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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1916)
TIUIIXDAY, Jl'NK 1, 1010. daily iiogus river couiukr Community Development Is Sias Hobby In Life Mm Who Originated Slogan of "Bury Your Ham mers and Buy Horns" Comlntf to Chautauqua P .1 - ' i "i. i.. - - , , ' ' V ERNEST J. SI AS. community development man, originator of the slogan, "llury your hamuiem and buy horn." i a primed "pep" promoter of irKri. Hi knows Hint Hie range of in Idea, Ilka bullet, dcjmiul on the Hiv.r iM'liiml H. Tlio "Miyliis" nr all ruined on bin artillery. , lie put a "crimp" In the t runk, luo'n the ckln of Hie hidebound and whips a town luto boontlug form. ' V'-MKaOTMai'lM'aBiMiniBiiaiiiiii mium ..nwi, ' aw,s' " ' maw" n n iib . Wednesdays Evening, June 7 Making a Scrap Book. : Manktml may I divided Into two rlnanca, thoae who tprewrve fugitive clipping and thoxo who don't Among the former are many' who for Itiek of flasNlflciitUm Uerotiip vkilmrf or their own Iwlouglni:. They clip nsNkluoua ly, they lay imlile m'apaNra lontaln Ing artk'lea they wlxh to keep for ref erents, and they Mtpotit the tak of sortlnu and arraiiKt ineut to the rainy day or the liitervul of It-Inure which never arrive. I'reavtitly they are dla mnjij to Olid Ihetukelvea imifroutod by a pile of epht'itieral llteruture moun tain blitu. wherein It wema IiomIpr even to Mnxe n trail. That la whore the Hroii of iiiellculoua. orderly habits how hi Irrlliillug aupvrlorlty. With hi m day uulo dny Inm tillered wlndoiu; be hna tuluilnttHl niul ph;eontiolcd hla tore u iliey tame to hi I mud It tloe not prove Unit you are literary and learned t nt Iho u viiMt ruliljlsli benii'iiniuiul joiiraesf or to live t a ruin that hukki'M the vlnlt of n 7w Uu. ,'rhoae who keep avrupbook ore likely to tvekon them union.' the mot proelouR Iteum In their lllirurlvarhil adflphln Lmlztr Two Medical Men. Some time nin dui lii n ieifornmnee Sir llerlx'rt Tree had the mlxfortune to Up , while Knlu from ,hU drcasinit. room to the niuuo ami Injuiu bin ahoul der rulher badly lie wiu In great pain, but pluclilly determined to go through with bin part, and Jimt he wa nbont uO mnlio Ills entrain on the ' atnge he wblnpeivd to Home one In the wlnKf: "Send for n doctor!" . When the miu wna over tint doetor had not arrived, mo Sir Herbert told one of the lnpe hnntln to go p round to the front of the tlieater to koo if lie could llnd ini'tlleul imiii nnioiin the audience Shortly nrierwurd the Ktajre hand returned, pmuilly and breathless ly, In tonipiiny with two profciwloiuil gentlemen, "One of them," aayn Sir Herbert and ly when he tell the atory. "was a vet and the other wua a dciitl-tl" When Your Foot Is Atleap. After bolug for u long time In a con strained attitude u peeullnr iiumbiiesa and pricking aio often felt In the urm. log or foot This la caused by some In terruption to the circulation and cnu usually be removed by rubbing or cx I : Buy Your ' Season ": :' E Tickets' '-to : 3 Vv -Now :and'Buyr; 1 2 erolie. The reiiaon of the sensation, which la decidedly unt-tuofortable while It Inst. I ihul prewiure for a certain lenuth Of time deaden the aeimlblllty of n nerve When thla prenure I ud denly retnoved. aa atralituteuliig out tbe leg after Kitting with It doubled un tlemefltb the hoily. aeiwHilllt.v gradual ly remriia to the nene. and im eaeb nerve OImt foninlut the trunk re gain Ita noruml eoudltlou of senalbl) Ity a pllt king Meieoilloll I felt. HUd tlieae aui-censlve prlekluka,' from the auecpaalve awnbeiiluga f the uumer oua fllera have uol Inuiitl.v Uh-ii called "plua and neetllea." v big and LitHo Biblaa. , There a ix no f c er tlmii IHf d! ffcrou t editions of the Oxford tlibk In Kng llU, vailing from the iiinsullieein foil" wilt Um for puljilt inulMwet to tbe "bril Hunt" WMe, the mattest edition of the 8crlitutT! In the world. Of the revlml vewlon foiirieeu editions are imbllhhed More than a million ooples f the re vlncd New Tetlameut hud heeu ordered before the dny of publication In May or ISSl. niul It Im ctaliued Ihul the work Ingnieii of the ettiililHhment rcfUMetl h bribe of noieo t.(hH to furnWh a copy of the book Iwfore the day of Ikhup. The largest folio- Hlble printed lu Ox ford measures 19 by 12 lnehes. and no erratum ha a yet been found lu K The "Hrlllliint Text -Bible" measures S'JV by 2!li luetic and la three quartera of an ln h thick tind bouud wclgha Iota than tim e oinices.-Exchiinge, Hope ca a Vegetable. Of hops for Hie brewing vat we hear il tod ileal, but what of hop" as a veil etnlde? The, Ueuuiiia ate them, and the (ieriutins, at, leant the Unvarlniia do ao. while our own old fashioned country folk inn relish u ili.xh of "hop tops" Here Is the recipe: .Take only tbe very 'voting shoots, Mvhlch boil Serve either with melted butler and a little-urnvy or with Ihe plain sulud dressing composed of oil. vinegar. .pep per and salt There yog have a whole sonic dlHh mii h as was nut tllsilulnod by thu epicures of nnclent Uonie. lnulon Chroulelu, Awaiting Har Chanoa, Maud-I do wish Tom would burry Dp and propose. Ethel-Rut t thought you didn't like him.- .;'.,";' V' - '' -.!' Maud 1 don't I want to get rid of hlm.-Coston Transcript. Daw Jfcvidera If I (an do any good fq the world for otbnrs, I wUh to do It, and I fenl tbat It la my duty to write aboul tha wonderful rult I received from Uia iim of Ariurtc' 1 waa au during from kldnoy and bladdiir troubbia, aualdlns urlno, bavkachu and rnntiniatuim, and foul and auklua wllud ao tbat at tlmna I could not walk without tuitUuno llad toknn anvoral different klnda of kldnoy mmndlua but all fulled. I acnt for a boa of Dr, i'loroe'a nuweat dk covflry, Anurlc which I reclvd by mall In tablut form. I aoon got bntu aitd am convlnctid tbat thla popular new tniilU-liifl la good. I wUh to roc pmmend It to tny nalithbora and every body ufforlug from auvh troublea. Mua. M. J. bmoKjrr. Norm You've all ondoubtftdly beard of the famoua lr, IMitco and bla well known mIMna. Well, tlila prtwcrlp tlon la ono tbat baa btMn aumnrnfuliy uk1 for many yeura by the phyalclana and ixluhU at Ir. f'lorce'a lnvallda' llot) and burtr'.cal lnttltuto. of llullaio, K. Y., for kldnoy complaint, and dl unit arlHlnir from dlMrlra of the kid tmya and blnddcr, auch at backache, weak btuk, rhiniinati-ni, droy, count--tlon of the kliJnyit, Inilimniatloii of the Madd'T, aculdiug urluo, and urinary Uoublps. ' I'p to till time, Amnio nna not bijon on aalo to the public, but by the !munlon of nmnr putli'iita and the ncreaefd d'-manC for thin wonderful tenting Tablet, Ikr.UiT rinrco taa llimlly dild(l to put It luto tbo dm if atowe of thla country wlthlu lmc;wlii.Uj ruocU of all auffort-M. . ' , Klmuly ak for Doctor Plorco'a Anurlo Titblttu. 'X'horo can bo do Imitation. Every package of "Anurlc la aure to be lit. Fluicu'i. You will llml the algnatore on tha package Jut aa you do on Dr. riorco'a Favorite tYeacriptlon, the ever fnmona frlotMt to altlnar women, and Dr. Pluroe'a UolduD Medical DIacovery, provon-by years to be the gretet gin eml tonio and mcoontruclor for any one. Uidua Hlug tbo boat blood-maker kuown. Portland, June I. Today'a mar ket quotations wero: Wheat Club, 88 ( i 90; bluestem, (fl9. : Oata -No. 1 white teed, 25.50 20.60. ': '.-"; ; ' Barley Feed, 37.25 ft 28.50. Jlog Beat live, 8.65 d 8.75. Prime .steers, 8.50; ; fancy eowa, 7.50; best ealvea, 8. ' ' J 8prlng lambs, 9. '''' ' : Butter City creamery, 29', coun try, 27. '..' '.".-. -'' Eggs Selected local extras, 24 2. : """',"'.',:',.."' ';',"; Hens. 14tttfl 5; broilers, 20 (f? 25; geeso. 10(i? 11. , i : Siuilc Vary Nutritloua. "All snails are edible and nutritloua,'' tab land and fresh water molluscs. lie goes on to suy that even the common or pii'deu snail, though Insipid hi aa nourishing aa calf's foot jelly. There is a targe white shelled anatl railed Helix Mmutln that Is commonly eaten by conuotsxeurs lu the soutb. of England, while all over France. Italy nud Spain several Kiwles are used aa fiKxl. lu France are many small farms which yield a good profit to their own ers in tne I'rcuch ana Italian quar ters of New York suulta may be bought either alive or cooked, and at most of the French restaurants they are BiTved, eseargots furcts" being tbe most usual form of dish. ' ' Snails are easy to raise in large quan tities. They need Hme for making their abulia, but they do uot have to be fed, aa they can find their own food, which is exclusively tie leaves of many plants. They are most delicious wbcu properly prepared and cooked, and, aa Canon Ilcrslcy says, us uourlahlng aa calf'a foot Jelly. Ths Shadow of Hapilntss. How shall I Unci a unnie for that subtle filing which seized bold upon me this mornlug. In tho twilight of wuklng? It was a -reminiscence, charm ing Indeed, but nameless, vague and featureless, like tho figure of a woman seen for nn Instant by a sick man In the uncertainty of delirium and across tho shadows of his darkened room. I bad a distinct sense of n form which I hud seen souicwucro and which bad moved and elumiicd mo oiiee hud then hud fill leu back with time Into tbo cat acombs of oblivion Hut nil tho rest was confused-pliiee, occasion and the figure Itself, for 1 riiw neither the face nur tho expression. Tho wholo was like u (lutterlng veil, under which tho enigma tile secret of hnpplness might bave beeu hidden. And I wns awake enough to lie sure It wua not a dream. Henri Frederic Amlol. Dfo and Savings Banks. Though Diincini of Puthwell waa the founder of our llrst savings bank, the (list tmuKcstUm ciiuio from Daniel De foe. When he found himself compelled to hide from tho Unl 11 Us in u inall llilstol Inn he turned his enforced leisure and flnunrlal failure to account by writing the "Essay on Projects." It deals with savings banks, friendly so cietles, Insurance, academies and bank rupts, On nil these ttubJeetsDefo of fcrs from his fertile, brain suggestions that startle the reader by (heir modern ring, On biiuUi upts and savings bunks Del'oe naturally wrote with feeling During bla stay in Bristol he was knowu as "the Sunday gentleman" ow. Ing to his natural unwillingness to take tho ulr except on that day of tho week which deprived bnllllTs of their sting. -London I'hrmilelo, ... . , ' - - PORTLAND MARKETS FOrt SAL J TDIE CARD ( ' j PHrEICIAJf 40, ACRES 4 V mlbtf from GranU . Paa, no Improvementa, for aale at 40 per acre. Under ditcb aur vey. Addraaa No. 241E, cart Courier, ; 657tf FOR SALE Six-room plastered bouae, eloao Id, lot 100x100. good hade. Addreaa No. 241!, cart Courier. 6B7tf MURPHY farm for aale, 7 acrea 10 miles from Grant Paaa, on banks of Applegate river, some bottom land, much upland under ' ditch, with' water right Addreaa No. (15, cart Courier. .. . 707tf. FOUR ACRES set to grapea, pcacbea and applca, flve-room bungalow, on Paclflo highway , two mllea from city, Do Incumbrance, for aale. A map If taken before June 1, Ad dreaa John Rosa, Granu Pass. K 82 BLUB PRINT plaU of Grants Pass for aale at Courier oSce. 11.60. 93 FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bulla from high producing cows. River Bank a Farm, R. 2, Grants Pass, Ore. 7B4tf FOR SALE Three-ton Velle auto truck. The price ia right ' Leonard Orchards ''Company, Grants Peas, Ore. . ..-v.- : 754tf KEGISTERED IIOLSTE1N bull calf, born May 22, 1916. Sire. CJover idge ' Segla Korndyke, Advanced Registry backing.- Dam, Pomona llcngttrveld Doo. Fine individual. Price reasonable. F. , R. Steel, WlnoDa Ranch, Route 1. 75(tf BIO BARGAIN Six thousand cords growing firewood, five centa cord, about four mile from city above Fruitdale. Includes 350,000 feet saw timber, pine and fir. Box 74, Merlin, Ore. 7C2 FARM BARGAIN 40 acre on main county road and railroad, house, barn, 35 bearing fruit trees, 4 acrea In cultivation and irrigated, , water right alone worth price ask- d, 12 acre tillable. Price $600. U A. Launer." 762 FOR SALE Garage and general re pair shop, good 'business. About 1700 will handle the deal. Poor health reason for selling. Address Box 225, Sntherlin, Ore. 763 FOR SALE Good work horse, cheap for cash. Also harness and wagon. , Enquire 655 North Fifth street, or call on S. E. Coffman, Grants Pass hotel. 765 TO RENT FOR RENT Office room, 20x36 feet. Will subdivide and arrange to suit permanent tenant. Steam heat, water, janitor service, well ITahted s and ventilated. Goo. E. Lund burg. , V; ,764 VETERINARY SURGEON OR. R. J. BS3TUL. Veterinarian Office in Wlnetrout Iiuplemep' Building. " Phone ,11 3-J. Resl douce phone 305-R. .-- - LOST " LOST A small telescope level about 6 or 7 Inches long, enclosed In leather case. Any one finding It leave at Courier offico and receive reward. S. H. Rlggs.' 7C1 WAXTIOU WANTED A cook or second cook ' In mine boarding house. Wages dollar per day and board. - Address Mrs. C. W. Birum, Taktlraa, Ore-i gon. -761 j WANTED Six hundred to Roven hundred - feet of 6. 7 or 8-inch pipe; also No. 1 giant. Write, giv ing price and location, C. H. Mc-J . Elwaln, Dothan, Oregon. 763 MISCIXLAXKOVS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water aut up Iti I 5-gallon glnss Jars and dellvorcd ; s at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary Telephone ?93-R and water wnRoo win call. " , ,','-..'! "UHIO MOUNTAIN WATER Clear j aud refreshing. Bacterial tests as sure tnat thla water Is pure. De livered lu flvo-nnllon bottles '.V. R. Beckwlth. Order by phone. 603-F-3, . 459tf DANCE AT KEttBY, Saturday, June 3." -Good iuubIo and a good time nsmircd. Coaio ono and all- TleltctB . $1.00. ' . 562 VJnhlatorl noster. . '" "What wns the result or the flood 7' asked the Sunday school teacher. "Mud," replied the bright youngster -Chleapo News y - . The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregon Cavee Rooto) Effective Monday, May 1, iK. Train 1 lr. Granta Pass......7:00 a.m. Arrives Watera Creek 8:00 .m. Train 4 Iv. Waters Creek-.5:00 p.m. Arrives Granta Pas (:00 p.m. Dally except Efunday. ) All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth atreets, opposite tbe Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at tbe office of tbe company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 131 ,tor same. Train will atop on flag at any point between Granta Paaa and Wa Creek. V&l-ZZZ'". every da in tht week. v Bad Enough. ' "1 think that society editor Is a mean, horrid old thin?, so tberer exclaimed wlfle, looking up from the morning pa per -'.' -.' v ':V'..;; '."V; y-- V" Whot'e the mattery asked her hu band, with a grin. "Did be take you at your word anJ leave your name out of tbe pa per T " : "Xo." replied wlile; "It Isn't quite ao bad as that but lie went and got tbe dcscrlpUon of my gown all wronge st Loula PoKt-Dlspatch. , - HorMthoeing In Chita. . Methods of horjicshoeius In Chile are still primitive, the tools n$ed being sim ple and few. consisting usually or a hammer, i rasp, a alr of plncbera. a crude knife and an auviL There la no need of fire, for the Workman neata tbe shoe into shape cold. , '." .:-, Lawyers and Advlca. ' "Lawyers must be men of wonderful aelf control." - "Wby wr ' ,.,!. ; "Tbey can refralu fnmi offering ad vice until somebody t ouies along who la 'Willing to tmy.for tt."-Louisville Cornier Join oal , , :,'. Il Lh N gM?ev;i .rss forft;i;? to ! -i'i ' '" and iV-l b-d S ; ! a a m! ir a tfompt r - . at ' ' sr.i a,-i 1 I I 2 1 nSKti ... "J - ;:ti MairajiT9WfJWWBI nvakfaiieibAilJkdbl4 aaui t?f Its US E3 "Tho Machine with t-y 1 1 - asm ' Personality" 9 a iT matter wat yur !2 S 11 touch this new BB Royal Master- 8 m,ji in ...;ii a u Si Must turn ihg set-screw f g! and regulate the touch fesi g5 of this new Royal to If gj fit roURSELFt Make $g I it light and smooth aa eai velvet orfirm and I JJ snappy as you like. f .Built for "Big- I Business" and its ; rg Great Army of. -. it Expert Operators ! Every keen-witted sten- ij ographer every office mans- 9y SB gcr every expert operator on US the firing line of " Big Buii (S nei" will grasp the enormous . 52 ri-sevinS value of the new jj? S Royal's AJjmlabtt Touch Z . that takes the "grind" out p fig of typewriting! Si But the new Model 10 baa f I many other big, vital new 93 features. Invtstigatt theml ' JJj Get the Facts! J j Bend for the "Koyai man-sj fjf and ask for a DEMONSTRA- ! TION. Or writ us direct for g our newbrochures,"Brri F jbI crpwrr .n n Pw. J2 btem Solved- postal brings S3 them free of charge. f 1 tt I i ira (3 t a t i ft i ca n TV;, ... It ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. be 5 j ItOGUE 1UYEU m i COUIUKR,. Agent L. Q. CLEMENT, M. D. PracUoe limited to dlaeajes of the eye, far. nose and throat , Glaaae fitted. Office hour 9-12, i-i. and oa ap pointment - Office phone 13; rert dence phone K9-J. S. LOUGHRIDOK, M. D., Pbyalolaa andaorgaon. City or eoantry call ; attended day or night. Bet. , phono offioa pbont 111 Sixth sPd H. Tuffs Building. ; J. P. TRUAX. la. D., PhyalcUut a& Surgeon. Phone: Office, S2I; residence, 124. CaJIa aouwered at all hour. Country call at tended to. Lundebarg Bldg. OR. ED BTWATER Specialist oa diseases of eye, ear, soae aad throat; glasaea fitted. Office hour: 9 to 13 a. m., 2 to ft p. m. Phonea: Re. 2I4-J; Office, 257-J. Schmidt Building, Oranu Paaa, Oregon. DR. F. D. STRICFER Dlaeaae of children and general practice. Tele- A. A. WITHAM, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office: Hall Bnlldtsg, corner Sixth and I street. Phonoa: Office, 116; residence, 28J-J. Honrs: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopath! Physician. Chronic and nervou disease spedalty. Room 1 and 1, r Lundburg building, opposite poet - - office; phone 149-R. -' Residence: Colonial hotel; phone 167-J. 7(3 DENTISTS E. a KACT, D. M. D., Flrst-cla denUstry. 109 South Sixa street, Granta Paaa, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod em denul work.J Marguerite H. EUlott, denial assistant Room 4 and 5, Golden r Rule " bulldlag. Granta Pass; Ore. " Phone K5-J. ATTORNEYS H. JO. . NORTON, Attornvj-at-Law. Practice in all SUte and Federal Courts. First National Bank. Big. COLV1G b WILLIAMS Attorneya , at-Law, Grant Pasa' Banking Co. Building, Granta Pasa, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice in all court. , First National Bank Building. "v,';.:- ',' EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney - at-Law. Offio Masonic Temple, Granta Paaa, Oregon, i H'. T. MILLER, "," Attorney-at-Law County attorney for Josephlna County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. 6. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Uw, GranU Pasa Banking Co. building. Phone 270.. Granta Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Iaw, practice In state and ' federal court. Rooms 2 and 3, over Golden Rule store. t - i MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOUN iNSTROCTION Franco Belgian Bchool of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence 215 I street; DRAY AGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of dray age and transfer work carefully aod promptly done. Phone 1J2-R.; ' Stand af frieght depot A. Shade,' Propr. F.,-0. Isham. drsyage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped , : and stored. j Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. SO. j Residence phone 124-R. I THE WORLD, MOVES; so do we. i Bunch Bros. Trausfer Co. Phone 1S-R. LODGES hniwro Dicq r ,ta Kin m a if u , - w a auw muuqv . , v., u -v, .... . . A. II. Stated Communlr tions 1st and 3d Tuesdays. -Visiting brethren cordially . A. i. VfAffQ, , iU. Ed. G. Harris, secretary. I GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, 1.O. O. F., meet every Wed- nesday veve , 4n , l.O.O.F. j hall. cor. fith and H. Sts. jVlsltlng Odd Fellows cordially Invlt jed to be present. I. V. Howell, N. .Ip Clyde Martin, Secretary. . MSSAYKRS E. R. CROUCH, Asaayer, chemist. metallurgist. Roma 201:203 Pad .' "dock Building. Cirants PaBg ' V- f DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANG1NG, , graining, , paint ing. For the best work at lowest prices phone 29S-J. C. 0. Plant, South Park street. - " 1