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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1916)
WEEKLY ROCUE RIVER COURIER PAOK PITS it E i KIHHOJTII , UFK - 1 AND 1118 FAVORITE INVENTION" Call tit our store or writ hi (or a free oopy ot this new booklet. wWcb, give & Inter esting blogrspby of Thoniaa A. Edison and tells bow bo earn to produce his favorite Inven tion, the Diamond Disc. A very Interesting and In structive hook. Don't till to get a copy. Mdc ad Photo Hesse Stanton RoweU, Prop, AMI 8KMEXT TOMGUT Rljou ltNtli Barrlscale. Star . Mary Plckford. if DEMOCRATIC SPLIT Chicago, June 10.-Victor Mur dock this afternoon forecast a spilt In the democratic party. Speaking be fore the progressive convention after tbe nominations had been completed, be aald that Bryan, who was on the platform aa a reporter, "waa going to have crammed down hi throat at St. j Louis a militarist platform. He la not going to awallow It" I : Bryan blushed and tbe crowd cheer-; ed and called for him to make a speech. Chairman Robins with difficulty averted a Brn demonstration. COMING KYKYT8 4 June 16. Friday Grants! Pats rose festival. Sept. 19-10-11, Tuesday. Wednesday Thursday Josephine1 county fair and celebration. 1 VAiiuiAXKS CONGRATULATES PRESIDENTIAL XOMIXEK ' Indianapolis, June in rwi.. W. Fairbanks thla afternoon aent congratulatory message to Chart E. Hughes, but did not Indicate whether ... , . . ... !,..... llffl WUtllU Vttllxt'UV IV ini JIUIIHva imm nlng mate on tbe republican tloket COUAPSR OF BUILDING KILLS S IK CHICAGO Chicago. June 10.Three are known to have been killed and five are reported missing as the result ot a collapse ot a seven-story brick warehouse on the north side here to day. Bolivia's tlsmaa. In Bolivia, one of tbe hlgheat Inhab ited countries on the globe-La Pas, the capital, being 12.000 feet above the sea level nuicli use Is msde of that graceful and Invalnnble pack animal the llama, which will travel farther and with even hss food than the burro, but will not carry more than 1B0 pounds. The llama hi some respect rencmblrs the csmcl. kneeling In camel fashion to receive Its load, and It will nut rise If more than 130 pounds are placed on Its back; moreover, the weight must be evenly distributed over Its back and sides. Last Lesson. -What are your daughters studying nowf "Nothing." replied Mr. Cuinrox "They've lenrnoil oil about music, pnlntlng and literature. All they've got left to lonrn Is not lo bother people with them."-Wnslilngton Stun Chnngsd. . "That new msld of ours Im n wonder When kIio rnnie to us two month nn she couldn't umlerstiuid n word we sold to her.," "And nmvV" "And now she won't. " - Kr. Louis Poat-Dlspntch Wo Soil nd Guarantee KstiiKimm TOOLS and CUTLERY IHX.TH P.1VER HARDWARE ' Tito lltit Red Front MURDOCK PREDICTS V t a i PER52Nf1L A. M. Woodford loft yealerdsy for Coqullle City. ' ' A ball-bearing, ranld-cut lawn mower for 18 at Cramer Broa. 769 I Miss rtuth Hathaway arrived from Reed College yeaterday. K Mlaa Edith Dablberg returned from U. of 0, Saturday afternoon, i C. E. Cooper left Friday for Hood Hirer t6 rlalt relative. I 8pcolal for one week on Paul Jones and Royal Middies, 00 cent. Kinney ft Trust. 7(9 CI Holden went to Med ford Sat urday morning for several daya. Mlaa Ethelyn Cartlett left Saturday for several weeka vlalt at CorvaJTta. Mlaa Elsie Ferris. ofMedford, la spending a month here with Mr. and Mra. Donald Calvert If your lawn needs sprinkling, get some of that good cotton hose at Cra mer Bros. 761 Mrs. V. B. Swlnney left for Ash land Saturday afternoon to spend 8unday. Mrs. 0. D. Meyers returned to Med- ford after spending the week here at Chautauqua. , W. P. Wilson, a prominent mining man of tttts vicinity, left yesterday for Ashland for a few days. One lot of Ladles' Shirt Waists, II to 14 regular, for this sale 98 cents. Kinney A Truax. 7(9 Mrs. R. K, Patrick and children went to Rogue River yesterday for a day's visit Mrs. McCauley Roberts returned to Merlin Friday after spending the day in the city. Just the fishing tackle that will bring In the Sab at Cramer Bros. 7(9 Miss 8uale Satterfleld, of Junction city, haa returned to her borne at that place, , Mrs. E. Wslker loft Friday night for her home In Chicago after visit- ig for some time at the L. J. Hicks home at Williams. Packard Shoes for Men, the Shoe that combines the right price with Style and Quality. Kinney ft Truax. 'Darwin Ingalls returned home Sat urday morning from college at 0. A. C. Mrs. Tim Welch and daughter. Cleo, accompanied 'by Miss llene Farmer,' left Saturday for Merlin Blue Flame oil stoves, In one and two-burner, at Cramer Bros. 769 Mrs. C. W; Hughes, who has been visiting for several days with Mrs. O. IS. Cavey, left yesterday for her home In Roseburg. Alva Nipper returned yeaterday from the University or Oregon, wnere M ba "j Sister Sue White Strap Sandals. 75 and 85 cents. Kinney ft Truax. 7(9 onariie unmore came aown rrom Olendal. and .pent Saturday In town, " " " " th " B.i. Mrs. K. C. .Russell, of the Olendale Studio, returned Friday after a visit in this city. Camping outfits, tents and all kinds of camp conveniences at Cramer Bros. 789 Mrs. Tom Harvey and daughter, VerDean. arrived yesterday and will visit relatives here for some time. Earle Douglaa returned yesterday from Corvaltls, where he has foeen attending college. Armon Doerner arrived .here Sat urday from O. A. C. and while here will stay wlth E. O. Harris. Mr. Doerner graduated this year. , All the summer fads In millinery are here awaiting your selection, at greatly reduced prices. Mrs. Reh- koof. 758tt FAMOUS PLAYERS COMPANY ' presents MARY PICKFORD In "The Foundling'' CHARLIE CHAPLIN Cartoon Comedy First pcrfurniance 7 : 1'J. Admission ftomid 15c The II OHIO Of lent n tea .v W " V ! j II 15 L0C1L Dwlgbt Jewell returned yesterday from O. A. C. J. A. Shoup was In from Murphy for Saturday. Lawn mowers sharpened and re paired at Cramer Bros. Judge Gillette baa returned from a vlalt to Portland and the rose show. Elmer Brown and family, from Ap- plegate, attended Chautauqua last night A. H, Carson and family was In town Saturday attending Chautauqua. Rev. W. F. Qloeckner left Satur day for Speaker, where he will be for several days. v Olln Douglas drove bis motorcycle from Corvallla and arrived here last Thursday, havlng'made the trip In one day. Mrs. L. L. Beverldge, Mr. and Mra. F. A. Wilson and Roger Teuton drove In from Hugo to attend to business matters and enjoy the Chautauqua. W. P. Quintan returned Saturday morning from Portland, where he has been attending the convention of tbe postmasters of the state and the rose show, "America," our guaranteed bicycle, with high-grade equipment and stand, only 927.60 at Cramer Bros. Leslie Hartley, arrived thla morn ing from Portland, where he has been attending college. He will spend the summer on the Hartley ranch at Wil liams. Plrnlc for Win Arid Gllkey A picnic aupper was held In the park last Thursday In honor of the eighteenth birthday or WinOeM Oil key. The Gllkey and Sabin families were present. ; 1-iulle' Aid Society, The Methodist Ladles' Aid society will hold a June social In the church parlors Tuesday afternoon, at 2:80. Ladles are Invited to bring their fancy work and come. Women's Association Meeting The regular business meeting of the Women'a Association of Betbany Preebyterlan church will take place Thursday afternoon promptly at 3 o'clock. The social hour wilt follow 1st 3 o'clock. Mid-June Dance ', At Murphy, Saturday, June 17. 70 Invitation to Ashland Park " The Parent-Teacher association of this aectlon has received an Invitation to attend the basket picnic In Ash land Lithla park on Flag day, June 14. All are Invited to bring their baskets and come. Band concert In the evening. Clerk A Holman, Undertakers- Licensed embalmers. Phone 10 tf Fire Bamages Home- News has (been received at the forest office that the house ot R. 1. Helms at Agnes caught fire and was somewhat damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Helms were at home athe time and while putting out the Are were pain fully but not seriously burned. Mr. Vpeon to Leave B. I. Shanlln arrived here yester day and will take Mr. Upson's place In the forestry office during the let ter's temporary absence. Mr. and Mrs. Upson will go to Gallce to at tend to matters connected with the forestry office. - 1 -1 , - Tonight and Mon. Also Pnrniiiount Metro Vox ' Christians Win Fin (lame 'The Christiana won the fir The Christian won the first game between them and the Methodists Friday with the score 11-8. The Christian line-up showed up strong, regardless of the fact that several of their good men were absent. Tbe Methodist line-up was also somewhat weakened as a result of tbe loss of a couple of their players. Attention L. O. O. M. (All Intending to go to Ashland report at Moose hall between 5 and C p. m. Monday. W. P. Dunlap, Secy. Johnnie Bummers' Party , little Master Johnnie Summers celebrated on his fifth birthday by en tertaining a few of his little plsy mates at the Summers home on Orch ard evenue. Those present were Jeraldlng Johnston, Ora Johnston, Ruth Hackett, Lois Edgerton and Ross Johnston. After the little folks bad spent a frolicsome afternoon en- Joying games and sports on the lawn the birthday cake was served. The Wardrobe Cleaners Are still at your service at 609 G street, i Phone 147. Have your suit ready and tell ua about It. We call for, and deliver. 771 Another Steel Hog; to Utah Tbe Berkshire boar, Compton's Masterpiece 2nd, bss recently been shipped by Winona ranch, Grants Pass, to A. N. Blackner and Alson Bros., of Mid vale. Utah., He Is a son of 8llver Tips Master 2nd,-a two times winner at the American Royal Live Stock Exposition at Kansas City, Mo., and from a double grand daughter of Masterpiece and Imported Compton Empress, a well known British show sow. Compton's Master piece 2nd, will be shown this fall at the Utah State Fair. I4ve for Ijos Angel ' A. E. Voorhies accompanied by bis son, Earle, and Misses Lulu Benedict and Marlon Southworth, left Satur day morning in the Voorhies auto mobile for a trip through California. They are going by the coast route, and at San Francisco , Misa South worth, who has visited at the Voor hies borne for the past year, will leave the party for her home at Gait. Tbe rest of the party will continue on to Los Angeles where Mr. Voorhies will attend the Knights Templar con clave. , They will return In about three weeka. - Mra, Bancroft Returns Mrs. Q. B. Bancroft arrived this morning and will spend tbe summer at her home on North Eleventh street. Business matters make it Im possible for the doctor to be here this summer. Deputy Clerk U. S. Court Roy Davis, official stenographer for the circuit court, has been ap pointed deputy clerk for United States I district court. , succeeding Judge W. H. Cannon, who resigned to become register of the federal law of fice at Roseburg. Court only meets at present once in the year at Med- iford, In October, to try southern Or egon cases, but Mr. Dsvla will oc cupy the fine office fitted up, for the clerk tn the federal building. No ap pointment has been made of United j States commissioner at Medford, but It Is expected that A. 8. Bllton, for- , mer commissioner, iwill be appointed 'shortly. Judge Wolverton. who makes the appointment, Is now In liNBW lorn. ' A new mw yitasru yiu- . , . J MSA hlblts the deputy clerk from holding another federai 0fljce( ,na the posl- itlona of commissioner and clerk can . n0 De congoHdated as formerly under Mr. Cannon. Mall Tribune Englewood Dairy, Phone 223 The nure mllk.dalry. 692tt Slumber Party Friday Xlght Miss Marjorto Hammond was the pleasing hostess at the slumber party given at the Hammond home on North Fourth street on the night of June 9th. The Misses Dora Herman Florence Bocock, and Ulda Easier, guests of the party, arrived at the home of the hostess soon after the evening entertainment of the Chau tauqua program. Pillow fights and the usual pranks held full sway until a, lBte hour. Shortly after midnight the drowsy four were aroused from their peaceful slumbers by the realiz ation of the fact that "There's music in the air when he Infant morn Is nigh." The jolly aerenaders, under the leadership of Horace Hair and Harold Terwllllgor, lent romantic en chantment to their songs when they encored with "sympathy." In the late morning the girls enjoyed a de lightful auto ride before they sat down to a tempting breakfast. Letterheads at the Courier. ITTC7ftJ If you verc the Yon would want the COMFORT Von would have a DUPLEX TWO RANGES Burns wood or burns ga. Use the same oven for either fueL C3.!rrZ3l Kmiieatv'c'a"niic1 CoovesOot A simple, senfcible range for all the yew Grants Pass Hardware' Co.- At Fonr TROPHIES AUD PRIZES FDiiviitllinS AT THE ROSE SHOW MID Or. J. F. Reddy baa presented handsome silver cup to be awarded for tbe one most perfect rose exhibit ed at the rose show this Friday. This trophy must be won three times to become tbe property of the exhibitor. Another cup has been promised by the C ft O. C. Railroad company which will also be awarded for a fine exhibit ot roses, the class of which will be decided upon in a few days. Besides these trophies 20 prizes of mercbsndise have been donated by various . merchants ot Grants Pass, one-halt of which are to be awarded to contestants In the parade. The floral parade will be represent ed, It la expected, by local fraterni ties, industrial organizations, busi ness houses and by individual entries ot private automobiles " and horse- drawn vehicles, all vielng with each other for the honors. Several floats have already been promised. A sliver cup has been provided by the Oregon-itab Sugar company to be awarded tor the handsomest and most artistically decorated automo bile. This cup also must be J won three times to become the property of the contestant Grants Pass babies will take a most active and Important part in the rose festival. The merchants of Grants Pass have provided four beautiful prizes for the babies. , The prises will be awarded not for beauty alone, aa several Important hygienic points are to be considered. It has teen decided that Grants Pass adopt an official rose, and be ginning Monday, June 12, and con tinuing until Thursday evening, June 15, votes will be cast for the most popular rose, and on tbe day of the; rose show the name of the popular rose will be announced and formally adopted by 4 the citizens of Grants Pass as tbe official rose. Votes can Krrol Gilkey Is Honored Just as the Collegian goes to press comes the announcement that Errol C. Gllkey, 'It, was awarded the fel lowship In New York . university for next year, as predicted In a recent IsBiie ot The Collegian. Mr. Gllkey expects to leave for New York early In September. Collegian. . jHJOU TONIGHT Besrie Barriscale The Subtlest Interpreter of einotlonnl roles, in a Tlio. II. luce live-act drama 'HONOR'S ALTAR' A drama of the most sensitive emotional appeal Also tlio usual Keystone fun carnival ': This time it I MACK SWAIN nnd n full coniptenx'nt of Key- stonltuis In i i ,-''''".". 1 '". ' i "RIS At TO HI IXATION" housekeepers p tet amount of OO.VVEMEXCE 1 J SWXOMY 7. h i : AIT7AZAR In owr )Pt in ONE Service be registered at any of the drug toresv In addition to the rose show and parade the ladles of the auxiliary are planning a splendid dinner, the mesa of which will consist of only articles of food grown and manufactured is Oregon. This dinner promisee to be a banquet indeed and will be served by a bouquet of Grants Pass' choicest rose; her glrla. As to the entertainment features of the rose show, there will be a dance In tbe evening, which la sore to prove an attractive adjunct, There will be a waltz contest, for which a prize wlU be given to the winning lady and gentleman. Tbe decoration committee has' worked out several original., and unique features which will make the line of march very attractive. It has been suggested that everybody wear a rose June 1(, be a booster for Grants Pass and the rose show, enter their roses and babies for the respec tive shows, enter their automobiles tor the floral parade, dine with the Ladies' Auxiliary on ' home-grown , products, Join in the dance and merry making In the evening and rote tor their favorite rose and help make the rose show a success and a credit to the town; wear a rose and be a booster. : ':; ; :,'-. Entries tor the floral parade should be made at once. Following are the persons to consult: : , 44 Fraternal orders, Mrs. Terwllliger. Private automobiles, business houses, industrial and miscellaneous, Mrs. Moss' office. Mounted horses and horse-draw a vehicles, Mrs. Amos Smith. . Motorcycles and bicycles, Mrs. Don- aid Calvert and Mrs. Miles Mclntyre. Sunday schools. Mrs. H. G. Mar sha!!.;- ; Entries will close Thursday even ing, at 6 p. m. Mrs. Ieaa Improves Mrs. T. Y. Dean, who has been quite m (or the past 10 days, is now much better. The lady was threatened with an attack ot pneumonia. ' Commercial Club to Meet-' The regular monthly meeting ot the Commercial club will be held Monday evening. Many business matters are to be considered at the meeting, and refreshments are to be served. .' A.' Anbery and A. H. Gunnell re turned Friday night from the North Umpqua country, where - they had been prospecting for several days. Mr. Aubery stopped In the Umpqua coun try on the return from bis late trip down the Rogue by boat. Envelopes printed at the Courier office. Bewitching Biliie Burke Cute, Clever, Captivating Hot Ishmi known as "The Sun shine Girl" since her screen dobut in "PEGGY" The griit Thos. Ince D-lteel ' drama It will be here soon . . -