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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1916)
Kl'NU.iV, Jl'NH II, 101(1 daily bogie river cot JilEU Pltealrn Island. Pltculru island Is tu latitude 23 de grees S ntnuie until h uinl longitude 130 degrees 0 tutuutci west, or almost exactly south uf Vancouver Island, and Just a little ion I U of tb tropic of Cap rrooriu it was first settled In 1700 by alii mutineer from tha English ship Bounty and eighteen nntlvea of Tahiti. By the year !), when the Ulund wna discovered by tho Kiigllxb, the popula tluu Imd grown to lxty-lx persons, who formed a -model community under ilia patriarchal goverurucut of John Adam, Ilia only surviving mutineer, who Imd saved a Bible from lb alilp fintl was ruling with wisdom mid Jus lt lila llttla kingdom of allghtly over l wo miles In length. Tin Island now baa over 1!00 popiiliitloii.-Chrlsllan Herald. fUvlsed Proverbs. Tin nmn who know nut and koowa not be knowa not, ln a frequent. You can't do anything with bliu. Tlio nmn who knows not and knowa h know nut, ln v, III UhIcii to you wlib awe. Cultivate Mm, The inuu who knowa and knowa not lie know, nlniii li I in. Ha nmy wake up and become wise lo you. Tin man wbo knowa and knowa ba knows, be Is a tiore. Illurklmll blin. Judge. An UnfeHunala Omission,. She Before we were marrld you ab way said my voire wna like the sweet tat inult'. lie atlll tblnk ao. How ever. I ouiIiiihI lo tell you that I never eared much for music and never cared at alt for much mimic- - Itlchmnnd Time-Dispatch. Faralghtsd. "Married a o-k Intt mIhhiI graduate. you say I" "Ye, but be' no fool." "Nor , "Tbe first household utensil tin bought was a can oHner "-Birmingham Age- llenild. Madern Method. "Can you alter that fowo to Ot ma. doyouthlukJ" "Certeluly Dot. mademoiselle. That lan't dona any more. You must be al tered to (It the Down "-Life CHICHESTER S PILLS MrtwaUt. An III i iinTrnn MMkmiM M,MIl,AUl If t-ltl soiOBYOJii'fj&isisr.ixw,:!; i -4iU '-1.11 a , " ' -.-kJ if "77.6 Machine with a Personality" NO matter what your touch t his new Royal Matter Model 10 will fit it. Just turn the let-screw and rculati the touch of this new Royal to fit YOURSELFt Make it light and smooth at velvetor firm and snappy as you like. Built for "Big Business" and it$ Gnat Army of ' H i a i: ! i t ! Expert Operator Every keen willed Ken otfraphercvery office mana aer every eipert operator on the firing line ol ''Bif Bull neat " will rnp tha enormoua ar-wti,Talue ol tbe new Royal'a AdjutfHt Tuck that ukea the "rlnd " out of typewriting! But tbe new Model 10 baa many Other bltf. vital new features Iwitigatt Ihim I I 8 s: n si i I V : ii !! !! I! :: Get the Facts I Sand for the " Royal man " and aik for a DEMONSTRA TION. Or write ua direct for our nwbrochurea,"Bfi TTER SERVICE," and One Pn 6em SolvtJ poatal brlnga them free of charge. 0 a n a a am a ata at ROTAL TYPEWRITER Cb. lac 1IOUUU ItlVUH COllUliH, Agent S S n Mini A. l'-tU r lWtHW.(r li.HJTlni4V lilts hi 11-4 M Vat ""nV W ., m.w.1 wuk In.- R.Mwt. V Taka M !,. IImv mt . " Lai TRAVELERS' TALES. leena That Were Dlaoradltad and Vln. dUatad Leng Afterward. Travelera' tale have often been ao cued of being mere fllghta of luiiigl nation, and In the pnat atay at borne people hove aoiuetluiea erred lu treat lug travelera' lalea with acorn. There waa. for Inaiame, tha description tf Jamea Ilrure In 1770 of tbe barbaroua Abyaalulun cuatom of eating raw meut cut from tbe living animal, whlvb waa ridiculed iy everybody. Yet BrtKO waa proved right. M'lien Paul du ChalUu esplured e'tiaUrlal Africa In lftOl and dewrllMid the wonderful gorlllaa and alvo tha nation of dwarfa there be waa discredited none too politely by tha Urlllnli Royal Oeograplilenl aoclety. Yet aubaequeut explorer amply vindi cated bla voracity. , In the matter of dlacredlted travel era' lalea vindicated long afterward It will never be poMlble to beat tbe clanale InatHiioe In flerodotua. He telle bow King Ne'o of Egypt eommlaalou ed certain riwnli lnn marlnera to cir cumnavigate Africa If tbey could. Tbey did It, atartlug from tbe Ited aea and returning by tbe atralts of Gibral tar after very many moutba. And tbey reported, aaye Merodotua, that lu rounding the aouthern end of Africa they Imd the ami on their right bund. "I, for my part." be aaya, "do not be lieve thla, but perhapa other may." In modern tlmea that detail la jre cUely what prove that tbe I'Uoenl clau did achieve the wonderful voy age. Such nn "Improbable" fact could never hnve l)ren Invented In an ago wJilch waa not famlluir with the eqiia tor. ORIENTAL CUNNING. Hew a Wily Prlneelmg Rawarded Hie . Pempeua Minlatar. Tbe princeling of an oriental country bud aetit to bla mlnlater In a far. rich country the decoration f the national Order of the Golden Goat It waa cheap trinket, plentifully a domed with Imitation jewel. But the milliliter, be ing a vain man and proaperoua. bad the fnlae atonea replaced by real one and more bla order thereafter with proMr pride. Then after aome yeara the princeling came a-vlaltlng to tbe far couutry. Nnt urully tbe minister came to pay bla re aped. Almnxt "I once tho eyea of the princeling fell upon the order with the mil atone, anil he ant a one faadnat ed. prolonging tbe Interview with Idle qocfltlona and xiylng no attention to the nnawer. lie waa renolvlns a prob-lem-for the privy purae wna leaner tban uaual juat then. At lnt ho aiiw bla way clear to make a coup "It la time," he aotd to tbe uiuilMer, "that your valuable acrvlcca to your CUU11U7 ahould receive additional rec ognition from your country prince. I hereby (he reached Into a pocket aome- where alxmt hla plump iwrsmn advance yqu from the "econd to tho Drat claaa of the Order of the Golden Goat." With thete word be pinned upon the minlNter'a awelllng client the new dec oration. Of couree It waa neccaiutry to remove tbe old decoration drat Tbla. with Ha collection of real atonea, be dropped careleaaly luto one of tbe royal pock eU New York roat Long People Are Seldom Fat Some pemona are born with a nor mal tendency to become fat, others with a tendency to lcanne9. It I tbe eamo among tbe lower anlninl. The bog la a tort of machine for tranatorm lug the odds and enda of food Into fat. but tbe farmer know beforehand that a little pig with long lege and snout will work off the fnt aa fast a It can be made. So a long legged person eel dom Incline to obesity. Elephant Trumpetlnga. An elephant rushing upon an assail aut trumiwta abrllly with fury. Fear la almllnrly expressed In a ahrlll brassy sound or by a roar from the lungs, pleasure by a continued low squeaking through the trunk or nu almost inaudi ble purring sound from tbe throat Grave Mounds In China. Tbe Chinese do not use monument for marking graves. The coffin Is In terred about one foot below the sur fuce, and over It a mound Is raised, lta alio depending upon the rank of the family and it feeling toward the de parted memjier. ' Putting It Mildly. "Would you call Uncle I'eter a atlngy nian?V "Well, no, I'd merely say that he bud all bis generous Impulses under perfect control." Boston Transcript Comparisons. "My butler left me without any warning." "You got off easy. Mine left me without any npoons."-Baltimore Amer lean. Fruity. Wlgg-Thnt girl I sure n peach Wiigg Did you ever see her twin sis tcr? They're n pnlr.-l'hllndelpWn Itoc ord, , . Obedience 1 not truly performed by the body of film whose heart la dlssat iHlleil.-Baadl, , ,v ' The Curs. "How can I breiilt myself of the imMt of titlkltifi In my "(let married Then you won't dure to tnlk lu your sleep " London Hntnr liny Journal. ., ,,... ' WORKED THE WRONG VMY. i : i '1 ; Hie Cfferte te ! Famed Far Courtesy Mat With a Cheek. , "You read In tbe papera now and then." aald the sad faced atreet car conductor a a deeper abade of Bad- urns crossed bis face, '"that some rich person had left a policeman or a con ductor a flue legacy for being court-' ous to them. After 1 bad read two or three of auto things I made up my mind to put on an extra touch of courtesy In eases of old women and old 'men. I. too, bud a chance offered me. A One old lady took my car, aud I beled ber to Dud aeat and an swered all the questions about bow to reach Mercy atreet 8ba bad to change from my car to another, and I tender ly bellied ber off tbe platform and gavt ber tbe most mkiute directions. For the nest two diijs 1 felt that 1 would be unmed In ber will, but then something bapiened that made me be lieve that I would not." "And what hupeued?" waa asked. "I waa called to headquarter on a complaint made by that very old wo man I had used ao nicely, rlhe bad entered a complaint of negligence against me. nud I was called np to ex plain." "But wbat cause had shcT "It waa that I did not raise my cap to ber when turning to get on my car after directing ber. 1 have given up all hope ot legacy and gone back to my usual politeness and no more. I guess all tbe grateful old women died off before I took this Job."-Baltlmore American. . : : WE DON'T WORK AT ALL In Fast. We Hsva Ne Tim te, aa Thla Argument Prevts. With tbe pieKciit agitation for an over Increasingly short working day cornea (be atatlutlclan who prove that by right the American worklnguiau ahould work only one day. Follow tbe argument closely: There are by common consent 3i5 days lu tbe yer. Doctor agree that a man should dovot one-third of hi time to sleep and one-third to recrea tion. Counting one-third of a year aa approximately 122 day, we have 121 day a left after taking out this allow ance. Subtract from thla tbe fifty-two Sun day which are the worklngrnan'a right, and we have sixty -nine dnya left Saturday half holidays consume twenty-six of these, leaving forty-three. One hour off for luuch on live daya In tbe week mnke 200 hours, or approxi mately twenty-two daya, which leaves our total working time twenty-one dnya. But a man is entitled to a two weeks' vacation In tbe summer end tbe six legal holidays afforded by the state, making a total vacation time of twenty days." Taking fbs from our working tluio of twenty-one days, we have a re mainder of one working day. New York Tribune. Blivd Thm Tru Steri. Whan Dante published bla "Inferno" the almpllclty of tbe age accepted it aa true narrative of his descent Into bell When the "Utopia" of 8lr Thomas More waa first published It occasioned a pleasant mistake. Thla political ro mance represents a perfect bat vision ary republic lu an Island supposed to have been newly discovered in Amer ica. "As thla was the age of discov ery ,M aaya Granger, "the learned Bu daeua and other took It for genuine lilstory and considered It aa highly ex pedient that missionaries ahould be sent thither In order to convert ao wise a nation to Christianity." It waa a long while after publication that many readers were convinced that Gulliver's travela were flctltloua. Thrift en a Raft. Scottish thrift received severe blow not long ago after a ablpwreck. Two Scotchmen bad got on to a raft but bad nothing to aupport life or spir it except a little tobacco and aome matches, but no pipe or cigarette pa pers. Succor aeemed never coming. At last they gave It up as hopeless: but. desirous of having a little comfort be fore tbe seemingly Inevitable end. tbey made aome cigarettes with banknotes one of them bad tn bla pocket Tbe banknotea were no sooner sacrificed tban relief came, and they were saved. Their feelings cannot be doscrlbed.-I-ondon Telegraph. , They Saw the Wonder. A woman with a family of children recently moved from the heart of Indlnnnpolls to one of the suburbs, where they found various new educa tional opportunities. One day n neigh bor met them all wolklng brick from tho edge of town and asked whether they had been out in the country. "Yes." snld the woman; "the man who brings our butter snld he had cow out there, and 1 tools the children ont to see lt."-Indlnnnpolls News. Ancntral Prsctdoncs, "One of my ancestors was a signer of tho Dccln ration of Independence." "Indeed!" replied the haughty lady. "Well, ar ancvotor of mine was una of the men who helped draw up the paper and who told the others where lo sign their names." Woshlngtnn Star, Fitting 8qil. "Flattery Is dangerous to sensitive Indies." aald Chnnnccy Depew. "1 am always very Vnrcful In tho matter, be cause one evening I told a lady that ulip wna a sweet as honey, and the next day she Imd hives "-New York Tribune , , ", Classified Advesiferjug KOii HALL 40 ACRES ttt miles from Grant Pasa, ao Improvement, for sal at HO per acre. Under ditch sur vey.' Address No. 2416, car Courier. 667tf FOR, 8A1X Six-room .plastered house, close In, lot 100x100, good shade, Address No. 2413, care Courier. : 57tf MURPHY farm for sale, 73 seres 10 miles from Grants Pass, an kanks ot Appleaat river, some bottom land, much upland under ditch, with water right Address No. (IS, care Courier. 707tf. BLUE! PRINT plats ot Grants Pass for sal at Courier office. 11.60. 93 FOR 8ALE -Registered Guernsey bulla from high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grants Pasa, Ore. 754tf FOR SALE Three-ton Velle auto truck. Tbe price Is right Leonard Orchards Company, Grants Pass, Ore. 754tf REGISTERED HOLSTEIN bull calf, born May 22, 1916. Sire, Clover Idge Segls Korndyke, Advanced Registry backing. Dam, Pomona Hengerveld Doo. Fine individual. Price reasonable. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 766tf FRUIT RANCH FOR SALE 85 acres on Applegate river, seven miles from Grants Pass. Best of soil. Bearing orrnard of apples, peaches, cherries and strawberries, choice varieties. . Gravity Irriga tion; abundance of water. Has a five-room house and other ' out buildings. Tbla Is money-maker right from the start. The Adjust ment Bureau ot the Portland As sociation of Credit Men, J. M. Warnlck, Route No. 4, Grants Pass, Ore. 788 1000-lb. TRUCK for Bale, fully equip ped, 8400. Inquire at Grants Pasa Garage. 772 FOR SALE Single cylinder Harley- Davldson motorcycle. Price $80. Apply A. K. Cass, phone 125-R. 2t TO RKXT FOR RENT Six-room cottage, newly papered and painted, bath, hot and cold water, boiler Installed, 614 North Second street. Inquire W. S. Wood, Palace hotel. 773 FOR RENT Five-room cottage, partly furnished, pantry and closets, city water, on south side of track. Inquire at 706 North Fifth street, or phone 208- L. 767tf WANTED WANTED 2 ft or S h. p. gasoline motor and pump. R. L. Coe. 770 MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up tn 5-gallon glass jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon win can. URE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure that this water is pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles. "X. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone, 603-F-S. 469tt WILLIAM BOOG, practical painter. Wood finishing and enameling in any color a specialty. Rooms en ameled 82.50 and up. Estimates on request. Can refer you to many satisfied customers. 208 Foundry treet. 788 REMEMBER Miss Moore, ot Med tord, will be at 627 North Third street on Saturdays. Phone 256-J for lessons and portrait sittings. Variety ot art work on sale. 761tf VETERINARY 8UKGKO, DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office. In Wtnetrout Implement Building. Phone lli-J. Resi dence phone S05-R. Hslp the Children. There la nothing lu nil the worid so Important as children, nothing so In teresting. If you ever wish to go lu for some philanthropy, if you ever wish to be of nny teal uso In the world, do something for children.' If you ever jenvn to be truly wise, study children. We i no dress the sore, bandage tho wounded. Imprison tho criminal, heal the sick tnul bury tho dond. but tliero Is nlwnys a clinnco that we can save n child. . If tlio grout army of philan thropist cver cxtermlnnte sin aud pes tilence, ever work out our rnee'a sal ration. It will certainly be liecitusu u little child bus led tlieu,I)avld Slurr -lordiin, Mining" blank's "at the'Conrler oflica TIME CARD ; The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregow Cave Route) Effective Monday, May 1, Ills. Train 1 It, Grant Paa......7:00 ' Arrives Water Creek-..-.!: 00 a-sn. Train 4 lv. Waters Creole 6:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass 1:00 p.m. Daily except Sunday. ' All train leave Grants Paaa from the corner of G sad Eighth streets, opposite tha Southern Pacific depot For all information regarding freight and paaaenger service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 131 for same.'" -.'". . . Train will atop on flag at any point between Grants Pas aa4 Vate Creek. Passe::: ervjc every da in the week. TEACHERS' EXAJIIXATIOXS Notice is hereby given that the county auperintendent of Josephine county, Oregon, will held tha regular examination of applicant for abate certificates at Grant Paas as fol lows: Commencing; Wednesday, June 28, 1916, at 9:00 o'clock a. m and con tinuing- until Saturday, July 1, 1916, at 4:00 o'clock, p. tn. , r r Wednesday Forenoon Writing (Penmanship), Music, U. S. History, Drawing. Wednesday Aftenooa Reading, Physiology, Manual Train ing. Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Method in Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic History of Education, Psychology, Methods In Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art Thursday Afternoon " Grammar, Geography, Stenography, American Literature, Physics, Type writing, Methods in Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate, Education Science of. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography, Physical Geography, English Litera ture, Chemistry, Educatlpn History of. Physical Culture. fi Friday Afternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government, Education Child hood and Adolescence. Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany, Education School Administration. Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping, Education Methods. LINCOLN SAVAGE. 783 Co. Supt. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE There are. funds in the city trea sury to redeem all warrants drawn on the general fund numtered 7364, 7694, and 11835 to 11925, in clusive.! Interest will cease after June 9, 1916. ' v Dated at Grants Pass, Oregon, June 7, 1916. O. P. JESTER, 769 City Treasurer. ' His Modtst Position. . , "I don't envy the men who manage the big hotels hi the cities." gloomily said the landlord of the Petuaia tav ern. "It Is as much as I can do to make a bluff at keeping the peace be twixt the little bunch of kelp I've got Yesterduy one of the two dining room Kir Is raid that the other one' best feller bad two left feet, and tn less tbiui no time those two young ladles Imd (lew to it with ketchup bottles and so forth. Just luiuKlue the sprltely fuiutlou there would bo In a hotel with UJ employee, nil battling with ketch up bottles'" Judge. r . , ' Possibly. Mr. Brlsss Here's nn article, dear, a very lnteietlus article. In which a prominent doctor snys that a certain cure for nervousness in women Is si lence, complete silence. Mrs. Brlggs (promptlyi -I'll bet anything some fool of a man doctor wrote thatl Cleve land Plain Dealer. Hard te Got Rid Of. "Opportunity Is snld to cull once and return no more." "I wish Importunity followed the HHine tactics," declnred the nmn who bad Just succeeded In prying himself loose from a persistent canvasser.-1 Louisville Courier-Journal. BeUvteo Octogenarians, ' "I umUMNtinid they sentenced him ,to life Imprisonment.": "Well, no; it wasn't as bad as that lie cut only nlsioty-nlno yenrsr'-PneK "Time enough" always proves little enough.-I'Miiikllu. , , PHT8IC1AK8 L.,0. CLEMENT. M, D. Practice limited to dlsaasea of tha eye, ear, bos and throat Glasses tttad. Office .hours 9-lt, 3-8, and oa ap polntment Office phone (3; real dene paoae lif-3. 8. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., physldaa and surgeon. City or country calls r attended day or aJg&t Raa. phono 8(1; office phoaa 118 Bixti and H. Tuft Building. 1 J. P. TRUAX, M. D., Pnyalciaa and Surgeon. Phone: OSes, 8XS; residence, 824. OaUa answered at all hours. , Country ealla at tended to. Loadobarg Bid. DR. ED B YW ATE R Specialist oa disease ol ays, ear, no and throat; glae fitted. Offlca hour: I to 13 a. m., 3 to 6 p. m. Phones: Has. SS4-J; Office. 267-J. Schmidt Building, Grant Paas, Oragoa. DR. F. D. 8TRICKES Disease of children aad general practice. TU , OCee. jasaow eilM-ins- tf. A. A. WITHAJI, M. D.. Paysldaa aad Surgeon. Offlca: HaA BuCaj. corner Sixth and I streets. Phone: Office, 116; reaideuee. 3S3-J. Honrs: 9 a. m. to 4 p. sn. DR, H. WARREN NICE, Osteopathia PhyslcUa. Chronic aad as was diseases pedaJty. Rooms 1 aad 3, Lundbnrf building, opposite poet office; phoaa 149-B, Residence: Colonial hotel; phone 147-J. 718 DEXTI3T8 E. C. MACT. D. U. D-. Flrtt-claas dentistry. 109 South Sixth atreet. Grant Paaa, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT. D. U. D. Mod ern dental work. ' Margrcerlt H. Elliott, dental aaelstant Roome 4 and 6, Golden Rule buUdlng.' Grant Paaa. Ore. Phone 2S5-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON. Attorny-at-Lew. Practice In all State and Federal Courts. First National Baak Big. COLVIG ft WILLIAMS Attorneya- at-Law, Granta Paaa Banking Co. Building, Granta Paas, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practice in an court. First National Bank Building. EDWARD H. RICHARD. Attorney-at-Law. Offlc Masonic Temple, Granta Fats, Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-Law. Granta Pasa Banking Co, building. Phoaa 370. Grants Pasa, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-iaw, practices la state and federal courts. Roome 3 aad 8, over Golden Rule etore, . . MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION France Belgian school of violin playtag. E. R. Lawrence. 315 I atreet DRAYAGB AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 183-R. Stand at frleght depot A. Shade, Propr. F. G. Iiham, drayage and transfer, i Safea, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clarke AY Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 134-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. ' Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone , 15-R, . X:J' " ''"' LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84. A. F. A. If. 8tated Comminloa Oon 1st and Sd Tuesday. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K: Cass, W. M. Ed. G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. O. F., meets every Wed- ,jt nesday eve In I.O.O.F. hall, cor. 6th and H. St. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to be present I. V. Howell, N. Q., Clyde Martin, Secretary. ASSAYKKS B. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, metallurgist. . Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Granta Pass. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGlNaTaTnlng. palnt ing. For tbe best work at lowest prices phone 295-J. , C. 0 Tjant. South Park street. ' :