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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1916)
1 Hawaiian Music ta be Feature of Birj Chautauqua Program Mulc from lsisnds :.-r kvav. N! N (V Z Ml Jj Jfe) j JfiNn I igg J j-jJ THE CI lb i' 5"J I1K Chautauqua la bringtug many great attractions here during lu wwk i programs probably nunc will be received with awn imt; enthusisam as tne one to be given by tiesu a's HawaUn Quintet Thla la (be company that played In the ortKlual "Bird of Paradise" company and eeor- such a great aunt, ; in company the tttwspspers declared Kekuku'a Ilaaallaua to be the mwt mualcal and accurate In their reproduction of Uawallaa music, it Is said that no other company haa played the beautiful, aootblug and wistful melodies of the Hawaiian Islands aa do these player The Chautauqua baa scored a big "scoop" In securing tbem for a full con cert on the. closing nltcbt nf l.'lisutauqii. Th uslnee Ind ef It " would die for you." said the rich suitor. "Hew hmi)" sked the prac tical girl. i J Hard en lady, 1 First we acb the'lmby to talk and then we teach him to hold his tongue, -Bmart Ret Centrait. " Ml told yen not to wake toe take a ' bath, me. Iok bow plnln that bole In ' my atocklug shows now."Judge. It Is Buipeeted. aliiat beauty doctore are pretty, bat It Is suspected tbey were so before they became beauty dmlors.-Jntlge, The Title Counts. HUstllda's titled huaband Is not her equal." "No, but he's her ier.H Bal tlmoro American. And the Jaokass. Imitation Is the slucercKt form of flattery, and the Jackass Is a much flat ' tered snlmal.-Judge. His Limit. "Whafa ThlngemUb forr ' "If It's checkers, he's good for all day." Richmond Tlmcs-Ilnpatch. Unssnny, e Novollt-How are my novels going? i j Bookselter-I can't tiuaulue, sir, unlesa ' It's shoplirter.-I.ondn I'uiicli. Oeesnt Knew What She tsys. Stella Is sbs a friend of yours T Hol laHow can I tell? We haven't one mutual acquaintance. Veosl Praetioe. Practicing singing lu too small rooms Is ruinous U miiny excellent , Tolces. f Cat Preef Fence. A fence can be made est proof by stringing a tight -wire about two Inches above and parallel with the top. Hegsklna. Green salted hogsklns are considered a great labia delicacy In some parts of Mexico. QHICHESTER S PILLS IIU In Nr4 ihI UM 'UIIk i om. nut vim w . FraMiat."'.'Mt-TKII-S yon kmnm M Hml, Hital, Almrt It tliil.l SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Puy Your Season Tickets to , it:' .I '. : ' Tl, ' If ), : ' ' 1 AI1WUI IT llll lft Across the Pacific to Program Engaged T the tour of the 1)t largest cities of the i OBITUABY Mrs. Jemima HaUtaway Mrs. Jemima Hathaway, who re sided In the Applegate valley 12 miles from Grants Pass, passed away on the 27th day of May, 111 6." Mrs. Hatha way waa 95 years, five months and 12 days of age, having been born In Vigo county, Indiana, on December M.rliJO.v "Grandma" Hathaway, as she was familiarly called, wss one of Oregon's most remarkable women. According to Information furnished the Oregon Journal, and published In that paper January 21, 1212, she was the mother of 11 children and had 58 grandchildren, to great . grand- ohlldren and two great great grand children, making a tota of 121 lineal descendants, extending to tne nun generation. Of these, 107 are yet living, 70 being residents of Oregon. The published aocount ssys, "Mrs. Hathaway resided in southern In diana until 15 years of age, when aha removed with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frakes, to Porter county, In the northern part of that state. On this Journey she rode a horse and assisted In driving a band of cattle belonging to the family, at times having to swim the stock through almost Impassable swamps and across swollen streams. "She was married to J. C. Hatha way at Valparaiso, Indiana, Decem ber 26, 1839. Here they resided un til 1850, when her hnetand contract ed the gold fever, crossing the plains with an ox team to California, where he worked In the mines for four years. During that time Mrs. Hatha way remained at home looking after the Interests of the farm and caring tar their family of six ohlldren. 'Upon the return of her husband In 1854 they moved to Dallas county, Iowa, and two years later to Worth county, Missouri. Here she renlded during the dark days of the Civil war, having her two eldest sons on the t , . - .... . n , j Add Greatly to Big v1 of big daily programs. Hut of all united states that was made by tnia battlefield and undergoing many pri vations Incident to that trying period." In 1881, she, with her husband, removed to Josephine county, where she resided continuously until the time of her death. Her husband died September 18, 1896, since which time ahe haa made her borne with her daughter, Mrs. W.S. Bailey, in the Applegate valley. Of bar father's family of 10 children only two sur vive her G. W, FraVes, of Grant City, Missouri, and Wm. Frakes, of Grants Pass, Oregon. Those of her .children still living are Mrs. Mary Moler. of Blockton, Iowa; Mrs. T. G. Harmon, of Dry den, Oregon; Mrs. L. C. Turner and C. N. Hathaway, of Grants Pass, Ore gon; S. F. Hathaway, of Central Point, Oregon; Mrs. W. 8. Bailey, of Applegate, Oregon; and Bd F. Hatha way, of Corvallls, Oregon. ' ; Grandma ; Hathaway until three yeara ago was quite active, both bodily and mentally, insisting on helping herself and took an active Interest In politics, being suffragist and a hearty supporter of President Wilson. ' She became a member of the Bap tist church over (0 yeara ago. Funeral services were beld at the undertaking parlors In. Grants Pass, Rev. Brlatow preaching the funeral sermon, after which the .body was conveyed to the Deer Creek Valley cemetery, followed by a number of relatives and friends. After a few appropriate words were spoken by Rev. Hough, of Selma, the body was laid to , rest beside that of ber bus- 'band, who preceded her almost 20 years ago. r AIRCRAFT BATTLE Paris, June 2. A pitched battle between German and French aero- plan squadrons In which two enemy machines were 'brought down, was re. ported to the war office today. A German machine was so badly dam aged by fire from the French aero. planes that Itr Ml near Etan. Two other French machines attacked a Fokker and by circling constantly closer to the enemy aircraft forced It down and finally riddled with bul lets, It felt near Bouconvllte. The French air equndron attacked the Germans as the Fokkers were rc turning from Bar-le-dus. Severn! bombs had been dropped on the town by the enemy aviators before they started to return to their own lines and were Intercepted by the French flying squadron. Job printing bt every dsssrlptioa FRENCH A D E ll at ths Courier aflat. fOM BAIJi 40 ACRES 4 Vs miles front Grant Pass, bo Improvements, for sal at f 40 par acre Under ditch sur vey. Address No. 2415, ear Courier. 87tt FOR 8ALE 6U-room plaatsred house, eloM In, lot 100x100, good shads. Address No. 2413, car Courier. 657tf MUKPHV farm for sal, 7 acres 10 mile from Grants Pass, on banks of Applegate river, tome bottom land, much upland under ditch, with water right. Address No. 615, oar Courier. 707tf. FOUR ACRES let to (rapes, peaches and apples, five-room bungalow, on Pacific highway, two miles from cltr, no Incumbrance,, for sale. A snap If taken before June 1. Ad dress John Ross, Grants Pass, 762 BLUB PRINT plats of Grants Paas for sale at Courier affloa. 11.60. 92 FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bulla from high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grants Pass, Ore. ' 764tf FOB SALE Three-ton Velle auto truck. The price la right Leonard Orchards Company, Grants Pass, Or. k 764tf REGISTERED HOLSTEIN bull calf. born May 22, 1916. Sire, Clover Idge 8egls Korndyke, Advanced Registry backing. Dam, Pomona Hengterveld Doo. Fin individual. Price reasonable. F. R. 8teel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 7B6tf BIG BARGAIN Six thousand cords growing firewood, five cents cord, about four miles from city above Frultdale. Includes 250,000 feet saw timber, pine and fir. Box 74, Merlin. Ore. 762 FARM BARGAIN 40 acres on main county road and railroad, bouse, barn, 25 bearing fruit trees, 4V4 acre in cultivation and Irrigated, water right alone worth price ask- ed. 12 acre tillable. Price 1600. L. A. Launer. 762 FOR BALE Garage and general re pair shop, good 'business. About 2700 will handle the deal. Poor health reason for selling. , Address Box 225. Butherlin. Ore. 763 FOR SALE Good work horse, cheap for cash. Also harness and wagon. Enquire 655 North Fifth street, or ' cajl on S. E. Coffman, Grants Paas hotel. 765 FOR SALE Ford touring car. In first class condition. C. G. Plant, Park street. 762 FOR SALE A few household goods to be disposed of quickly, two three-quarter beds, chairs, sani tary couch, small tables, Ice cream freeser, glass churn, etc. Mrs. W. B. Plnkerton, 804 North Fifth, corner Evelyn. 766 TO RENT FOR RENT Office room, 20x86 feet. Will subdivide and arrange to suit permanent tenant. Steam heat, water, Janitor service, well 1'ihtcd and ventilated. Geo. E. Lund burg. ' ' 764 FOR RENT OR SALE Furnished bungalow. Inquire at 701 D street between 4 and, 6 o'clock, or address No. 1041, care Courier. ' ' 762 WANTED WANTED Six hundred to seven hundred feet of 6, 7 or 8-lnch ptpe; also No. 1 giant. Write, giv ing price and location, C. H. Mc El wain, Dothan, Oregon. 768 MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In 5-gallon glass. Jars and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 298-R and water wagon will call. PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial testa as sure that this water Is pur. De livered In five-gallon bottles W. E. Beckwltb. Order by phone, 602-F-S. 45 9t! DANCE AT KERBY, Saturday, June 8. Good muslo and a good time assured. Come one and all. Tickets 11.00. ' 562 REMEMBER Miss Moore, of Med ford, will be at 627 North Third street on Saturdays. Phone 256-J for lessons and portrait sittings. Variety of art work on sale. 761tt VETERINARY BURG HON DR. R. J. BE8XUL, Vaxeriaarlaa. Office In Wtnetrout Implement Building. Phoa 1114. Real dene shon 198.R. TIMB CAIU The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company t (The Oregoa Cave Rwstc) Effective Monday, May 1, 1916. Train 1 lv. Grants Pass 7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 a.m. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek....5:00 p.m. Arrives Grsnts Pass.. 6:00 p.m. Dally except Sunday. -All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 181 for same. Train x will stoo on Car at any point between Grants Pass aad Wst Creek, Vz--zzZl -ervjee every daj in the week. . - ; tne Bta t.agir-Nstt. Among birds the home of the bald eagle Is pcrhnp the mot striking, pos sibly becsune of the msjesty of the bird Itself. It appeal to the imagina tion. Built of huge sticks loosely In terwoven sud situated on some lofty and Inaccessible ledge, with the bones of the eagle's vk tluis scattered round about it. it gives a proper setting to the stern and s&vsge character of Its builder. Here U eagle reigns su preme, and here year after year be and his mate rcsr their young. This is the aerie from which be can scsn the whole countryside and. like the robber barons of old. levy toll on all who pan his door. . i Ms Puce Watee. ! ', Owing to tbe extremely solvent pow ers, pure water Is never found In na ture, tbe nearest approach being found In rainwater, which, as It Is formed in tbe opper regions of tbe atmosphere, la tbe purest that nature supplies, but In descending It bring with It whet ever Impuritle sre floating near the surface, wbk-b In the neighborhood of cities are alwaya numernu: bence per fectly pure witter In hardly to be found, even the nrtiflclally diHtilM Mngonly spproxlmstely so. '....:: ! I i s s 1 1 "Ths Machinz with a Personality9 NO matter what your touch this new Royal Master' Model 10 will fit it Just turn the set-screw and regulate the touch of this new Royal to fit YOURSELFl Make it light and smooth as velvet or firm and snappy as you like. Built for "Big Business and its Great Army of ii i Sj i ! Expert Operators i f ! ii Every keen-witted itea I ! ger every expert operator on g ths firing line oi Big Buai- nets will graip tbe enormous swKMPtsivalue of tbe new Koyal't AdjusUHt Ituch thst takes the "grind" out of typewriting I ! But the new Model 10 has I many other big. vital new I features, lovtttigal them I j ii II 8ndforthe "Royal man" and ask for a DEMONSTRA TION. Or writ us direct for our nwbrochurs,"fl7Ti SERVICE," aod Om fro kltm SohJ postal brings them fie of charge. w I PricellCO tX.V rtti JajaiS. I 1 C-i. ! I wrt -:--.-v. f 9 1 J PHTCCIAX3 u o. cuntxm, u. d. Pmeuo liatrUd t diseases of th y, ajr, bom aad throat Oleosa ltt4L Offlc hour 9-1 J, 2-5, and ea polatmsat OSes phoa 62; resi dence paon 219-J. ' 9. LOUGHRIDGE, 1L D., PbystcUa and sorgsoa, City or eouatry calls attended day or algbt Ra. phone 269; oflto phon 112 Sixth aad H. Tuffs Building. J, P. TRUAX, U. D., Physician aad Surgeon. Phoaaa: OSes, 821; reeldence, 224. CaLa aaswsrwi at all hour. Country calls at teaded to. Landaborg Bldg. DR. ED BTWATER Bpeelallst oa disease of eye, ear, nose aad throat; glasses fitted. Offlc hour: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. Phoaea: Res. 224-J; Offlc, 267-J. Schmidt Building; Grants Paas, Oregon. DR. F. D. STRICKER Diseases of children aad general practice. TU OfiSoa: sMStaje dU4 lag ' tt A. A. WITH AM. It D., Phrsiciaa aad Surgeon, Office: Hail ; Baldlag. corner Sixth aad I streets. Phoaea: Off?, lUi resldenc. 282-J. Honrs: 9 a. m. to.4 p. as. DR. H. WA3R2N NIC3, Osteopathia PhysIaUa. Caroat and nerroa dlseas PcUlty. Rooaw 1 aad t, Lnndbarff building, oppoatt post office; phoa 149-R. Resldsnos: Colonial hotel; phoa 1S7-J. 762 DENTI3T8 E. C. MACT, D. 1C D., Flrst-clas dentistry. 109 South Btata street. Grant Paas, Oragoa. BERT R. ELLIOTT. D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Mrgurtt H. Elliott, dental aaalataat Room 4, and 5. Golden Rule building. Grants Paas, Or. Fttoaa 265-J. H. D. NORTON, Attorsuy-at-Law. Practlc la an Btata aad Federal Courts. First National Bank Blc. COLVIO ft WILUA1T3 Attoraers- at-Law, Grants Pose Basking Go. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practlc, In all courts. First National Baak Building. EDWARD H. RICHARD. Attorasy-at-Law. Offlc Masonic Temple, Graats Paas, Oragoa. W. T. MILLER, Attoraey-at-Law County attorney tor Joaepala County. Offlc: Sckallbora Bldg. O. S. B LAN CHARD, Attoyiey-at-Law. v Graats Pass Banking Co. building. Phoa 270. Graats Paas, Oregoa. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorny-at-lw, practices la state ' and fsdwral courts. Rooms 2 and 8. ovr Golden Rale store. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franoo . Belgian school of violin playing. E. R, Lawrence, 215 I street. DRAY AGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully aad promptly dose. Phone 121-R. Stand at frieght depot A. Shade, Propr. F. O. Isbam. drayaxe and tranafer. Safes, planoa and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phon Clark Ik Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 184-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phon 15-R. LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M. Stated Oommanlov tlona 1st and Sd Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Cass, W, M. Ed. ' O. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, t.O. - F.. meets every Wed- nesday ev. In I.O.O.F. hall, cor. 6th and H. Sta. VUItlng Odd Follows cerdlaUy Invit ed to be present. I. V. Howell, N. G., Clyde Martin, Secretary. , ASSAYBRS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, metallurgist Roms 201-202 Pad , dock. Building. Grants Paaa. PB0ORATORfl AND PAINTERS PAPERHANOINQ, graining, patnt i' log. For th best work It lowest 1 prices Phon I05-J. a Of. PtUt. South Park street. Vx'f ,.',',' "I ' ...'i t I' B ): I V rt ;r"V'' 1.