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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1916)
MONDAY, AI'lllL 17, 1010. iaiw Honrs river corniEn PAGE THREB RAILWAY CASHIER ROBBED BY BANDITS Oakland, Cel., April 17. Throe Masked men early today hold up Albert E. Woodruff, cashlor of the Hud Francisco-Oakland Terminal railway's, Richmond , station, boat Woodruff Into Insensibility and es caped In n outotuoblle with $1,800 In told tod silver. The robberi made off In the ill rot tlou of Oakland tad the pollco here and la other Alameda county cltltta are on th lookout tor a wine-colored touring car In which the trio disappeared. Woodruff hud opened the aafe at 7 a. m. to check up the night returni. One of the men entered and grappled with him. Woodruff waa rapidly get ting the hotter of the Intruder when hie two confederate entered. To gether they threw the cashier to the floor, beat him on the head with the butts of their plitoU, secured the loot and disappeared. Portland, April 17. -Today's roar ket Quotations were: Wheat Club, 90 0 95: blucstc-m, l.O0fl.03. OataXo. 1 whit, feed. 250 26. liar ley Feed, 28. Hogsneat live, 9 0.05. Prime leers, 9; fancy cows, 7:25; heat calve, 9. nutter City creamery, 34; coun try, 80 St 31. Kkk Selected local extras. 2114 22. Hens, HHi !7; broilers, 22 U ft 30; geese. 10011. Copper. 28. Starting a Row. "1 asy, ma." queried little Jimmy, looking up from hi picture book, "am I descended frmu monkeys?" "Not on my side f the house, Jim my!" replied Mm. Growler, with much einphanl.--rtray HI or lei Political Cards (Paid Advertisements) EUGENE L. COBURN Republican Candidate for Nominee for County Clerk Preeent Incumbent ECLUS POLLOCK Republican Candidate'' for Nontinee for Assessor Pitwent Incumbent DR. J. C. SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee for State Senator A. E..VOORHIES ' Republican Candidate for Nominee for Representative J. A. WHARTON Republican Candidate for r Nominee for County Clerk WILL C. SMITH Republican Candidate for Nominee tor . Sheriff , Preeent Incumbent GEO E. LUNDBURG Republican Candidato for Nominee for State Senator " HOMER WHITE Republican Candidate for Nominee for ; ; Sheriff i Primaries, May 19, llfl . FRED MERRILL ; Dcmocrntio Candid;ite for ; Nominee for Sheriff PORTLAND MARKETS now t ,akk A iukxu- DAY CAKE THAT 18 NIC AT, CAKK.-Weigh seven Innro eugn (frcli), take their welitht In dried Dour and a little more than, half ibelr weight lit lftod sugar, Ilrenk the eggs, ep. aralo the yolks from the white. Iii-iit the former In a bowl, add the minor to them very uriulunl ly, together with a little grated lemon rlud, a spoonful of orange flower or ronwatcr or any oth er suitable flavoring. Add the flour a little at a time and con tinue to beat the mixture for twenty minutes, nutter a mold, sprinkle powdered sugar upon the butter aud shako off all that will not adhere. , Tie a strip of buttered paper round the top of the mold lu keep tlio prepara tion from rolling down the sldee w hile It Is bakoL Pour In the coke, three parts; fill the mold with it When done enough let It atnnd a few minutes, hnke It well to loosen It, turn It out care fully, cut It lu slice when cool one-quarter of an Inch thick, spread some jam over these and place five or six or more alien together, one on top of the other. Whisk together tho white of two or more egg, according to Nlzo of cake; add half a pound of finely sifted niusr (to tho cgg. n deM'rtHMinfiil of orange flow er water Whisk tho mixture until quite smooth and spread It over the cake with tile back of a xpoon. Murk the dlmpt of the piece Into which It i afterward to bo cut Place tin cake in a very cool oven to dry tho Icing. Time, Imlf nu boor to prepare. Two or three drop of coloring will give It a rose tint. Send to table with lighted candle. FOR THE BRIDE'S CHEST. Hew to Flniah Your Bd Llnn At- tretivly and Durably. Scalloping as a flnlxh for sheet and iI11ovcho I one of the nlcent way '' of llulNliliig them. Of course the acal lop need to tn well mdded. and Ihl ! can Im aceomplUhed either by tilling ) lu between the marked line of the acallop with row of running Mltche before applying tho buttonholing. The work can also le given more lability If after the acallop are com plotod and cut out au extra and tiny buttonhole edge I added to the ex treme length of tho scallop. A's tillltiiv t-mii nut tut Hlmrilv t a pillowslip tnreo-rouctn or a yard or elgbteeu luch camliole embroidery of One ouallty. Run blue or pink ribbon through small eyelet In sc allop, there- j by cloning the cover. Run ribbon of ultublo width through the larger eye let, fortnlug a bow of the end on top. CARE OF YOUR MACHINE. How to Oil Your Stwlnj Machine and , 6v Nrv. Hewing 1 not oue-hiilf aa hard a some people rlud It if the sewing ma chine Is kept lu good order. When tho maehlup works hard aud heavy take the needle and nliuttlu out and give every Joint and bearing a gcuer-1 on bath of gnsollue. i Of course there should not be a light- ; ed lump or Ore of any kind In the . room, and tho window should be j opvu. Turn the wheel brUkly for a j few moments, to euablo the guxollno to j penctrato to every part and to loosen J and waidi away all dirt and grit: then clenn It all away. ' When all the oil and grime have beeu ; removed all with proper lubricating ' oil, running the machine for two or three minutes before iuscrtlng the nee- j die. Now with a piece of chamois skin wipe away all superfluous oik I How to Make Dsllolou Fruit Cooktallt For Company Sprad. j A dollclous first course for the spring ' luncheon or midday Sunday dinner la ! fruit cocktail served Ice cold In dainty I glasses. Use the fruits of the season oranges, bannnas, apples, white grapes and perhaps a little chopped pineap ple. Skin the grapes, pare the apples and cut the oranges In very thin slice through pulp and rind. Then chop all the fruit In amall piece and soak an boar In their own Juice sweetened with sugar.' Then stand on the Ice nntll Jut before serving, when the fruit cocktail may be flavored with a little Rblne wine or claret ; . How to Dry Your New Umbrella and e Make It Last , When you come In from the rain put tne umbrella In the rack with the ban die downward, because when the ban die is upward tho water rune down In side to the placo where the ribs are Joined to the handle and cannot get out, but stays, rotting the cloth and rusting the metal until slowly dried away. The wire fastening the ribs soon rusts and breaks. If placed the otbor end tip the water readily runs off and the umbrella dries almost Immedi ately. - ., ' How to Msk Qulno Mrmld For . Brkft Roll. Quince mnrmnbule Is innde by grnt . lux or grinding the peulcd and cored qulncex lino; thuu to one cupful of ; quince pulp add two cupful of water i and two and a half of sugnr. Boll an ' hour, stirring uf ton, aud then pour Into Jolly glasses. Copper Cjn From Cyprus. The word copper la gonerully admit fed to bo derived from Cyprus, gs It was from that Island that the ancient (tomans 0rt procured their uppllea In those remote duys Cypru and Rhode were the -grout copper produc ing district. TIOVV 'X STAUT A POUL- AY-LL TUY PLANT WITH FIVR IOU,Al!S. Five dollar will start anybody In the poultry business and produce profl; utile results If JudlrloUHly In Vented. Tho man or woman who I mart- lug from the very beultmlng bud bolter InvcHt In twenty to iwen- ty-llvo diiy old chicks ul a eotof $:i.75. leaving Jl - for mitieiliil to miike a homemade flrek's brooder. If twenty out of I wen- ty-flre chlcUa ntntve ti-ihy'iood there will prol-jihly le teelve r coekendH and elg't miIIcm. Sdl the ctx kercls lu the summer a ' broiler. Thev will hrlna fl.-V) a pml'. Use lite money received for them to puivimxv u goiNl roiwter of whutever lire-J the belong. ti y.?.u- to the eltflit pn'I-t the. foilowtnir dprhif. mil vo should be nUU , to rnltio at le-'t 'Jt'Mt chickens, lx'- Hide having hml euga fruni your ! pullets durlug the winter. Tlipy !' ahotild have bejjun to lay In toher or November, and their eggs enn tie sol 1 or tned on the fnmllv table until Mhh.Ii or enrly April, lifter which time, when i they are muled to the rooater. 1 the eggs miiHt t uwd for lncu-,d i button only. ' The following Novetnlier you 4 ! should have from 100 to 130 pul- let and be getting fifteen or , twenty dozen egg a week, which at an average of 40 cent a doa- en will bring In from Id to IS a 4 i week, and your little poultry ! plant will be firmly entnlllhed i ou a paying hiutls w Ith the prom- ; ixe of ylcldiiiK -"0 to gk) a mouth : by the third hcukoii. 4 J 4 We Sell nd GnArantee TOOL C-.-iri CUTLERY ittK.t invt'R imtiAUic The Dig Red Front 4 e-aiiii f t-h4 ' -to. SBtl , tUlUIIllUS'SSls aiSBfjsisjsjtgjisjsj bwwM2MBiamBBsa II ip SI S8wMsaownns"eit iMttttfclwwUafc4akJ J J "The Machine S with a 11 r si IS mm rersonauiy jj 99 lJO matter what your i If touch this new SS A1 Hovel Master. S3 SS Model 10 will fit it H P" . . . Eel 'Just turn the set-screw 1 tfinsf trlii ni tit rAiiok ja tltlVA riaNIW(V ivrtevti 5 of this new Royal to fit YOURSELF Make it light and smooth as velvet or firm and 2 snappy as you like. Built for "Big V. 9 9 9 Business ana its Great Army of Expert Operator 5 Every keen .wilted stea- I ogrphr every office nun- aer every expen operator oa I the firing lloe of ''Big Bui- !nes " will gram the eaonnous mri-uviit value el lb new Royal's A4justmli rtmcH that take the Mrlad" out of typewriting! Bat th aew Medet 10 nss many other big. vital new feature. Invtuiftitkml Get th Facts t Send for the "Royal man" and aak for a DEMONSTRA TION. Or write oe direct for our newbrochure'A7TA crtvrrr rw Pm. i ...... ,,VH "-. " .w ! blmtn postal brings 3 them free of charge, I PricS10O I ll R0TAL TTPEWKITER CO. be. KOUUK UIVKU (X)UUIUlt, Agent MaXMw!lIWMaM2 I V T T kV4- ' t ( I aamflSji.J i i -- Uiatm:! T- Til FOrt BALE 40 ACUEB-4V miles from Granu Pais, no Iniprovemeats, for sale at $40 per acre. Under ditch sur vey. Address No. 2415, care Courier. 857tf KOK SALE Blx-room plastered house, close la, lot 100x100, good shade. Address No. 2413, care Courier. 657tf ANOEL. CAKES supplied for any oc casion, 60c each. Phone 190-J. 83 HEQI3TERED BEBKSUIRES, Hoi st olns and Percherons. High class young stuff for sale at all times. Individuality, breeding; produc tion. P. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Routs 1. 692tf FOR SALE Very high-class regis tered Guernsey bulls, nearly ready for service. Prices right. Leonard Orchards Company, River Banks Farm. 696tf LI-SUL-FERTILIZER PASTE The residue produced In the manufac ture of lime-sulphur solution. Con tains calcium sulphite. Price per barrel, f 1. Eismann Products Co., South Granta Pass. 724 FOR SALE Team, weight about 2,100; harness, hack, plow and harrow, all In good condition. A bargain. K. Hammerbacher. R. F. D No. 2. 723 ILLINOIS VALLEY farm for sale. 191 acres, with good water right. For terms, address J. R. White, Kerby, Ore. J27 KOK SALE White Leghorn baby chirks, ten cents each. Telephone S23-R, or call 407 Rogue River avenue. 726 MURPHY farm for sale, 73 acres 10 mile from- Grants Pass, on banks of Apnlegate river, some bottom land, much upland under dltchj with water right. Address No. 615, care Courier. 707tf. FOUR ACRES set to grapes, peaches and apples, - five-room bungalow, on Pacific highway, two miles from city, no incumbrance, for sale. A snap If taken before June 1. Ad dress John Ross, Grants Pass. 762 HOUSE for sale or trade for, Medford property at 322 West J street Write or phone to C. F. Relchsteln, Medford, Ore. 739 FOR SALE Five-stamp quarts mill, including engine, boilers, air com pressor, pressure tank, concen- . trating tables, rock crusher, ore cars, T rails, etc. Address 685 Courier. 742 IRRIGATED farm and two Umber claims, also five houses In Grants Pass and one nearly new two seated back for sale cheap. Joseph - Fetxner, 755 North Eighth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. 742 SOME SNAP Relinquishment for sale, 160 acres, gradual slope, 50 tillable, 30 can be irrigated from creek through tract, good box house, 2'.i million feet saw tim ber, 4 acres cleared, IV miles to railroad and close to town. Price only 3325. L. A. Launer. 723 FOR SALE Team heavy work horses, 3 -Inch wagon, and heavy harness. John B. Hair,' Rogue River, Ore. . .. .V; .; ; 744 FOR SALE New county map and up-to-date township plats. Grants Pass Abstract Co. . 726 FOR SALE Spits dog, nearly year old, accustomed to playing with children, Inquire 669 North Second street, or call at Dr. Brltten'a office, opposite post office. 723 FOR SALE Freeh young cow, giv ing 5 till on milk ner dav. Low cash price. Inquire at 748 N. 6th street. ' . ' . 723. FOR SALE Three fine throughhred - Poland China sow pigs. Weight from 120 to 140 pounds. Price 10 cents per pound. , I could sell , them to the butcher ibut think they are. too tine. Ought to be kept for brood sows. J. H. Robinson, Granta Pas R. F. D. 2. 723 FOR SALE Field selected and test ed Minnesota No. 13 seed corn at i 7c per pound, shelled and screened. ' Leonard Orchards Company, River Banks Farm. 734. FOR SALE Or will trade for large horses, five-passenger auto, nearly new, electric lights and starter. Ad dress II. O. Bubar, Grants Pass, Ore. 723 BLUBPRINT ' "platsoT Grants Pas's . for sale at Courier office. 11.60. 93 Envelopes printed at the Courier office. ' "' ' "' " Classified Advertising TO EACHAXCK WILL EXCHANGE my 4 0-acre ranch, good buildings, fence, fruit, grain planted, for desirable Grants Pass or close in property. Address No. 714, care Courier. 721 TO RENT FOR RENT 81x-room bouse on South Eighth street. Partly furn ished or unfurnished. Inquire next door, 709 South Eighth street Mrs. Rowley. 725 FOR RENT Partly furnished cot tage and unfurnished cottage, both clone in. Inquire A. E. Voorhles. WANTED WANTED Men to board and room, 16.50 per week. 410 B street Phone 291-L. 276 HOARD Am) ROOMS. ROOM and board, or meals without room. Rate reasonable. Chicken dinner Sunday. Mrs. M. Counts, Plgney House, 601 E street, oppo site Josephine hotel. 723 LOST LOST Parse containing ill, on Sixth street,, between Josephine bank and Courier office. Finder please leave at Courier office and receive reward. . 723 MISCELLANEOUS CKYSTAL SPRINGS water ,put up In 5-gkllon glass Jar and delivered at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. uUR:i MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial testa as sure that this water la pure. De livered In fivt-gallon bottles. .'.'. E. BeLkwith. Order by phone, C02-F-S. 459tf GET your hemstitching and pleating done at Mrs. B. E. Haney, Garnett Corcy building. Medford. 725 FAMOUS STALLION The well known David Harum, trotting stal lion, will stand on Mondays each week during season at Parker's Livery, diagonally across from Ox ford hotel. Terms 315 to Insure; $10 by season; $5 single service. J. J. McMahon. owner, Rogue River, Ore. 745 HOTELS NEW MANAGEMENT Palace hotel Invites all old and new customers to make the Palace their home while in the city. Courteous treat nient. Prices reasonable. Geo. A Hyde, manager. 736 AUTO SERVICE PRIVATE AUTO SERVICE Before arranging for trip to Selma, Kerby, Holland, Waldo and Crescent Clt7 or Brookings, call Phone 228-J or 243-R. Rates reasonable. Hiller & Randall. 706tt VETERINARY SURGEON OH. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, Office In Wlnetrout Implement Building. Phone 113-J. Resi dence phone 805-R. ' TISIE CARD ;'.... j California and Oregon Coast , Railroad Company (The Oregon Caves Ronte) Effective Monday,' Jan. 20, 1916. Train 1 lv. Grants Pass ,...7:00 a.m. Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 a.m. Train S It. Grants Pass. 3:00 p.m. Arrives Water Creek 4:00 p.m. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek...'.5:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass . :00 p.m. On Sundays train No. 1 is canceled. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For . all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or phone 138-R for same. i ' - Train will stop on flag at any point between Grants Pass and Waters Creek. Passenger service every day In the week. Wool In Early Virginia. Great encouragement was given tn Virginia In early days to the raising and manufacture of wool The assem bly estimated that Ave children not over thirteen years of age could by their work readily spin and weave enough to keep thirty persons clothed. Six pounds of tobacco were paid to any one bringing to the county courthouse where he resided a yard of homespun woolen cloth made wholly In hla fami ly; twelve pounds of tobacco were of fered as a reward for a dozen pair of wooleu hose knitted at home. Slave were taught to Rf:ln, and wool whcela and wool card are found N the eight eenth Century on every Inventory of planters' house furnishing,--' PHTSJCIANS L. 0. CLEMENT, IC. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat Glasses fitted., Office hours 9-12, i-l, and on ap pointment Office phons 62; resi dence phone S59-J. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day ' or tight Res. phone' 269; office phone 111 Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. J. P. TRCAX, If. D., Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office, 121; residence, 124. Calie answered at all hoars. Country call at tended to- Lundeburg Bldg. DR. ED BYWATER Specialist on dlBeosea of eye, ear, nose sad throat; glastes fitted. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. n. Phones: Res. 234-J; Office, 2 5 7-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. F. D. STRICKER Diseases of children and general practice. Tele phone 174-J. Office: Masonic build ing, tf. A. A. WITHAM. iL D., Physician and Surgeon. Office: Hall Building, corner Sixth and I streets. Phons 116, day or night Honrs: I a. as. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WARREN NICE, Owteopathlfl Physician. Chronic and nervous diseases specialty. Rooms 1 and I, Lundburg building, opposite poet office; phone ' 149-R. Residence: Colonial hotel; phone 167-J. 731 DENTISTS E. C. MACT, D. M. D.FlrBt-clasi dentistry. ' 109 H South . Sixth street Grants Pass, Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguerite H. Elliott dental assistant Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Rnle building. Grants Pass, Ore. Phone 265-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attonivy-at-Law. ' Practice tn all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Big. COLVIQ ft WILLIAMS Attorneys- at-Law, Grants Pass Bonking Co. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all courts. First National Bank , Building. '' A- . . -; , . EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law.- Offic Masonic Temple, 1 Grants Psss, Oregon. W. T. ( MILLER, Attorney-at-Uw County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCH ARD, Attorney-at-Uw. Grants Pass Bonking Co. building. Phone 270. Granta Pass, Oregon. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-ot-low, practices tn state and federal courts. Rooms 2 and 3, over Golden Rnle store. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN . INSTRUCTION Franeo Belgian school of violin playing. E. R, Lawrence, 215 I street v DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of . droyoge and transfer ; work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132-R ! ""Stand at frleght depot A. Shade, Propr. F. G. Isham, dray age and transfer. Safes, planoa and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored, Phone Clarke ft Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R, , - THE WORLD MOVES: to do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 15-R. v-,v . : LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. M, Stated Commanlcev tlona 1st and 3d Tuesdays. ' Visiting brethren cordially lnvlied. A. K. Cass, W. M. Ed. O. Harris, secretary . GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. T8, 1.O. O. F-, meets every Wed flk nesday eve In I.O.O.F. hall, cor. 6th and H. Sts." Visiting Odd Fellows cordially invtt- ' ed to be present I. V. Howell, N. G., Clyde Martin, Secretory. ' ASSAYICRS ETr7TrWCH,- Assayer, chemiat, ' metallurgist. Roms 201-203 Pad dock Building. Grants Pass. , DECORATORS ANdTaINTKRS PAPERHANGINO, graining, paint ; lng. For the best work at lowest prices phone 296-J. C Q. Plant 8outh Park street.