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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1916)
fAG TWO DAILY HOGIH RIVER COCKIER . . . Kl'XDAVi Jl'NK II, 1010 i 'I - it -Kzro'aCr.'Ccfe.lF Tit law Pl&a Con CutTaat'i u Son m th Kiting Sua. Olad to imt yor ys tk raior I. INLAND to Mis com. in corn to corns love inch, other. -I'll ir (or your th ruar. Bays Kssors and Corns lov to "War. O THi I D Itt Gta-I lor Mo After Tfclo l I UvoF fe cat tricked. rougJ, salved. pU . lrd ud Jerked out. hy ; trow fnstr. Mr. and Mr. Wsnt-ana-Cut-It rcallM it now. they "Gets-It" Instead It's tho wonderful, simple corn-cure that never (all. Stop . pain. You apply it In I ' ends, tt dries at once, the corn is doomed. Nothing to .click to the stocking or pre on the, corn. It means rood-night to plasters, salves, digs-era, rasora and toe-bundling. You ran wear smaller shoes. Your coma wilt com right off, "clean as a whis tle." Never Inflames healthy flesh. Tho world's biggest selling corn euro. "Gets-lf is sold by druggists every, where, 15c a bottle, or seat direct bj K. Lswrenco Co, Chicago, 111. Sold la Grants Put ud rtooW mended as tat world s best eon remedy by Geo. C Sabln. A daughter was bora to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Reed last Sunday, ' James McCumber and. Mrs. Amy Klum and daughter, Edith, motored to Rosebnrg last Thursday to Jack Sanders, who Is In the Soldiers' Home and not expected to live long. . Lou Ornie made a business trip to ! Grants Pass last Wednesday. v Merlo Olds returned from San 1 Francisco Sunday. Ford Brock, of Klamath Falls, ar rived home Tuesday to visit his par ents for a few days. Miss Ines Williams went to Port land Monday to see the rose carnival Miss Isabel Bw Intra, who has spent the winter with the Dr. Williams family and In going to the Grants Pase high school, started back to her home In Salt Lake Monday. . Link Ellis and sen, Charles, auto ed to Grants Pass Wednesday on business. ThM win h box social In the Macfcin hall Saturday evening, the1 tn brtc proceeds to go towards neipmg to fence the Wolf Creek cemetery. It. H. 'Wardrlp while motoring to Qlendalt and other points, ; , Mrs. Hmelton, of Kerby, who has sent several weeks at the Kellaon home, tt sow In Grants rasa, where she will visit for a fortnight. . Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Anient and son, Billy, were Fruttdale callers Sunday. Mrs. C. R. Peterson and baby came out from the city Monday and spent the day with Mrs, 0. C Lackous. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wardrlp, of Vancouver, Washington, same Sun day fosyk several days' vlult with their brother, H. H. Wardrlp, and family. Dr. V. H, Nice, of Grants Fass, was a caller at the N'etlson home Sunday, the Dr. and Mrs. Netlson be tng old time Wyoming acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Brettmayer, F, Breltmayer and family, D. C. HeN ley, Estelle Oakes and Miss Strend enjoyed Sunday together at the A. Brettmayer home. Mrs. John Vsle and baby arrived last week from Kansas, coming to be with Mr. Vale, who Is employed KERBY ILLINOIS VALLEY CONTENTMENT. . That happy state of mind, so rarely possessed, in which we can say "I have enough" is the highest attainment of philos ophy. Happiness' consists not in possessing much, but in being content with what we poasessv Zimmerntann. Copyright 191S The Picture Advertises, Box 11 - On Monday, about noon, Kerby was shocked by the sad news that a Mr. Grant, who was worktng at the Logan mining camp, had met with a mis fortune which caused his deatn in a j few hours. The report Is that 3ome lone had left a vlck sticking in the ! ground and Mr. Grant. In some way, had fallen upon the pick in such a manner as to cause the nd of the Implement to enter the abdomen, and before surgical assistant could be had he passed away. Mr. Grant was boiled in the I. 0. 0. F. cemetery near Kerby on Tuesdsy. Reuben Hunt, wife and two chil dren, and Mrs. Catbreath end son, all of San Francisco, arrived Sunday for a visit with Mr. Hunt's mother. The Ivy Tatting club met this week with Mrs. Willtts. The invited guests The following committees were ap pointed to act for the coming cele bration at Hervey's grove on July 4 : Program Frank Nlckerson, Mrs. James Lewis, Miss Edith Holland; arrangement Frank Nlckerson, James Sowell, Harry Floyd; refresh-ment-rMesdames Babeock, Holland, Llnd, 9eyrerth. Pfefferle. and Kittle Sowell; finance Frackr Hogue, Ever ett Hogne, Wesley Woodcock, Albert Lewis, Mrs. Roy Wells and Henry Pfefferle. Ralph Kltferman will be at the head of the various commit tees. The boys are grading a race track and getting their ball grounds in good shape, and everything points to a good celebration. The little son of William Haxel- rlg has been quite ill. Wallace Kohler returned from Grants Pass Fridsy. Joe Chamberlain returned from Grants Pass Monday. He was accom- 4 B V 'Picture leus i Pi'rV Tfio Rtnrti n n TT4mAw f -a Tin vires mrA i.. m ' en' ...... 'Panied home by his granddanghter, ; Misses Alice Tycer. Fleeta Turner . .J Ill MtdlTMt KEYBOMS 1 J0 WOOD COAL WILLIAMS WOOD COAL YARD Yard Phone 137-R Res. Phone 376-T Everything of Merit in CONCRETE PRODUCTS Oregon Cement Sewer Pipe Tile Co. . Try ALPENE ICE CREAM It's the Beet Cold Starge Co. P. F. Blrchard Prop. Phone 393 New and Used FURXITURE at Right Prices Manuel & Heston 304 South 6th Terms Strictly Cash But see what cash will do here PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET 400 South 6th St. BAILEY'S TAXI Olty and Country Service Phone 262-R or call Spa Confec tionery. DR. F. II. lXGKAM Chiropractor All diseases suc cessfully treated without the knife. Oillre Hours 10-12 and 2-5 Phone? GRANTS PASS BOTTLING WORKS Mfg's of Country Club Gingerale. A full line of Sodas and Soft Drinks. Phone 128-J ALPINE BUTTER Made In Grants Pass . Fresh Dally KOfll'E VALLEY CREAMERY and Wtlda McCalllster. Mr. Llnd and wire, of Holland, and Frank Thompson, mother and sister visited the Chautauqua at 'Grants Pass on Wednesday. A company of members of the I. O. O. F. of Kerbyvllle Lodge visit ed the Grants Pass Lodge on Wednes day night. Three candidates for the first degree of Odd Fellowship were taken along to receive the degree at the hands of the degree team of Grants Pass. Those who visited the Grants Pass Lodge are: Ed Burke, Tan Rnn R. S. Wood cork. John Tnmr. Phil Deselnser. Wesley L,0d h" on to De,r'5it ! Woodcock. Crover Montgomery, I wbere ne WU "tudy c,vl1 ' Archie Anderson, Jim Hogue, Billy Miss Woodcock, of Jackson county. Fred Cornutt underwent an opera tion at the hospital at Central Potnt about a week ato and so far as can be learned Is getting along nicely. His many friends hope to hear of his complete recovery soon. Mrs. Cornutt went to be with her hus band until he Is out of danger. Mrs. Hunt, of Kerby, Is suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. MERLIN glneerlng Mrs. McCauley Roberts, of Dt:n mulr, Cel., visited friends hero tbe last of the week. A daughter was born to M' und Mrs. Bert Massle Thursday, J-me . George Culp has gone to Portland, ledge-Dodge, of Olympla. after spend- !wnere he wiu be VoyeA during the In. - .a.V vl.ttlnv 4To n14 frtanrf iSUUlUier. Mrs. Anna Coleman, returned home, reaving Kerby last Saturday, They reported a splendid time in Kerby. Hogue, Geo. Duncan, James Seyferth, Dick George, Robert Kitterman, John Spence, Bill George, Fred Hart. Don , Robinson, bee Robinson. James' Howard. J. Q. Willits. j Mrs. Powe-Vogel and Mrs. Rut Miss Hazel Payne, of Kerby, has been visiting the past two weeks at the home of her uncle, P. P. Payne. Mrs. Elsie Corbett was a dinner guest at the home of Mrs. R. J. White Thursday. Miss Linna Albright Is assisting Mrs. Chas. Birum at the Waldo cop per mine. Mrs. R. J. White and Pearl Law spent the first part of the week visit ing with Mrs. Minnie Masters. The Sunshine club of Waldo have decided to furnish a permanent club room at Waldo. Mrs. Chester Moore has returned home after spending the past two weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. Stevenson, of Wlldervllle. Don Cameron and Miss Olga Vailen motored out to Grants Pass Tuesday evening, taking In the show before returning home. ! Mr. and Mrs. Milton Akerill walk ed up from tho Waldo mine Wednes day evening. Roy Jordan's smiling countenance was seen In the streets of Waldo Thursday. I Mrs. Geo. Tjcer spent Thursday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. (Grant Shadlnger. W. A. Massle spent a few days here the first of the week and made a business trip to Grants Pass. MURPHY Miss Gertrude Ains worth has had an operation performed by Dr. Clem- jent for some throat and nose trouble. . Mrs. Thos. Beagle and children have returned from Jacksonville J where they attended Decoration day services. 1 Miss Bertha Coats is visiting at the Hayes Brothers ranch, j Mrs. Jas. Darnellle is home from I the hospital and is getting) along nicely. ! Mrs. Mary Lelth Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. M. Mitchell. Gene Hayes and Wheeler Osborne are up at Three Pines sawing wood. I Nell Allen gave a good aluminum demonstration Saturday night after 'grange, and the members enjoyed roast beef and coffee prepared In Aluminum vessels. J Mr. and Mrs. Pickett Woodson re turned this week Bfter an extend ed visit in Colorado, New Mexico and 'other points. 7PTIITPAT.F Annie Nellgon helped Miss Louise Rorteli fommemornt her blrthdrt? by spending the day with her Sundsy. John Ross left Wednesday morn ing for Watsonville,' California, where he goes to Join his wife, who ha been thrrf fnr several weeks. Glenrt Wardrlp and family of Tal- ent,' stopped Tuesday for a visit with Dancing Jacanae. On some ( Vw !--.!: ih!h nf the Pa. clllc' In tropical HiitiMi America. Is found the licutitllul liinj Utmuii ns 1 tin Jni'iiiiii. , It Im fiimmiM fur Its m culled love (liincca. wlii !i me vxncufud hy tho iiiulcH to cm lie t!it n -mint Inn of tho fetiinlc Mid.;. V. lien lli'J mutiny sea son ilPlirC'!lr;t ::s J.tcuii.i will hIiikIo nut il fi'vorlti' mid try to win Iut lulinlnitlmi iv;;li nil lis vewltcliluy inusiciivim In t!n !:ni'c the tvlri2H are ;iwl nii't wn.!;c.l in such n milli ner tmit I1.:,' Ii0iltlt:.til colored feu tilers produce it k'llUiint fleet. Envelopes printed at the Cpurlei office. ISSSJI IS SSBSST Get your MoneyV Worth! WHEN tho largest Rubber Factory In tho World, -With a 47-year EXPERIENCE in Rubbcr-worktopr, and. A 47-year RECORD of itusinetw-lntegrity, Good-faith, and Square dcalin? Iehind it, -Makes the followlnir deltixraU Statement, you can well AFFORD to Mla't it '. Here is the Statement: , MONEY can't build UETTER Tires, of Fabric. Coiwtruction. , AT ANY I'RICI-; than the "Black Barefoot," GOODRICH Tires which are below. Dependable Tires cannot bo built, and sold, for Im. But, '- you WASTE MONEY, when you jrny MORE than the fol lowinjr jiritvs for ANY Fabric Tire. Goodrich "Fair-List" Prices BLACK "BAREFOOT" SAFETY TREADS. 30x3 30x3 32 x3 V 35:; 37x5 - - - Ford Sizes $10.40 $13.40 $15.45 $22.00 $22.40 $31.20 $31.60 $37.35 ODJRSCH TIIED.F.COODRiaiCa New York Pranch 1780 Broadway Fair -Lasted Goodrich "Textan" for Shea Soles Wesrilcnvrr linn lc.ih.rl - t"iir. tnd non Hpiry: aorr ami i.ron liit Irri. A'k y,.ur I'ralrr, or Sl.oe ttrpiirrr, (of. Tckud bolt, oo tour ncl pair ol lioa. hllt lighter, "Black-Tread" lt I11BISSIUM GOODRICH TIRES OLDING'S GARAGE PHONE 45-R KKPl HI-H AN XATIOXAIi )LM ITTKKM KN NAMKI) ChlcaKO. June 10. The republi can convention today named the fol lowing for committeemen: Connecti cut, John Q. King; West Virginia. A. L. Highland; New York, Herbert ParBonn, The national committee will fill vacancy cauHed 1y the failure of Delaware to elect a national com mitteeman. 'civic organisations. The convention will be Ht, lx) ills' first chance since the Louisiana Pur ihuHe expnnltlon In 1904 to entertain dlHtingulHhed pprttonimi'H and the old town la going to leave nothing un done that will make for convenience and entertainment. ItKPl'lHiH'ANH TO K MOOT CHAIRMAN MONDAY bury halters In the famous Dunbury Boycott cane, the American Federa tion has named June 15th n the duy upon which labor should contrlb ute the ncedud $117,000 additional. The federation's requnMt tayi that "all workers who did not contribute on January 27th are earnestly re quested to contribute the wages of an hour's labor Thurmlay June 15th. PltKPAUlXO FOIl THK DKMOTIIATS AT 8T. lOU St. KouIh, Juno 10. Delegate and visitors to the Democratic National convention hero June 14 will be en tertained as delegates never were entertained before. Fifty-one non-partlHan rocoptlon roiiimltteeB have been named. Forty-eight committee will take care of the atate delegations.; ono for the DlBtrlct of Columbia delega tion and one each for the National commltleo and the visiting newipaper men. Thirteen Btate delegation will be looked after by cluba componed of natives of thono Btate. The other state will be looked Chicago, June 10. Tho republican . I,, . inniionni commiucc win uieei .tinu- day to elect the chairman who will conduct JuHtliti HuglieH campaign. There ,1 a strong feelln gin the com mittee' that Charles 1). lilllos should be re-elijclcd, but if a light for the place is launched by the friends of Frank 11. Hitchcock, the latter bus sufficient power In tho commlttno to land tho post. Hitchcock today said he was not a candidate. If this I true, committeemen, say, miles will be re-electod. BOO FltlvNC II PUISONKUS TAKKV ItV (JKlBTT( llerlln, via Wireless to Sayvlllo, June 10. Storming a strong forti fied French position west of Fort Viitix, the (lermnn troop took 500 French prisoner and twenty-two ma chine gun, according to tho German olllclnl statement today, IWIItllWKH HUT YMT m:cii)Fj "t At cut nKhV AOAIV AKKKI) , FOU DAXHl HY IIATTHIIK i Washington, Juno lO. llecausn only 1133,13)1,55 of tho needed 1250,- j 000 wn ubcrlbed by American la boring men to pay the Judgement after by various local liiislnes and against the home of the aged Dan- lndlanapollii, June 10, CWIes Warren Falrbiink told die United Press this nf oi'ii'ion that he bud not yet ttinilo up lit id In l whether to accept the iioiiilmitlon f',).1 vice ptesl dent, iiiado by th repul:1ie,iu nation-, al convention , Fairbanks' slntcnient may not miiiut lodiiy. f' :