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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1916)
riUDAV, JixB a. loio. DAILY ROGUE IlIVEn COURIER pace nvm j PERSSNdL 5 LOCAL Si n Mm I ml--' V liZ... 'it-Mi You dtw't have to provide amusement fur U10 rhlldrn If yon give them RHOWNIE Every lumr of the day will foe sixty minutes of happiness. It is sturdily built, any child can operate It aad tlio favorite slxe roata but 1X00. 8w our win dow dkplay and auk for rata logue, ( " . . ' Music asd Photo House Stanton ItowelJ, Prop, Fred Williams, of Three Plnef, was in the city Thursday od business. Sheriff W.lll Smith went to Oallre ; thlN morning to conduct a sale. T. L. Kane spent Thursday in Med ford attending to business interests. Last chance tomorrow, Saturday, for 10c enameled ware at Cramer Bros. . 763 Geuertl Mdtisger Delano made a business trip out over tbe C. ft O. C. line this forenoon, Qo. K. Lundburg and family lelt today by auto for Portland, where Mr. Lundburg will attend a meeting of the bankers' aaaoclatlon. ; E. D. Woodbury, who baa been connected with the C. k 0. 0, rail road for aorae time, left for Portland laat night. Mr. Martha Jsi accompanied her daughter, Mrs. S3. L. Mills, to Port land today and will rlalt her there for a while. Mrs. Dob ntMrimmoni, who hold an erangoliatlo service at the court house last nlgbt, left this morning on No. 14. MIm Elizabeth Prldt will leave tbls evening for Cheyenne, North Dakota, to visit her brother during the sum nor. Mlas Prldt will return here to school next winter. C, E. Butler, of Yreka, Is In the city today attending to business. - Mrs. Jack Allison went to Rogue River this afternoon. 1 11 ii ; 1. Rouhalx Rlchey loft this afternoon ' tor San Francisco after vlaltlng here tor several nays wun nis motner ana sister. 1 k. k. Taioot, wno nas been in CtnMint Faro in Hie Paramount photoplay, "Temptation," w ill Ito at the TAH theater June and S. AMI K KM K NTH TO XI GUT nijou "The Iron Claw." Star "The Old Homestead." 4 i. charge of the Loughridge farm, a few miles down the river, has moved to 'town and will live at 70 North Fourth street. All the summer fads In millinery ,are here awaiting your selection, at greatly reduced prices. Mrs. Rch- kopr 758M COMING EVEXTB 4,t Wm M,an , weot to Port. land M mornlng to witness the rose June 8, Saturday Children'! story show. She will then go to The hour at the publlo library, at 11 Dallea and will be there during the a. m.; Mrs. Cleorge Soranson, ptory- summer. Miss White was English teller. teacher In the high school. June 5-10, Monday-Saturday Chan- The Misses Wlnnlfred Fl field and tsuqua at Orants Pass. .Vivien Iibam and Wallace Nilos and Juno is Pas. - IU M ' em'- ! V Grant Pass In the Epworth League ' convention env-Mi mt a ww kajmu iv iiaft r john Hampshire returned Friday OFFICE OS JUNK 18 morning from a business trip to Port- " ' , land, and will leave at once for Takll- Wasblnirton, June 2. Louis D. ma to" direct work at the Queen of Brandels, newly confirmed associate Dronie copper mine. Mr. Hamp Justice of the supreme court, will take shire Is much elated over the ahow- the oath of office June 12. when the logs that are made in the mine by court tneot. for tbe Isst time before late development summer adjournment. ., 1. ... .. ' 1 .' ' Odd Fellows Entertained NEW TODAT 1 The Crater Lake Encampment of irniBrr-RATis " a; 0o,d Hm enter; words, two Issues. 25c: six Issues, talncd the different encampments of 50c: one month, 11.50, when paid In the valley Thursday night. Six can advance. When not paid In sdvance, dldatea and twelve mombers of the 5c Per Hne pcr Uguo.) .. lodge attended from here. The vls- FOR SALE A good horse, 7 yir. itors wore given two banquet.. The old, weight 1.200 lbs. sound gentle candidates from here were S. M. and well broke, work to anything, jonard. F. 0. lsbam. W. 0. Mc not afraid of autos. A. Nale. Adams. A. C. Epperly, Robert Morris Tenthstroet.jkbove and Paul Rlanchard. All report a FORSAIJBSpao"of young horses n'oxt excellent entertainment. , and light wagon, also ono ssddle ..,..- horse, weight about 1100, and new' saddle, or will trade team and llaiM'ball Sunday' The baseball game between tbe locals and Mdford will be played at 2:80 Sunday. Wheeler Osborn will pitch for Grants Pass against Caster of Medford. Englewood liry, Phone 1222 The pure milk. dairy. 692tf. Temple MsrkH Sold ', ":' , :'. "i The Temple meat market has been sold by J, H. Ahlf to the firm of Knox A Armentrout. Tha Grant. Pass market is still retained by W. C. Ahlf. . . ' (Itlldren's Chautauqua Tickets The Chautauqua tickets for chil dren are on sale at Cramer Brothers' store, tbe price being $1 each. To the first 25 children who call to pur chase a ticket will be given. a feather head band. Grants Pass Heat Co. - Reduced prices In fresh meats. Ask for prices. Beef. Pork. " -Mutton. Veal. ' Fryers. . Hen.. We have on hand a large supply of poultry, all kinds of smoked meats and lard. 752 To Car For Roaes The Wallulah Camp Fire girls have taken into tbelr hands the care of the roses In the small railroad parks. By keeping the old roses trimmed off they expect the parks to be a bower of blossom all summer. Clark A Ilolmao, Undertakers T Licensed em'balmers. Phone 60 tf Glrla' (lab Organises The Girls' Athletlo club, met and organised last night Plans were made to secure the Kerley building for tbe use of the club. Officers elect- d for the year are Audrey Best pre sident; Bella Letcher, vice-president, and Fay Stlnebaugb, secretary and treasurer. " ' ' ' Clairvoyant and Medium Have you consulted the noted medium and reader of the stars, Madame LaVera! If not. why not? She can and will give you reliable advice. LaVera la located 1n rooms i0 and 11 at tbe Tremont, where you should consult her now. Prices reasonable. Office hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. 765 Teachers Elected The teachers that have been chosen so far to fill tbe vacancies at the high school are Miss Juantta Parker, of Reed college, who will teach mathe matics and history; Miss Catherine Bridges, who will teach German and English. The eighth grade at the Central building will be taught by Mrs. Vera Edwards Kelloms. Miss Marietta Martin will teach In the grades. Miss Jeanette Cramer, of this city, will also teach In the grades. wagon for light car. Geo. Lewis stable. Inquire at 763 FOR SALE -nvo-passcngor Over land in good condition. Price $350.00. C. IT. Demnray. 764 p,,. ..,mM. ;jir . U...I .mnmi ' imv ve, 1 mipa Bijou Tonight THE IH SHOW OF THE WEEK Pearl White Hlioldtm I,nvl niul Ci-clghton Unlo "The Iron Claw" You should seo, this Ki'eat photoplay novel It's different. Itcad It In the Sunday Oivonlnn. See it at the Illjou t'llllN. J. Homh III a line K4iiltabl ilve-iict frnturo "The Senator" , .' '''' 1 1 1 v line evpiwltlon of the IiinUIo political life at AVKulilngtoii of With iKNiiillfiil s(!tnea of the imtlon's ' . ? 'J-capital , . . , - ' A Hhow That Vou Will Like 1 1 , " ' ' "A Yes,Honest Summer Is Here AXft SO "iH THE PICNIC HKASOV A.M PARK Sl'PPKKS 5A mm v a uk iviniiid )ou vt have For Sandwiches l.L Llvor Paste ...loc IMj Chill Ment.......;. .....1(H Cfood, Orocericz . hAts better tr , tMTi lkneor VcaltK! Ditto llutter ;17c PiHinut HutUM' 13c llliio till! Pimento (.1ic'(te....l,V nine Illll GitHii(1illl(1i(MNe l.V Devlknl Meat .....Ac and 1K 1'iuIci'wihhI Hardlnes ............ 10e MiiMunl Hurdliies 13c liUMirted Fat lleriing 13c Norway HouwhI Mackerel Bile Coluil.l.hi River Salmon 10c Smoked Hnrdlnva lu Olive ltlpe Ollvtv In Cans (key lMmr) 1(H) Siu'iito)ta Chls luc (rHiulma Cookies - 10c Swirt's Premium Sliced Uriof ; Hwf Kwl(V Premium lloiled Ham Almond, Pecan and . Walnut Meats . Oil .120 l'iE.UHon California Ornnx MnrmaliKlo i2c HomelHtdy found a half pound run of IMPERIAL (XHX). In onr lUTTEIt lt week." VOU may llnd munethlng lmnldcs hiitter fat this wrek. v '.,.. The White House Grocery ta Btamps Hre Ilopo to V .., After July ist, .ir Green Stamp Books will be re deemed in cash only. Up to that time premiums may be had as usual A large shipment of premiums has just been received and more are coming, so that our stocks will be nearly complete in all lines. '. I . . " i, '. ;. ZrK Stamps will in the future represent a cash dis count, and as previously stated will be issued as formerly, without interruption. Sperry & Hutchinson Always ask for Green Stamps. . IP l 9t on VualneM and Social Meeting The C. E. society of Bethany Pres byterian church will hold a "business and social meeting in the church par lors tonight. All are invited. E mployehs may us Auxiliary Will Elect Tbe Ladles' Auxiliary, will meet st three o'clock Saturday afternoon, the meeting being the annual elec tion of officers. Much business will come before the Auxiliary. E Hi LABOR rlali Price Advances . The salmon catch last night was about the same as the preceding night. The total was 1901 pounds, of which 304 pounds were brought in by the boat owned by Frank Okren berg." The price for Rogue river Bal mon advanced a half cent since Thursday, making the price eight and a half cents a pound. Another Pavilion Dance . At Gold Hill Saturday night. Good music, good floor, good time. Every body Invited to attend. 162 l'rearo for Tourist Yesterday afternoon a number of the' members of tbe Commercial club and their wives went to the auto camp grounds and cleaned it out a little for the tourist trawl, which is becoming Quite largo. There have been several parties camped there every night lately. . Nearly all the travelers hove heard of the wonder ful Ashing bore and are anxious to land one of the beauties of the Rogue. stocks imoi OX SE.l BATTLE NEWS Now York, June 2. The stock market broke one to three points ou news of the naval fight between the British and German flwts this after noon. ' United States Steel sold oil a point at S3 , Marine preferred broke 3Vi to 95 and Norfolk & Western was off 2. Anglo-French loans sold at 95, off 1.4. San Francisco, June 2. It strik ing longshoremen In San Francisco and otbr facile coast porta do not return to work Monliy, an effort will probably be made by the employers to import non-union labor. What effect this may have on the situation waa forecasted last . night when a crowd of fifty men stormed the gate of Pier No. 18, where Filipinos were loading a river steamer. Lloyd Fitz gerald, watchman, fired two shots and ten policemen answered the riot call, but the crowd quickly, vanished. The water front employers' union. embracing all big steamship com panies here, has offered the strikers a 10 per cent wage Increase If they jwlll resume work Monday. The long J shoremen want a 30 per cent raise. If this compromise Is refused, the em ployers' union declares It will take ; steps to have operations resumed on J the San Francisco docks. This Is taken' to mean that strikebreakers i will "be Imported. .. One of the first effects ot the strike I was grave interference with the building trade here. Lumber deal jers met, discussed the situation and (agreed, that It made it impossible for ! them to handle lumber cargoes. This 'means, that when the present supply j In the local yards is exhausted, with no more coming in, construction work ! must cease, and many members of the building trades will be thrown out of "employment. ' v The shipping concerns In which Mayor Rolph Is Interested, as well as the Western Fuel company and the California South Sea Navigation com pany, already have granted the strlk- rs demands in fulL E. H. Foley, secretary of the riggers' and steve dores' anion, declares that a num ber of other firms have capitulated, and that he believes the strike will jend In few days.' From Honolulu came a message, signed by the Sugar Planters association, urging snip owners to accept the strikers' terms with all Bpeed, lest Hawaiian trade be crippled. . ..' . . A great throng ot strikers greeted th liner Tfnva Vim when It riftrbAli here, but no efforts were made to nn jload Its cargo with Japanese deck ihand labor and tbe crowd dispersed, j , Advices from every port on the Pa tciflc coast indicate that the strike situation is unchanged from Alaska to San Diego. ' The gasoline engi neers are talking about striking for Increased wages. At present gasoline ' launches are trying to handle a por tion of the river traffic usually taken Jcate of "by the regular steamers. If (the engineers walk out comin-erce on ; the bay and the Sacramento river will be practically at a standstill. HI ttaltl.Y AXI GREECE SOOX TO UO TO WAR Rome, June 2. A declaration of war between Bulgaria and Greece Is believed Imminent in Athens. Dis patches from the Greek capital today declare that the Bulgarian minister protested to King Constantlne's gov ernnvoht against the firing upon Bul garian troops by Creeks on the fron tier, Premier Skouloudls refused to receive the protest. The. curt refusal of th. a reek promlor to entertain the Rulgarlun protest has resulted 'In a tense situation.'; r Theda Bara In the William Fox production of Kixet's "Carmen," at the STAR theater tomorrow, Sat urday. . ':.'. Matinee at 3 o'clock; two night performances. Some persons declnre the Fox production and the Kara inter pretation of "Carmen" are suerlor to the Lasky-Farrar; others assert that they at least fully equal them; while still others do not like thorn so well. However, ' come and decide for yourself. And of this you niny be cer tainthat the Rara girl never docs anything drab, common place, colorless. We have a fine assortment of Correspondence Cards ; Invitation Stationery Initial Stationery Also Hand-Colored Congratulation Cards, Leather Round Rooks and . Knmll Gift Books, suitable for graduation gifts. Demaray Drug and Stationery Store Mining blanks at the Courier omce. 1