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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1916)
Tl'KKb.lY, MAY HMO. DAILY ItOOL'B RIVER COCKIER t ACZ TBRZ3 A Woman's Trouble. Trontdnlo, Ore- ?:on. "1 n roublcd with weak hum from which women uf for and after tak- luff tun luitltna nf ij Doctor Pierce' X Pavtirite Prescrip tion I wm entirely relieved." Ma. M. K. Joiikkow, Troutdulo,Oregou. The mighty rettoratlve power of Doctor Pierce's Favorlto Prescription speedily cause all womanly trouble to disappear compel the organ to proiwrly perform their natural funo lioui, correct displacement, over cornea Irregularities, remove pain and misery at certain tlinta and bring! back licalth and strength to oorvoua, irritable and pxhaimu-d women. For nil diaenaea peculiar to women, Ir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription la a powerful restorative. For nearly M) year it tiM banished from the live of loin of tlmiiHitndi of women the' pain, worry, misery and dittriw caused by irregularities and diaeaaoa of a feminine character. What Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pro scription haa dona for thousand it will do for yu. Met it thia very day from any medhilno dealer, In either liquid or tablet form ; or tend W) cent to Dr. Tierce. Invalid' Hotel, Uuffalo, N, Y., for trial bos of tabluta. Quttliotit of A'cxf Are fully and properly answered in Tim People' Com mon Kento Medical Advlter, by R. V. Pierce, M. D. It oontalna the knowl edge a young man or woman, wifa or daughter, ahoald have. 10)8 page with color plate, bound la cloth, By mall, prepaid on receipt of 3 dime orttampa. PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, May 23.-Today' mar kt quotation were: Wheat Club, 90 94; bluesteai. 99(81,01. OattN'o. 1 white feed, 26.25 27. Barley Feed, 27 29.60. Hogs Beat live, 8.95 9. Prime ateera, 9; fancy cow, 8; best calve, 8. Spring larabe, 9.50. Butler- City creamery, 29; coun try. !7. Egg Selected local extra. 23 24. Hen. 16; broiler, 30fr35; geese, 1011. Tinafa v y A J AM A iWl J t.iwiavw aa,'.ni.iui.B' wjm. aj n uu tKinmjkt-imciMrm 53 Buy Your Season Tickets to Chautauqua- Now and Buy Them With a Smile K3 BOTTOM Special Rates From Grants Pass to Principal Eastern Cities VIA CALIFORNIA On tale dally: Juno 1st to Sept. 30tb, 1916 Stopovers allowed ' Return limit: , 90 day from date of sale not to exceed Oct. 31, 1916 "To start right Is to end right" , THE SHASTA ROUTE Is the right way to start Attraction . SEE Ml. Shasta Shasta Spring Mt. 1-assen San Francisco Lot Angeles YoRenilte Valley ' Southern California Beaches Panama California Exposition LIMITED TRAINS , on all Southern Pacific routes NMM OODKN ROUTK 'Thd route SUNSET ROUTK 'Through Storylnnd.' . EL PASO ROUTE 'The route of the lowest altitude. Call on local agent tor further Information or write John M. Scott, General passenger A gout, Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES MN'UKIIOIUIKX NOW SKKK HIGH Ell WACK8 Soattle, May 23. Union longshore men aorvod notice on employer to day that every member of their or ganltatlon from Alaska to Ban Diego would etrlke June 1 unlcs a new echedule of wage la paid. The de mand Include a rain front 50 cent an hour, the preient cale, to 00 cent an hour for lumber handling, and a raise from 75 cent to 11 an hour for overtime. A ten-cent hourly lucrease la demanded for handling creoaoted lumber. It wa decided to ak for Increases In wagea at the Pacific coaat dlvllon convention of the International Longshoremen' at oclallon held here two week ago, KHTAtlROOK CIAXIKB HIS CAMPAIGN HKADQTARTF.IW Chicago, May 23, Henry Etta brook, New York lawyer and candi dal for the presidency In the Minne sota and Nebraska primarlei, today cloned hi campaign headquarter at the Congreaa hotel, without explana tion. Senator, DuPont took room there' today. Secretary Reynold, of the republi can, received word today of seven more contest In the Alabama dele gation, making a total of 54. Chair man Hillea of the G. O. P. national committee haa hot yet arrived. -He I expected tomorrow. Boomer for Charle W. Fairbanks, of Indiana,- are here In force. They say Falrbanka Is anre of the nomina tion. DAMAGE TO GRAPE CHOP WILL DOI HIB TIIK PIUCK Sacramento, May 23. The recent frost which damaged the grape crop to the tent of 15,000,000 will re sult In the price of grape befng doubted, according to E. M. Sheehan, secretary of the state vltlcultural commission. Wine grape will sell thl year for from 115 to $25 per ton, while last year the price averaged $10 a ton. TOPK HKNKMCT GETS PRES. WILSON'S MESSAGE Rome, May 13. President Wilson' reply to Pope Benedict' message, re ported to have auggested peace mea sure, reached the Vatican today. enroute of Limited.' ' mm A Sensible Cigarette 70 Put Him In tha Pan. "Judge. If you'll let me go I'll enlist In the army." "No, you'll have to verve a short sen tence. When It come to effecting a reform. I think the pen Is mightier than the aword."-Knuaa City Journal. , Pigeons In Constantinople. In no big city In the world are then to many tame pigeon a In Constanti nople. In many squares In London there are small flock of pigeons, but In the Turkish capital they art to bo seen by the thousand. These plgeona are aacred. and.' indeed, many a wealthy Turk leaves money to be de voted to buying food for them. The story of why they are sacred Is rather Interesting. When Mohammed, the Turkish prophet, was flying from bla enemlea be bid In a cavern. At the mouth of the cavern two plgeona built their nest, so tradition runs, while across the entrance a spider spun It web, Tbe soldiers who came along some days later felt certain that no one had entered the cave, aeclng tbe blrda nesting and tbe spider's web, and so never troubled to enter It and search. Ever since then the Turks have held plgeona and spiders to be eacred. Qlfta of the Grass. The grSNa la uiUxed only by lta ab sence. When we pass by a house which Is niluus a green lawn or grassy plot In front we exclaim, "What a blot on tbe landHcapcr In a vague way we reallxe that the grass gives tone and color to outdoor life as nothing else can: that no picture la complete without it All tbe beauties of the seashore the bold rocks, the created surf, tbe dashing wares, the lights and shadows which play at sunrise and tunnel betdde old oceun cannot com pensate for the lack of tbe grass be neath our feet Friends wintering at southern beaches have told us that they grew homesick for the grassy fields and mcmlows of home. Marga ret Woodward In Countryside Maga due. . : . Naming' the Baby. Give your baby a name that will suit him or her throughout life. Let it be a euphonious, well balanced name. In dicative of intelligence, character and success and one so easily written or spoken that uo nicknames will ever be found nocesKury. If there Is available a family name with tbeso good quail tics, all tho better. Do not Indulge In levity, do not give way to aeutlmeut, do not surrender to affectation or ro mance In this matter of selectlug a suitable name, and avoid novel com binations and play upon words with out loading tbe child down with cheap commonplace. Dallas New. Starting the Tears. Her Husband-Do you know, dear, that I found my first gray hair this morning? Ilia Wife Oh, give it to me, John, and I'll keep It as a aouvenlr to remember yon by. , Her Husband- What'a the mntter with me keeplug It to remember you ' by? Indianapolis Star , When Franco Wathtd In Holland. In tho Blxtceuth century clotbos were aent from all part of France to be washed In Holland, where the water of tho canal wasi supposed to have spe cial cleansing properties. The Cost of transport was about ten times greater In those day than at present Out of Sight. Country Cousin Of course pertatera grows underneath the ground. City CouHtn-H'ml Ye-ea, but what gtta mo la how 'you toll when they're ripe or not Farming Ruslness, Whan 8ht 8tt It Qulokly. "Can your wife seo a Joke?" , ''. "It It's lu the shape of a bonnet or a dretm that aonie other woman Is wear Ing she can."-Dotrolt Free Pre. Worry, whatever Its eource. Weaken, takca away courage and shortens life FOit SALl 40. ACRES ! mile from Grant pass, no Improvement, for aale at HO per acre. Under ditch ur vey. Address No. 2415, car Courier. . 6S7tf FOR SALE 8lx-room plastered house, close In, lot 100x100, good bade. Address No. 2413, care Courier. 657tf MURPHY farm for aale, 73 acre 10 mile from Cranta Past, on hank of Applegata river, some bottom land, tcuch upland under ditch, with water right Addreta No. 615, care Courier. 707tf. FOUR ACRES let to grapes, peache and apple, live-room bungalow, on Pacific highway, two mile from city, no incumbrance, for Je. A nap it taken before June 1, Ad dress John Roia, Grants Pats. itZ BLUB PRINT Plata of Grants Pat for tale at Courier office. $1.60. 93 ?OR 8ALE improved HO-acre atock ranch near Grant Past, bait In crop, 60 lncbea water; outelde range; something good. Box 60, R. 1, Rogue River, Ore. 759 HORSE FOR SALE Weight about 1400. 7 year old.. Inquire Hend ersons, 3 miles west of city on hill road. 757 FOR SALE A No. 1 all around driv ing and eaddre mare, s year old. Pacer. Gentle for ladles and child re, good traveler, easily caught, buggy and harness thrown In, no reasonable offer refused, quick sale. Address 963 care of Courier 757. PHEASANTS eggs at half price. China Pheasants, $1.50 per dozen. Golden Pheatanta $2.00 per dozen. Silver Pheatanta $3.00 per dozen. Reeves Pheasants, $3.60 per dozen. C. H. Sampson, 411 D Street. 757 SMALL SAWMILL for sale. Write for particular. T. J. Everton & Son, R. F. D. No. 2, Grant Pass, Ore. Phone 610-F-5 757 FOR SALE Good work horse, wagon and harness for aale cheap for cash. Call on or address Mrs. ' .L, B. Coffman, 315 E street. Grants Pass, or S. E. Coffman, Grant Pas hotel. 766 FOR SALE 10 h. p. gasoline tractor. auitable for heet cultivation and general power purposes. Has Schebler carburetor, Atwater-Kent Ignition, adjustable tread to suit varying widths of rows, also pulley for pumping, wood-sawing and oth er power purposes. This machine haa been run only a short time and la In excellent shape. Price for quick sale $175. For demonstra tion and full particulars see Harry Hull, four miles west of town on t upper river road, or phone 609-F-23. , 754 FOR SALE OR TRADE 16 0-acre wheat ranch In North Unit Irriga tion District, Jefferson county, Ore. 65 acres under cultivation, 50 acres more can be plowed, all prairie, no timber, -3 H miles from R. R. All under fence, good buildings. Price $20 per acre; $1,000 mortgage. Will trade In crop and Implements with equity for land in Josephine county. What have you? L, E. Wilson. Metollua, Ore. 758 TEAM colts, half brother and half sister, 4 years old, aired by $1,500 animal, stocky feet but not -too heavy to trot. Fine appearance. $300, Geo. L. Morris, R. F. D. No. 1. Phone 602-F-12. 754 FOR SALE One oak dining table, round, three extra leaves, cost $18, in good condition, will deliver for IS. Address 983, care of Courier 54 Envelopes printed at the Courier office. Location notices, Courier office. Tl HKXT FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with bath, In best residence die-, trict, close In. 655 North 5th atreet. 754 PASTURAGE TO RENT 20 acres, adjoining Lincoln Park, as a whole . for season or balance year. Run ning water. Will rent single pas turage. Phone 215-Y, or address . 112 C atreet. 754 WANTKD WANTED 400 feet 8-Inch pipe, also large tank, G. A. Hamilton, Phone '603-F-2. ; 757 WANTED Work by girl in store or In private family to care for chil dren, Inquire at corner A and Ninth. -, , , 754 Classified Acfivccfeisig ' . ' LOST L08T Saturday nlghC May lUrone purple and grey plaid mackinaw robe. Finder please leave at saw mill and receive a aultable re ward. H. S. "Woodcock. 756 KEWAItD REWARD for information leading to return of two-year-old black re gistered Fercberon stallion colt, strayed from Winona ranch., F, R. Steel, route 1, 747tf VETERINARY SURGEON OR. R. J. PE8TCL, Veterinarian, Office In Winetrout Implement Building. Pbone 113-J. Resi dence phone 305-R. MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL 8PRINOS water ,put up in 5-gallon glas Jar and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, unitary. Telephone 2&3-R and water wagon will calL a PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing.- Bacterial test aa cure that this water la pure. De livered , In five-gallon bottle. V,. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone, 602-F-3. 459tf TIME CARD The California and Oregon coast Railroad Company (Too Oregon Cave Route) Effective Monday, May 1, 1916. Train 1 lv. Granta Pais 7:00 a.m. Arrives Walera Creek 8:00 a.m. Train 4 lv. Water Creek..5 : 00 p.m. Arrive Granta Pass.... 6:00 p.m. Daily except Sunday. All train leave Granta Pass, from the corner of G and Eighth street, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company. Public Ser vice building, or phone 131 lor tame. Train will atop on flag it any point between Grants Pass and Ws r-e ck. Fa;;:"-: -erre every daj In tbe week. ; . -a ..v3 it .MMHke rnitiiiso9tj rfifaaiatiBaiaBaaiuwi M.TO- Mnrh 99 S3 99 99 with a i i Personality" f mm f TVTO matter what your M Vi touch this new 1 H Roval Muster. 9 . j.i in -ii . . 4 f J Just turn the set-screw S Z and regulate the touch I S of this new Koyal to Pi fit YOURSELF Make i gg it lijSht and smooth as velvet or firm and 5 saPpy as you like. Built for "Big , M Business" and its. Great Army of i i Expert Operators I Every keen-witted ttea j I oflrspher every office mtna f ger every expert operator on the firing line oi " Big Bui 6 1 net " will graip the enormout J rk-tavin .rilue of the new 5 J Royal't AdjusUU Ttack mm that Uket the "grind " out f f ii I! f oi rvpewnuni i But the new Model 10 hat I I many Other bid, vital new 9 J feature. Invtstitatt thim I II T.nh.F.t.t --It m h uct iib a mil f Stndforth "Royal man" I andaakforaDEMONSTRA- 6 TION. Or writ us direct for I f ournwbrochurM,"7T SERVICE." and On Ye- ! Ofent SolvJ postal brings ! ! Price$100 J hotal npEWRrra co. Uc. ! ! ! S ItWIITM Ml V lit ; COVK1KK, Agent IS ': ' 3 ft ,-3 2 IS '9 PBTglCIAJSg L. O. CLEMENT, U. D. Practlc limited to dlaeate of the eye, mt. note and throat Claaae fitted. Office boor 9-13, J-B, and os ap pointment Office phone 63; resi dence phone S69-J. 8. LOUGHRIDGE, M, D., Physician and (orgeoa. City or country calln attended day or night. IU. phono 369; office .phono III Sixth and H. Toffa Bonding. J. P. TRUAX, if. D Physician aad Surgeon. . Phonea: - Office, fat; residence, 124. Call answered at all hour. Country call at tended to. Lundeturg Bldg. DR. ED BYWATER Specialist on dlseaae of eye, ear, note and throat; glasses fitted. Office hour: 9 to 13 a. m., J to 6 p. m. Phonea: Res. 234-J; Office, 267-J. Schmidt Building, Grant Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. STaiCKER Dise of children and general practice. Talt pZoum tlw. OSLe'. Maanatn niu-US-' tt A. A. WITH AM, K. D.. Phyalclaa aad Surgeon. Office: Hall Building, corner Sixth and I itraeta. Phonea: Office, lit; residence, 3IW. Bonn:! a. m. to 4 p. a. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Osteopathia Physician. Chronlo and nenroua disease apeclalfy. Room 1 and 1, Lundburg bufldlng, oppoalte port office; phone 149-R. Residence: Colonial hotel; phono J67-J. 761 DENTISTS E. C. MACT, D. K. D..-7-nrat-claai aenuatry. ioi South siztft street, Granta Pa, Oregon. ' BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott, dental aaalatant Booms 4 and 5, Golden Rule ' building. Granta Pa, Ore. Phone 26S-J. ATTORSKTS H. D. NORTON, Attorny-at-Law. Practice in an state and Federal Court. First National Bank Big. COLVIG A WILLIAMS Attorneye-at-Law, Granta Pas Banking Co. Building, Granta-Pas. Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all court. First National Bank Building. EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney. . at-Law. Offlo Masonic Temple. Granta Paaa, Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County . attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. 8. B LAN CHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Grant Paaa Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Granta Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Iaw. pracucee In state and federal court. Rooms 2 and 3, over Golden Rule atore. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco Belglan school of violin playing. E. R. Lawrence, 315 I atreet DRATAGB AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All klnda ot drayage and tranafer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand at frleght depot A. Shade, Propr. F. G. Isham, drayage and transfer. Safes, piano and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. 60. Reeldence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Tranafer Co. Phono 15-R. LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M. Stated Commanlca tlontf 1st and 3d Tuesday. Visiting brethren cordially invited. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed. G. Harris, aeoretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE. NO. 78. 1.O. u O. F., meet every Wed fji nesday eve in I.O.O.P. hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially invit ed to be present I. V. Howell. N. Q., Clyde Martin, Secretary. ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH, Asaayer, chemist, raetallurglat. Rome 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pas. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGING, graining, paint ing. For the best work at lowest prices phone 295-J. C, Q. Plant, South Park street. '