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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1916)
ncr. ron DAILY ROGV& IUTER COURIER FRIDAY.' MAY M, y v r4 V-t 4 i i 1 v PER52Nf1L LOCAL VACATION HAYS will oon be here.' Take a KODAK with you and keep a photographic diary of the new faces and new places of your vacation days. ,You will enjoy looking over them tor years to come. ' Kodaks $6 and up. ; Brownies $1 and up. ; Ask for catalogues. ic and Pbto Hcase Stanton Row ell, Prop. Tomorrow Trailing Arbutus .and Carnation Talcum Powder Special, 2 for 25c CLEMENS Sells Dregs : :': '' ' ' ' ' ' Y':,,. ' The L&.a$JL Store cop r. , i-Vfc-i, M.torrow, Safari i.'ji; ' ditirj. o the matinee W..-i;rfiJia.ny f r'aaii-!. Wain." at the fV'Vtr Yiut "The Family i.-.u". ? Jiiii. ed on . Entile ;. -Uri'n. ,-rMed detective wpry. "Vk: .r 1 i' d the Widow In liott" unt! i.s Interpreted by v. .. i. ; i ..'William Fos i b ; ... . . .( 3t'. r Prmlerirk y ? ; ..,- v. duv . perform mi ' i , ' ' iM; : T. D. Ellis lert last night on a trip to Pendleton. Sport and Auto Caps. Kinney & Truax. 758 Mrs. D. B. Reynolds and children leave tonight for Spokane to spend a few weeks with relatives. For sale good a new 115 three-ped Indian. $200. at M. Mc Intyre's Cycle Oarage. 'S7 Chester Taltnage went to Rogue River this afternoon and will spend the summer on a farm. Special: 35 and 40 cent Challtes. in neat summer patterns, 21 cents yard. Kinney & Truax, 758 Prof. C. V, Brau?r left south this afternoon, his first stop being at Dunsmulr. . , Ten-cent enamelware sale at Cra mer Bros. '57 Dorothy Donnell went to Medford this afternoon to vtslt her sister, who is attending school there. Small sixes mostly, in men's light weight Oxfords, 90 cents pair. Kin- jney & Truax. 758 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tetherow and illrs. Frances Mustek leave la the ! morning for Etna Mills by automo ; bile to spend Memorial day. I D. A. Fitigerald, Jack Jonee and! Kirk Wiley leava in the morning for iTakilraa, where they will erect a 3xS0-foot barn for C. E. Tocker. " Special prices on all suits. It will pay you to see them before buying. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. 7J8tf Judge H. L. Benson, of Salem, former resident and superintendent of the Grants Pass schools, arrived jthls morning to deliver, the address to the graduating class tonight Women' Union Suits 25 cents; Vests 5 cents. Kinney ft Truax. 758 Special discount on bicycles and tires, Saturday only, at Mclntyre's Cycle Garage, . 757 F. J. Berger, of Eupene, is spend ing a few days In the city. 'Mr. Ber ger is an extensive property owner and on one tract near Eugene has an experimental plot of 10 acres in flax, an effort, being made to intro duce the fiber flax in the Willamette valley. Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases. Spe cial low prices. Kinney ft Troax 58 Grand Warden Jennie Burke, Mrr. J. C. Smith. Mrs. I. M? Davis. Mrs. Geo. Dickinson, Mrs. W. R. Mc- Cracken. Mrs. Mary Hildreth and Mr. and "Mrs. Ryan returned this after noon from Roseburg. where they at tended the Rebekah grand lodge. Ity Auto to Itooelmrg - Dr. and Mrs, Ed Bywater have gone to Roseburg by auto, being ac companied by Mrs, J. T. Fry and O. C. Hetnxe. They will return 8truday. Spevlal for Saturday Plate boll and chunk beef at the Temple Market, , 757 Chautauqua, Tent Arrive '-. The big tent la which the enter tainments of the Chautauqua season will be held arrived last night and is stored la the Southern Pacific bag gage room awaiting the arrival of the erecting crew. Rnglewood Dairy, Phone The pure, milk, dairy. cistr. Dance Saturday Night At Waldorf hall. Tickets 50c. 757 vj , t-K ' Vf Slur" .-': ,;. -xij,. Rpform Candidate." . . . .. . . 4 " CXKMI.Xl EVENTS 4 Hay ajiJatiirday-hildren's story nur wiroe (muilC liunrjr, u a. m. MrB. 5eorge Soranson, story-teller. June 5-I0, Monday-Saturday Chau- lanqua at Grants Pass. June IC,' Friday Grants Pass rose festival. ' ' Xcw SUrlng Machine The City meat m'arket has Just In stalled a new TJ. S. slicing machine, the largest and highest grade as well as the most expensive slicing machine manufactured. It ia capable of cut ting bacon and other meats in slices one-hundredth of an incho in thick ness and is not bothered by the tough rind. ... V; ', Hark A Holman, l'ndertkera Licensed embalmers. Phone 50 tf Judge Holnwa Gets Rig Vote The official count for republican nomination for Justice of the peace in the Grants Pass precincts gives Judge Holman a total of 591 votes to J06 tor M. H. Shjnn. J. P. Martin was nominated constable without op position. In the Slate Creek precincts Kate Mastin was nominated for Jus tice of the 'peace. U O. O. M. Attention Picnic planned for Sunday, May 38, indefinitely postponed on account of unsettled weather. W. P. Dunlap, Secretary. ; 758 Pavilion Dance Saturday . Another of those most enjoyable dances will be held at Gold Hill Sat urday night. May 27. In the pavilion. Come and meet your friends from all over the country hundreds of them will be there. 757 Hohart McKihhan to Sell Fords C. L. Hobart and E. E. McKlbban have taken over the Ford agency and h a vea purchased from Mrs. Moss all the Ford supplies and accessories and will hereafter Jiandle the Ford busi ness of the city. They have leased the brick atoreroom adjourning the Ford garage, which will be fitted up for office rooms. XEW TODAY Pay Fine to CTty; ' . , The second chapter in the Jordan Hiller difficulties was heard in the police court Thursday afternoon! (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 when Henry Hiller paid a fine of 10; words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, for the use of offensive language, thejoOc; one month. $1.50, when paid in complaining witness being Roy Jor dan. Jordan had earlier In the week paid a like sum for violation of the same ordinance. advance. When not paid In advance, 5c per line per Issue.) XKW YORK CITY HAS MAY SNOW STORM Npw York, May 26. Snow In May is what New York has Just experi enced, according to a statement by the weather bureau today. The weatherman declared that enow fell for five minutes, though it was pretty fine and not visible everywhere in the metropolis. Job printing of every description at the Courier office. TYPEWRITING or any kind of book work done. Phone 141-R. Mrs. Busb. 664tf FARM BARGAIN 40 acres on main county road and railroad, house, larn, 33 bearing fruit trees, i acres in cultivation and Irrigated, water right alone worth price ask rd. 12 acre tillable. Price $600. L. A: Launer. "62 KERBY I . Grass, grain and vegetables leeui to be growing nicely, but the air pos sesses a prevailing cailUnesa which affects candidates as well a crops. Election ia over and we axe aetUlng back into normal lite again for a short time, but it will not be long until the real candidate ' will be showing how the real thing appears. How it happened ia pretty well un derstood now, but how It waa going to be was different somewhat, . Our school closed without much excitement last week. Examinations and promotions were made without the outside "world making much ado over the matter. The eighth grade class was pro moted to the high school at mid-year and . consequently there were no eighth graders to try the examina tion at the end of the year. The high school closed Its term with an enrollment of a doaen pupils right up to the end of the year. One of the high school pupils, Hilda Stith, deserves special men tion as being the first to complete a four-year course In the Kerby high school. As evidence of that fact she now ia In possession of a diploma re citing the fact that ahe has honorably carried the work through four years of arduous application and ia Justly entitled to the honor she bears. Our principal, J. Q. Willita, thought to make himself useful on election day and In the absence f one of the clerks of election undertook to fill the place. By a o'clock p. m. he succumbed to the attack of what seemed to be a congestive chill and retired from the board and baa been housed up ever alnca. J. Turner and eon and Alec. George have returned from their freighting task of delivering machin ery to. the Nell mines. They have been several days ini hauling across the Illinois river and hauling to the mines the machinery brought from the railroad some time ago. Now that the machinery, is to be put in place Immediately, we may expect to hear something startling from theae rich claims. Three auto trucks instead of one are now dally on the road from Ta- kllma to the Waters Creek station. Sometimes they make two tripe each and sometimes three dally. Besides a number of teams of horses we con stantly on the road. A large delegation of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs has been visiting Rose burg this week In attendance upon the grand lodge and assembly which are now in session in that place. Uncle Frank Desslnger and "Billy" Blglow represented the subordinate lodge, while the Rebekahs Included Mrs. Biglow and Mrs. Wlmer, the re gular delegates, and accompanying them were Mrs. Woodcock, Mrs. Payne, and Mrs. Wllllts. Miss Gertrude Hague, who has BIJOU -:- Tonight FOR SALE or trade for town lots or auto 20 acres dose to city limits, valued $600; also $1,000 equity in 14 acres good land close to city limits. Phone 346-Y. 758 ONE ilUXDRED " DOLLARS cash buys a high grade piano In good condition if sold at once. Call at S04 North fifth street. 762 THE RI SHOW" Kqiiifiihle 5-Act Venture PEAK I w" ' " '; . ... ... v in 11 ill r. in Th Great Photo Play Novel THE IRON CLAW Thi pi-tinie to 1m the most ititrresiiti conlinuons pliotoplny u luive ever stiinvn. K'lence, MyMery, Adventure Ford Weekly A Piny mKIi a New and Original 1 Plot '; , . Mmlinndlse for all. Come early. FAN TAN More fun than ever 10 and iff Cents Call in and nee. our new UNITED STATES MEAT SLICER Tlio l etit and hltclieht priced lileut si leer iiumIc We will tie pli'HM-d to ulice your lliini, ltacon, lrlel lleef, l,oi)iiH, Etc., nny tlilcknojiN, Full line of HIOEF PORK 'MITTON VEAL imimv I Phone M for quick delivery laiv in a aood stocK of Summertime rations for your Appetite does not take vacations! Your digestion won't need a vacation if this grocery store, supplies your family with the high class, palatable provisions they sell to us. My wife says that they always sell her exact ly what she wants and that the quality of their foodstuffs Is superfine. We are selling a fine quality Jan lllce, Mr lb 7c 13 11m, ftl.OO 4 11m. Cut Marcaronl 25c ' PETITE AM) ITALIAN PltiNKS Extra Quality Dried Pear... Oc Evaporated Applet, the sour kind 12 He Oood Dried Peachfft..... 7c llw. Lima Itaan 2ftc 3 lbs. Small Whites 2ffc More of that Extra Quality Sliced Dried llccf in Hulk Sweet Potatoes, In cans Iffc Mbby Pork and ilium 7c Van Camp' Hominy Iffc BUTTER Of course we handle the very bewt Alpine or Valley Pride, your choice. Saturday Specials You limy find something In our , butter Iteiiieinlier the place White House Grocery n i u rassy our cup again rT1HE cook has followed the directions in the vacuum- sealed tins you wonder what's happened to your coffee! Good? Better than good real coffee! , Fine coffee such as Schillings Best needs only one favor: please make it right i i i -1 i The result is worth whileand economical. Not that the price by the pound is low, but a pound of Schilling's Best makes more cups of smooth, rich coffee. You can easily prove this. A 'great part of this economy is due to even grinding and im mediate packing in vacuum sealed tins. .Schilling' s Best is sold through grocers only. . Best been engaged In the upper grades of the Kerby school for the past two years, left on Saturday for Califor nia for the summer, but has agreed to return for another year. Miss Geneva Robinson, of Mon mouth, but formerly of Coqulllo, has been engaged for the primary depart ment for the coming year. Miss Rob inson conies' well recommended and we bespeak for a kind and hearty welcome when she comes. NOTICE Opening ball at Sol ma open-air platform Saturday, May 27, 1916. Given In honor of R. B. Ryan, who has closed a successful term of school at Sclma. Good muslo and good time. Come every one and bring your friends. BY COMMITTER. Tht Man With th Iron Muk "The Mini Willi tlie Inm MmkI;" wni n m.VNterlou" I'reiii h prisoner of state whone Identity Imx never lieeii mil! factorlly established, lie wn elnxcly confined under the churite of M. lt St. Main at I'lgiierol In ItlTI). lit Kxlle In 11581, at St. .Marguerite In MN7 iiml finally was traiiNferred to the HnMtlle In 10IW. where he died on Nov. )!. and was burled the following iluy In the cemetery of Kt. Pmil under the name of Man liliill. liutnux nixde lilm a twin brother of Louis XIV. Job printing of every description at the Courier office. T- Star--Tonight PARAMOUNT Photoplays MACLYN ARBUCKLE In "The Reform Candidate9' MT. LASMKN (M)E8 ON TEAR THIS MORNINO Redding. Cal., May 28. A small eruption of Mount Ixnuien at 0:45 a. in. today waa visible to the county supervisors and commercial secre taries attending their state conven tion here. It lasted 0 minutes and was plainly discernible.' .flf w : Just What You Want IN our Spring clotking stockaryou can ckoose rom a varitcy of snappy model. The celetrated Adler's Collegians are here in breezy effects for up-and-doing jtoung felloes and soberer styles for men of riper years. AwJtKofe)cluiiv.rterniin Swtf"anJ Overcoats high grade wooleni. . More for - yenir money ijja iinyther lint TJ1 C (DQC offer. Pickyouripringtoginow. .vP'' 0 pQO Peer less Clothing Co. 4 ) ausBHBsusnnnsEsa