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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1916)
Kl'NDAV, Jt'NK II. 1UGK EIGHT tttwv swtv fetwn nntTH! M . Vboto by American Pre Association. HENRY CABOT LODGE. ( 11 As you cannot do what you wish, you should wish what you can & Terence. ' ' Mining blanks at the Courier office, - """"" I . .1 II i JBSldC, I intimate life stories of the great picture Get your copy from your theatre fin stars written lythem. exclusive' ly for j "W IB I I NOMINEE HUGHES HAS A REAL SMILE I Washington. June 10. Washing ton realised for tht first time today that Justice Hughes hu a real siullo. When he vat informed of his nom ination by the republican!, ha aeenied to throw off th judicial bearing, without losing a whit of hit dignity. He beamed at the reporters who had been permitted to remain In his sec retary's office at his home when they clamored for a statement.' He called them "you boys" and shook hands as cordially as he used to shake when he was a plain cltlsen or when governor of New York. ' He admitted in an aside to one of the old newspaper men that be "hadn't seen so much of 'the boys' as he wanted to since coming: to Wash ington. Hughes received the news today In !his study, at one end of his oblong house, which has Us 100-foot side on , Sixteenth street and its S5-foot front 0n V street. Despite this V street ;frontaxe. by the way. Justice Hughes stained special permission from the Dostmaster-general to number his j house 2100 Sixteenth street. V street. I when Its buildings are compared with those on Sixteenth street, is not much for class. Immediately after the result of the ; balloting was known Hughes shut himself up In his study with his sec iretary. Lawrence Green, to dictate a 'reply to Senator Harding's notlflca- tion telegram and to prepare a state- ment for the press. Tajdcabs In which newspaper men j hurried to the Hughes home blocked ,V street and many other automobiles occupied by persons anxious to get !a glimpse of Justice Hughes virtually I obstructed east and west traffic. The i crowd assembled outside the door at ' tracted the attention of others, either afoot or In vehicles. Rirtoonth and V streets was the i busiest locality in Washington this afternoon, being the mecca of news ! paper men, a dozen photographers, and moving picture men and ordinary folks. Anticipating Justice Hughes nom- : Inatlon, the correspondents and pho tographers took up their headquar ters inside and outside of the Hughes 1 home and remained there the greater ! part of the day. 1 A big republican demonstration 'greeted the announcement of Hughes' ' nomination In the bouse, j Representative Mann, republican house leader, said: "The seemingly Impossible has hap Ipened. The office of president Is seek ing; the man, not the man the office. ! In the greatest crisis or the world's ! history the United States should put forward Its best. The American peo ' pie by general consensus of opinion ! have asked Mr. Hughes, as the ablest j man, to fill the office of president. jThis opinion has controlled the re ' publican convention. He has not de j sired the since and be has not striven to obtain It, but as a patriot he must yield to the opinion that he is the J best fitted to take the office in these strenuous times. His broadness of 'intelligent vision and his firm deter Imination to uphold the best principles 'of American liberty and the highest ' civilization make it certain that when I elected the safety of American Ideals ; will be assured under bis administra tion." I THE MOUSE IN THE CREAM. . Being a 8tory of a Pound of Butter. Whioh Point a Moral. ! Some years ago when Thomas L. : Calvert, chief Inspector of the Ohio j dairy and food department, was run I nlng a general store lu a country , town, a woman cnuie into the store , with a smull quantity of butter which 1 site wanted to soli. ; "We mode this for our own use, ; but we found Unit n mouse had run I through the cream, so we decided to ell It," kIic said. "Yon l:now, It v.lll j make no difference Just so the person who eats the butler does not know that the mouse was in the cream." she added. Mr. Calvert bought the butter, pad dled It Into a different sbapo and put It away in a cool placo in tho rear of the store. Two days later the womun ; came buck to the store to buy Home . butter. Mr. Culvert sold her the but ' ter he bad IwURlit from ber. He bud bought It for tint very reason, Intend ing to teach die woman a IcMon. The next time the woman came to the store she told Mr. Calvert that I lie butter hu had sold ber was of lino quality and she asked where lie got It. "It wus what you sold me; you know you unld that It would iuake no difference If no one knew that tlio oioiimo run through tlm cream," Mr Culvert ,i.'l.- C;:im1)un plspntcb. Job printing of every description Ht the Courier office Mlnlnj blanks at the Courier offlcs.' RI W MI RFiR MF.vRFS h S A I I 1 1 WW VII III Wkllll IIVWU"W T l'etrograd, June 10. The Russian bear Is now a tiger. That Is the characterization of men who have been at the front and seen the le gions of General Brusslloir ' shoot through the Austrian front from the Prlpet marshes, to tho Pruth at will, destroying In days the most compli cated defenses defenses which the Austrlans have been building tot months and which they deemed Im pregnable. Petrograd today places the Aus trian casualties In the drive conser vatively at 150.000 and by actual count. 78.548 men were taken when the Russians exploded shrapnel in such density behind the Austrian lines that the men could not retreat through It. Along the whole front, Prusslloff is using the younger men of his forces. They are eager for the task. charging In the face of fiercest Aus trian fire. When the defenses are high, where the wire entanglements are thick and where spiked pits have been prepared Into which charging men tumble and are Impaled, the ag gressors are nslng planks and sap ling ladders. In the entire aggressive, t am Informed not a single one of the major Russian charges has- been turned. Frequently the men go through, gaining three hundred yards In a single effort. In places they have encountered as many as twenty lines of wire entanglements. In all the charges their support from the Rus sian artillery Is perfect. As the In fantry whirls through, the engineers follow, building corduroy roads, to facilitate the advance of the artillery. The offensive Is directed almost en tirely against the Austrlans it be ing estimated that about 700.000 of them are defending the line the Rus sians are attacking. A few German divisions have been encountered on the north tip of the offensive. The Russian success In the Kovel re gion, however, has threatened the Germans from the rear of their posi tions near Pinsk. In their smash against the Aus trlans on the Olyka, the Russians advanced twenty-two miles In two days and toward Stanlslau. fourteen miles in the same time. Why He Restmbltd His Paronts. A bachelor friend of the yonng couple was being eiitertulueil at din ner, and during the evening be was presented by tliu inniid mother to her Infant sou. "Now. I-'rcd. wbtch' f uh do you think lie I like';" she nUed myly. holding up Hie buby I'or Inspection. The nn"t vlev.v.I I lie tiny uilte for a moment fl lie rej-lled. "Well. f course Inti'llixciu't' lias t.nt reully dawned In his couiitentitii-e yet. bat he's wonder fully like both of yiiti!" Youth's Com panion. PAY AS YOU CO. To live witiiin ono's income is the worst of prosperity. Hap pinets is the heritage of the one who adhoroa to thio rule, and a conttnted mind and growing riohet come to him vho buyt only what ho can pay for. f) Amaru hb l'rwM Amocuiiou. SENATOR ALBERT BECOMES I r , V; ' ; V K ', t i; V-., . . J ( ' ... , ' ' 4h JOB Oil THE BENCH Washington, June 10 (J:J0 p. m.) Supreme Court Justice Charles B. Hughe this afternoon sent his resig nation to the president. It follows: To the President: "I hereby resign the office of asso ciate Justice of the supreme court of the United States, ,ll am, sir, Respectfully yours, -"(Signed) Charloe Kvaus Hughes." Washington, June 10. -President Wilson accepted Justice Hughes' re signation as follows: Dear Mr. Justice Hughes: "I am In receipt of your letter of resignation and feel constrained to 'yield to your desire. I therefore ac cept your resignation aa Justice of the supreme court to take effect at once. "Sincerely yours, "(Signed) Woodrow Wllaon." The letter was sent to Justice Hughes by special messenger. CLAIM MARIAN LAMBERT SUICIDE Waukegan. III., June 10. The theory that Marian Umbert. IS year old take Forest high school girl, tor whose murder William Orpet, Uni versity of Wisconsin student, Is on trial, committed suicide aa contend ed by Orpet. was strengthened today by the discovery of a witness, who, it is said, saw Marian In the high school laboratory examining various poisons. The witness Is said to be Jark Vercoe. classmate of Marian, and son of A. W. Vercoe, Highland Park banker. Vercoe, according to the story, found the girl alone. When asked what ahe was doing, she ap peared worried and begged him not to mention having seen ber. His story was not learned until he told It to a person sitting next to him at the trial.' Attorneys for the de fense declare they will subpoena Ver coe. States Attorney Dady was repri manded by the court for allowing Or pet's love letters to Marian to be made public. The Egyptian Saw. The saw apiiears to be the earliest tool that has been traced In Egyptian history, it was round first In the form of a notched bronze knife In the third dynasty, or about 5.000 year before the Christian era. and was followed In the fourth and fifth dynasties by larger toothed aaws, which were used by car peiiters, but there, are no dated speci mens until the seventh century before the Christian era. wbeu the Assyrians used Iron saws. The nrst knives on record were made oat of Quit and were, in fact, saws with minute teeth. flsliinfl. "Oil. I Jut lovi- animals? cried the etitliUMlHsiiC girl. "Pcrliiip you have noticed that 1 am a little hoarse," Insinuated the young tun n who bad a cold - New YorW Times. Job printing of every description at the Courier office. B. CUMMINS. ajL. if? A SPOT GASI f TOCIASSl , Makes some GREAT BARGAINS for Every Day this Week We've just received a large quantity of Men's Suits, bought at a SPECIAL PRICE FOR SPOT CASH. The clotlioa rtre surgo, wowtotl, oheviot, etc. There's not a suit in the lot but wotihi. bo u ruttling good valuo nt $15.00 ; onio uiu worth $20.00, 4but wo bouglit tbom at a price and will m thorn thesiwne way, Wo want to turn thum into money quid;, and will otlVr them to our friend and patron nt These goods arc on exhibition in our fthow window. Take a look at them They are dandies. , PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. CASH CLOTHIERS -If Mew Wear The Story of a Famous Hymn. The famou byniu UeslnuluK "Ood anovea In a luyalerions way," known as "Cowier's Ilyum," bad Ha orlKlu a follows: Cowper was all bis life the victim of melancholia and more than onre attempted suicide. One day, bent upon destroying himself, be got Into a cab and ordered the driver to take hliu to a cei-tulu point on the river where be Intended to drown himself. The cabman, uotlclng bis stratiRc ap pearance and feeling that all might not be right with blm, drove hi in about the city and finally stopped In front of the pott's door. Flopping out and recog nising the old familiar surroundings and shocked at the thought of his bar row escape. Cowper exclaimed, "God moves In a mysterious wsy his won ders to perform," and, rushing in. Immediately composed the Immortal hymn. The Louvre, The T.nnvri dnti'i awav Imrk tti th reign of Dugobei t In iYJH. In 1301 It was a prison ana in i;tu4 was maae Into a library. Tho new building was begun by Francis I. In 1528 and en larged and adorned by successive kings, principally by Louis XIV. Rut ii was napoicon i. wno gave tho Louvre Its real clorv. Turnlnc It Into a museum, Napoleon dcjioslted In It tne finest collection of pointings, stat ues and art treasures known In tho world The magnificent buildings of the new Louvre were lieiron hv Ninv Icon I. and completed by Xnpolnon III. about 1807. Maybe You Know The man who uhvnys nNki, "What day's today?" "What Hum In It?" when there Is a clock on the n ull n IiIk ns n full moon, with n cnleniliir umlci' It, And who never, never, never has n match. And who nlwnys borntwa your peii ell nud taken It nwtiy And who never IhiI(-j up imyrlilti? he wsnts to know, but c(iiim'-i to you nt your buMeftt hour nud iinIcm you, Itlrh mond TlineM-I)lpMt( Ii Nature's Eloquence, There Is clnqucnce In the tonruckMH wind and a melody In the (towing brooks and tlio ruxtllnpr of the reedn besldo thfiu which, by their IneotieelV' ablo relation to something within tho soul, awaken the spirits to a dance of breathless' rapture. Shelby . Honsit. "Why did yon give up your last posi tion r "I didn't alvo It up, sir, I wits tired." "Oh, In thnt rase take off your tint and cost and go to work, We can use man aa honest aa yon," Detroit Tret Press. the suit It, Wa Have II" FIX WAGE SCALE OF 84n Kranrlaco, June 10. Confer ences at which the new longshore men's wage scale will be drafted be- ga today at the Merchapts Bx- change, under the direction of Fed eral Mediator White. Representa tives of the employers and employ were present. It la expected the work will require perhaps a month. In the meantime, all longshoremen on the Pacific coast are back at work under a truce agreement, receiving tho wage they demanded, pending a final settlement. Day and river boat men are still on strike, however and the river boats are Idle. The lumber trade Is still seriously affected, A BATHLESS AGE. for a Thousand Ysars th People ef Europe Went Unwaihsd. When Kgypt, (i recce and Home were at tho height of their ancient power their qlllxon Hindu bathing a social function, a municipal duty and a re ligious observance. Tlio public baths of these nations were uiaguiilccnt ar chitecturally and Important as centers of hygienic atid municipal sentiment. With tho decadence- of these coun tries (be world hccuin to have reverted to a period of mental sloth and phyal cnl uucleanllncHS, Aa an authority on the matter puts It: "For 1,000 yours there was not , a man or woman In Europe that over took a bath, if tho historian of these times, Mlcbelot, Is to bo believed. The ancient love of tlio bath seemed to have dlnnppenred froro off tlio liuitl. "Thoro was no Oreeco or Homo to hold up the eimlpi of clcn nil next to tho mil Ion of IHimpe. Small wonder thnt the people of the continent bernmo pliyal nl dixmlenlM. as Indeed tliey were In spile of tradition Jo the con ti'nr.v, , "it l not striniKo Unit tliei'O fiimo the ii w fti cplilemli'H Una nit nfr one fourth of tlio pnp:itiitlou of r:unp- (he spot t ml plnne. the bliHt dentil, the sweating slckm inn) the terrl'ilo mentm eiiMenili's Unit followed In their ti'iiln I lie (limclii'i tint nltt. tho nipwliig mania and lite lilting nmnln. "Tho batli was banished and lllilt was. almost deified. Indeed. It wan then thought thnt the snnntllleatlon of the body was only accomplished when that body was Indescribably dirty." Location notices, Courier offloe. LQhGSHQREMEH 1 X It :i .