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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1916)
DAILY ROGOk RIVER COURIER WKINWSIAY, MAY IM, IMS. Forth Cce:cczc:i what could bo nicer than IodaI A gift that will be a pleasant and continual reminder of the giver tor yean to come. We have a complete stock at prices to salt. Come la Stanton RoweO, Prop. OXK DAY ONLY Tomorrow ROSCOB ARBUCKLB MMe Norwand and AI St John In another great Keystone THREE REEL RIOT "He Did and He Didn't" ' BIJOU AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT - . ' 4 Bijou f Fan Tan. 4 . Sur f Francis X. Bushman. ' SINN FEIN PRESIDENT CONVICTED AS REBEL Dublin, May 24.-Joha MacNeill, president of the Sinn Fein volunteers and professor at the Irish, university, was courtmartialed today and con victed of having taken part in the rebellion. Sentence will be imposed later. MacXeiU formerly was a civil service employe in the Four Courts. He was arrested on his return to Dublin and tried secretly. It was reported that he left Dublin following the revolt Tbe government prosecuted him on the theory that he was connected with the revolutionary plot. Bijou Tonight FRED FORSYTH as in fascinating FAN 'AN It' a Stream Forty LuiikIis a Minute Incidentally A TON OF MERCHANDISE GIVEN AWAY Also the celebrated star, Robert Warwick, In "ALIAS JIM.MIF, VALKNTINE" 5c and 15c f t L CHARLIE CHAPLIN i j PER521ML 2S LOCAL : Geo. Durham made a trip to Qlen- dals last night H. Q. Marshall went to Leland this morning on business. Sirs. Violet Clements returned this morning from a business trip (o Port land. Miss Fleming, ot Medford. Is visit ing relatives in the city for a tew days. Ten-cent enamel ware sale at Cra mer Bros. 757 Mr. Wm. McDonald vent to Rose burg this morning to attend the strawberry festival. Miss Goldie Duncan went to Glen- dale this morning to visit her sister, Mrs. C. F. Johns. F. S. Smith left this morning for Portland, returning to work after spending the winter with his family, Miss Anna Potts, teacher at the Merlin schools, was in the city Tues day and went to Medford Tuesday ntght Paul S. Seeley, of Portland, was In the city yesterday and made a trip to his extensive ranch property on Evans creek. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Borden came in from Gold Hill last night, expecting to spend the summer working In this section. Special prices on all suits. It will pay you to see them before buying. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. 7J8tf Raymond and Norman Crooks ar rived this morning from Seattle and went to Kerby, where they will spend the summer in the mines. Mrs. W. P. Counts went to Eugene this morning, joining Mr. Counts, who left Sunday on account of the illness ot his brother. Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Griffin have re turned from California, having spent the winter at Inglewood, Fruitvale and other points, stopping at Chico for a few days on their return trip. Prof. A. C. Crews, formerly in structor in the Grants Pass schools, spent a few days with Prof. H. H. Wardrip and other friends, leaving this morning for Ashland with his mother, Mrs. G. W. Crews, to spend the summer. Mrs. Crews and chil dren went to Ashland a few days ago. Mr. Crews has been teaching during the past year at Hood River and has been re-elected to that place for next year. Sneak Thief Robs Camp For the first time since the estab lishment of the auto camp ground at Riverside park a sneak thief baa been operating there. From the camp es-'is tablished by Mr. and Mrs. Waters, who recently autoed north from the Mexican line, a suit case filled with articles of wearing apparel and papers, and a kodak were taken. Tuesday afternoon the kodak was found by the officers cached away on the north side of the river, but the other articles have not been found. Mining blanks at tbe Courier office. NEW TODAY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two issues, 25c; six Issues, 50c; one month. 11.50. when naid in advance. When not paid In advance. 5c per line per JssueJ PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Masonic Temple. Office phone 174-J, resi dence 341-R. Miss Harris. '. 783 FOR SALE Mine two-stamp mill, 850 each; silver-plated copper plates, 2x10 feet; 55 feet of six inch belting; track and car; port able forge; tools; 14-foot water wheel, can be moved in four sec tions; camp outfit; two-room cabin and stable, f 350 cash Hikes my interest; tbe other V4 can be had for less. Gold Hill, Ore. Wm. Hampson, 760 THE F. E. Conway Mortgage Co. of Marshfield, Coos Bay, Oregon, have four lots, 36x150 feet, on their hands, one block from mala paved street and two blocks from river and park. Beautiful trees. Will sell singly $175 each for two and $200 each for other two. Cash or terms $50 down and $10 per month each or $150 down and $20 per month for all four. Warranty deed and perfect title. 760 FOR SALE 2 h. p. motor, plow, gar den tools, greenhouse kIbhs, cook stove and other furniture. Inquire at Mayers' greenhouse. 760 MODERN well located sir-room home. Am leaving. Must sell. Terms. Shade, lawn, closet, pan try, bath, and all conveniences. Will take good Ford as part pay , ment. Address No. . 992, care Courier. 756 HYNE W M ILLINE R Y good sh a ve arrived. Call and see them: Mrs. H. E. Burton, 407 North 6th. 760 Desertion Is Charged Alleging desertion, Atat Watts has brought action against hts wife, Lola Ellen Watts, for divorce. At Baptist Church On account of class day exercises tomorrow ntght, the regular weekly prayer meeting will be held tonight at the Baptist church. Englewood Dairy, Phone The pure mtlk'datry. S89 out. Inland Couple to Wed A license to wed was Issued late Tuesday evening to Edward James Stoneman and Miss Amanda Alder- son, both of Leland. Women to Meet The subjects to be presented at the meeting ot the Woman's Association of Bethany church tomorrow after noon are "The Lumbermen" and "The Jews." A full attendance ts de sired. Please bring thimbles, as there is a little work to be done. Prayer Meeting Tonight On account ot the class day exer cises on Thursday evening, the week ly prayer meeting of Bethany Pres byterian church will be held on Wed nesday evening. The subject will be, "How can Bethany Church Get to Work " ' All members ot the church and congregation are urged to be pre sent. Stolen' Property Found A small trunk, filled with electrical goods and other articles, has been re-1 Mvanul hv 4Ha fwillA .nil It Km aitn posed to have been the cache of thieves. Included in the plunder are electric switches, drops, an auto speedometer, etc. None of the things have yet been Identifier!. (lark & Holman, Undertakers- Licensed embalmers. Phone SO tf Lewi' Iead Increased The canvassing board Is expected to complete the work of the official canvass ot the votes cast in the prim ary election in this county tonight. No material changes have been found In the count as announced through the Courier, though some errors in the report for sheriff In precinct No. 8 increases the lead of Geo. Lewis for sheriff. The official .count gives Lewis 696 votes, while Smith's vote reduced to an even 400. Ran die Is credited count. with 107 In the official Teceiit City Woman Dl Nora C, wife of R. C. Stevenson, of Crescent City, died at Ashland Tuesday morning after a lingering illness. Mrs. Stevenson, who was 26 years, 4 months and 6 days old, was brought to Grants Pass several weeks ago, making the long trip over the mountains from the coast by easy stages, lying In a bed made up on an auto truck. On Monday she was taken to Ashland and died the fol lowing morning. The remains were brought to Grants Pass this morn- lng and will be taken to Crescent City Adna W. Leonard, of Seattle, to for burial. She is survived by her .San Francisco; Matt S. Hughes, of husband and three children, aged 8,j Pasadena, to Portland, Ore.; Edwin 6, and 1 years, and her father and H. Hughes, from San Francisco to mother, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LeClare.j Boston; Richard J. Cooke, from Port of Orescent City. 'land, Ore., to Helena, Mont. METRO Features to The Metro Pictures Corporation presents FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN The undisputed sovereign of the screen and MISS BEVERLY BAYNE The crowned queen ot fllmdom "Man and Also diopter 12 of the "The Girl and with HELEN Admission S and 15 Cents The Home Of Features Son Dora Tuesday A son was born on Tuesday at the Good 8amaritan hospital to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roesls, ot Jump-Off-Jos. Delegates Returning Nearly all the delegate and mem ber ot the degree team In attend anoe at grand lodge at Roseburg re turned boms this afternoon, report lng a most enjoyable time, but un favorable weather conditions. Leave for Chile Mrs. J. F. Riohardaon and two sons left this afternoon on the first sec tion of tbelr journey to Valparaiso, Chile, to join Mr, Richardson, who has been there some months In tb employ of tbe Guggenheim Interests erecting a copper smelter. They go first .to Oakland. Cal., and to New Orleans, sailing from that port June 14. Mr. Richardson has a contract for two years. IHlrerenre Land Two In Court The police court Is being exercised this week by the differences that have arisen between Roy Jordan and Henry Hlller. On the complaint ot Hlller, Jordan was brought before Judge Basler charged with the frac ture of a city ordinance against the use ot profane and obeceno language. Upon being found guilty. Jordan was fined $10. Jordan has now filed a counter-charge against Hlller, al leging violation of tbe same ordin ance. The Hlller hearing will prob ably be held next Monday. Class Day Exerrli The class day exercises, which have heretofore been held at the school building, will be held at the opera house Thursday evening, May SS, at 8 o'clock. A new feature will be added to the proicram this year, that ot awarding scholarship medals to one member of each grsde who hts the highest average for class work. Also a medal will be awarded to the student In the high school, regardless of hts class, whose general average for deportment, attitude, Influence and class work 1s highest. It Is not known who the students are that will receive these medals. The public Is Invited to attend these exercises. FOR BOND ISSUE Medford, 'May 24. By a vote of five to one Medford yesterday amend ed Its city charter to permit the Is suance of $300,000 bonds for tbe con struction of a railroad to the Bluo Ledge mine. An election will be held within a few weeks to Issue. bonds. The railroad will tap a rich copper country. MANY TRANSFERS OF METHODISTS IJISHOI'S Saratoga. N. Y., May 24. Effec tive at the end of the Methodist gen eral conference are a number of Im portant changes In the Episcopal re sidences of newly lected bishops and also transfers of old bishops. It was learned today. Chief among these are the follow ing: Tonight METRO Features His Soul" great railroad story the Game" HOLMES First Performance 7j,io Paramount Metro Fox MEDFORD PREPARES "Tbs man ot ths hour" Should ts tbs nun with hoe. For sunshine and showers Make ths sugar beets grow. (Also ths weeds.) t Has Who said hoes? Wo have them Dig ones, small one, good one, bad ones, garden hoes and Nigger hoes, and several other kinds. Special Beet Hoes at 40c each. The kind that la right and will aid you to turn the beets Into nuggets. ' Grants Pass At Your WOULD REQUIRE TRAINIHG FOR WAR Wsshlngton, May It. Compulsory military training Is the only demo cratic method of creating an ade quate reserre force, Senator Cham berlain declared today la an Inter view supporting ths universal train ing bill which he Is preparing tor the upper house. "This Is ths only means by which we can develop a reserve able to do fend the country In a sudden emer gency. In peace times or war times," said Chamberlain. "The Ineffective ness of conscription and ot the draft was proven In our own civil war and Is being proved again In England now. Even if the men are finally drafted, they can not make good soldiers. . "On the other hand, young men, at an age when learning is easiest, may be taught moderately In tactics while assembled In training camps. It they are taught that the advan tages of free citizenship must be based on responsibility for the de fense of tbelr country a large and effective force will be created, Just as has been done In Germany, and as would be done In Switzerland and Australia If needed." Vernon Hauler flood Soldier Vernon Hauler, student at the O. A. C, made a good record recently at the annual competitive drill of the regiment, ranking second among the corporals. 3DT 'TWAR'S a difference between a A home an' a residence. Home is a place whar a man can smoke all over tne nouse. VELVET has been celled the "Tobscco without a dls appointment". Its mildness sppesls to some smokersits (rsgrsnc sod flsvor to others its smoothness appeals to all. 3C 31 , We have a fine assortment of Correspondence Cards Invitation Stationery Initial Stationery Mho Hand-Colored Congratulation Cards, IxMithor Hound Hooks and Small Gift. Hooks, suitable for graduation gifts. Demaray's H03S Hardware Co. Service ILLINOIS VALLEY .1 Mrs. J. D. MscVlcar, Mrs. Gsorgs .MacVlcar and Mrs. A. K. Hammond spent tb week-end as guests ot Mrs. H. 0. Reed at Cloverrlot farm. Mr; Dyaert was Injured about t head and his son, Roy, had hit arm broken in an accident which occurred on Friday. They wers throwing a tree, and Mr. Dysert while running as the tree fell, stumbled and was struck by It. Roy, In attempting to savs bis father, hsd bis arm broken by a limb. At present they are both Improving. A meeting was called to be held on Sunday at the 8pence hall to make arrangements for a Fourth of July plcnle. The copper prospect belonging to Mr. Shadlnger and William Ross has been sold to the Kennett Smelting company, who will put a crew ot men to work at once to develop the prop erty. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heckendorf have returned from California. Mr. Heckendorf, who was very 111 when they left th valley, has recovered his health. Not much Interest was taken at the primaries for soma reason, but no doubt when the November election occurs more Interest will be shown. COMING EVENTS 4 May 26, Friday Commencement ex . erclscs at opera bouse. Address by Judge II. L. Denson, ot Salem. June 6-10, Monday-Saturday Chau tauqua at Grants Pass. IDtZZ 1C Drug and Stationery Store