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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1916)
PAGE SIX DAILY KOGVK IUVER COl'RIEK StMHV, AI1UL Id, 101. ON ITALIAN FRONT Berlin. April 15 An Austrian sur-,' prise attack against a Russian .4. ranee position oa the Bncsaci-I' Csorthow road was announced to to-! day's Vienna communique. Gains were claimed on the Italian front and V IFrancis (X. Bushman s INnoyv A re O n I y a few of the great artists appearing ex clusively in M e t r o Wonderplays. Metro productions are the new,er, better faction picture s Is your Theatre Aye, Aye, Sir Metro pictures are shown at Grants Pass' leading theatre, the STAR ( , Francis V?l fa t fcVBeverlyf J r Mi Revelle,! ? 1 I T r4 Emily j Stevensj iMary . jrQ jMiles vy rMinter showing evacuation ot an Austrian position was admitted. "The Russians shelled us on the lower Strypa, Dnelster and northwest ot Cternowlts," said the communique. "Strong combats between advanced patrols are continuing. Northeast ot YstaiA!. ih amammw aatttM am art v""" Tce posiUoa and was immediately by unt' ,ttUcfc ,Wacw; ?i on? oBcr- tbre en8llM "d iuu jtiussiani. "The Italians suffered heavily at tempting to retake a lost position on the Mrltvrh. South ot Stllfsera an Italian attack failed." DEBATING OIAMPIONSHIP BROUGHT TO PACIFIC COAST Los Angeles, April 15. For the first time In history today the Inter collegiate debating championship ot the United States was brought to the Pacific coast as a result ot the Uni- verslty of Southern California's triumph over Columbia university last night. Seeming Invincible, after; sweeping the country, defeating the largest universities In the east, the Columbia team's defeat caused much surprise. , The. decision of the Judges was unanimous. Old papers, 5c per bundle, at the Courier office. . NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two issues, 35c; six Issues, 60c; one month, $1.50, when paid In advance. When not paid in ad vance. So per line per issue. FOR SALE Spits dog, nearly year j old, accustomed to playing with children, inquire 669 North Second 1 street, or call at Dr. Britten's office, j opposite poet office. 723 ; FOR SALE: Fresh young cow, giv ing 5 gallons milk per day. Low cash price. Inquire at 748 N. 6th street 723. FOR SALE Three fine throughbred Poland China sow pigs. Weight from 120 to 140 pounds. Price 10 cents per pound. I could sell them to the butcher but think they are too fine. Ought to be kept for brood sows. J. H. Robinson, Grants Pass R. F. D. 2. 723 FOR SALE Field selected and test- a vin.. w 1 ,a 7ft nor nnnnrf .h'll1 .ml ornH Leonard Orchards Company, River Banks Farm. 734. FOR SALE Or will trade for large horses, five-passenger auto, nearly new, electric lights and starter. Ad- dress H. G. Bubar, Grants Pass, Ore. 723 ROOM and board, or meals without room. Rates reasonable. Chicken dinner Sunday. Mrs. M. Counts, Pigney House, 601 E street, oppo- site Josephine hotel. 723 WOMEN WANTED Full time sal ary, $15.00, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; 25c an hour spare time. Permanent, experience unnecessary. International Mills, Ann street, Norrlstown, Pa. 722 LOST Purse containing $11, on Sixth street, between Josephine bank and Courier office. Finder please leave at Courier office and receive reward. 723 LOST Lady's gold wrist watch on I the high school grounds. Reward offered. Finder please leave ati the Courier office. 722 ! FOR RENT Large modern bouse, completely furnished. Inquire Isaac Best. . ' 724 BLUE PRINT plats of Grants Pass for sale at Courier office. $1.60. 93 FOR RENT Good modern 7-room bouse, large rooms, beautiful grounds, Ideal location. Inquire Isaac Best. 724 m7NETTO LOAN Plenty of money to loan on good security. Inquire . of Isaac Best. 724 FOR RENT Nice modern five-room cottage. Inquire Isaac Best. 722 WILL EXCHANGE my 40-acre ranch, good buildings, fence, fruit, grain planted, for desirable Grants Pass or close In property. Address No. 714, care Courier. 721 PRIVATE AUTO SERVICE Before arranging for trip to Selma, Berby, Holland, Waldo and Crescent City or Brookings, call Phone 228-J or 243-R. Rates reasonable. Hlllor & Randall. 706tf INSURE your dwellings and house hold goods with L. A. Launer. tf ; PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Masonic j Temple. Office phono 174-J, resl ! deuce 341-R. Miss Harris. 732 FOR RENT 'Partly furnished cot tage and unfurnished cottage, both close in. Inquire A. E. Voorhles. CONSUL RQDGERS 15 Washlngton, April 15 Secretary Lansing today sent Consul Rodgers in Mexico City detailed Instructions with regard to General Carrania'a request tor withdrawal ot American troops. While he refused to announce the character ot these directions, it wss learned authoritatively that Lan sing informed Rodgers ot the admin istration's willingness to discuss the proposition with Mexican Ambassador Arredondo. It was understood that Rodgers wss not Instructed to treat with Carrania, but merely to Inform him of Lansing's derision to receive Arredondo's overtures. Carransa's protocol proposals, now held up, show that the de facto gor eminent chief sought to limit the American expedition to 1,000 cavalry men. who were not to occupy towns and who were to withdraw when their object was attained. The state de partment countered with a demand that there he no limitation In the else of the expedition and sought the ac tual co-operation ot the de facto regime. I Washington, April 15 A second tight between Americans and rest J dents ot Parral wss reported today In consular despatches to EI Psso iforwsrded here. No details were given. : in General Funston's long code message which wss the subject of a midnight conference at the white house between the president and Secretary Baker, It Is believed that radical changes In the . Villa hunt were recommended. Speculation as to its contents ranged from requests for more troops to taking over Mex ican railways which are needed or reiterating the necessity of shifting fh. . f f.m ,, bus. The message presumably related to Funston's order to protect troops as a result of the Parral Incident. It contained no news ot the Parral clash. This Is the fourth day since the encounter there, and no official news has been received, Secretary Lansing's willingness to treat with Ambassador Arredondo con- ccrnlnK the Quted withdrawal may mean that preliminary negotiations W,U D Pene next week While some officials said no change In the Mexican policy was In sight, others believe the negotiations might result in a withdrawal of American troops: PORTLAND JAPANESE MIST GO TO PRISON Portland, April 15 Ainostike Na- kano, a Japanese, today faced a sen tence of one t0 10 rea" ,n the Pe- uenuary ror snooting Kiosaku Kob Itat durldg a Japanese social In Aar on hall Dec. 6, 1915. After being out 22 hours a Jury late yesterday found Nakano guilty of assault with Intent to kill. Two previous trials on charges of murder In the second degree resulted In failures to con vict The Modern Brand. Modern Schoolboy Teacher, would you mind tellinc my chauffeur I'm kept In and ihiif h'll hnv m wnif ' Purk. " 1' naar-rrimary e.ect.on. "IVoll, I Should Say 'Gott'lt' DOES Work" look ' That, It Yon Don't Tolnk If Jnrt Wonderful fox Conn!" "BImi my iters, look at Itt Lend of the Uvln'l Why, Just look at Itl That corn came right off, just Ilk peal ing1 bananas. Put your flngar oa my THd Yon Ever See the Like? ife Wonder Hittm-iV la the lllKt Selllnc Corn Curs ta the World!" , toe, right theret don't be afraid, that's it, feel how emooth the akin la?' Well, that's whore the cora waa. Well, that beats all!" That'a the way "Ueta-It" works on all corns, every corn, every time. It's the new, simple way of curing- corns. You'll Bay good bye to all roollah contraptlona like bundling bandaKea, atluky tape, plas tcfa, too-eatlnK aalvea, and grave diggers such as knlvea, razors and sclanor. "Mets-It" stot pain, Applied In second. Never ralla. Nothing to atlok to, hurt or press on the corn. "Uets-It" la sold everywhere, 25o a bottle, or sent direct by TO, Lawrence ft Co., Chicago, III Sold In Grants Pass and recom mended as the world s best corn remedy by Geo. C. Sabla. INSTRUCTED mm Ready tor the Easter Peerless Clothing Co. "Cash Bujw Cheaper Than Credit" The Needlecraft Shop First Quality ART MATERIALS Notions and Novelties, Corsets, Toilet Articles, Japanese Goods. Itojral Society Art Goods a Specialty Mrs. H. Albion Good Tp-to-Dato Typewriters (All Standard Makes) Soil, Rent, Repair Macliinos Called for and Delivered M. McINTFRE'8 Cycle Garage 600 South Sixth Street I MEN LOCATE San Antonio, April 15. Army aviators today located several thous and Carranslatas encamped in a pass between Bavlepe valley and Caass Grandes, according to General Fun ston's reports. The flying men said It was evident the Mexicans had not moved for days. Though supplies are passing over the Mexican Central railroad to Chi huahua City, where brokers handle them and pass the provisions on to the troops, General Funston said: "The rainy season Is not far dis tant and then roads south ot Colum bus will be Impassable. It the troops are still as far south then as they are now, our communications will be use less. I have done everything In my power to obtain use of the railroads." Tumbling Into Marriage. Considering how boys and girls torn hie Into marriage without any previous instruction as to what mnrrlnge means or any previous. preparation, even in tholr thoughts, for its unforeseen and unconsidered reximriHlbllltlpH. we mlKht well bo surprlHcd (lint there lire ho few rather tlinn Unit there lire ho intitiy dl vowes. Dr. L.vuinn Alilmtt Hi Outlook PORTLAND MAN MARKED 11V ROItltKR RAM) Portland, April 16 Albert Gau tier ibelieves today that a gang ot robbers has him marked aa a select victim. Two weeks ago two high- CA ANZ ARMY A f f F COURSE you desire to look 'Vijht-up-fo-lie-Hwmte" when you take part, so you can't be too particular about the details of your outfit. You men who want the latest thing! in Toggery will find here all the accepted styles and the exclutiveness that it so gratifying to the diKriminating taste -just the accessories to make your outfit correct in detail. Fancy shirts, distinctive neckwear, fancy hosiery, etc. Your Easter hat is here, ( too. We've all the smart new styles in a great variety of colors. ' All that's new and best in Clothes and Toggery. VinhnWtarluWillwtlC Registration Books Open Monday during the noon hour, and until nine o'clock at a night. Also open Tuesday dur ing the noon hour for the con venience of voters wishing to register. Will close for the primary election at five o'clock Tuesday night. E. L. COBURN County Clerk. waymen held up Gautier and relieved him of $24. "We'll be back when you've got more money," they told him. Believing In preparedness, Gautier purchased a revolver. While he was down town a few days later, robbers backed a dray up to his front door and stole most ot his furniture. Still believing in preparedness, Gautier hired Frits Ssuermann as a special watchman. Sauermann was stationed at Gautler's home. Late last night two burglars entered the house. Sauermann was prepared to We Ask that You CALIFORNIA RAISIN BREAD Made with Sun-Maid Raisins. It Is filled with tender, meaty SUN-MAID raisins, the finest product of the California vineyards. These raisins Increase tlio food value of bread they are both GOOD and GOOD FOR YOU. - "Count the Raisins" , rw iwf NURMI BAKING CO. Mnkers of I)i4er-Nut and Pan-Dandy Dread Tills lUUln Dread ran now be had at the White House 'Grocery Parade ? CHICHESTERSPJLLS Flit, m U.4 ! ti.M mwiiiA PrufM. A.kfivf iM-ttrVEfasrW! blAduN Hiuk iuIV.a mkmntM.MM.AiHiikAu SC1D (V DAUGGISTS EYERYItKS repel boarders, and swatted one of the robbers with the butt of his revol ver. The burglars opened fire. A dosen shots were exchanged. One bullet took effeot In Sauermann's thigh. The robbers fled. "Count the Raisins" When you buy our product you secure the genuine AW 0