile motion picture op erators In the gallery ground away frantically, all llgbie being, switched on to give them the possible pictures. Glynn stood, arms folded, Snd grid- .J tka Miilaa The band was then requisitioned at the end of 11 minutes and as It boom ed forth "John Brown's Body" the audience yelled out, the words of the old song. "v ' " ' .Order waa finally restored at 1:84 and Glynn began knew; 1 The cheering and singing had last ed 1? minutes, though It had died out steadily during the last five. It was when Glynn eloquently pic tured the' glories Of the pesce which the democrats hsd achieved that the real demonstration "burst? ' radfkismiEnettreedi .' He waa called upon three times to repeat tire iectlonof. his speech, "This policy does satisfy the mothers of the land at whose hearth no Jlngo istlo war. has placed an empty chair. It does satisfy the daughters of this land from whom bluster and brag bave sent no loving brother to the dissolution or 'the grave. It does satisfy the, fathers, of this land and the sons of this land who will fight for our flag and die for our flag when reason primes the rifle, when honor draws the sword, when justice breathes a blessing on the standards they uphold". The yelling from .the floor was rod by Mrs. Marian Monroe, of Washing ton, a woman delegate.. More demonstrations came when Bryan, his face flushed with emotion, arose from the scat In the press sec tion and waved a flsg In the demon atratlon, evoking great applause,- Amid the' applause a Texas dole gate arose and shouted "Don't for get that was the policy advocated, by Wm. J, Bryan." .; It was several minutes before or der rould be restored. ' . Another thing which captured the aunim for Glynn waa the'- fdrwer gownos's deelaantienv. tbat 'a- true patriot waa not necessarily thraolal- est wm. ' ' '' So Otters for F&tt Spirit There were yells of "Name Mm, name, him," from, the audience at thla epigram." . It waa etgnlflaant, how ever, thai Glynn's prediction that the people of the oountry, It necessary, would "summon themselves to battle with the valor of a Jackson and the ardor of a Wayne," did not evoke a single cheer. J . ' Glynn's speech vu concluded at 8:80 and hla final words. "Wood row Wilson" the first time the presi dent's nam had 4een tcard, evoked loud cheering. It waa too hot for sustained yelling feats and the noise died out wKhln a few minutes. . Congressman FItsgerald's resolu tlon, making the rulea of the house of representatives the rules of the convention, waa adopted. Senator Pomerene of Ohio obtained consent for the adoption of a resolution re quiring reference of resolutions with out resdlng to the resolutions com mittee. On motion of Senator Walsh of Montana the convention recessed at l: BO until 11 a, m. Thursday, out of respect to the memory of Thomas H. Pence, former secretary of the na tional committee. UORPHY, THE CHESS- WIZARD MervaUwe eWII ef the Greets Met ef Madam Timaa. ,Paal Charlefl Morphy. he famous Amerk'Sn be player. Is' clasaad'as "perhaps' the" moat remarkable, cbeaa player of modern time." lie wbi born In' New Orleans Jn 1837 and was nois bly precocious - as : a child.'? D 1 showed this pretty; particularly la games of chess, aud Iwforehe was thirteen had defeated many, well knowq amateurs. For aeveral . years he studiH Isw at the College of South Carolina and played' chess only occa sionally. But! In ISC", st the first American chess i-oiiKTCus, heM ln New York, he easily defeated the best play- ers tbat could be brought against Dim. In I&& Morpbf. went to England and there defeated LowenthaL, Boden and Bird and performel the most as-' tonlsblng feats in slmultsueoue games without M board. When be wss In ParlsJ the ssme year, be won five out of eight games with ' Harrwrts and gave many exblbltloiis of blindfold plsylng.. , It wss theae last that were responslbla for (lie early breakdown of bis health. , . . After his return to 'the United State In 150 he defeated the' visiting- Ger. men expert. . A nderssen, In seven out of eleven gsmes."- H' wae admitted to the bar end, bexap to practke'lawtln New Qrleaas. , But the,. strata ;of bis blindfold 'cov tests had been too great for bis" mlud. and lie wa forced to give iin'chemi altogether and then to abandon all mentst occupatlbu.' Ue llvel hi retirement until his death1 tn 1884 Hla actlrlty-tbosfovcred a com-' paratlvely short spo of time. Morpby's .skill I described as 4lnea-r plies ble. ITe never was a close studv ent of chess.' lie plsyed his games easily and quickly, with no prepara tion and I It He hesitation: Yet hla cooP ' blnatlons were "remarkable for finesse; ; depth, elegance and soundness. Be also poftRoted a phenomenal memory. New York Times.. ,, At the Restaurant "Fab, walterl How long do yon keep iggs herer f"k r, . "UnUI ate, air." , , ) Anolent Haymakera. In the middle ageajbe pay of hay makers In England waa fixed by law at a penny a day. . ' " , Net Settled. ', Joncs-Doea be love ber ?tilH , Johnon-No; bur father keeps bins. on the Jump all the time. . , . . . i' -) i ,,, Pick a Coed One if you are determined to live aud die a slave to. custom., sea that, lt. knaa. , leanta ttofooa.' ' ""Tit' - Pruning abenre.' Japanese tray. .. Rose' holder:, ' : Keen Kutter shears. Quart olive oil. Tbermoa bottle. 1 pair ailk hose. ' 8Jlver cup. Dr. Reddy's. Luncheon set. Rom. Second Prises Due bill, $1. Due bill. II. Due bill, 11. Due bill. II. Due bill. II. Due bill, II. Sliver eugar tray. Bos candy. Box candy. - 1 bottle toilet water. : 1 bottle toilet water. 1 pair ailk. hoae. I pair vases. The ' leading feature of the rose show dance, which will be held' in the Moose hall at 9:80 Friday even ing, June 18, win be a prise waits. This waits will be danced at 10:80 o'clock and many are expected to par ticlpate la thU event A prlsa-wlll be awarded to the best lady wnltter and one to the gentleman'1 winning favor with the Judges All parties wishing to enter the parade Friday morning should regis ter either at Mrs., Moss office or with Mrs. P. B. Herman. Entriee may be made from to 11 a. ra. and 'from 8 tq 6 p. m. All entries should be made by Thursday evening. ' G. 0. P. OLD GUARD : 0UTSW New York, June Id. It the "old J I. .Ll-I.. I. ... . -. ' (guaru iuidkb it vau cu puia ot u machinery of the republican organ isation and conduct the campaign of Charles E. Hughes to suit Itself, It would best watch out for bumps. Close personal friends of the can didate have let It be known that Hughea will Insist on having the major say In the personnel , of the campaign managers and In the con duct of the campaign. He will atrtve to give all Its actlona a vitality which will attract the vote of the progres- islwe. There is a feeling at headquarters that should the' grand old guardaters of the (Murray Crane-Boles Penrose Reed Smoot type appear to have con trol of the campaign,' the progressive vote would be more or less alienated from Hughea,' ; On the' other hand.' the' Hughes personal camp believes thst even the most cas-harddned standpattere will be' willing to pitch In and work for Hughes, even if the old guard lead en are placed, so far as the 'public eye la concerned, on the aide limes. W, M array Crane, of the republi can "big three." had a long, confer ence with Hughea last night and la still In town today, perhaps for fur ther word. The date tor the' con ference of Hughea with . the, sub committee of the national committee that is nameless, but that actually la a campaign "steering committee," hsa not , been definitely fixed. , The conference probably will take place within a few days. . The committee probably will learn that it Is a "steering'; committee": all . right enough; but that Hughea is the helms man " ": Formal notification to Hughes of hla nomination has been delayed and will hardly take place ' before ' early In1 July. Thus the hand of the old guard ' Is seen.! Tbo delay will give the old guardaters much chance' for counsel with; Hughes, in which they can urge upon him their Ideas to be incorporated In his formal speech of acceptance, Hughea plans to detail his Ideas in that speech and the guardsters are anxious that the de tails be right. , ' latisty. "There la no such word," said the philosopher, "ak 'ilou't,' In the logic of things. For to say 'Don't do thlsr means thnt we must do something tm 'Don't' csnnot evade, doingIt merely diverts It to soother form of deed. 'Don't' sliuims human action, day after day, Just as surely ss " ' "Oh. don't talk ho mocli!" rrled the phllomtptier's . wife despairingly. Ufe ttrlvlnb to rimt. ' ' "John," aald the minutely observant woman, "didn't rou forget to-Up the walterf '' '. 1 . .;.,.'-.':; "No: I auended to that right at the start. I handed blm all the money , I ran1 afford to siend and told hl'm to tal;c hla tip and brttig us sometlilng o eau.. "'Uk" ta-bjaw" Wfctnflon Star.- ,' FOat SAUi 0 ACRES 4 H mliee from Cranu Pass, ao lmprovsmeata, for sale at 40 per acre. . Under ditch aur vey. Address No. 1411, care Courier. t7tf FOR 8AL Six-room plastered house, eloee-41, lot 100x100, good shade. Address No. 8411, care Cosrler. 1 187a MURPHY farm-for sale, 78 acres 10 mllae frosa GratUr Pass on kaaka of Applegate river, some bottom land, mack upland nader " dltchl . with wataa-rlgU. AAdreas No. CIS. care Courier. 707tf. BLUB PRINT plats of Grants Pass for sale at Courier affloW f 88 FORr SALB-Eeglgteretf Guernsey bolls ' from1 high' prododng cowl ', River Banks Farm R. i. Oranta Pass, Ore. 754tf FOR SALE Three-ton Veils auto . track." The price is rigbt Leonard V Orchard Company. Grants Pass, Ore. - - 784U REGISTERED HOLSTEIN bull calf. ; bora May IS, 11.-, 8lre, Oovet idge , Segia Korsdyke, Advaaeed Registry backing. Dam, Pomona Hengtrreld Doo. Fine individual. Price , reasonable. F, R. Steel. Winona Ranch, Route 1. 7tt FRUIT RANCH FOR SALE 88 .;, acres on Applegate" river, seven .miles from Grants Pan.- Best of - soiL Bearing, orchard of apples, peaches, cherries and strawberries. . choice, varieties . Gravity lrrlga ' tlon; abundance of water. Haa a ; five-room house and, other , out- , bnildlnga. Thla la a money-maker right from the etart. The Adjust ment Bureau of the Portland As sociation of Credit Men. J., M. Warnlck. Route No. 4. Oranta j Pass, Ore..., 788 1000-lbTTRiTKflTlale ped, 400. Inquire at Grants ' Pass Garage. " 77 FOR SALE SO Angora goats and ; fine two-year-old Red Durham bull I and Durham cows, milk and beef j type. Grave Creek Ranch. 76ltt FOR SALE at a price, top buggy in good condition. Address No. 1112. care Courier. 76tf FOR 8A LB John Oeere seven-foot binder and a registered A J. C.. C. Jersey bull. It months old. John ; B. Hair, Rogue River. Ore. 776 FOR SALE 'Extra good ' thorough . bred Jersey cow. Price ISO. In r quire C. N. Hathaway. 1011 East . A street 770 195-EGG HENS for sale 15 White Leghorn hens for $25. Geo.' P. ,' Crsmer: 776 TO RKXT FOR ftENT-pSlx-room cottage, newly papered and painted, bath, hot and cold-water. . boiler "installed, Sl4 ' North Second atreet Inquire W. f 8. Wood, Palace hotel. . .778 FOR , RENT Five-room . cottage, partly, furnished,, pantry'- and 1 clorfets. city water, on south aide of track , Inquire at-. 708jNortb Fifth atreet. or phone 208- L. 767tf WANTED WANTED First; class . miners . and laborers, Almeda-i and' Copper r! Eagle ' mines.- - Good t wages and ( . euro pay. , Apply to Pi Bv Wlck . ham, Almeda, Oregon. 776 WANTEBi-A good cook, experi enced, to take over a mine board ing bouse feeding about' SO men. Address Roy Clark, Tskllma Oregonf v,,- 776 MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In ( 6-gsllon5i glass Jsrs and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone S9S-R and water wagoa ;' wiircalf: URE MOUNTAIN , WATER Clear and refreshing, i Bacterial tests as sure tbat this water la pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles 'V. E. Beck with.1 Order by phone. 602-F-3. v 4S9tl mLllAMFc,p7acircal "painter. Wood finishing and , enameling In any color a specialty. Rooms en ameled 18.60 and up. Estimates . on request. Can refer you to many ' satisfied customers. 208 Foundry 1 street'" -" ' 788 . VETERINARY RUKflRlt DrTR. ' J. BSSTUL, Veterlnarlsn S OfflVei In " WlnetOnt Implement 0m17trnt.' " -rtoaa v u J. 1 ' tresa ; deaNphrn'-S0II'R.. .'."'.''" TDfJEf CARD tfcs Califcniia ; and Orc-ca Coast Eailrcad Ccnjzzj (The Oregom Cavee Roote) Effective Monday. May 1. 1110. Train 1 lv. Grants Pas.. 7:0S a.m. Arrives Waters Creek:00 a.nv Train 4 lv. Waters Creek..S:00 p.m. Arrives Grants ras...: 00 p.m. Daily except Sunday... All train leave Gratis Pass from-l the corner, ft O and. Eighth, streets,, opposite- the fiaotbers Pacific depot For all lnfomatloa regarding freight and passenger service can at taa.eAes of to company. Ptrblte-Ser-vioe- building, or phone 181 for aame. Train . will stop . os lag at any point between Grants Pact" aad Wateev Creek," Paasc'm rnc every da) la the week. TEACHERS' EXAMIXATIOJJS Notice is hereby r given, that, the county superintendent of .Josephine county, Oregon. wUl.hold the regular examination . of '. arolloaat for , state certificates at' Grants' Pass as fol lows;,,. '..'.....,';. ' Commencing, Wednesday. Jane SS, ltll, st 8:00 o'clock a. m.. and eon-; tinning until Saturday, July 1, 1111. at 4:00 o'clock p nv ' ... ' WedjseaJay rosfwaeoai. Writing (Penmanship), Music. 0. ft History, Drawing . ; , , r -. -Wedaasday Aitcyaeen- Reading, Physiology. Manual Train ing. Composition, Domestic Science, Methods In Reading. Course of-Sfady for eOrawlng Methbd In Arithmetic. . .Tbarsday Fcreaoom Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Methods ' In Geography, Mechanical Drawing,. Domestic , Art, Course of Study, for Domestic Art Tharaday Afteraoosi . Grammar, Geography, Stenography, American Literature, Physics, Type writing, Methods in Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate, Educations- Science of. , ,,, FrMay Forenoon ... Theory and Practice, Orthography, Physical Geography, English Litera ture. Chemistry, Education History of, Phyalcal Culture . A v , - y' . Friday , Afteraeoat School Law,, Geology, Algebra, jCIvil Government Education Child hood and Adolescence.... ' Saturday Forenoon, w 'Geometry, Botany, Educatlon-- School Administration Satarday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping, Ed ncation Methoda. ' i ' LINCOLN SAVAGE 783 : - Co. Supt f V ' SMg Cattle RaaeheW There are cattle ranches'' InPArgs Una with so many bolldinga that taey slmoet form a town In themselves t '' . :, '. Tbo ; Family. ' -Have they a large familyf" "lee; hla wife's father, mother, brother and two maiden aunta."-;Jmlge. , V. ? ' ' HiHna Aediaav Two-tblrda water and one-third sol ids are practically the composition of the'human body. : ,.. j: , , , . Net a Lucrative Jea. ' - Friend So. yeur son bas left coBegs.' Wbittohe4nf . . ;.. Pater Debt Boston Transcript. ' '! tk4l.akiyel' "-'X Ali a fair in lore, espetlally' thi gtrf a' fellow U In love with.-Philadelphia' Record. V ' sTeaVEkat' ' v-' . "Dld-hef marry tWvyooBir? lady fdr her meneyr ro; for W-falbefwr?-New York Times, - Her Raflaitren. Every time' a' woman sees' a' .mirror she pauses for awhile 'to reCwt-In dlabapolla Star. a Often la.' "Daddy, what la the plural of epouse calledr ''Spice, uy bo.v."-Ltfc; -.' .. ...' ' . ' Jut the Ravaraa. "Did the doctor pay a vlsltr 1 "No; the visit paid the doctors-Baltimore Ameilcau. To of a Kind. A man can hide a secret from his wife about an easily as be csn bis pocket money. J mine. Phonographie Men.' , Some men are like phouograpbs ev ery day they reel off exactly the same records. . , Information. Algy What part of a harness w an umbrella! Alglne-Cbetkreln. silly boyl Purple Cow. ; . . -r ; 'i. rtananiThM- ' Wheu a mai cantmeet hla credltova la Just the timet tbat he la unable t oouge tnem. - , . ,' r '-' ! ' -:' " -Tulips.. ' .V, .Tulltm eme front the tvaut. Tbey f-n wild lu- EtwpeoWTurkey. liudy LlaoU gave them to England m4SU. pmszcLixa L. O. CLLZOT, M.' D 1 racCoa limited to dlseaeet of tns aye, tar, aoss and tbxoat Closest ttxaa Office hour S-12, WaaJ s a pointmsnt Offlce phoaa IS; deca phone 8W. 8. L0UGHBJDG3, M. D.. PhysiUa aad surgsosv city or oountry oaiU attended day or alstt Ess. phoaa III; office phone 188 Sixth aad B. TuTs 1 J. P. TRUAX. M. DM Pnrr's aad SurgsoaV Phoaes: CCoa, 8S8; , rdameev 124 CaUa. aaaaaarei at all hours. Oountry eaUa at Undad ,t, LejsdAt9sj Cp. OR. ED BYWATXS CpootalTa on diseases of eye, er, aoee aaA throat; glasses tttsd. Offlce hours: to-11 . nc; S to rp. ta. Ffcoaast Res, 31 W; 0ce, J7-J Sat-, Bmidlnf, Grants Pass. Oresoa. DR.! F. Or aTCSXUrrMBtaS ' poa w. OSes; asaaoaie av A. Ji WTTHAU . ttrft. rtfZZx sal BOrgeoa, caa: c&a cZs 3 ooraar fixtli wt4rf strTSeas: OSes. Ill; fwUMot, 2JJ-J. Ebars: I a. sa. to 4 p. as. DR. H.' WlSirt KlCZ, OatseaalASt Plyaloiaa. Caroada and asrma dlsesaes specialty. Rooms 1 aai S. Landburg building, oppoctta peat offlce; phoaa 14S-R. EieesMB: Colonial hotel; phoaa 117-J. Til E. a MaCY, D. M. D. First-cans dentistry. 101 H South Gxta street. Grants Pass, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D Mod- era dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott, dontal aatlataat Roosns 4 ' and,!. Golden Role building. Grants Pasa, Oral Phone S68-J. ATVOTETS H. D. NORTON. AttarawMt-Lawi- Practice faraa State nad Fodtr Courts. First National Baak !. ICOLYIG ft WILLIAMS Attoraeya- at-Law, Graata Pasa Banking Os. BnDdtag. Granu Pasa, Oregon. . "' E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practlea la all eourta. ' First National Baak fiulldlag. ; EDWARD.. Hw. RICHARIV Attoraay" at-Law. Offle Masonic Temyle.. Grants' Paas.rOregoa.' W. T. MILLER., Astorney-at-Law Cv3aty attor uir.. jooepnina. County. Office: BchaUhora Bide 6. 8. BLAiiJA Grants Pssa PaMwg Co. building. 1 Phone 870. Graata Paas, Xragee. V. Ai CUZZttAtontl L,ir; practloaa ta stats and faiaral courfa.1- Rooms I -'and s, orar Golden' Sum atora, VIOLIN INSTRtJCTtOK . Ffaneai 2-lgian school of violin alaytas.' B. R. Lawrence. SIS, I streets . . PBaiTAC31ASniTjtAKSrt COMMEXCIiLv TRANSFjbi CO, All kinds' of draaga ' and. txajiafa work carefully and. promptly doan. ' Pinn' itl-V a.'.. ewri. .-". .WWH...W ". depot" 'A.' Shade,' Propr. ...... ,, F. G. laham. drayage-and-traaafer. Safes, plan wand funiKnre inoredi' 'packed aalpped . aad atoredv Phoaa Clarke A Holman. No SS. Restdenev'pkans 184-JL THE WORLD MOVES; SO do we. BunchBroa. Triaafer Co. Phoaa 16-r. ' . - 1V01)G3 GRANTS PASSr Lodge No." 84,' A; F. A. af. Stated' Communion Oona 1st atd'Sd Tuesdays. VhdUng; brethren- cordially Invited A. K. Caaa, W. M. Ed. G. Harris. eecreUrv. GOLDEIT RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. 'J. O. F.,, meeU -every WedS neaday eve In I.O.O.F. hall, cor, 6th and H. Sta. VlsIUng Odd Fellowa cordially Invit ed to be preeent I. V. Howell, N. G., Clyde Martin,- Secretary. ' ASSAYBRS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, dock Building. Grants Pass. '.',' c m-:jt-JJULl..'"J"-.,ij-S.jj.ii...j- . U J.-rcat; DEODK.UU.J AND PAlM- . . .... . a. ,.,; PAPERHANOINtl. graining,': Saint-, lag. For fhe bast work at loweat ' r.r?TK.Pkona..2;3a a Plants South Park street