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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1916)
rjxarom DAILY SOGt KITE COiRTXH ti. itioj Daily TLcza Hirer Courier. . x. Tooanaa, pk aad WILFORD AIXCC. Editor IMH at tk Create Paaa. Or sa. PactaSc m aeeaad-eiaae Mil STBSCXIPTIQ! KATES ou Ttw ; IS.M RiXmOi Tare Meats OmMU Payahl la Advaace I.M stout, im 11, iic 0RXG05 WEATHER r&!r Suaday; warmer; wiad atosCy aortkerty. The Rich, Full Flavor tells you that you are drinking Go. 18 Spatial Roast Coffee START PIOS Oil llltl SIDE DITCH KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First CHARLES EVANS HUGHES. Tk aomiaee of tk repablicaa party far tk presidency of tk Called flute was bora ta Glen FaUs, Xew Tort. a April 11. 11(1 HI father was Sen Darid Ckarle Haghes, direct deaccadaat f a Bated WaUk family, wkO kia motker before ker marriage tu Mia Catkeria Coa- aQr. Tk fsfar jastJe stadied at Ota ashM aefcaol ta Oswego wkil his talker waa preaekia g tier, aad later la Newark. X. J, aad ta New Tort ettr, wkr U m i papa la "Old SI. M of ta metropolis eoted grammar aekoola. HJa Ekiag for oratory waa demonstrated mxij. Wkea Iy Cklrteea h delivered taw aalatatery addr for k!a daai em grsdeatioa. His edaeattaa m completed at Xadtaoc, sow Colgate, diversity, axd at Browa aairersity, at kwtb f wkiek iastitetioas ke was popular witk fellow stadeata. evea taewgk k wa very mack ec a ataaeat. be a reaaltiag of tk reaabttcaa koets ui a victory for tk party f pra- gree aext ' November. Tke etate- meat Uaaed by Mr. Hagies a few iaates after k kad beea mdH that tk delegate kad Mated him apoa tie tkird b3ot lre aotkiag to be desired ey ettaer tie eowser vatfvw reaabHcaa or ta radical Tree, k did act aa ealt sack vtgaroaa Uifuff ta eatabttsa- iac kta poaJtioa apoa arepartdaeea tad Aaerleaaln aad a fe etaer to- raea aa Mr. Kooeereic auxx Bart seed. Vat Uta tee ate are ef a HI femt trp. aad tka atata at Ue aaM gnenl flurk. aa dllereat atetaoda ta tftttac It. Teddy -aaetic aad caaTiHalaK. hat aet aMre dtem!ae4 fa awtfafatafac U rtickt aa a aea ft tkaa fa ta r eefet aad i'piosAtle Hsgsea. Tier are aa cateatial dUerraee la tie piat foroM adopted kr tk tw kraaekea of the party at CkJeaco. aad therefore tk reaaoa for tke tlird party kaa dlaas aeared. aad vftk tk reaMia tie ipairr. uaia ei ut teaeklas Greek aad t more radieala, Eke Jokasoa aad Mar- After gxadaatie Haakea earayed; party. raac U tk Ba I!y ar at tkia teaaea. Astoa aad otker Te&toUre 4cnUed ta tke vUd tTUe. Ue ?:. tke rkodadeadraa, aa4 tk atker wild foer aew ia aeaaoa. are x?tted to atak tke aaea decerned aitk tk roe ioek well ta tketr lasret. Tke eootaUttee ta ckart ar expectlad to aake tk earairal aptrtt aaaaXfeat ta tk aaew aad ft HX aa doe at N a Merry tlae for tke partklaaata, Tk kaaiaee koaae kar keea aet liberal U proeldlaf flrUe for tke roe exklts. for tk rektete ia tke Tke pap p9tyttd tk aertkaid 'dark eere ataxted ap yeaterday aad ;oe tiate today it ta expected tkat tke diu-k via terry water to fca weet 'era ead ti tke fty. Tk dttck kaa V aIot ceeapletely re-kaOt. ' ttatee Cafiaver Harnea at tke Pakfic '3rke eerporatiea. aad will carry at teeat IS per ceat sore water tkaa krtfore. i Tk It Moot letet dttek ea tke aoatk rtJe kaa keea practically eon p!etd as far aa tke aaaar fiutary. lxtH for tk pUrta. of tke fame Sre f mtt wee aeeeeeary. Tkeee 9se are of metal aad ar aw oa tke frotad aad wtH be taauHed dir ixg tke week. Tke pip Sa extead tag from tke peape ta tie diU-kea oa tke aovtk ttde of tke rltr kaa bee at!r!y retaid aad wt!1 at ffe tke trosMe kemofor experleaced ieak- tag aader tk keary preear. Hack work ea tke madale d'tirk wa ae- eeeaary. aad ft ft a!d tkat R ata be It day before water eaa b rera ed tat tkia. RrCRES KSTCSn TO mtMSfCTT OX T. ACTIO!! Waaktsgtaa. Jaa 1. Former Aa- eeiace Jsttice Bagkea toafgkt re- - K.l A. - . . W . parade aad for tk keXe. taetr aid ! f o,,,, to wfo. tag to aecept tk aoailaatioa of tk pfufreeett party. asatkeatatlea la Delaware aeadeay.Uaek, aaay k to aiaimtadi a a?r- Zteai. X. T. He also atadJed law tat party otraaXflUioa. tta foOowla. aa aleaya ta atatter of eeaaautty eaterprta plag tke way to aaeeeoa. Xack of tk eajoymeat of tk car aieal aad skew wta eoaa trea tk eoaip!etaeaa af tke" parade aad tk aaatber aad aa!2ty of tke rotea la tke ekow. To add to tkea feat area eoata aotklag except a Qttl efort If tk roe ar aot grawa tkls year. It a be a good tls to prepar for aaotker aeaaoei aad aaotker roe tkow. Tear aato ar year otker re-ks.-le eaa partirtpate la tk parad. koweeer, wketker or aot yoar roe tardea ia paytag ye dir.deads apoa tk ECO work repaired to atak tk Tke Jadre kaa aotklag t aay." id kia aterwtary. Later kia aeeretary tald Ragkea woaJd aot tk awpapr mea to tijfit or tomorrow. odd moaeata ia tie a of Jtdewfcraat k ao tmCl aa to kare a effertjsora al!ey roa kUxm ta profaaioa Gteaaoa. (apoa tk oatecat ef tke ballotiag aad perfect!. Xo district ef tke Ia 1S82 k eatered Cotnmiiz Le,wiaxt faO. Tk repakiieaa party kaa o-iooi. New Tori, aad fwrtier at,idid ! bee parged tkroogk tke raptare of BUkatoae ta tk eSe of Geaeraljfoor yeara ago. bat 11 aeeds tk Stewart 1 Woodford, tkea Caited ' EootKs u4 tk Johaaoas aad tk Ra district sttoraey. He was ad atftted to tke bar is itl aad was Jast orfiaarily aaeeeaafal eata 1I1. wkea, kia kealtk tkreateaed by eeer work. ke beeaat profeaaor ef law at Ooraefl. Ia UJJ k weat back to praetMag aad ooa betas a reergxfxed astkor try ea corporation law. His frit pab Ce aerrie work waa ta IStS aa spe cial eoaasef for tk lestsMr eom-.tke aat!oa wOl be tfpkeld aad ladss- assloalaTeatlgatlaglCewTorkdtrs trial prosperfty will b retaraed. gas aad eleetria eoaaaaiea. 1 ' Hagkea' work la tils larestlgatioa j NEXT THE BOSK CARNIVAL, was of so brtHiaat a ckaraeter tkatj Tk afx-day aeaeioa of ti Ckae wkea tier waa a gaaeral demaad J u,a, baa ukea tie atteaUoa of to tbat asm year for a letfatatlre ia-fI Graats Pass doriag tk week J -Jit Bsrdoeks to aid ia aiaptag its poli cies aad ia adatlaisteriag Its pria ettea. Tkeredor tie retsra of aa of tkes anew will be weleooied. Bat it la aot for party reaaoas tkat a ru sited party will be bailed witk ;detigkt. A larg sajortty of tke people of tke Tatted State believe ta tie priadpiea of repabUcaaiaa. aad kaow tkat tkroegk it tk koaor of rTHWIER PKESIPEXT TAfT AFTROVES XOMIX ITfDX PkCadetpkta. Je 1. Former Preeideat Taft said tk!s afteraooa: "Jueie Ragkes somiaatioa kaa y saavallfled approtml aad H is ap to Rooaeeelt to refae tk progree- aomfaatioa for tk good of the faatry." to mi mr. Am ,w,iiu Tbot I Me tkaftf ba Far ef I eglend. Cid yea m arg apoa taaat attper lie adriMbQltf e Tadlag away" wkea y dkl aot wtak U eaaptey Ue ratal fraakaeea tkat wwaid aae r aered klaa to get eat? Aad d ye gakak ta expreaeVia rttatd wUk Tk Ckecaa tadyr WketkeT f aot ye saw tkat ear popakr play, ye roald aet k (d tk Mpreaatea, btasoaed e tkMeaod ef billboards: "Fad aay! Fad ay, awkkr 8k did aot aaeaa tkat ab waa ted tk saas ridy c beets to grvw (Ie aor Oat be afceaU aaderg aay etker ekaag bapiled la tk BwaaJktg of tk word Tad.' So waa ted klaa ba aa- k. t betai blaaU to sua etker ptac wltheet argaateat r eereaseay. T asw tk ctpeeeaie ke a4 la aaereiy Aawrkaa alaag. Jy a tuti awr ce prbe4v aad ralkxMl tkea -lWJ.w -taawo." wbVb bad kltkrrte bee employed t coy tk aaat aaeaaiag. Arwaad Cucawaii. la Boifcrnd. titer Wy Ul t w ant "1J" tu tbw eriwe ef -Jeprt"" s so at aa eet t ike ordt aery. Te -fe" ma I grew pi r weak, bat I OorswaH It alee aaeaa to f" J ml bow K kttw I kae tkat aaeaaiag tbe pkiMjgiet de a4 agre. It t. -!1 txxb -fade' and ".- aad tke piaaiibl aeggeethw ba bee effrred tkat tae rd eaem ffm Ibe Latla, tbe etpnreeie "eade irvaa.' saeaatag "go witk m." kavtac bee ta roaaatua ee ta tbe 4a?a wbe a arajer book or a raUma that wa Mppoaed I g afeeg wttk tbe ladlrU aal t bring good tak was tba ta certbad. Tk fad da are. ta waVb tbe daarara g from kooa te kaaa. kaa keaa poooier ia tkat coraer af Eaglaad for atx eeetarle li Leeta Glob. Diaxrrat, A Sensible Ogarette I . '-'maawiw si i immmwawwaBajBBamaBBHBBBwaaamm lMieHSe4g tb Nfibra "1 aaderttaed tkat Mr, rtubdab a- bartataeit eotae of fcer eetgbbera iofurav aQy yeaterday.' "Tea; abe aad ker reok kad a qaarrel aa tie rroal pccra."-Kaaeaa City learaaL Ait iwp alia. tspakaa. tbe an-lt PenUa rapttaL aas kd a cbeekered rareer. Ttmoar ( oeUaeat is rteker ia tu Hd lowtra i ' - r um uvwia cniorj, aou m mm io aare tkaa tkia, aad tkeee caa wall aebati tat for tke roe ta parade aad de oratloa. Ia fact, tt eaa be termed a Soral rather tkaa a roe parade. Tke aeaaoa of tk tourist is sow fairly well taaaeked. aad from every locality tk asto party suns oat ap oo its pilgrimage. Toa eaa do your home towa a aerric by keepiag its aaae before tie poMie. so pat a pea sant aomewkere apoa yoar ear tkat it taa be aeea aa yon go hurry! aioag tke kfekways. eetigatloa of tke EniftaMe Itaar aae eompaay, Stat Seaator W. W. past, bat aeeertkelees tke arraage- ; meats for tbe rose a bow aad earairal ! For tie aeeoad time ia tke bis tory of tke repxbikaa party tie fa didate for tke preaideory kaa beea aomiaated apoa tbe tkird ballot ia a coareatloa betd ia Cbieago. Tb first time was ta lift, wkea Uacola A PARTY REl.XfTED. Tke Dfrn!naf)on rtt Jnaflc H:irte aa the tai)4ard-i)earr of repuMlcan tai will bring the arty back to fta plae at the had of the parti in the United States. Under tbe plat- irni auupici ai tni'ino, aoa wun the 1alrihJp of Tli2ha, tbr will ArmstroBg, appelated bead of siek xo be beld fcere aext Friday kare beea ! a probiag body, called oa Hrhes,; VtiaK forward. Witk tie roses tkea oa a vaeatioa ia Swftzertaad. i Miariajaffy rs H1 ffkdb aaPTtf )t ftf t h to retara aad act aa rperial eoaaaeL ; tTnmr saa, tkere U aatiraaee that Tk disclosure of tkat iarestiga-t!j wln be a timely oae. aad tioa ar kiatorie. Tkey were retpoa-'tjt tke blooms will be at their best, sfbie la ti mats for Hsgiea tater wbile tbe (how to primarily for the wnsg eiectea ive as goreraor of-,, the parade will preseat aa op- Xew Tort. Ia the middle of the ia- panlty for tbe dUay of other of j eeetigatioa he tly refused a mayor- WfrjtB tkat lends Its frag aity aomiaatloa. " .. From tk outset of his career as goremor Hagbes was ia t.-ouWe with repoblieaa party ltaders. He deret- i oped aa aloof neas from them and1 complete imlependenee of thought aad asioft that finally enlmiisatod in ; aa open break between him and Wil Ham Barnes. Jr. Hnrhea waa first mrrtionJ for the rresidenry eirht yars ago. He stead-j farily rff oied to b a rerreptlr 1 candidate. Foir y-ar a?o he I!kIie declined to take any !nert in poll-' ties. Two years a?o his name first ! began to t mntifn'd as a rpiMin omlne arafnt Wlln. ' was aamed. Now Haghea has fol lowed tbe notable precedent ROOSEVELT SAYS HE 15 OUT OF POLITICS massacred of tbe In Habitants, tt waa tka e trading tow of 1m portaac aader tbe railpbs of Bagdad. Tare fcmvired yra later It reached the rkmax of u proepvrtty seder Hbak Abba. Aa tbe ea porta f tk Asiatic wnrVl. tke mer-kaadise ef aD aatioe earhroed Its aeaaan. aad i baseadors fn Europe aad tb eaat erewdd h eoort. Tbe. rartr to tbe efgbteeatk ceatory. followed dee act a thm by tbe Afgaea. tb traaafer of tk geectaaieiit to Trbera sad tbe departar ef tupeaaao glory. Waste Paper Baskets We ba tbeaa ba altkeJed or browa tre, Urwwered Meet aad la Jaaaaea wfe baaaboo. AUo white eauuneW ed lowel bawkete for lb boUi room. Demaray's Dmg ad Suticzerj Store XEW TODAT (CLASSIFIED AO RATES. 2S words, two Isaacs, ISe; atx Issues, SOe; oa moatk. 11.50. wbeo paid la adraae. Wkea aot paid la advaac. tc per 11a per laaae.) THREE HOU8EKEEPI.VG ROOMS, electric lights, kot aad cold water, cool aad shady. Mrs. J. S. Smitk. 212 West I street 770 FOR SALE Flr-passenger Over land, good condition. Price $150. C. II. Demaray. 774 FOR SALE-39 Aagoragoata"aad fine two-year-old Red Durham ball and Durham rows, milk and beef type. Grave Creek Ranch. 7(tf Back of this Bank sua da Its record of 2t years of esefaiaesa la this etty. Siac IU orgaaliatloa la lit It has helped maay Iadtvtdaais. Farmera. Firms aad kferebaati ia baalBea beraaae tkey DESERVED kalp. A Ckecktag Aeconat. carried ta tkia Baak. will ktip yoa la all yoar baalaeaa raiatloaa. 0tr Resoarces. $450,000 II. The First National Bank Of Southern Oregon r x. Be prepared wjth Maximum 'Red' nncr Tubes for your car CLEMENS Sells Drags The anaSJL Siore Oyster Bay, Jane 10. "No plc ' tares. I am out of politics," Colonel Roosevelt decisred tonight to a news ! paper photographer who asked him to pose for a picture. Kooaevett had jnst flalahed read ing Jostle Hagbes statement ot ac ceptance when he made this remark 'in the presence of a number of news paper mea. He refused to comment on tbe Hughes statement, but told the re ' porters he believed there was no long er any reason why tbey should stay at Oyster Bay. I Didn't Get Her. i "If It were rrt for my money Id j save been married t'mg ago," sighed MJss Fortune IfTt to Mr. Caab Hun , ter. "But my dear M1m Lefft. why not ' buy a husband? Von don't hesitate to i . . i. porcnaae a rare pointing, a nure. a boo or any other e4loii. Why oot endow a husband r" "Are yoo torjmter -I am.- Then conalder yourself oA."-jnu-Attn Telegraph. Letterheads at tbe Courier. WOMEN WANTED Full lime salary $1S selling guaranteed hosiery toj wearer; 25e aa honr spar time, j Permanent Experience uanece-( eary. International Mills, Ann St.. i Norristowa. Pa. 75 (NSC RE your dwellings and houee hold goods with L. A. La oner, tt FOR RENTPartly furnlahed bun galow, SS North Seventh street. Inquire o! D atreet, between 4 and t p. m.. or address 1187, Courier. 770 WANTED Light work horse; will buy or hire. Call Monday. 654 N. Eighth St. Phone 2S2-R. 7l FOR SALE at a price, top buggy In good condition. Addrena No. 1152, care Courier. 769tf WILL EXCHANGE for smaller ranch or Grants Pass property 40-aere ranch with good building, fence, grain and some fruit. Addreas No. 1103, care Courier. 770 YOUNG Jersey cow for sale. 408 F street. Inquire 769 WANTED Second-hand wagon, to buy or rent. Price must be reason able. Addreas 1107. care Courier. WANTED Men lo cut" wood7 1 i per tier. Address 1190, care Courier. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Masonic Temple. Office phone, 174-J; resi dence, 24 1-R ' Mlaa Hsrrls.- tf The New Electric Iron ii While hubby works downtown tonifcht 111 do a little pressing. Ill hitch this cord into the lifcht- But, heavens! how distressing! I need the liftKt; I need the heat- Whatever shall I do? . . .... atav wry. VI i as- i. w ' 1 5 BENJAMIN 92 Screwi into present socket No extra wiring required W r-A ONE DOLUR Promht Two Ekrfn- Cr(,",''"f Fr--,0-t Socket Bush Electric Store 100 North Sixth Street "Bay Electrical Goods at the Electric Shun" S2E 4