PAGE EIGHT DAILY UOtil'K lUVMt COIIUGK 81 ADA V, MAY f, 1919 BASEBALL TODAY Xational Boston 7 IS New York ..... C 11 Rudolph tad Gowdy; Tesreau, Perrltt, Anderson and Rariden. Philadelphia t 8 Brooklyn S It (11 Innings.) Mayer and Burns; Pfeffer and MoCarty. ' Chicago t I Pittsburg 1 T Vaughn and Archer; Adams and Schmidt Cincinnati t St Louis . . Z 8 fThnli and Wage: , Doak, Wll Hams and Snyder. GET OFFICIAL TEXT OF KAISER'S REPLY S 8 4 8 Nunar ; America ' New .j York Boston Markle, Shawkey and maker; Foster, Pennock and Thomas, Agnew. Washington 1 4 Philadelphia. - 4 8 Harper, Ayrea and Henry; Bush ' and Senas.;. Cleveland , 4 T Chicago 1 Morton and O'Neill; Scott. Dan forth, Clcotte and Schalk. Washington, May The official text ot Germany'a reply to the Am erican submarine ultimatum was re ceived here today and President Wil son Is formulating his decision on the Important issue. i Fnless the official a AaMimAnt stiff am , 'essential! from .11,".. In meantime the president will 1 ,. , ' " : not act In this direction until he has i i ao m iwivtjuuv WUUUB1QO I DAI Qlu ... I J k V V . ji rep of n Imml.t. ,K.v i- ji.i ,ru o wuu am matlce relations has passed. Thislnf ,fCpl w" "'"T p,efw " onnMn.tnii t... , wholly apart from Its discuss on of It UliSL M m 7 TT th British blockade, or congress, the cabinet and others i of the president's advisers. L ,0"C'M twt ,8 ,pr' M"- Prom the large aumbera of tele-lt,ral W,,h ,h prm 11 WM M,d' grams received at the White House during the night, it appears that the.PH'WVMKXT, CRJKDIT year has declined to otter his servants generally. The institution of vires toward peace. Until such ao Uon Is suggested to htm by bellger ents, It Is beltved he will make no move. This suggestion In the minds of many, has come now. Whether the president will so regard It, re mains to be seen. Much probably depends on what Ambassador Qersrd communicated with regard to his conference with the kaiser. The contents of his com munication on that point are closely guarded. this service will, Mr. Wllcoxon states, mean a very marked saving to those of the purchasing public who regtrd phelr Indebtedness as an honest ob ligation. This method ot credit pro tection It the most modern, efficient protective system that has passed the test of practical operation, and Is the first ot its kind to be Introduced Into southern Oregon. o country is satisfied that Germany l.made a concession precluded n nn. slbillty of a break unless It falls to live np to Its promisee. RRPOUTIXO, COM.KCTION Recently there has been establish ed In Grants Pass, as headquarters I Germsny may be said to be again ; for southern Oregon, a hranch office tn probation. Time will tell whe-j representing several national asso- DBREGON SLOW AT FINAL CONFERENCE El Paso, May 6. .Generals Scott and Punston today still awaited Gen eral Obregon's acceptance of their In vitation to a final conference. There was no response from Obregon. There was a strong impression among offi cials that the de facto government was surprised at American accept ance of the tentative agreement, and i was now backing out In the hope ot l.ther it deserves this chance, accord- clations. that should do Its share In ilng to the view of the president. reducing the high cost of living for obtaining more favorable terms. Carranza was said to desire most With President Wilson's decision, ,Jhe people of Josephine county. This the Lusitanla case will pass Into his-! branch, under the management of ! tory. The last obstacle la the taint- 'G. D. Wllcoxon, la conducting three ;to limit the presence of American i troops In Mexico and to hope that an agreement to that effect might be reached. tanla negotiations will be removed different departments employment, jT(, xKV lUTLETS KltOM when the president annroves the new credit renortln. and rolloctlnn orders putting freighters and liners I' Although the local office was onen-i wonoyaniun. jm tne same ciass--all subject to the led but a few weeks ago. with the' When the armies of Napoleon were , rules of search and selsure before Orecon Ohserver. its rnlHl inor....! VmiUUUIllli KiUll'T Vlt-UVKIl .UflKCUH, with 18,000 nieu. suikleuly appeared lwtfnro thj. A llwf rid, ttvmrn tt LVlil. aomtinmj may resort airectiy rrom Germany's plain indication that It Is anxious for peace. The conference IIRAIX OF tXMLMER RAN HIT klrvu aud deiuauded lis surrender. In stead of complying, the burgomaster issued orders (but the church belU were to be set ringing and that the burghers, their wives ami daughters, clad In holiday attire, were to assem ble in the market square and there make merry. The result was exactly what be had hoped for. Masscn.-t heard the sounds of rejoicing, watched (tool the heights overlooking the towu the gathering throngs in the streets and came to the Sacramento, May 6. Mrs. W. II . rail rli,jrt,A i9 ! Wvana T R dMJln(?,.0n- I,n DU9,ne!,!, hM ne8ltaed re- oW f traJn band,t of umc a,s guaroeaty inumated thatjmovai to more ample quarters, and the early 90.s trrlTed here t(K,.y 1.A. mA t . , J I , l 1 tii.i miv uuw iu Airu Hi ruunin All and 219 on the second floor of the Hall building, formerly the Paddock between Ambassador Gerard and the block. German emperor suddenly looms' Besides finding employment for targe in tne minds or officials. It had not been seriously thought that the kaiser discussed details of the debtors, this service provides an cfil- from her home In Los Angeles to bo with her father, who will undergo an operation next week to remove two bullets that have been resting near his brain for 23 years. Rvans left Los Angeles for Oregon several dent collection service and Issues; days ago, but on arriving at Sacra mento went to the county hospital as he was losing his sight. His daugh- every month to Its clients a deht submarine issue with Gerard. Since record, giving the names of all per- me arrival ot me reply mere is a,g0ns against whom It holds bills for.ter did not know hi whereabouts Drwinv rAl or Thar nna m n r t tre . 1 v..w ifoiiecuon. ana an exact account of played a prominent part In the con-. the manner In which each debtor ference. i treats his creditors: whether he re- conclusion that the townsfolk must ?nT2S XZmIJJ Germy'8 adm,ss,on that 8he fuses payment, dispute, his account. Austrian army, which was believed to rwtPA nirraA m... . ... be somewhere In the vicinity, wss ad vancing to their relief. As to gtve battle tbere and then formed no part of Napoleon's general plan of action. Massena ordered a re treat Feldktrch was saved, and by a bluff, for as a matter of fact no rellev tag force was anywhere near at the time. twice offered to make peace and a fails to answer letters: or. mm In declaration that she yields because cfui. or makes regular or Irregular she believes prolongation of the war payments. Tnder this protection the a calamity, these, If not actual lndl- 'merchant la not obliged to make his cations of uneasiness for the future ;cash customers carry the burden of are appeals to this country for af- hi9 bad customers. At the same Urinative steps that will stop the car- time a debtor receives prompt credit nage. according to the belief of Ger- for anv navment on hi until she read of the contemplated operation. The Oardanallea. The present name of Dardanelles was man cles. as well as administration cir- The Interstate Mercantile service, Mr. Wllcoxon says. Is soon to In- It may be said authoritatively that .ugurate a system of telephone ere given to the ancient Hellespont from (8ome persons close to the president 'dlt reporting which has been very the two castles that protect the nar- believe he should tentatively sound . successful In the east, which will rowest part of the strait and that out the belligerents on the question j further protect the merchants and themselves preserve the name of the ;of Possible peace and the result of professional men in their extension famous city of Dardanns in the an- the German note. !0f credit. I'pon phone request they dent Troad. The name of "Darda- One of these said: will furnish to subscribers detailed nelles" is briefly referred to as hav- j "We hear In this no voice of the reports upon any customer applying tag been derived from the name of the ibraggard. or the bully, but the voice for credit, giving the assessed valua dty of Dardanus. but the Encyclope- of a nation sick and tired of the tion of his property, If any; the Hens dla Brltannlca states that It is the j endless fight. It Is the heart and of record against It and the condi twin castlea for which the Hf rait Is ac-; soul of Germany speaking what It tlon of his accounts generally I.e.. hially named-New York Tim. : feels." ! whether he Is increasing or decreas ' Tfte president for more than a ing his Indebted ness with the merch- Higtorio Knowledge. Imaglue the clvllhted world waking up tomorrow morning with every trace of historic knowledge and all memory of wbat has occurred iu the past wiped completely out of mind aud placed be yond recovery. The world would fall Into confusion. There would le no guidance for staiennieii or for scien tists. Every new problem would have to be solved by the long and painful method of triul ami error There would be no xrimuliis of pride, emula tion and confidence xprlngliiu from the recollection of man' im! ii hlcve mcnts. A mttlon wjilimit liU'ory oi!l I Ik like n limn without iimmm'Tv - .New York .lourtui Heavy Reading. "I've seen 'French at a tllnnce,' but some literature can't be bundled thui way." "What, for Instance''" "A rnllrond time t :i I nt h irlutn'e." -LuiiWrllle t 'ourlcr .Imiii iiuI toff in ? Urn 3 in l if pp Opera Momse n n tvt May Ji Senior Play by Class of 1916 Ticket sale starts Wednesday at 10 a. m. at Horning's "Shack," next door to postoffice. Prices, 35c and 50c , Prices, 35c and 50c The Business or Professional Man of Today Must Keep Pace in Personal Appearance with His Associates Shabbiness of wearing apparel is never construed as an indication of success. To attract mucoom you must appear to to already nrcewfiil. This la mmuUIiIo without undue travagAnce If you amve to us for clothe. Quality, Style, Scrvlre and I'Ht are always roni. blned at our store. PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. "Caidi lluya (liaer Tluut tYedU" "If Men Wear It, We Have If Was Net a Fungus. A certain worthy mlulMcr was a keen and accomplished uuturallnt Ills aie cialty was a remarkable knowledge of different claes of fuugl. Ills enthu nUiin. however, wmn hut Indifferently appreciated b.v ceriulu iiiemhera of his pariah, and one day lieu t-ntlliig upon one of them, a aour old uplniiier. be was considerably emburrasaed when the reminded him of the exact length of time that bad elapsed since he had last paid her a vlxli. He heguu to make excinu-a fur the ilHa.r. when eh abruptly and curtly cut him short. "If 1 was n toadstool." she aald, with grim Irony, "you'd have been to see me long airo!" Londou Tit Hits, A Loofj Sleep. A Swedish girl hohN the record for long alteliig. She iniiie home from her work aoou uftcr her fouriiiiih lilrlhdiiy, complaining f toothiiche, and went to bed Hihmi afterwartl she lell aaltvp aud alept wliliout wnkiug from S"5 to l!k)T. a period of thirty two years. Her only timirUtiuicnt during ilila " rlod was two cuifuU of milk day. 8 lie fully awoke at the age of forty nil and liumedlutely nuked for her mother, who was dead. She did not reeognlie her brothers, whom alio had known n little boys She rcineiiilHTcd iioihlii during Iter inmee. Yet her re-very was, abwilute She liecnme well and hearty In eery way I j IRRIGATION With Electric Power Irrigation by Klectrlcnlly driven Pumps Is ICconoiiilcal, Itelinlilc and i:nielent and excel any other form of Power. Motor may bo drlveq day and night If desired, with no other' care than an occasional renewal of oil. To start, It Is simply necessary to throw a switch. If you have a source of water supply from Well, Creek, I'ond or River, you can Irrigate by Electric Power and have water when and where you want It. Our Power Lines cover a large portion of Jackson and Josephine Counties and we are constantly making new extensions, INFOllMATIOV CARD Anyone desiring estimate of cost on proposed Irrigation plant will rocelve prompt reply by filling out the following form and mailing to California-Oregon Power Company, Grants Pass, Oregon. Numhor of Acres desired to Irrigate Total lift In feet from water level of .well or stream to highest point of land to Irrigate Number of feet of pipe inquired Number of feet of ditch or flume required Water Supply (well or stream) and name of stream Bigned : ; I P. O. Address Location: Section.... .., Twp Range.. CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER CO. O'Jil U HTRKICT I'HONW 108-J UIMN'TH 1MSH, OIlKdON