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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1916)
rioc roro daily hog i t ltiVKit courier itkmdav, may in. ibio. SOLVE YOCll Graduation Gift PROBLEM with IodaI Everybody enjoy picture tad enjoy making them tbt efmpta, fwy Kodak way. Call tod our complet Uxk and give ui an opportunity to aid you in a selection that will Jring year-round enjoyment Music and Photo House Stanton Howell, Prop. 1 The regular meeting of th Luke' guild ha been postponed to Wednesday, May SI. It. II, Miller la tho lliy Hon. H. D. Miller, bo wa callrj to thta city from Eugene by th ud den death of bit old-tlmo friend and associate, Joseph. Mom, baa ton to Medfordthl afternoon. Ha will re turn to tbta city tonight, and will ro 8l turn north Wednesday morning. rd went to Rc'bur ,M,,IIJt w Au, attend the I. O. 0. F. I Amon, ctat Return from Portland R. B. Mfller. of th Twohy Brother company, returned from Portland thta auto purehaa. in ""J 1 ' the city It that of a Saxon tlx by Mr., i " . .! Z' ' JMrs. P. M. It bode h?ft tht morn ing for Drain to reatd. A. Morris. Mr. Cbaa. Morrii and little daughter visited Medtord Mon day. Geo. Crawford tai morning to grand ledge. mr Broa. 757 Carl WUliama. , will return (rom Portland tomorrow, Ml Mattie McGee spent Monday '. M havlnir been in th Ho City for in Ashland, returning borne this " , v 'several day on a business trip. Judge morning j1 7" MH," 1 - .Twohy and .on, rtobert, a .till In Mr. O. B. MfUne went to Cold " rmn the east, being today at Toronto, Hill tbl afternoon to spend a fe days with relatives. Mr. Pollock arrived tbl afternoon Glendale and will ttalt her.. . . . ,,. ;llOI.I PARF.XT RKSPONKIRLK "Th man of the hour" Should bn (be nun with- a hoe, For uuhlno and showers Make the sugar beet grow. (Also th weeds.) Hoes Hoes ' The regular Thursday prayer meeting at the Newman Metb- JrnH. !,., win . . ' ;odln church will be held Wednesday w, ; " " evening, at o'clock, thia week. ' from The pure mllk'dalry. !tf. AMI SKMKXTS TOM GUT e ' . f KU'HI , Robert Warwick, star Francia X. Buahman. , COMING EVKNTS ' May 26. Friday Commencement ex . erciea at opera house. Address by Judge H. L. Benson, of Salem. Jane 5-10, Monday-Saturday Cbau tauqua at Grants Pass. CO RET AJfD WRIGHT KACU CLAIM ELECTION Portland, May . :$.With many outlying precincts In eastern Oregon counties yet to report tb results of Friday's primaries, the contest for publio errtoe commissioner from th eastern Oregon district was atlll In doubt today. Both H. H. Corey and Ed Wright claim the election. The latest figures were: florey 1.843; Wright. 3.739; Kyle,' 2.093; Rusk, 2.000; McCulIoch. 2,278; Service, 1.78. f Envelop printed at th Courier offlc. ; daughter. Mr. Dixon, at Williams. J. J. Warwick loft this morning for! Myrtle Creek. He has been mining In this .ectiott for some time. i U'"K Tn Injur Tw Attorney G. A. Webb, of Credent S' C Dj8l'rt "n(, his ,on' .v- Citr. Is In the city todar nd will re-!,!rt' of wld. are both ufferlug main over until Wednesday morn- from re.ived in falling a ine . lT Saturday la. The eld?r 1 . . i . . i FOR f'HILIVA DKUNQI KXCV j Portland. May 23. Parent are criminally liable for the downfall of their children if the cause of the downfall can ho traced to lark of parental care. This legal prwedent was establish- vuo. irjvu uuu tauitif rime qtt ,. . ... - i,v i.,rt. .. v.itrrfv iiu, from Cr.4cent nt e.teM .n,i win lfmo aol nl ioe and other part of i.! y. ' ' ir 1t i'tf "V- Aftor rromcrent City yesterday and win ' 80 minutes deliberation the Jurors make a trip to Portland and other i,u rsc &(Uy lawted, and the f0l(.t-d wn, ., , -J points . !,u trln ,0 ' fr. red d W , "wIkw ,or,en- M Julia .Bd Fstra O'Brien sod ! ture of his left arm, ; rlbutlng to the d.-lluquency or her Misses juna sna hstra o Brien snd i ' ,l-yer-o d dauehter. FramM their brother, Delbert O'Brien, of Waldo, are spending a few day n :1or Sdillllns; lkiul the city on business. Schilling, . .uiu.rr rr ...ill. v I. . .1 n . ttfflunt Al .tilt. n l.i. . k . i iiusn jmweu, r rvu inoonaon ana - ""'i vmiiwui;)( Bnj j( M,oraM . i . a. . la t'An a irn v m t ...... . t . air. i,o arrivp(j nere yesiernay uvnmreui ,u doubtful character from Credent City and left this .wutBern morta ror tuberculo.,, died j ma h pintrsl morning for San Francisco. Olendora. talltornia. Saturday ,. , lh. , ,,, , Sneclal nrlcea on all suits. It n-IIl f niRnt. atoordlng to word received In , . pay you to see them before buying, i tnl cWlr Sunday. Mis Schilling, who Mr. Hodge, the Indictment alleged, had permitted Frances to frequent dances and all-night restaur- with men of Who Mtld Ikm? We have them Rig tmea, snmll once, gmwl one, IiikI nie, gnnkMi Imv and Mgtfc line, and vcrttl mher Vlnd. Special Beet Hoes at 40c each. The VIiii Unit I right mid will aid you to lorn the Imm-U Into nugget. Grants Pass Hardware Co. At Your Kenrlre I several men and boys. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. . O. L. Williams, who baa been with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Williams, for several months, left this morning for Roeeburg. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Morrison and Miss English, of Warren. Pa., rela tive of H. M. White, who spent sev eral days In the city, left south this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Itchcr re turned on Saturday from an auto mobile trip to Oakland, Cal., and oth er points in that section, visiting tbelr daughter, Mrs. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones, of the forest station on the Wlnchurh, Jn Curry county, came over the moun tains yeeterday with E. D. Shook and 111 Tlslt In the'elty for a few dsys. Miss Ethel Cooper, Instructor In the high school at Yreka, Cal., ar rived here last night and will spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. O. W. Cooper, and her sister. Mrs. M. Dunn. 728tfWtt refined and accomplished wo man, had many friends In this city, who mourn the cutting short of a promising young Ufa. WAR t'HKMT ASKKI) nY PRKMIKR ASQt ITU London, May 23. Premier Asqiilth this afternoon moved In the house of a war credit of 300,- The Wardrobe rieaniw Have recently In.tflll . Hr, -m i"""8 tor which enable, us to destroy that dla-i000; or ;;O0.O0O.oa0.. agreeable gasoline oder. Tours for LThJ" br,nM th to,a, w,r cr,,,lt ,rt ii.9iio,uuu.ouu. Asqultn declared better service, for, and deliver, street. Amos F, Remember wa call Pbone 147. 609 Q Williams, prop. 754 I MVK MAX 8IT AVITII WOMEN'S CLrnS' DEI.KGATES Memorial ly Service The Memorial day services will be i bold Sunday morning, May 28, at the Newman M. E. church. Rev. Melville T. Wire will conduct the service. A special Invitation has been given to the pastors and their congregations of the city's churches to be present. Members of Gen. Logan post and corps will meet at the court house yard and march In a body to the church. All visiting comrades , ,, The allies that without loans from Great Bri tain the other allies would be unable to consider great oitcratlon. En- ( I uiul can not hop at this time to dim inish Its loans to the allies, he said, and It would be unwise to count on British expenditures tailing below I23.7o0.000 dally. The expenditures now amount to $24,100,000 dally. Winston Churchill told the com mons It was unreasonable to expect the war to turn aiulclenly In favor of the allies. He urged that every avail able man he used in the prosecution We have a fine assortment of Correspondence Cards Invitation Stationery . Initial Stationery .Ui, Haml-Colom! ('ungrftfulirttou Curds, Ietlur Houml IIhU ,nml Kiitnll Gift Hooks, snltnlile for graduation gift. Demaray's Drug and Stationery Store OBITUARY and W. R. C. and Spanish war veter ans are cordially luvlted to join in this service. Goodbye coffee grinder HPHE right way to protect good coffee in vacuum sealed tinshas made grinding at home or at the grocer's unsatisfac tory. Right after Schilling's Best is roasted, it is care fully ground into even bits, the objectionable chaff taken-out, and the coffee hurriedly packed in vacuum-scaled tins. Neither you nor the the grocer can grind as uniformly as wc do. And uniform grinding is one of the important reasons for the smooth, rich strength of Schilling's Best. A pound goes further. Sold only through grocer. Qcmumgs Dest New York, May 23. Among 20,- 000 women, one lone man, II. T, 8mlth, a lawyer of Fulton, Ky hus band of president of the Fortnightly club, will sit as an alternate delegate In the National Federation of Wo men's clubs' convention here. "Bet your life I'll attend all meet ings and receptions, Just as If I wore skirts." he said. HI LI8 ll.LXF.Sfl NOT COVSIDEKEIt SKHIOVS St. Paul, iMay 23. It was an nounced at the Hill offices todny that the HlneBB of James J. Hill, veteran railroad magnate, is not serious. It was expected that he would bo at his desk again In a short time. Jl'HTKT; IH UIIKS MNCLAIMS "IRRESPON8IRLE RUMORS" Washington, May 22. "Justice Hughes does tint recognize irrespon sible rumors," It was announced through his secretary today when he was questioned as to a printed story where he was quoted as having said: "The republicans will nominate Roosevelt. There la no use consider ing any one else." ( lurk & llolnian, Undertakers Licensed embalmers. Phone SO tf Mure lelcjiiite l Ibwclmrg Among the delegates to the I. 0. O. F. and the Rebekah grand lodge to go to Roseburg are: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis, the former repre senting both th,e I. O. O. F. and Paran encampment, Mrs. .Mary Hlldreth, Mrs. W. R. McCrackon, Mrs. Arthur Jackson. -Mrs. R. S. Bush, Mrs. E. K. Blanchord, Mrs. E. F. Heath, Mrs. Dr. Ingram and baby Mary Ellen, Mrs. I. M. Davis, iMIsaes Llda Flileld, Kate Newell, Fay Stlnebaugh. Beulah Wil liams, Flora and Anna Schmidt. The Grants Pass exemplification team has been asked to put on the work at the Rebeknb grand lodge meeting. have two hundred thousand officers, with a similar num ber of servants,vand there are In the army fifty thousand grooms," he said. "These grooms and scrvunts should be sent to the firing lines." Mrs. Geo. K. Sender Mrs. France Estelle Sanders, wife of George K. Sanders, vice president and general manager of the Oregon- Utah Sugar company, died Tuesday morning at the h. 1). S. hospital. Mrs. Sanders was the only child of J. Fennlmoro Sltts and Elizabeth Casler Sltts, and was born on Febru ary 24, 1873, In the town of Warren, Herkimer county, N. Y. She was married In Chicago April 21, 1914.' She and her husband have made their home in Grants Pass, Ore., and Chi cago, III. Mrs. Sanders hnd been seriously ll for about one year, and had been operated on In Grants Pass, Chicago, and Salt Iake In an effort to prolong her life. She Is survived by her hus band and father.. Mrs. Sanders was an accomplished and well known planlste and singer. Funeral services were held at 11 MM I lrtf VJaw i in ii i r ri'i r sf .nTu.ll . Ml TIT VVIII I U AMEL at Rogue River Hdvv. KEN.NKTII WILLI A MK MAY JOIN PORTLAND HEAVERS Objection te 8riousnt. If everybody wore nblo to- Hee clear ly, think straight and rcncli sound con-'o'clock Thursday morning, May 18, elusions there could bo no objection nt tho Twentieth ward chapel. Inter- w si-riuunili-n escepi 11 lllortHI mo- notonousness. But, Inasmuch ns about 00 per cent of what sorlous noonln Mining blanks at the Courier office. think and know and say Is Incorrect, the evil effect upon tho social body Is tremendous. It may lie, probably Is, equally true tbut IK) per cent of what nonserlou people think and know and say is Incorrect, but as nobody take them seriously, no barm Is dono to the community, and theso nonserloua one have at least added to the sum, total of enjoyment'. The peoplo who take themselves seriously ought to bo care fully selected by Inw and their num ber rigidly llmlted.-Llfet nf.w touay "claIwif words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, 60c; one month, 11.60. when paid in advance. When not paid In advance. Bo por line per Issuo.) FOR SALB Registered Guernsey bulla from high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grants Pass. Ore. 754tf FOH S IA LM Three-ton" VciwT auto truck. Tho price Is right. Ionard Orchard Company, Grants Pass, Ore. . 754tf KKV Kit A L modern furnished houses for runt. Also unfurnished. L. A, Launer. 7S9 TYPEWRITING or any kind of book work don. I'hon 141-R. Mr. Bush. CHtf FOR" RKOTfor a" fw"weeki, . modern furnished bungalow. Phon 1S3-J. 7SI METRO Features Stan Tonight Lai &Wed. METRO Features The Metro Picture Corporation presents FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN Tho undisputed sovereign of the screen and MISS BEVERLY BAYNE The crowned queen of flliiidom in "Man and His Soul" AImi Miuptor 12 of the great rnllroal story "The Girl and the Game" . with HKLK.V HOLM ICS ment was In the family lot In City cemetery. Mr. Sunders Is a nephew of Ovando C. Heebo, cashier of the Zlon's Rav ings Bank & Trust company. Salt Lake City Herald-Republican. Tribut te th Mult. The mule hns cuini'd nil tlm. decora tions tliut ure worth while the inc lining mllltAlre. the Iron ciumn, the Vic. turln cross, tho inedul of honor, etc. As a ciimpnlgner he bus im opml in any t'llimitu under the sun Ho I tho philosopher mid stole of unlnmls. Kven his Ktublxirniii-ss Is sometlineM virtue. The mule I prniniiioiitly nsNocluted with tho army's bill of fare. Strategy bus suved mimy a iM-tongueied i,cc, but tho mulo with his pack lins often routod starvation, the worst enemy tbut ever threatens troop. The mule does not cravo respect, but every soldier loves him. Long may be tmlk and tulkt New York Bun. Portland. May 23.Kenneth Wil liams, the Grant Pass phenomen, may appear In the outfield for the Portland Pacific coast league club. A denl was reported today by which Walter McCredle will trade Pitcher Oscar Hnrstad to Spokane for Wil liams, who hns been hitting tho ball hard In the Northwestern league. McCredle, It was learned, has ask ed Bill Rodgers, who was released to Portland by Cincinnati, about Wil liams. Rodgorsvand Williams were team mates at Cincinnati. William was sick practically all of his time with the Cincinnati club, suffering from stomach trouble. Another chango In the Portland club was made certain by the an nouncement that the Cleveland Amer icans have released Pitcher Hager man to tho Beavers. Letterheads at the Courier. Admission Ii and IB Cents First Performance 7:!IO The Home Of Feature Paramount Metro Bijou Tonight IMUi;il'l' WARWICK III Alias Jimmie Valentine ,One of the iut glfd actors and most famous of present dny v, unniM, A 1KW UHAL ATTRACTIONS TW III'. SHOWN WHIN AT TIIK IIIJOI "The Price of Power," Orrl Johnson, "The Giihmi SMiiinp," t,'U tliti-rl44it(. "Hell' Hinge,.," V,n. S. IlnH. "1 he labyrinth," (inll Kune. ''Aim rfliiiinln Valentine," Rob. ert Warwick. "Tho Master Hand," t Good win. "Sunshine Hnd," He Wolf Moo. per. "Tho Senator," C, J. Ross. "The Pilco," Helen Ware. "Tho Pit," Wilton IjMkayo. "Aciiil(u.l, Wllfiwl Lucas. "P1XJGY," RIIJJK Ri RKE. "Ida," ( lllr)l KlmbHll Young. "Ills Picture In the Paivers." Ihingln Fnlihiiiiks. "IMty of GrejHtone," Dorothy UMi, Owen Moore. "D'Artngiiun," orrlii Johnson. I he Yellow PasH,M.rt," Clara Klmlmll Young, "The Butterfly on the Wheel," Holbnmk RIIiiii u,i Alice Rrndy, " Hnlvntlon Micheleiin, "Cnmllle," (lra V oiing. "Honor's Altar," .h,. Mrili. rale. "Don i Outvote," DeWolf llop,Kr. All In addition to tluwe sure-fli-e iHugh-nuikeis, the Keystone Nell," lleiitilxt Kimball