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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1916)
ricatrro DAILY ROQCB OTZ21 OOCTOTa UKKNKHDAT, JINB 14, 101. t Diily XcW Eivtr Oocrisr. Aa Udepeadeat lUpubUeaa K:. paper. Caltd ft Leased" Wire Telegraph Service' A. X. VOORH33, Pa ead Prop. WILTORD ALLEN. Sdltor Entered at the Graata Put, Ore- roaiofflce M second-class mall attr. . -.rv. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oh Tar .5.0 tax Months . SOI Tar If oath ...... OaHontk;y......,, . Pay! U Advaac WEDNESDAY, JVSS 14, IMC ORfiQOX WEATHER 4 ' ; . ' .. f Fair tonight aad Thursday; 4 continued erarmer; northwest- -e erly wtads. " 4 TOURIST TRAVEL INCREASES. Already the travel ow tne Facinc- kigheay, and ao doubt ever all tat other principal arteries of travel, 1 .,, it : hoot as heavy aa It was at any time last' season, and tin procession of toarlsts nas bnt only commenced to move; From 'all over the east the tide to now turning westward, and the 'next tarn months ''will nee' the ' facilities of the west taxed to care for the army of visitors.' Tne CommerV trains iniormauoa. concerning ia Josephine cave, and, If proper pro vision is made for the handling of tourists the cares win rival Crater lake in Interest Most tourists. In fact, wisa to include rlsHa to both of these marvels In tne same trip, At present travel is divided between the route over the SlsUyons and the coast rohte by way of Crescent City. Some parts of the coast route were reported pretty rough, though It is etih M1w ImnMnil anil Ar, .av ao difficulty in getting through. The route over the Slaklyous is good ex cept for a stretch near Redding. Cali fornia. Much work is being done on feat 1m Vtavltwa l aUtnt fiAfU Afn. sv a vtuv w mj wvu vnii a nil tfcav nnfv Kll iWiWtnrt ftf the road ere being eliminated. . The Roseburg Revtew has the following V concerning the progress of work through Stage Coach pass': "Construction work has begun on the new road, from Giendale south to Stage Coach pass, two and one half miles., It wM connect at Its southern terminus with tha new road bow belng'bnilt in Josephine' county. The road wfll be of standard con ttrnctlon and will greatly Improve the . Pacific ; highway between 01a dsle and the Josephine county seat The new road now under construc tion in Josephine county win cost approximately $5,000, while the work to be done on the new road In Dong- I It . . --! lss county will entail an expense to exceed 118,000. in both, instances the roads will be built by money pro vided, by the state. "It was originally planned to adopt nntti mnti wtifoh wmM allmffiata Giendale from the Pacific highway, bnt this was opposed by County Judge Marsters, who contended that the people of Giendale were entitled to recognition, at the hands of the state and should not be "eliminated from the north and south trunk lint and appraisement of each tract will e mailed to any. appenV sending IS cents to' the lud oLoe at Spokane or WaUnrtlla, Tie choicest portion of the Col- vllle reserve have been appropriated by tha Indians, to whom allotments have been mad during tha past tew year, to that wall oa the (Ma of It there art 159,601 acre of land tor the homesteader, the larger propor tion of ft la sot suitable tor farming, and would not be worth the time re quired to get ft Work oa the top of Wolf. Creek hill has been finished, and there has been a great improvement made,, The top has bee cut down several feet and the road at that point widened ao that there Is new plenty, of room tor ve hicles of all kind to pass each other safely. Glsndal New. kflUCO EE1& J ,x ;v .. ' v' Portiahd, June 14. Today ma, ket tuotattoa were: Wheat Club, II1; hlueetem, con. Oats No. 1 wait teed, 18 0 15.? 5. Barley TeedT If 0 11.50." Hog Beat Ut 1.10 C 1.15. ' Prime steers, MSOtlOj faacy cows. T.10; beat calves, 1. Sprtnf. lambs, I,. ..... Butter City creamery, II; coun try. IT. : Egg Selected local extras, It 9U. . ; , ; . -r Hens, . 14 OliM ; broilers, IS! Copper, UK. Neat ef'a 6& Ik splta of the length f the gintV seek there are only seven joint ta tt. as in usi or a man. - '-4 w U 'mekV X t(tHaee, In ' Iteik "five y.' hew yet nave been dieted er dressed er ledged, whether yeu haw hed gardens er ' bathe, have been carried In a neat equipage e In a rUMeuleie tntek -These thing are feeoetlen aulekl leavs ne efteet But It eeunte mush whetherwe have had leed ' eempaniene in that time almeet , aa much. a what we have see delna. Imereen. CK ASK 1YFANTRY ATTACK' ALONO THE MSVftE Paris. Jan 14. Ther wer "no tafsatry attacks oa either bank of the ktense lut night, according to the Preach eommaalQ today,' East of Bolsson th rrench, by In- h., '' ','...' ' "r 1 V h- 1 r,',:'s '' Use No. 18 Special . Roast Coffer V f IClnncy & Ttunx :-i-u?;i-;0 Grocery ; -;: ;'; Quality' First .1 i i tiliiiiuv n.liittj fantry atiiaiks, captured a mall r ma4v pisi 1 rreach airsfti nadi a succeesfnl raid at Venitsl la the Vok. A rreaoh ortl at Sdgra resulted la th oaptsr of aoma'prl oam ; ANOTHER LAND OPENING. Many inquiries are made concern lng the opening of the unallotted por tions of the Colvllle Indian reserva tions in northern Washington, the call of the land being Just si insls tent ss ever with the land-hungry throughout the country. There will be 350,000 acres sub ject to homestead entry. Some of the land Is mountainous, unsuitable for agriculture, and some Is appraised at $1.60 an acre. Applications for homestead entries will be received at Spokane, W'enatcliee, Colvllle! Re public, Wilbur and Omak, Wash., July 6 to 22, and a public drawing will take place at Spokane July 27. En tries will be made after September 5. Onenflfth of the price is payable when entry Is made and the remainder I five eqiul annual installments.-- Full InfornWlon' showing' rlsislflcatloB ! -1 V V I ' The RepniMiom of the Mgoiwei i lYHA T u the bortf and stroke of. your' moto, wait fttked Maxwell oWiierf not 1 lbngaV1 dore. 1' don't khow,w he replied simply, "1 dcaft buy cars ca fibres any ! Tbuy diem on wtiat they've-ddntl they For this' man, and for many others like iim, it was enough tHat during the thirteen strenuous years the Maxwell record' for ronricr atnd economy hixyfwept it to the! front . Figures engine ' speed ' f i giires; horsepower figures,' whce-bas hures they meant nothing to him. The name Maxwell- carried naoro weight than all. the technical cescnption: that coulcrbe offered. Maxwell cars have? achieved this gireat; good will and this priceless position withr the public only by thetf unequalled record of thins done, Wh4t is. saidJof an aiitomoliile inl its s(ecificalions is one mcrir, Vhat'the car actually does in tne hands- of owners, ear after yca, iilchctheY matter. The Maxwelf "dir. has' won its', position through sheer merit.' It has set record after record in Competition with cars of all price'ario!;cEuH.a,. ' Evethgco'nBidered, the Maxwell is th saV inrestJaeL It is a kriown, tried and proved procHict. It WilP serve you as it it servingand has r' 1'."-1 erred countless others. - ' ; ' . '''' ' i Let us arrange for a demonilratibn foov. You will be under no obligation. We want to give you a chance to convince yourself Touring Car $555: ' Roadster $63 ' F. O; B; DETROIT' mm POWELL AUTO CO. totS ' Mcdford, Oregon. B TVme Payments it -Desire l i i .. r ' .. . .. v ' . . : ... . ,i ' V' .v t -iuA I If '. v it - ' ' I" I i'v ' '' : . .... ... . ; ... 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