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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1916)
Fill DAY. MAY SO, 1910. DAILY KOGUK RIVER COUEin I ' -" jaeaannMaSenssasnwp vy I pACK yo pipe with VEL A VET an' you won't be troubled with a box, ' FRUITDALE School clout Friday, May 28, wltb a plcnlo dinner In school yard, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Broltmayer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Johnson in Itogoo River valley. Florens Broltmayer brought homo a new mowing machine and bay rake this week and la getting ready BIG fillUMRY SALE Commencing Friday, May 26 At Barnard's Millinery Store All Hats $5.00 and up, $5.00. Hats below $5.00 at ; One-Half Price Flowers One We have a fine assortment of Correspondence Cards Invitation Stationery : Initial Stationery Aim Hand-Colored Oongratulnllon Cards, LeUlw Hound llook,s and Small Gift IWkAb, unliable for grnduntlon gifts. Demaray's The Rogue River Lumber Co. Successors to WILLIAMS BROS. LUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS and GENERAL MILL WORK LIME PLASTER and CEMENT Wn. 1 Common Lumber $12.75 hot to cut alfalfa. Arthur Crews, of Hood River, spent several day wltb bit ilnter, Mn. Wardrlp, going to Aabland on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C Underwood wont with Mr. and Mra. Wlnetrout on a motor trip Sunday, going over the new highway through the Slskt you mountain! aa far aa Ilornbrook, Cal.. ' Glenn Wardrli and wife and Mtac - Half Price. Drag and -Stationery Store Dealers in SPECIAL Cora Wardrlp motored up from Tl nt Sunday to vlalt at the Wardrip home., Mra. Wardrip returned wltb them' to Aabland,. returning borne Monday evening accoinpanlod by her mother, Mra. Orewi, , F. Breiuneyer and fatuity, Mr. and Mra. Adolpn Breltmayer, Mr. and Mra. Pat BUttery and Dr. and Mrs. B. K. Elliott were guoats at the Hefley horn Tueaday evening, help ing Mr. Hefley celebrate bla birth day. ' Several of the men of the neigh borhood helped Install a phone In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stroud Iloare, Mr, Hanson, who had intend ed doing the work, being Incapacitated by a serious Injury to bla knee. Mrs. Iloare served one of her delicious and bountiful dinners to all who parti cipated In the neighborly act A number of friends came out from the city Sunday and enjoyed the day and an abundant dinner and supper at hospitable Red Acres, wltb Mr. Hefley as the genial host. 1 The guests - included Mr. and Mra. Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell, Mr. and Mra. II. flcbell, Mr. and Mrs. Mc Klbben, Mr. and Mrs. Slattery, Mrs. Helm, Mist Genevieve Helm, Mrs Cora Coutant, and Lubeth Coutant. MERLIN j A number of Merlin young people attended the circus at Medford Mon day. ' . Miss Ileka Krauss haa returned to her bom at Selma, having spent the past week here visiting friends. E, O. Dow haa sold bis grocery and hardware store to a Medford man, who will take charge soon. Mr. and Mra. Dow will go to Medford to male their home. Earl Brokman went to Myrtle Creek and back the first of the week, making the trip In bla Ford. Hal and Austin Massle went to Portland Sunday evening. They will roturn' the loot of the week with a motor truck .which will be used on the MerHn-Galice stage line. Mrs. William 8uted received a telegram Sunday evening informing her of the death of her brother, Wil liam Plenard. which occured at Eu gene Sunday. The young man was Injured by a tree falling upon htm while at work in a logging camp. Roger Entrlken, postmaster at Ai med s, was la Merlin Thursday, re turning home from Grants Pass. ATiMEDA .1 The largest single lot of matte ew sent from the Almeda'smelter will be shipped from Merlin this week. Satisfactory arrangements have been made (or a coke supply for the smelter and shipments are now on the road, three cars having reached Merlin In the past few days. Work has been resumed In the mine snd several machine drills are now running. Sloping will begin at once on some new ore blocks, which are said to be of better than ordinary value, particularly In silver content, and more than usually desirable at present owing to high prioes of silver. The property is being operated by Wickham & Wlckham under lease, but owing to bad weather of the past few, months operations have been lim ited. However, it Is expected now that the mine and smelter will be in full operation tor the season by June 1, and with the high metal prices and CHICHESTER S PILLS . Mil. la Ur4 IK 4I.M mllKVi hoin, anlKl with Illy Rilita. aa m KM nar r aai pram. Av,Mt III., IIKa-TFRU blAalllNA HHANU PILL, tm IS Mil kaowa M Rnl, Hthxt, Alw.ytKftllittk) SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE fry BTV generally Improved conditions this will undoubtedly be a banner rear for Aimed. The operators state that in view of the bright prospects for the coming season miners' wages will 'be raised on June 1, and also in anticipation of a large tonnage ar rangements will be made at once for more speedy handling of coke and matte between Aimed and the rail road. ' WALDO Mlssea Essie and Julia O'Brien are spending a few day in Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Wnlte were din ner guests' at the home of Mrs, J. A. Dysert Friday night. ' ' Misses Linna Albright and Angle Webb spent, Thursday and Friday visiting In Waldo. . Miss Pearl Uf, of Waldo, waa a week-end guest , at the borne of Minnie Masters. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hogue, of Selma, autoed out to Waldo Sunday and vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moore. Chas. Mathney, of Medford, spent a few days last, week visiting with relatives in Wsldo. . Mrs. Sylvia White called on Mrs. J. T. Logan Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Frank St! wait is staying a few days with, her sister, Ruby O'Brien, at the Waldo hotel. Mrs. Cbas. Hart Is reported very 111 at this writing. Frank Stlwalt made a business trjp to Grants Pass, Saturday. Don Calvert was a Waldo visitor Saturday and Sunday, Mrs. W. Corbett and Mrs. E. George were shopping In Waldo Mon day. . Fewer f an Advertlssmsnt In the American . Magazine Is the story of a very wealthy man who mads Us fortune through an advertising scheme. In front of a small store In New York city a crowd was looking at a novel article exhibited In the win dow. Tbt advertising man introduced himself to tbe proprietor of the store and said: "Too have something here thaj Is worth a fortune If advertised. I want to advertise If "I dont believe much In advertising,1 aald the man. "Ill make yon a proposition. If I triple the sales of the article In three months will you give me a half Inter est In the business? After an hour's talk the other sented. Inside of flrs daya be called his new partner tip on the phono and begged him to stop aa ha "was sold oat ten times over the capacity of hlaplant The advertising man took a halt Inter est In the tmilness, rented a five story building, advertised for. workers and Inside of a month had Increased the output ef the article forty-fold and ex tended his Held to other cities. Barbers In Japan. In Japan not only men, bnt women. go to the barber If there be an alga of hah on their faces. They do not per mit even the soft down to grow, which the Japanese are often astonished to see left unmolested on the faces of some western women. Often, too, the eyebrows are shaved. In recent years the female barber haa become a feature of the profession In Tokyo, most et these being the wives of barbers who wish to make themselves useful to their husbands, though some are In dependent The 17th of every month la regarded aa a barbera' holiday, wtan they close up shop and go to theaters and placea of amusement, for which they are often furnished with free tick ets,, because they allow the playbills and other advertisements of the places of amusement to be posted In their ahopa free. s , Tee Much Refrain. "Marriage!" said the sentimental man, with a sigh. "Heaven's greatest boon to man a good wife. My friends, It Is this -that makes life possible, fill ing' It with happiness and taking away all loneliness and misery. Mar riage is one grand, sweet songf be finished, with a rapturous air. His listeners were Impressed all ex cept a practical looking chap In one corner, who promptly rose to his feet !!Well, marriage may not be exactly one grand, sweet song," he aald slow ly, "but It'a certainly one grand, sweet refrain refrain from tobacco, refrain from the theater, refrain from gamea, refrain from spending week ends u fact, refrain from pretty well every thing." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Tele-graph. Browning's Peculiar Eyes. Browning's eyes were peculiar, one having a long focus, the other very abort He bad the unusual accom plishment (try It and prove) of closing either eye without "qu Inching" and without any apparent effort, though sometimes on the street In strong sun shine bla face would be a bit distorted. lie did all bla reading and writing with one eye, closing the long one as be aat down at his desk. lie never wore glasses and was proud of his microscopic eye. He often wrote mi nutely to show off his powers. When he left the house to go for a walk he abut the short eye and opened the long one, with which be could see an Im mense distance. He .never auffored with nny path In his eyes except once, when as a boy be was trying to be a vegetarian in Imitation of bla youth ful Idol Shelley. Boston Transcript Location notices, Courier office. WOd 8AL 49 ACRES aft mUeairom Grants Pass, no improvements, 'for sale at 940 per acre. Under ditch sur vey. Address No. 2416, car Courier. 67tf FOR ' SALE Six-room plastered house, close in, lot lOOilOO, good shade. Address No. 3413, care Courier. , tSUf MURPHY farm for sale, 72 acres 10 miles from Grants Pass, on banks of Applegste river, some bottom land, much upland under ditch, with water right Address ; No. 611, care Courier. 707tf. FOUR .ACRES set to grapes, peachea and apples, five-room bungalow, on Pacific highway, two miles from city,, no Incumbrance, for sal. A nap If taken before J tine 1. Ad dress John Ross, Grants Pass. 762 BLUB PRINT" plats of Grants Pass for sale at Courier office, 11.60. 13 TOR SALE Improved 160-acre stock ranch near Grants Pass, bait In crop, SO inches water; outside range; something good. Box 60, R. 1, Rogue River, Ore. ' 760 HORSE FOR SALE Weight about 1400. 7 year old. Inquire Hend ersons, 3 miles west of city on hill road. : 757 FOR SALE A No. 1 ell around driv ing and saddle mare, a years old. Pacer. 'Gentle for ladles and child; ren, good traveler, easily caught, buggy and harness thrown in, no reasonable offer refused, qnick sale. Address 9 83 care of Courier ;" . 75T. PHEASANTS eggs at half : price. China Pheasants, $1.60 per dozen. Golden Pheasanta 12.00 per dozen. Silver Pheasanta $3.00 per dosen Reeves Pheasants, $3.50 per dozen. C. H. Sampson, 411 D Street 757 SMALL SAWMILL for sale. Write for particulars. T. J. Everton ft Son, R. F. D. No.' i, Grants 'Pass, Ore. Phone 610-F-5 757 FOR SALE OR TRADE 160-acre wheat ranch in North Unit Irriga - tion District, Jefferson county. Ore 65 acrea under cultivation, 50 acres more can be plowed, all prairie, no timber, 3 milea from R. R. All under fence, good buildings. Price $20 per acre; $1,000 mortgage. Will trade In crop and Implements with equity for land in Josephine countr. What have jouT L. E. ' Wilson, MetoJius, Ore. 758 FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bulla from high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grants Pass, Ore. 754tf FOR SALE Three-ton Velie auto truck. The price la right Leonard Orchards Company, Grants Pass, Ore. 754tf FOR SALE Mine two-stamp mill, 850 each; silver-plated copper plates, 2x10 feet; 55 feet of six inch belting; track and car; port able forge; tools; 14-foot water wheel, can be moved In four sec tions; : camp outfit; two-room cabin and stable. $350 cash takes my . Interest; the other M can be had for leas. Wm. Hampson, Gold Hill, Ore, 760 THE F, E. Conway Mortgage Co. of Marshfield, Coos Bay, Oregon, have four lots, 36x150 feet, on their hands, one block from main paved street and two blocks from river and park. Beautiful trees, Wiil sell singly $175 each tor two and $200teaoh for other two. Cash or terms $50 down and $10 per month eachvor $150 down and $20 per month for all four. Warranty deed and perfect title. 760 FOR SALE 2 h. p. motor, plow, gar den tools, greenhouse glass, cook stove and other furniture. Inquire at Mayers' greenhouse. 760 MY NEW MILLINERY goods have arrived. Call and see them. Mrs. H. E. Burton. 407 North 6th. 760 FOR SALE Lot and a half on Lawn- ridge avenue known as the Hallgus property. Will make low price and easiest of terms. Address C. A. Sluss, 821, North Oakes, Tacoma, Waah.sY' 757 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN bull calf, born May 22, 1916. Sire, Clover 'Idge Segla Korndyke, Advanced ttesrlatry backing. Dam, Pomona "'Hengwveld Doo, Fine Individual ' Price reasonable. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch. Route 1. 756tf BIO BARiOAtNU-Six thousand cords growing firewood, five cents cord, about tour miles from city above Fruttdale.. Includes 350,000 feet saw timber, pine and fir. Box 74, Merlin. Ore. . " 762 Letterheads at" the Courier. WASTED WANTED 400 feet 8-inch pipe, also large tank. ; O. A. Hamilton, Phone 603-F-J. V 757 WANTED A cook or second cook la mine boarding house. Wages dollar per day lad board. Address Mrs. C. W. Blrum, Takilma, Ore gon. , 71 LOOT L03T Pocketbook. with papers In of vdue to owner only. Finder please return to No. , care Courier. S7 LOST A smalt telescope level about 6 or 7 Inches long, enclosed In leather case. . Any one finding it leave at Courier office and receive reward. S. H. RIggs. 71 LOST At Applegate picnic, black leather ' handbag, , leather lined, containing among other articles opal ring in box. Finder please notify Mrs. Bert Clute, Apple- gate, Ore. . lit MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put op la 5-gailon glass Jars and delivered at your door, freak, pure, sanitary. Telephone 2JJ-R and water wagon will call. URE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial teats as sure that tbla water la pare. De livered In five-gallon . bottles. :V. E. BeckwJth. Order by phone, .02-F-l. 459tf VETERINARY SURGED!! DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian, OJDce in Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Real dence phone 205-R. , TIMS CARD The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregoa Caves Root); Effective Monday, May 1, 111$. Train 1 It. Grants Pass: 7:Qo Arrives Waters Creek.8:Q0e.Bi. Train 4 It. Water Creek5:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Paea-.s:00 p.m. - Dally except Sunday. All tralna leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth, streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company. Public Ser vice building." or phone , 131 for same.' . Train will atop on flag at any point between Grants Pass Waters Creek. Passcz: -r1c- every da) in the week. P0RM!Di: Portland. May 26. Today's mar ket quotations were: Wheat Clnb, 91; bluestem, 92 Oats No. 1 white feed, 26.25 2.75. V , v Barley Feed, 27.50. , Hogs Best live, 8.95 9. A Prime steers. 9: fancy cows, 7.50 8; best calws, 8.' Spring lambs, 9ft. ' Butter City creamery, 29; coun try, 27. Evro Selected local extras, 24 25. ... Hens. .16; broilers, 25; geese( 1011. Copper, 28. , ' When We Faared the Indiana. At a recent gathering of life Insur ance men one of the old timers exhib ited a copy of a permit which had been attached to a policy issued in 1808. This permit read: "The wltbin assured has permission to reside in any settled part of the states of California. Nevada, Oregon or Washington territory and while so residing to make trips (aa a passenger only) on first class steamers plying be tween the ports of Washington terri tory, the states of California and Ore gon and the Sandwich Islands and to proceed to and return from In like manner or by public conveyance over land: ' ' "Provided that written notice be giv en by the assured whenever any trip to the Sandwich Islands or to the At lantic states Is undertaken to the gen eral agent of the company at San Francisco, Cal.. and provided, also, that on the overland icste the said assured to take hU own risk by death from hostile Indiana."-Wall Street Journal. Net Far Wrong. James was halting and stammering his way through a latin tranMlatlon. MInb Graham was deftly trying to as sist that none too brilliant atudeut'a memory. "Sinister" was the word she wanted. , ' . . "Come, come, James," she urged. "Just think hard , You know the Latin for 'leftr " James did aa directed and thought hard for a moment Theu be looked up triumphantly. . ' ' "Bnlnsterl" he offered. - New York Times. . Mining blanks at the Courier otfioe, SEVERAL moderafurnlHbe4 house's for rent Leaner. Also unfurnished. U A. 759 nmiciAxs O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limltsd to dlseeats of the eye, ear. .nose and tnroat Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-11, 2-5, and on ap pointment OCce phone 12; rent dence phone 359-J. , LOUGHK1DGB, M. D., Physician and aurgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Ree phone $19; e31ce pbone HI Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. J. P. TRUAX. U. D.. Physician end Surgeon. Psoas: OSce, SIS; residence, $14. Calls answered at all hours. Country calls at tended (9- . Londstnrg Bldg. - DR. EO BTWATSR Specialist 0 diseases of eye, ear. nose aad throat; glasses fitted. Office hours. to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones; Res. J34-J; Office, 257-J. 8chmUt Boildlag, Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. STRICTER Diseases ( children aad geaeral practice. Tele- pxuuv . w. CtK.0. MaS"M 0t!4- inc ;!. ' .. u. A A. WITIUM, IL D., Physician aad 8urgeoa. 03ce: Hall Building, corner Sixth aad I atreetc P tones: Office. 116; rssidonce, 2$3J. Honrs: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN KIC3. Oateopathle Physician. Cnxosde and nervous diseases specialty. Rooms l and a, Lundbnrg bullOg, opposite post office; phone 149-B. Resides ce: Colonial hotel; phone 147-J. 711 E. C. MACT, a M. D.. First-claw dentistry. 1H South Sixth street. Grants Pass, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite . H. Elliott, dental assistant ; Rooms 4 Grant fw. Ore. 5h9M ;cr j. A'tTuU.5-V! H. D. SuH'i'jS. Aiij; jur-A'.-Le Practi e !c H S :... tna P,ivi Courts f4jti Bratk 'CU COLVIO At-UW, . Building E. S. VAH UYXr :. itt'-uaey. Prtf.t tint NttsMl Ba In all et jfi. Bnlldlai EDWARD. D. P,:CiLil, AUora.j at-Law.! 0:t .v, Temv' Granta 1 ,0?c4. W. T. MfaaU'.t.. ..JLU0-t-i.l4 J , County attortoxJ?E-i2l!ePttla- County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg O. S. BLAN CHARD, Attorney-at-Uw, ; Grant Paas Banking Co., bulldlngi. Pbone 270. Granta Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-law, practices ' in . stale and federal conrta. Rooms, 2 and I. otoi Golden Rnle itora i ( MUSICAL INSTRUCTION i VIOLnN8TRUCT7bN France Belgian school of violin iilavlng. HE. Lawrance, zlS I atmtr'; DRAYAGH AAD TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and tranefer work carefully aad promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand at trleght , depot A. Saade, Propr. r". G. Iaham, drayage and transfer.' Safes, planoa aad furniture moved pecked, shlpptd and -stored Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. , THE- WORLD MOVES; so do we. Transfer Co. Phone Bunch Bros. 15-R. LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No, 84, A. F. A. M. Stated Communica tions 1st aad 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. A K. Cass, W. M. Ed. G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78. 1.0. O. F., meeta every Wed- C-V nesday eve In I.O.O.F. hall, cor. 6th and II. 8ts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed to be present , I. V. Howell, N. 01., Clyde Martin, Secretary. ' ASSAYKKfl B. R. CROUCH.-Assayer, cheralat, , metallurgist. Roms 291-203 Pad . dock Building. Grants Pass. ; DECORATORS AND PAINTE1U4 PAPERHANOIN0, graining, "paint ing. For the best work at lowest prlcea phone 2954. C. O. Plant, South Park street. (7