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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1916)
V DAILY ROGUR IUVER COURIER jtjoc i, ttif. Entertainment for the Children .'. It you wit to.' pro-ride year children, M low coat, with MMMthiag that will fnndab them endless entertainment and cnjojrmeat there to nothing that will prove m satisfactory as Brownie, "And the favorite om costs trat 92.00. Very simple to operate and nothing to get out of order. ' See oar window display. Eric aj Fhcto Hesse . Stanton RoweU, Prop, PERSSNdL !5 LOCAL left for ! Miss Ethel McCalllster jWolf Creek this morning. , Miss Helen Tracy left this mora ine for tier home in Jacksonville, . P. S. Jones, ot the Golden Rule 'store, left last night for the east '' E. R. Lawrence arrived this morn ing from San Francisco, after a visit there. Ten cent enameled-ware sale at Cramer Bros. 61 i Miss Annette Prltiksu left today for South Pasadena, where ahe will remain during the summer. ! Mrs. M. C. Wire, of Newberg, ar rived In town today to visit with her son. Ret. M. T. Wire, i Miss Gladys Cox left this morning ror St. Louis. Mlea Cox was music teacher at the high school. , ' '" ; Mrs. J. F. Masten, of Wllderrilh. was In the city today and left for Chicago on the morning train. Mrs. W. V. Walker and son, Ray mond, left last night for Portland to visit for a short time. Miss Clare Tucker, of Gold Hill, spent the day In town Wednesday with Mrs. C. H. Woodward. ; All the summer fads In millinery are here awaiting your selection, at greatly reduced prices. Mrs. Reh kopf. 758tt Mrs. W. E. Erertott. of Albany, left for her homo Wednesday night, after spending several daya in the city with friends. Miss C. A. Harris went to Corval 11s today and will be the guest ot " 1 Prof, and Mrs, . Peck during com- . a. a a. a. a. a.. mencement week. During her ab- 4 lUT stmvNTOnnnr .a'sence Miss Zatha PlUgerald will r , have charge of her office. Miss Gladys Penn. instructor of a domestic science In the high school left today for her home In Manawa, .Wisconsin. Reporter for the. Courier Wtlford Allen Jr. is now employed as reporter upon the Dally Courier and will appreciate any assistance given In his taint for new. Gereldhe Farrar In the Paramount photoplay, TempUtkm." wiU be at the STAR theater Jane 4 And 5. Trail tn Good Shape , Dr. J. P. Reddy, who baa been directing work on the Toung'a valley trail, reports that the trail la now In good shape. The trail goes In from Takllma and leads to the Preston Peak copper country. Released Vnder Bond J. W. Foroter was 'brought tn from Waldo Wednesday And an examina tion was made into his mental condi tion. He was released after the ex amination, under bonds, H. J. and A. Z. Pearson being the bondsmen. W. G. T. r. Friday The W. C T. t will meet tomor row afternoon, at 2:30, at the home or Mrs. Graham, on North Sixth street Tomorrow la Flower Mission day and a large attendance la hoped tor. Bijow Wilfred Lucas. Star'"-,' "The Old Homestead." ' OOMEf Q KVEKT9 4 Bert Dyer, a newspaperman, of Salem, is spending a few days in the city with relatives. Mrs. Agnes Hoernllne, of Ollnda, -California, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Klnkle, of Savage creek. Mrs. W. B. Harder and daughter, June S. Saturday Children's story Shirley, returned this morning from , hoar at the public library, at 11 several weeks' stay at Woodburn, a. m.; Mrs. George Soranson, story- where they have been visiting with teller. s Mrs. Joseph Miller, a sister ot W. June S-10, Monday-Saturday -Cbau-,'B. Sherman. i ' at Granta Plan, Robert Pelouze, ot fidford, a June 16. Friday Grants Pass roee "dent at Stanford university, la In festival !the c,tJ" siting other Stanfordltea " ' ' ' , 'and, Incidentally, gettltog his teeth . Jput In repair by Dr. Macy. Mr. ? Cewdon's -Penny srtupa." Ipelouie is soon to take the examtna , Some of the cheap lodging bouses In fn. ,,.1 , west Point. London are called "penny sltupa." IM.. A. ... v. .. .x.. They provide mere benches, with wooden backs. Each lodger places his arms on the back of the bench before aim and then, restins bis bead on his anna, tries to sleep. ! Niel Allen. WEDMXG HELLS TO JIXQLE FOR EXGLAXD AND ITALY CUrk A Holman, Undertakers Licensed embalmers. Pbpne SO tf Girl' Athletic Club The Girls' Athletio cluh will bold a buslneea meeting in the Commercial club room at 8 o'clock tonight Officers for the coming summer are to be elected. Mrs. V. A. Clements has been secured ss physical director. TICKET CAMPAIGN CHAUTAUQUA If you have not already purchased your tickets for the Chautauqua to open here next Monday, there will be no escape tor you at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. At that hour the SO local business and protos slonal men who signed the guarantee that made the coming ot the week ot Chautauqua entertainment possible will start out to make a grand finale of the ticket business. Season tickets covering all the entertainments ot the week are sold at 13.50 eaoh if taken before Monday, and the guarantors must ace that the agreed number, 400, are disposed of before the open ing day. For one hour, between two and three o'clock, the campaign will be on In earnest, and every resident will be solicited to boost and to buy tickets. So have your money ready; there is no escape and that spark ot civic pride will be fanned Into a full flame before the members ot the committee leave you. , College Men Here Prof. W. S. Brown. Dr. Hector Mac- phersou and Just plain "Mr." J. C. Skinner, all from the agricultural college, are In the city today holding a meeting with the farmers at the Commercial club, the federal mar keting plan being the topic. Commercial Fishing Begins The commercial fishing season opened! last night with seven boats out A catch of 1,000 pounds was re ported, high catch being made by Frank Oldenberg's boat, which brought In 262 pounds. The fish are sent to Portland, where they bring eight cents a pound. Clean l p Auto Park This afternoon, at Ave o'clock, a large number of the members ot the Commercial club and their wives are going to the auto park, where they will clean H up and get It tn shape for the tourist season. A picnic sup per will be serVed to the workers by the ladles. Votes by Mail- Voting by mall Is rather new, but H. A. Phillips, advance agent for the Chautauqua, used this means to state No Danger ef That Piria, Juno 1. That Prince Ed- Ilra. fitnbbs John, no true man will ! m,TA nr WsJo. hoir anoarent to the raoke up his. wife's curtains. Mr. BrlUsh tnrone te t0 marry princess his preference for candidates In his nVt-nn fisi f anstrvlil saetw nnr A nwwfw lv a. . . Ata cain7 beTfreA I--. Kln? Victor Emmanuel ot itaiy ana a gin I prefer cigars. Chicago News. , Well Off. Fred I proposed to Miss Dlngley last night Joe Don't believe I know her. la sbe well off? Fred Yes. I guess so. 8ne refused me. Stray Stories. of rare beauty, was the report re ceived here today from Rome. It is rumored announcement ot the en gagement is Imminent The 22-year-old Prince of Wales visited Rome a few weeks ago and then made a trip to the Italian front, where he was the guest of the Italian king. Princess Jolamds celebrated) her NEW TODAY fifteenth birthday today. She Is said (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 26 't0 be VOP' h Italln PeP,e words, two issues, 25c; six Issues, j Interest here in the reported en gage- SOc; one month, f 1.50, when paid in Iment centers In the fact that the Who bravely dares munt sometimes risk a fall.-Smnliett . advance. When not paid in advance, 6e per line per issue.) FOR RENT OR SALE Furnished bungalow. Inquire at 701 D street between 4 and 6 o'clock, or address No. 1041, care Courier. 762 REMEMBER Miss Moore, of Med . ford, will be at 627 North Third street on Saturdays. Phone 256-J for lessons and portrait sittings. . Variety of art work on sale. 761tf FOR SALE Ford touring car, tn first class condition. C. G. Plant, Park street 762 bonds of friendship between two of the allies would be materially strengthened by the marriage. Wall, Hardly. Ding I believe In publicity. I would put up a sign everywhere. Dong But you don't tliluk It would te necessary to put up the pluinrd "Stop. Look. Listen T' iu o drawinx room? Rich mond Tlines-DUi'uU'li Envelopes printed at the Courier office. FOR SALE A good horae, 7 years old, weight 1,200 lbs. sound, gentle and well broke, work to anything, not afraid of autos. A. Nale, Tenth street, above Savage. 766 FOR SALE A few household goods j to "be disposed of quickly, two three-qnarter beds, chairs, sanl-. , tary couch, small tables, Ice cream ' freezer, glass churn, "etc. Mrs. W. B. Plnkerton, 804 North Fifth, corner Evelyn. - 76 1 n at home state. He lives In Belmond, Iowa, but he voted at the court house and after the envelope had been seal ed by the clerk sent It by registered mall to the lerk at the county seat In uls county. Englewood Dairy, Phone The pure milk dairy. . 222 S2tf. Mrs. Dob Fltzftlmmon to Speak Mrs. Bob Fltalmmons, former wife of the ex-champion heavyweight prize fighter, will speak In the court room at the court house this evening, telling the story of her life and her transition from the vaudeville stage to the embracing ot the Christian faith. Wn. Fltzelmmons Is now ad evangelist, and Is working under the auspices of the Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective society. The Man Cure. Robert W. Chsimbew. the novelU said In an after dinner adriresatn Brooklyn: "A romlorti uii l. one or tbuse pretty, vote cbnslng. athletic modern glrU whu ride astride, atvlm lit men's awlu uiIhk nulla, auioiie cluurettcs and read Weil aud Sbaw-a modern girl of this type repined one dny at a tea because she could not t sn avlstor In the army. "OU,' nibbed, blowing a cloud of figured? anioke from her pretty Hps-'on, ir heaven had only made me a urnnr - ileaven did. my dear,' said a placid matron, aud you'll flud him some day. and tbeu all tbls new tboucbt uonsenae of yours will re forever.' " Hippeeratle Face. The hlpporrnilc f.tce I a condition of the human face produced by death, long Illness, excessive bonger and the like. Tbt nose la pinched, the temples hollow, the eyes sunken, the earn cold and retracted, the skin of the forehead dry. the complexion livid and the lips relaxed with cold. Tbls appearance Is so named from having been accurately described by Hippocrates, t be father of medkine. DIXIE Chas. Peterson and wife, from the J. E. Hair ranch, railed at Lou la Lucke's Sunday. Geo. Lewis and wife were at the Dixie ranch Sunday taking pictures. Alva and Earl Knox rode the range Sunday looking for cattle. Clarice and Dorothy Bonner visited at the Wllhelm ranch 8unday. Fred Sundell and daughter were In town Tuesday. Mrs. Falvsy, from Griffin Ferry, visited with the G. A. Baldwin family Sunday. ' APPLEGATE Ben Thurston, Jr., spent a tew, days. In Med ford last week Visiting his sisters. Geo. Howard, agent for the Ore gon Fire Relief association, was a business visitor in this community Tuesday. Chas. and Helen Mee, graduates from the Central Point high school, have returned to their home on Thompson creek. 'Miss Helen ex pects to teach school. Miss Gertrude Mee, who has been X We Sell ad Guarantee V TOOLS and CUTLERY ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE The Btsj Red Frestt Star Tonight PARAMOUNT Photoplays IKMA.V THOMPSON'S "The Old Homestead" With an all-star cast Ready for ChauUuqna The big tent for the meetings of the Chautauqua to be held here next week has arrived, and will be raised on the lot on North 8lxth street, the site of last year's Chautauqua. C. K. Berger, the tent man, has arrived, and will oversee the arranging ot the grounds. H. A. Phillips, the advance man for the Chautauqua association, Is also In the city and is assisting the local committees in the perfecting of arrangements. Fishing That Is Not 8por. One way of catch ln herring is by driving nails luto a buurd ho Unit they stick out several lnclun. The boards are 'then dnixuwl tbroimli (be shoals, and the flxb catch Ix-tween the nulls and are pulled by the boardfnl into the boats. In one yenr'uiore Hutu n million pounds of uerrliiK were catiKht al Prince Kupert sntl frozen by the cold storage (limits to be sold for ball gometblng like I25.MH pound of cod flsli are aunuslly tn ken for the same purpose.-flirlMtiau lleruhl Location notices, Courier offlcs. , One Night Only IKH'BLK FEATURE PROGRAM I). W. GRIFFITH presents , WILFRED LUCAS In i "ACQUITTED" Five Acts A wonderful play with a pow erful plot. Written by Mary Kolxs-t ItlneliArt, and present ed by an all-star cast. a-lteel Keystone Laugh maker "HIH HEREAFTER" ' With Charlie Murray and LouUe-t'aaenda Fan Tan, the Country Merchant' (Jj Tomorrow s Pago 6 FOR THE MOST WONDER FUL STORE NEWS EVER GIVEN TO THE PEOPLE OF GRANTS PASS. 'TIS NEWS OF INTEREST TO EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD. WateM Wait! It is Thrilling, Sensational and Sincere AND WILL SHAKE THE . CITY AND ENTIRE COUNTY WITH EXCITEMENT. RE MEMBER IT IS ON Page 6, Tomorrow Temple Market Now owced by Grants Pass Stock as! Grab Co. Knox & Armen trout Who will conduct a FIRST-CLASS MARKET. e .Si' Try us once Always patronize ua. 111 for the last two weeks, Is Im proving slowly. Mrs. Jouephlne Houston and ber sister, Mrs. Lon Gulp, are visiting relatives on Orlffin creek. Mrs. Abbott and her grandson, Harold Mansfield, returned to Ash land Tuesday. Lester Layton purchased a farm from Mrs. E. J. Kubll, known as the Fern Flat place, near Bob Boyd's. Miss Gladys Miller returned to her home at Joseph last week. Prof. Nlbert, who has been hired as principal of our school for the coming year, was here Monday get ting acquainted with the people and looking for a place to more bis family. Miss Ella Rawllngs, of Medford. at present teacher In the Bishop creek district, has "been hired as primary teacher for the Applegate school. Ionians Have Unique Program r kx AJ-: Y . M Ut.;.., im a r;s r r in. xnr Ir any one says that four pretty young girls cannot present a program that will truly siiteejalDi be should come to Chautauqua and have hi Ideas changed a little whon he hesrs the Ionian Rerenadera, The Ionians pre- fut two proKrautt shd'aptHar In full costume each time. Monday Evening, June 5th V fa A