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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1916)
PAG TWO. DAILY ROGTO RIVEJ. 00UIUE8 FRIDAY, Jl'NM 8, 1910. Daily Rogue River Courier. la Independent Republican News paper. United Ptw Leased Wire Telegraph Service A. S. VOORHS, Pnb. and Prop. WILFORD ALLEN, Editor Entered at the Grants Put, Ore fan, Poatofflce as second-class mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Tear ... . $5.00 Biz Monthi ...... 3.00 Tore Month! 1.50 On Month , .SO Payable In Advance FRIDAY, JUNE 8, CHAUTAUQUA NEXT WEEK. Monday the second annual session of the Chautauqua to be held In this city will open to the public The first day's program will Include a con cert by the Ionian Serenaders and readings by Ruth Meeker. In the renins S. Piatt Jones, humortet, will appear upon the program. No two programs during the week will be the name, though some of the same num bers will appear twloe, once in the afternoon and again In the erenlng. Some of the more prominent attrac tions of the week are the address txr Victor Mnrdock, the distinguished citizen of Kansas; the Royal Hun garian orchestra, and the various popular lectures. Baca day there will also be sessions of the Junior Chautauqua, under the direction ot Miss Georgia Latta, supervisor. The sessions of the Junior Chautauqua will occur at nine each morning. During the summer season not less than 200 ot these Chautauquas are In operation west of the Rockies alone, this co-operation of communities making possible the bringing of the higher priced attractions to smaller centers. If one city like Grants Pass should undertake to put on a week's entertainment of the character ot those In the Chautauqua programs. It would cost many times the amount guaranteed by the SO local men and women who signed the guarantee. OREGONf RURAL CREDIT BILL. The rural credit bill which is to be presented to the voters ot Ore gon at the November election- has just been prepared and has been ap proved as to form and legality of its provisions by the attorney general of the state, . Under the measure, it is provided that the credit of the state may be loaned and indebtedness Incurred to an amount not exceeding two per cent of the assessed valuation of all property in the state for the purpose of providing funds to be loaned upon the security of farm lands within the state. The loans are to be made through the state land board, which shall consist of he governor, secre tary of state and state treasurer, this board to Issue and sell or pledge bonds of the state to be known as Oregon Farm Credit bonds to the amount authorized two per cent of the assessed valuation of all prop erty In the state. These bonds shall be issued in denominations of from 25 to $1,000, In series of $50,000 or multiples thereof. The loans shall be made to owners of farm lands upon mortgagee or deeds of tniRt, and shall not exceed 60 per cent of the value of the lands, In no case to exceed $50 per acre. No less than $200 or more than $5,000 shall be loaned to on Indi vidual. Such loans shall be repaid with In terest accruing in semi-annual or an nual installments on the amortization plan, such installments being fixed at such sumB as will cover the interest rate and will liquidate the debt in a period to be agreed on between said board and the applicant, such period to be not less than ten nor more than thlrty-slx years; but any debtor may liquidate any part or all of his indebt edness in amounts of $50 or multiples thereof upon any amortization pay ment date. The rate of interest on loans shall be five per cent per annum, provided that In case any series of said farm credit bonds Is sold at an average of lese than par the board may charge upon such farm loans as are madei You are Satisfied If You Are Using Our Number 1S Special Roast Coffee KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Quality First trout the proceeds ot the series so sold below par a rate of Interest in excess ot five per cent, but which shall not exceed by more than one per cent the rate which the state must pay tor the funds actually obtained from the disposal of its said bonds. The board, however, shall require each applicant to pay an Initial charge of one per cent ot the loan granted the minimum charge to he ten dollars to cover the cost ot ap praisal and examination of the title BOMBS AGAIN FALL T London, June 2. Fort Douaumont, early In the struggle for Verdun, the scene of some ot the fiercest fighting, is again under a hail of shells, due to the shift ot the German attack from the west to the east bank of the Men so river. With the ehlftlng attack came word from Paris today that the desperate energy shown by the Germans and their apparent disregard for their own losses, is engendered by the fear of a British offensive. Though Douaumont is the chief ob jective ot the new German attack, the entire line from Thiaumont farm and Vaux Is under heavy German artillery fire, followed here and there by Infantry rushes. AH Thursday af ternoon the French and German in fantry struggled over the Douaumont hillsides with awful losses. Late last night H was reported that the Ger mans had recovered the ground taken from them in a surprise attack by the French earlier in the battle. OUR 60c VALUE 1 lb. (OO) sheets 1 box (50) envelopes Lord Baltimore Linen WRITING PAPER For a few days only 39c CLEMENS Sells Drags The J?eoJi. Store DOUMNffl Oregon Went Dry in January according to law But the sunny, hot days, now coining, will show Grants Pass how dry a garden and the luwn can get, regardles of I ho law ot aver, nges In precipitation. BIT TIIKRE IS A REMEDY 0 Diamond Moulded Hose at 18c per foot and ono of our good lawn sprinklers will keep things growing nnd green. Other lime, not so good, at Ices price. Grants Pass Hardware Co. At Your Saturday Specials Veal I'm ltwt ...........13)4 ck VeI Slew . . ...10c lb. AU Kinds of Fish. 10c lb. We sell Rest Meat at Loweat Prices What's the difference between a meat man's wife and a barber's wife? The barber's wife comes to the meat shop to buy, but the meat man's wife passes the barber shop by! WE ARE SORRY TIS SO, FOR WE RELIEVE IX RECIPRO CITY WHEREVER POSSIULE! XOT ONLY BARBERS' WIVES COME HERE TO BUY BUT ALL GOOD HOUSEWIVES AND THIS IS WHY OUR MEATS ARK RIGHT, SHOP IS CLEAX, AXD EVERY WEEK OUR ADS ARE SEEM At the City Market Phone S2 for Quirk Delivery 403 G Street 12 MAY BE DEAD IN ! ROCK ISLAND WRECK ! - j Des Moines, Iowa, June 2. Tele phone reports from Packard, Iowak where a Rock Island train went through a bridge early today, say the number of dead may reach twelve, although the Rock Island officials assert the number is but nine. In addition to the three reported dead this morning, one report adds the names of Mrs. Mary Druwell, Iowa City, and Mrs. Emma Van Vliet, of Traer, Iowa, and says the body of an unknown boy has been recovered. Envelopes printed at the Courier office. Location notices, Courier oftlce. J Service GREAT NAVAL BATTLE. (Continued from pat 1.) type ot fighting craft ot the air and sea in action. The British admiralty this after noon admitted the loss ot 11 named vessels, ranging from battle cruisers to destroyers. In addition six ships of the latter class have not returned to port and are mtsslug. (The Herman admiralty statement claimed ten named British ships de stroyed, with the list headed by the super-dreadnnught Warspite. In ad dition the cruiser Marlborough is claimed by Berlin to have been dam aged y a torpedo and a number of destroyer are reported missing.) The German admiralty admits the loss of two cruisers end one prob ably lost, while a number of torpedo boats, it is admitted, have not re turned. The main part ot the fleet, "how ever, has returned to its base. Of German losses the British ad miralty makes no definite claim, ex cept the sinking of one battle cruiser. The admiralty, however, declared one battleship Is reported sunk, one battle cruiser, la addition to the one lost, badly damaged, two cruisers prob ably destroyed and "probably a large number of destroyers sunk." HUGHES DISCLAIMS ("ontta'ied from page 1.) activities In his. behalf, announced today through" the United Press, hit candidates' row this afternoon with bombshell effect. According to what camp the boom let fosteres belonged, the announce ment meant: Simply another step In the justice's plan of keeping his record absolutely clean; the puncturing of Frank Hitchcock's card catalogue campaign; A successful attempt to "smoke out" the jurist. Favorite son boomers hailed the United Press story with glee. Hitch cock's smoothly plastered blonde locks didn't turn a hair. "Simply what is already well known," he explained. "We have never said we were acting with con sent of the justice. We are acting on behalf of a public sentiment that demands bis selection." "I think that will clear the atmos phere very much," remarked Charles M. PeppVr, ot the Root supporters. "Very Interesting very," was the comment at the Rooevelt Non partisan league's rooms. "No comment," remarked Goorge W. Perkins. "Huh!" remarked Senator .Pen rose of Pennsylvania, as he descend ed from an automoullo direct from the railroad station. "Nothing at all to say." , While the Roosevelt chiefs had nothing to say for publication, they privately expressed the joyous belief that Secretary Green's declaration would put a quietus on the attempt to garner any further delegates for Hughes. It was not as complete a disavowal as they really wanted, but they construed It as sufficiently final to have a tremendous effect here. Hughes' supporters here held the statement did not contain, any new enunciation of position by the jus ticeexcept possibly that qualifying his "raise" In the slightest decree, as emphasizing that no man was rep resenting the supreme court justice. They pointed out that very probably the jurist, with his customary In sistence on complete observance of all the proprieties of his position as a member of the hlghost court, merely had Oreon put out the statement at this time to keep his record absolute ly clean. P E Paris, June 2. By a violent In fantry attack, tho French troops pro gressed 100 meters Into tho Oerman trenches south of Cauretto wood, the offlclul communique announced to day. A German attack between Catirette wood Bnd Cnmlnres was c'.ier.ked hy curtain fire. On the rlxht bank of the Meusn an extremely violent battle went on all day from Thiaumont farm to Vanx, Southenst of Douaumont fort the Hermans penetrated Into the southern part of Calllctto Wood and also made progress on the shore of Vaux pond, It was admitted officially. At all other points along the line Hermans were halted, Douaumont, already subjected to the explosions of thousands of sheila, l was again under fierce artillery fire. NFANTRY EC V Hozv do you buy coffee? COME women buy coffee by price, . some by looks, some by taste. Of course, taste is the only right way to judge coffee. Looks may mean little, even to an expert. Price is no true guide. Taste flavor in your cup is su preme because that's why you drink coffee. 'Most women know that good coffee tastes better than indifferent coffee. But too few women know that fine coffee is not only goodbut also economical. For instance, a pound of Schilling's lknt goes further than pound of an either coffee we know of. You can prove this for yourself. It is Rood coffee plus plm extra care in selection, handling and packing. This d CMMingS 1 VISITS RESERVE Supervisor N. P. Macduff has re turned from a trip through tho upper Appregato watershed In conipnny with Supervisor M. L. Erirkson of the Crater national (orest, his de puty, A. K. Cohoon, and A. C. Rlnglln, Inspector from the foreiitry depart input at Washington, I). C, Mr. Rlunlln was here to look Into condi tions for the better control of forent fires In the district. I'nder the terms of the Taylor bill, which has already passed the United Slates senate, money la to bo advanced ' for tho building ot roads and trails through out the forests, an appropria tion of a million dollars annually bo ilng provided In the bill . It la pro ETR AGEN 2UZ ffteliaiel&ll, HAPPINESS is havin' jest a little less than wc want, an th' health t hustle f'r that "little less". Every now and then some smoker tells us new joy he hat discovered in VELVET. If you want smoke that never grows tiresome, smoke VELVET. 3C DDE extra rare means extra cups of smooth, rich coffee. It is sold only through grocers. Hcforc wc pack it in vacuum-scaled tins, we grind it evenly and take out the bitterish chaff, est poned that the forests shall be pledged to the federal government as security for this annual advance, and the better protection of this se curity Is tho purpose of tho govern ment. In districts where fires are most prevalent, and the standing timber in most danger of destruction, little of this money will be expended. It therefore Is to the Interests of any district to have adequate fire con trol, and the supervisors 'of .the Sis kiyou and the Crater forests are co operating In this control. Tl ItKS STOP ADVANCE OF 1UHMAX MMCH Tetrograd, June 2. A series of sharp attacks by the Turks against the main Russian lines In the1 ad vanco Into Asia Minor has resulted In a temporary check to the advance, according to unofficial reports bore. The Turkish offenses have boen made In the region of nalburt, Kralgnn and RlvanUou. .cm 3C