Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, April 30, 1916, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    BIN PAY, AWIL 80, U16
daily nocrE ihveh coviutu
Ml Dixon Arrive
Dr. Wttham reports the arrival of
a daughter at the borne of Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Dixon, residing near this
city, Saturday morning.
: ..it1. -' Jf - -
X V. . IV J
you will
nil UN wbjr x
Some Ladies Are Far
More Charming
Than Others
ho will Ivll jrou why
Edison Diamond
Disc Records
. -
are far more eharmlng than all
other dlxfi records.
Come In and lhitrn
Music and Photo House
Coming Feature
Attractions at the
Charlie tlteplln. In Nurlewjue
i llermen." (KwuiiMr.)
Marguerite Know, In "lloa.
mary." (Metro.)
Itin Parnuiu, In "The
Gentleman from Indiana."
ThnU llara and Wm. Slmjr,
In "Hln." (Fox.)
.Marguerite Clark, In "The
Prince and the Pauper." (Para
mount.) -
Valll-Vatll, In "The Tur
mutt." (Metro.) ' "
Ureeawonri ami Grant, In
"Jane." ( Paramount)
(Jeraldlne Parrar, In "Temp
tatlon." ( Paramount.)
Tltrxxlore Itotwrts, In "Mr.
(ire of Monte Carlo." (Para
mount.) Edmund llreewe, In 'The
Ind of Heart ' Demre,"
I4u-Telleen, In "The I'd
known." (Paramount.)
Fannie Ward and Neaaue
.Ilayakama, In "The Cheat,"
Pranrla X. Iluhinan and
Beverly Ilayne, In "A Man and
Ilia Soul." (Metro.)
Mary Ptrkford, In "The
"The Ne'er-Do-Well."
Chlmmle Ftfdden Out West." ,
May 1, Monday lntef-clau field and
track meet, with crowning of May
Queen, High School campus.
May 1, Mondsy Spring festival and
may pole dance at the Riverside
May 4 and 5, Thursday and Friday
Elghthgrade examinations will be
held In Josephine county.
May 9, Tuesday Opening day of
State Grange at Grants rase.
May, ,12, Friday Senior, play, at
Opera House, T0
May 17, Wednesday Final concert
,bjf. Muslo club. .
May 17, Wednesday Woodmen of
the World district convention at
Grants Pass.' .
May 18, Thursday Valley Pride an
nual picnic and field meet, Valley
. Fride creamery, A pplegate. "
May Hi Friday Primary election.
i 'V . ' ' ,
r , i
The CrescenJ City, and Grants Pass
Auto Stage Una, have redacsd fares to
Crescent City to 17,50', Waldo, I2.50J
Xerby. $1.76, and Selma, 11.50. 28tf
fieward, Alaska, April 20. Strik
ing laborers on .the Anchorage divi
sion of the government railroad have
rejected today the Increase wage
scle offered by the federal arbitra
tion commission, A poll of the Seward
union showed 98 per cent of Its mem
bers In favor of acceptance of. the
scale. The advance gives common
laborers 43 cents an hour, or
8. RO per eight-hour day; longBhore
mon, $4.50 per day and skilled In
borers 70 cents an hour. .
All work is shut down. ;
Nomination petitions at the Courier
salmon tackle at Cramer Bros. 734
Urs. Em met t Lee left yesterday for
Doitls, Cal. . .... '
Jj W. Lucas has returned from a
bustyess trip to Drain, Oregon.
Oiod garden hose for 12 centa per
foot at Cramer Bros. 7841
Of nt Caughey, of Kerby, left Fri
day light on a trip to Seattle.'
Ms). Fredk. Strieker and Mrs. 0.
P. Jwter visited Medford Saturday.
J8par, tbe weather resisting
varnl, In 30 and 80 cent cans, at
Cram Bros. 784
Atdtney O. S. Dlanchard made a
bimlnei trip to Medford Saturday
Mrs.wm. McDonald and Miss
FranclGlinilan spent Saturday at
Bpcilij prices on all suits. It will
pay you to see them before buying.
Mrs. E.jtehkopf. 728tf
Mrs. lout. Creager and son, Rod'
ney, wout to Glendsle last night to I
spend a few weeks.
ralnt with Pstton's 8un-Proof
paint, Hare's nothing better. Cra-
mer Bros, 734
Mr. ana Mrs. Elmer Totten return
ed to Glendale last night, after spend
ing a weekVlth the former's father,
C. P. TotUi.
Hygtenlc jkalsomlne, use It your
self on any ilnd of a wall. Sold on
ly by Cram Bros. 723
Miss Sue took went to Medford
yesterdsy ti spend Sunday with
Mrs. Ada Norrlson returned to ber
home at Ltnnd yesterday, after
spending a fes days with friends.
8mall cans c Japalac for renovat
ing furniture is Cramer Bros. 734
Mrs. E. T. jlnklns arrived yester
day from Porttqid to visit ber sister,
Mrs. Will Lemjie.
Lawn seed aiCra mer Bros. 734
Duke Palm came in from the
Oak mine on J np-Off-Joe on Friday,
after working i the mine for several
weeks. Men a ibusy pumping wster
out of the shal .1
Planet Jr. tint at Cramer Bros.
' Mrs. O. D. MiCalllster, who spent
a few days with i er parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J., P. MartU, returned to Rose-
burg yetterdey..; i
Mr. I Ula Cbrrr. left Ssturday
morning for Sy'ohW; after spending '
seven months wlh her parents, Mr.talned the first grade scholars of the
and Mrs. Ouke Pilmer. Fourth ward at a May day party. The
Lawn mowers slarpened at Cramer
Bros. wf" I v 723
Mlsa Catherine TK41r,. of Kansas
City, left ywrterds.yor Eugene, after
spending a, day In lie city. She will
remain at EugeneVntU tbe arrival
of her mother ail brother from
Kansas City is JWW whed they will
reside in Grants Pi
Bicycles repaired
,t Cramer Bros.
' -
Dump Fire Girls EnteHaln
Members of Madro)a Camp Fire
kept open house Saturday afternoon
at their rooms la the, (Riddle block
and were visited, by upwards of 150
ladies during the attenif Exhibits
of work In the seven (Wtsr-home,
health, camp, handlcraftrMure lore,
business and patrlotli,v-we-s on
display, and the'youpg JlJIes. se rved
sandwiches and, tea, , Ttt a iiroeeds,
amounting to a nsat sum, M he used
to help defray the wpenBte' of their
summer camp. f t
Antoa In Hill Climbing Con
The relative bUl-climbln1
of the Oakland , and the Do
was the subject of dlscussl
day, Sam Williams, ot, the "
and O. V. Meyers, of the Dod Ich
claiming: the laurel for hla o car
To settle the controversy, eat'
took his car out to the Lous
hill, where a contest was
Five passengers were put In
car,! but" aa, neither experlh.
trouble in negotiating me niu
contest was necessarily declari U,
' ' A 1 - 1 A . k . 1 . 1. .
araw, u ia. now aia.iuei me
at. will be, pulled olf on Bald
give the cars something mat
test, their merit.
Queen of.hronse.1s Shipping
John Hampshire came In from t(
Takllma district Saturday mornlnl
He says that the Queen ot BronJ
mine Is showing up finely as It Is M
lng developed, and that shipment
are being constantly made to th
smelter. Mr. Hampshire has bocom
onthuned with the real spirit of th
mining man, and is predicting great
development for the copper district.
Ho, also has the merry twinkle In the
eye when he speaks of tbe progross
of matters connected with the exten
sion of the new rnilroad, and evident
ly dors not expect that it will be ne
cessary to haul the Queen of Bronio
ore by wagon many woeks longer.
Location, notices, Courier office,
Oranddaughter for Fsllln
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Preston of Weed, Califor
nia, TbursdsyAprll 27.- Mrs. Pres-
ton la the daughter' of Mr. and Mrs,
Fallln of this city,
Clark M llolmnn, Undertakers '
Licensed erobalmers. Phone 60 tf
Ma Crowd Sees "Ne'er Do Well"
The Bijou management reports
that fully a hundred people were
turned away last night the first
night's showing of Rex Beach's novel,
"Tbe Ne'er Do Well." The photoplay
Is In nine reels and will be shown
again tonight.
Knglewood Dairy, Phone 222
Tbe pure milk dairy. 62tf.
Hull For IHvoree Filed
Nina Josephine Halfley has brought
action In the circuit court against her
huabandShermen M. Halfley, for dls-
solution of the bonds of matrimony,
Cruel and Inhuman treatment la al-
leged as the grounds for the action.
To lteat Cantata Tonlgjit
The choir of the Newman Meth
odist Episcopal church will repeat
the cantata, "Easter Praise," at the
evening service tonight, at 7:30
o'clock. This is In deference to many
requests which have been sent In for
Its repetition. ' --.
Your Mcn-luuit Will Take Notice
If you carry a checking account
In the Joseph I neCounty Bank. Be
cause It looks to htm like you are
trying to save a little of your earn
ings. 734
Annual Parish Meeting
Tbe annual parish meeting of St.
Luke's church will be held In the
church on Monday evening, at 7:30.
Preceding the meeting a "picnic"
supper will be served. In the Guild
hall at 6 o'clock, and after tbe meet
ing a social evening will be spent In
the Guild hall.
Flret Graders Entertain
The first gradera of the Central
school and their teacher, Mrs. Mollle
Beldin, on Saturday afternoon enter-
crowning of Queen Catherine Galvln,
.May dances, games and assorted
cookies made the youngsters hsppy,
RatlHfactlon Always
Oregon wool clothes, tailored to
your liking. Geo. S. Calhoun, 603
O. Street. 734
Mr. HotrhklM In the City
Wm. J. Hotchklss, head of the red
wood lumber Interests of Del Norte
county, 'was In the city Saturday from
his San Francisco headquarters. In
company with Dr. tteddy, of this city,
and A. F. Hill, of San Francisco, Mr.
Hotchklss left In the afternoon for
Medford, where the gentlemen have
business to transact before going on
to San Francisco.
Medford Elks Coming--
On Tuesday night. May 9, the Med
ford Elks will invade Granta Pass In
force, a special Southern Pacific train
having been chartered to carry the
300 people, who wJU,go, The Elks'
minstrel show,, will toe taken along, as
there, will be many social, features
not, yet ready for announcement.. It
f ly be, a. sort of get-together social
affair wjth, the Elks ot Grants Pass,
The "largest time,", fraternally, in
the history of the Pass is promised,
Medford Mall-Tribune.
aasa asa ' htea' ' aftaLt Jg 1
All Grants Pass is talking
about this photoplay today
Arts and Crafts Society
Tbe, Society of Arts and Crafts
will bold a meeting at tbe borne of
Miss Lulu Benedict, 201 B Street,
on Tuesday, May 2. The subject is
Moorish Art.
Wall Paper at Hall's Art Store
At a discount of 25 per cent. 734
More Overland In I'
Burke ft 8on last week disposed of
three Overland, a seven-passenger
car to A. A. Flynn, and a No. 83 to
Mr. Austin of the Oregon-Utah Sugar
company, and an 83 to I L. Jewell.
lrooit Service-
Perfect fit and satisfaction guar
anteed If you place your order for a
Brownsville, Oregon, . wool suit.
Strictly made to measure, and tbe
style that suits you. . Geo. S. Cal
houn, 603 G street. 734
HlKli 8IioI WIU IVoflt
Tbe high school will be in full
charge of the entertainment to be
given at the Bijou Monday evening,
and In addition to tbe filmed play,
"iietwecn Men," will put on a num
ber of Interesting specialties, songs,
etc. The school will profit through
the proceeds at the entertainment
Visit I'mpqua Valley Bert Fields
A. A. Fly fan, of the Public Service
corporation, and General Superin
tendent Brain well of the Oregon
Utah Sugar, company went to Rose
burg Saturday morning and spent
the day looking over the fields of
beets growing In thst district. They
will return today..
The sessions of the 39th annual
session of the Rogue River Baptist
association, held In this city Friday
and Saturday, have been ot especial
interest to the halt hundred dele
gates and many lay men t In attend
ance. The program haa been car
ried through with only minor varia
tions from the published schedule,
Saturday forenoon the business -session
waa held, and Medford wj
chosen aa the 1917 convention city.
The new officers elected were as fol
lows: Moderator, H. C. Oarnett, Med
ford; clerk, Mrs. Hans Homer, . Med
ford! treasurer, V. D. U. Smith, Ash
land. To deliver 1917 convention
sermon, Rev. A. R, Blackstone, Ash
land. State board, Fred W. Mears,
Medford. -
Among the delegates who were re
gistered from outside points were
the following:
Portland J. D. Springston, C. O.
MUlspaugh, C. A. Woody, O. C.
Wright, Mrs. J. H. Wrlsley, Mrs. Wm.
K. Hopkins. ,
Medford H. S. Fisher, Frederick
W. Carstens, C E. Johnson, John. D.
Wylie, Mr. and Mrs, M. L, Meadows,
Mrs. Hans Homer, Mrs. E. S. Stlnson,
Mrs. Seaman. Beth Stuart, Beth
Blackford, Mrs. Wm. Davis, Mrs. Ida
Ashland Mr. and; Mrs. A. R.
Blackstone and two children.
Central Point Lucy O. Williams.
Klamath Falls Mrs. Morice,.
. Eagle Point Rev. and Mrs. L. L.
Simmons, C. S. Painter, Bernlce Sim
mons. .'
Sams Valley C. H. Fredenburg.
Eugene Rev. W. W. Davis.
; Merlin Mrs. J. C. Cochrane.
McMinnville Leonard W. Riley. '
JLatt chance to see the great picturization
of; Rex Beach's famous, novel,
Jease L. LaHky presents Broadway's cfevere rometly star-
In an ehUwrate photoplay baaed on tJie rnoMt tamons ItiHhAmerlean
;.- .- comedy Bgiire ;' .; ' ' ',
"Chimmie Fadd:;i CjtVJcof '
AdmlkKlon 3 and IS CenU
You Are Cordially Invited
to call
Beautiful New Spring and Summer Styles
Victor kfics Tailoring Ccspany,
who make
Back of this
stands its' record of 26 years of usefulness In this
. cipr.
Since Its organisation la 1889 It has helped ,
many Individuals, Farmers, Firms and Merchants
in business because they DESERVED help. :
A Checking Account, carried In this Bank, will
help yon in all yonr business relations. '
Our Resources, $450.000.00. '
The First National Bank
Of Southern Oregon
Portland, April 29. Relatives. In
Hagerstown, Md., and Alexandria,
Va., were notified today at the suicide
ot Charles L. Negley, 25, a graduate
of Cornell. Negley was employed as
a surveyor In the United States fores
Don't fail to see it tonight
7:00 o'clock 15c and 25c
First Ferformance 7: SO
and. see the
of the
a specialty of
Women's High Class Made-to-Measure
Sails, Coats, Dresses and
Skirts made AS YOU WANT
THE according to your measure
ments to fit your figure STYLISH
LY, in any style and material ot
your selection or of your own
Also a complete line of Ready-to-Wear
Coats, Dresses, Waists, Pet
ticoats. Misses' and - Children's
Cloaks, Dresses, etc
Our Garments are especially noted
for Perfection In Fit, Finest Work
manship and Materials and Our
than those usually charged else
where. GEO. S. CALHOUIl
60S G Street '
Prompt Service, Perfect Pit and
Satisfaction Guaranteed and Prices
always the Lowest.
try service? Worried over ill health,
yesterday,, afternoon, he, locked, him
self In his room, wrote a farewell
note to a friend, and shot himself In
the head. , A blanket was used to
muffle the report .of the revolver. '