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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1916)
. " '" ' ' ' .''.''';.'' :..-': .. t r ; '"Classified ; Adver&ing; ; Four Lecturers of Renown to Appear on Big Chautauqua Program I Every Lcctucp on 1016 Protfram to Give Worth ; ' Lectures CHAI TAi yrA patrons are to bstir some "ml" lecturerameo and women who bav "snap" ami present their subjects la a way that makes you alt up and take notice. Or the gaiety of lecturer to b on tbe week' program the four In the above group arc typical of the character of turn and women on the program. El liott A. Royl and Arthur A. Frausk ara iimplratloual lecturers, auil you will not forget their uiettsage for man a tiny. Mm, Harriett (Juno lloherson la a contributor to a number of. joting ieopla'a magazine and period ical and In her second tour of the weat will undoubtedly make a greater suece than ever. Frederick Vlnlng FJher. formerly head of the bureau of lecturer of the Panama Parlnc Interitntlonat ExikmIUoii, Iihh gained a wide n putntloii on the platform. Tuee four men and women are but a part of one of (he jcrealent Chautauqua pro gram ever Itrouubt to the weat. SUGAR BEETS. (Continued from page 2.) cornea, of course, In the month of November, December, January, and onetimes February. No female help la employed In the factories, and this means (hat hundreds of men who find employment In the auminer rath- ' er an eaay thing to get are not forced to accept taska at Insignificant wages'. The force of this argument (If auch It be) losea Itself on the man from , tbe city became of the fact that (a moat large cities It la comparatively eaay for men to find work. Going back to the aubjoct of mort gage, hank depoalts, collection etc., It la a matter of record that few farm ers who depended upon th sugar beet crop had been forced to delay the payment of mortgages. The farm er who grows beets knnwa far In ad- vanro now mucn no win gei ior m crop. He knows that ho will get this money practically as soon aa he de liver his beets, and he can tell his creditors Just what date he will be able to moot their claims. The beet companies, never hovo been back ward about paying for their raw ma terials nnd there Is no reuson for bo llevlng that they ever will be. Grocers nre not forced Into carry ing farmers on their books until late in the fall or winter In order to get payment for bills. Growers of beets are bta to got advances on their crops, if they seed tho money, In or der to meet expenses. When a man grows a grain crop ho doesn't know in the spring, or summer for that matter, what ho Is going to receive. This always doponds upon the condi tions or, the market at tho time he sella, whether It be In winter or fall r ine lUilOWMIH KI'IiilK. limit, no in holding hla crop, his gr6cer la holding Win., In turn, the wholesaler 1a hold ing up the groccr and this results In general feeling of dissatisfaction. This additional ready money 're sults In Improved buildings, fences, drainage, otc. Sugar beeta need H that is well drained In order to thrive, and the well drained field al ao meana that the succeeding crops show Improvement. A farmer who does not gtva portion of his acre age over to sugar beets seldom goes to this trouble and thin It another advantage. The difference between the returns on an acre of wheat grid an acre tf sugar beets la shown by the atate ment that an acre of wheat brings ft R to the farmer; an acre of augar beets shows a return of $60. This ',' means that the assesRod valuation of the property la much greater and farmers are able to dispose of their land at heavier prices and greater margins of profit than In the days of the grain growers. D..II AvunKta of 41ia MlnMimn Afrrl- cultural college have proven that sugar beets, when growni In rotation with , other crops, ' leave the soli In hotter shape for the following season nnd other crops plunted later always show heavier yields than they would have had augar beets not been 'plant ed. The future of this Industry depends upon the people. While the Euro pean war la In progress sugar pro ducers have little fear because tbe growers and manufacturers across the Atlantic are too busy attending to other troubles to Indulge In a trade war. But ' ' . When this, war finds ita end there will have to be a tariff on augar or the beet augar Industry, with Its wide reaching benefits and Its heavy In vestment, and bright future, will slip back and Into the discard among manufacturing Industries. , This, It would seem, should an swer the question of the Man In the Street aa to the worth of tbe buslnem to the commonwealth of Michigan and to the I'nltcd States as a whole. IERES I UK- Paris, May 24. German' troopa have penetrated the vitiligo of Cumleres, nine miles northwest of Verdun, after a series of terrific on slaughts against the French front went of tho river Meuse, the war of fice admitted today. Tho Germans also succeeded In taking a trench west of Cumleres and gaining footholds in a few sections of trenches east of Fort Douaumont At all other points their most vio lent attacks on both banks of the river, and also In the Champagne re gion, were halted. Berlin, May 24.Rallylng In the face of a savage French offensive, German troopa have captured the vil lage of Cumleres, with 308 prisoners, ' and regained loBt ground At Fort Douaumont,. taking BOO captives i there, It was officially announced to day. . . HIUTIKH AND GERMAN CLASH NKAH GIVKXCHY Berlin, May 24. British troops at tacked German lines near Glvenchy, Hullock and Blalrsville In yesterday flghtlng, the. war office announced to day. . Southwest of Glvenchy a few British soldiers penetrated German trenches but were immediately slaughtered. Other attacks 'were "re pulsed. . ' , . Oeed Boor. Mother aa looking at Bobble's1 school report. ' "Why, Bobble," she exclaimed, "you have only 74 In deportment! I shall have to tell your futher." "All right. Go Hheud mid tell him." mi Id Hobble. "He wun bragging nil over town when he got 74 In golf." rittsbuvgh Pre. . , Envelopes printed at th. Courier office. i-'.fX'f '''-. i CUM AKEN GERMAN AMY While and Interesting CHICHESTER S PILLS LWItal 4 fcht tm mn,, mr .Mr fcrworM. A MCIIM MVa.Teir' SClDBVDmG!SISOI!ttWK T OFFICERS I New York, May 24.-r-ln session to day, the executive committee of the progressive party took steps toward naming a temporary chairman for the national convention, selecting a keynote speaker, and arrange plans for the seating of delegates. Secretary Davis brought plana of the convention hall to the executive session. The temporary chairman ship Is understood to lie between Oscar Strauss, Governor Johnson and Raymond Robins. The progressive committee ar ranged for two special trains, total ling 24 cars, to carry delegates from N'cw York and other eastern centers to Chlrattn. The trains leave June 3. Fourteen carloads of republicans 'have already been provided for, and applications from others are still coming In. PILGRIMAGE OP T. R. . BOOSTERS TO OYSTER BAY New York, May 24. Colonel Roosevelt is getting ready today to receive another delegation of boom ers at Oyster Bay iwxt Saturday. They will tell the colonel they want him for president. As planned, the delegation is to Include both republicans and demo crats. It Is understood that Charles J.' Bonaparte, Oscar Strauss, Luke Wright and many other prominent leaders of different states are behind the pilgrimage. Roosevelt was in New York today but refused to comment on polities. Portland, (May 24. Today's mar ket quotations were: Wheat Club, 90 94; bluestem, 181.03. Oats No. 1 white feed, 26.25 26.75. Hogs iBest live, 8.909. Prime steers, 8.509; fancy cows, 8; best calves, 8. Butter City creamery, 29. Eggs Selected local extras, 23 24. - As It Cam Out In th Wash. "Do you do laundry work by the dog en or the piece?" i "By the plece.v "Tlnit suits me. I bnve n piece of a shirt that the hint wash shop sent l a It."- Klclmioml Times-Dispatch.''' A.fc mi KrmtriM fc . NaW mi lu. RiMMM. yX Av If HUH FOR COIIEIffl PORTLAND MARKETS 104 40 ACRE 44 miles from Grant Pais, no Improvements, for sale at $40 per acrs. Under ditch sur vey. Address No. '2415, car Courier. (S7tf FOR 8ALE Six-room plastered bouse, dose In, lot 100x100, gooi shad. Address No. 2413, car Courier. 657tf MURPHY farm for sal, 73 acres 10 miles from Grants Pass, on banks of Applegate river, some bottom land, much upland under ditch, with water right Address No. 615, care Courier. 707tf. FOUR ACRES set to grape's, peaches and apples, flv-room bungalow, on Pacific highway, two mile from city, no incumbrance, for sal. A nap if taken before June 1. Ad dress John Ross, Urania Pass. 2 BLUB PRINT plat of Grants Pass for sale at Courier Oca, f 1.60. 91 TOR 8 ALB Improved 160-acre stock ranch near Grants Pass, balf In crop, 50 Inches water; outside range; something good. Box 60, R. 1, Rogue River, Ore. 759 HORSE FOR SALE Weight about 1400. 7 year old. Inquire Hend ersons, 3 miles west of city on bill road. 757 FOR SALE A No. 1 all around driv ing and saddle mare, b years old. Pacer. Gentle for ladles and child ren, good traveler, easily caught, buggy and harness thrown In, no reasonable offer refused, quick sale. Address 963 care of Courier - 757. PHEASANTS egg at half price. China Pheasants, $1.50 per dozen. Golden Pheasant $2.00 per dozen. Silver Pheasants $3.00 per dozen. Reeves Pheasants, $3.50 per dozen. C. H. Sampson, 411 D Street. 757 SMALL SAWMILL for sale. Write for particulars. . T. J. Everton & Son, R. V. D. .No. 2, Grants Pass, Ore., Phone 610-F-5 757 FOR SALE Good work horse, wagon and harness for sale cheap for cash. Call on or address Mrs. L. B. Coffman, 315 E street, Grants ' Pass, or S. E. Coffman. Grants Pass hotel. 756 FOR SALE OR TRADE 160-acre wheat ranch In North Unit Irriga tion District, Jefferson county, Ore, 65 acres under cultivation, GO acres more can be plowed, all prairie, no timber, 3 miles from R. R. All under fence, good buildings. Price $20 per acre; $1,000 mortgage. Will trade in crop and Implements with equity for land In Josephine county. What have you? L. E. Wilson, Metollus, Ore. 758 FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bulls'from high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grants Pass. Ore. ' 754tf FOR SALE Three-ton Velie auto truck. The price is right. Leonard Orchards Company, Grants Pass, Ore. 754tf Job printing of every description at the Courlor office. lit HKM FOR RENT For a few weeks, a modern furnished bungalow. Phone 133-J. 755 SEVERAL modern furnished houses for rent. Also unfurnished. L. A. Launer. 759 WANTED WANTED 400 feet 8-lnch pipe, also large tank. G. A. Hamilton, Phone 603-F-2. 757 LOST LOST Saturday night, May 13, one purple and grey plaid mackinaw robe. Finder please leave at saw mill and receive a suitable re ward. H. S. Woodcock.: 756 REWARD REWARD for Information leading to return of two-year-old black re gistered Percheron stallion colt, strayed from Winona ranch. F. R. Steel, route 1. v 747tf MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINQS water .put up to 5-gallon glass Jara and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary Telephone 29S-R and water wagon will call. "URK MOUNTAIN WATER Cleat and refreshing. Bacterial testa as sure that this water la pure. De lyerml In flve-gnllon ,. bottles 10. Beck with. Order, by phone 602-F-3. " 45011 VETERINARY 81'KGKON Ogle In 1 Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 1 1 3-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. TIME CARD The ' California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregon Cave Route) Effective Monday, May 1, 1916. Train 1 lv. Grants Pass ...7:00 a.m. ' Arrives Waters Creek......8:00 a.m. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek..5:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass... 6:00 p.m. Dally except Sunday. AH trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all Information" regarding freight and passenger service call at tbe office of th company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 131 vfor same. Train will stop on flag at any point between Grant Pass aad Water- Creek. Pax;:z -ere every da) in th week. MII.1TIAMKX WILL ESCAPE COURTMARTIAL Washington, May 24. The 116 Texas militiamen who failed to re spond to muster call for border duty will escape courtmartlal if they pre sent themselves in answer to the new call President Wilson Is to Issue. The new military bill abolishes the offense charged against the militia men. They "were automatically mus tered. Therefore, the President will I ... . n, nail ImM in tho 1 1 fi only. If they respond, the case is closed. Should they fail to do so. they will be charged with a graver offenBe. " Good Assistant "So Black bas gone west to develop his gold mine. Has he taken hla wife alongr . , . "Yes; he says she'll be sure to find tbe pockets If there are any.M-Boston Transcript. " Location notices. Courier office. I i 1 -S3 -M IU J'.fttl V t-f:'.-.IO takakMM......,... Si xJc,v 5S afy-aaajfi nvnvnaiiBnniv-as HKisBttiSaaiBkkwaaj J J "The Machine ? j with a H a Personality" i IVT flatter what your .SJSJ Vt touchthis new SS fit v n rr p c p t f nL- If Iiftnf an4 emAAK Aa htf m -m i miu Diiiuuiu so velvet or firm and Eg (PS snnnnv n ron liif 9 irr-rf j 1'Bailt for "Big J Business" and its 9 Great Army of i Lxpert Uperators j ' Everv keen-willed irn. I ! Every keen-witted tten g ographer every office mans- I ! I I ger every eipert operator on I me n firini line o( " Bis Buii. nets will nup the eoormout f rt-Mcif,Talue of the new Royal's AdjmsUU Tuck ! that takes the "grind " out j of typewriting I a But the new Model 10 has I imaay. ofber big, vital aew feature. ImvntifH tktm , I Get th Facts! t Bend forth "Royal manM I ana aaa tot a demonstka TION. Or write us direct for our Mwbrocbureo,"il7TK SERVICE." and Oh W Wcm SoAW postal briog them fre of charge. Price$100 uoyai Master, n Model 10 will fit it. f 'Just turn the set-screw 9 J and regulate the touch S 1 S of this new Royal to I ! U Jii j j K0TAI TTPEWR1TW CO. lac ! J COURIER, Agetat j j t,niiaiHiwaianJ PHYSICIAAS It. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practio limited to diseases of th ays, aar, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. ' Office boars 1-12, 2-1, and oa ap pointment OfDc phon 62; rt denca pnon 169-J, 3. LOUGHRIDQE, VL D., Physlciaa and surgeon. City or country ealli attended day or night R. phon 361; offlc phon IIS Sixth and B. Tuff Bolldins. J. P. TRUAX, If. D., Physician Surgeon. Phones: Offlc. 331; residence, 324.' CaK answer! at all hours. Country eallt at tended to. Lundetarg Bide.' ' DR. ED BYWATER Specialist oa disease of ey. ear, bom and throat; glasses fitted. Offlc hour: 9 to 12 a. m., 3 to 6 p. m. Phoaes: Re. 234-J; Office, 267-J. Schmidt Building, Grant Pass, Orsgoa. DR. F. D. STlCirESDiea of children and general practice. Tl pon dw. Oflo: Munate onu- lng. . - tL A. A. WITHAM, If. D., Pnyslclaa aa Surgeon. Offlc : Ball Bnfldlag, cornet Sixth and I street. Phon: Office, 116; residenc. 233-J. Hour: a. m. to 4 p, m. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Oeteopathl Physician. Chronic and nervosa disease specialty. Rooms 1 and J. Lundburg building, opposlt post office; phone 149-R. . Realdraea: Colonial hotel; phon 167-J. 761 DEXTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D., Flrst-claa dentistry. 109 H South Stot street, Grant Pas, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. , Marguarlt H. Elliott, dental aaalatant Room i and 5, Golden ' Rul building. Grant Pan, Or. Phone 265-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON. Attorav-at-Law. rracuc in au bum ana Deaeru Courts. First National Bank Bis. COLVIQ ft WILLIAMS Attorncy- at-Law, Grant Pas Banking Co. Building, Grant Pass, Oregon." E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practlc la all conrta. Pint National Ban Building. E1WARD B. RICHARD, Attorney aMaw. Offlo Masonic Tempi. . Grant Pan, Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhora Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Uw. Grants Pan Banking Co. building. . Phone 270. Grant Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-law, nractleea In tat n4 Aii courts. Room J and 3, over Golden Rule store. MrsifiAr, rwsTRrrrinw VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco Belglan school of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence, 215 I street DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All . kinda of drayage and tranater work carefully and promptly don. Phone 132-R. Stand at frieght depot A. 8hade, Propr. V. G. 1st am. drayage and transfer. Safea, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phon Clark 4b Holman, No. 60. Residence phon 12 4-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phon . 15-R. LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. If. Stated Oommuiea tlon 1st and 3d Tuesday. Visiung brethren cordially Invited. A. K. Can. W. If . Ed. O. Barrls, ecretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. tl, l.O. O. Mti every Wed nesday eve la I.O.O.F. hall. cor. 6th and H. Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Invit ed, present I. V.' Howell. N. G., ayde Martin, Secretary. . ASSAYEIiS E. R. CROUCH, Assayer, chemist, metallurgist. 1 Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANQ1NG, graining, paint ing. For th best work at lowest . prices phone 295-J. , C. O. Plant, South Park street. A V