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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1916)
BlNI).Y, APRIL 1(1, 1010. imily r.ocvv. mvr.n rovxuv.n PAGE FIVE Notice We hImIi to announce lii nnt sheet music ruMoiiiera Hint we liave Just put In ttonpiete Htork of the lest selling Htund al II iuti Grade Hongs, During IliU wrk we will have the llllea on dUplay In oar window. Cull and look Um'iii over. Vow will many which you have wanted, that heretofore bad to be ordered, We sincerely UiMik our run tomor for UiHr patronage, which Iim Justilled us In miik Ing Uila Inrmiae In our stock, ml trust that your continued alronage will enable us to further Improve mr stock, to our mutual advantage. Music and Photo House STANTON nOWEU Prop, AMI 8 KM K NTH TONIGHT IIIJou 4 "Tho Winged Idol." Star "Madame llutterfly." BIJOU Attractions for the Balance of April "Tlie Nation's Peril," Curl Met calf ( "The Penitents," Orrln John- mm ( "The Hunt." Ford Sterling "Healed I.lpn," Win. Courtney )"The 1!k of the Ahy," Mary llolaiul unit Wlllwd Mm k Tb Submarine rime," 8yd Chaplin "Trilby," ( Inn Kimball Youiik. Wilton IU'knye !" dims Currents," Helen Ware 'Tbe Wont of lltitN,' Welter Field "The, Man Who Found lllin self," Robert Warwick "TIIK XrTF.K IK WKLL," Kathlyn Williams and "The HNllem" rant. Xlue reel "Between Men," William Hart, House Peters and told Markejr "liixxy HelKhla and Itnrlng Heart," 1ieter Conklln ".Marrying Money," (lara Klin JmiII You n : PERSSNdL B LOCAL : OKHTIOX IIAIKKO IIY UW OF IXV'KRLYOX Minn Haiti) Jewell left yesterday morning for Riddles, Ore. Dr. Ruddy came over from Med- ford Saturday morning. Have you mistered? April It, at 5 p. m.( It your lust chance. . 724 A. R. Marsh left tbli afternoon for Wichita, Kani., on buslnost trip. Mm. NeUou Ward, of Hugo, waa hopping In th city Saturday. Mill Dama Sexton, of Hugo, la spending Sunday hera wtth relatives. Mrs. V. K. Wood and children went to Medford yeiiterday to spend Sun day with friends.' Ladles' wash walata, prlcea 76o, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, up to $3. Mra. Rchkopf. T16U Mr. Geo. Blnns and Mra. T. H. O'Neill are spending Sunday with re latives at Mod ford. MIm Marlon Parker, of Portland, arrived bore Saturday and will apend several weeks with the Dr. U O. Oment family. W. A. Barnes, for the part aoven, years mining on.Thompion creek, near Selma, left last night for Resort, Idaho, where he will spend aome time In the mines. S. E. Pusenberry and two sons, of Eugene, who spent several days In tho city, loft yesterday for Yoncalla. C. U Darlow left Friday night, re turning to Bolllngham, Wash. He will spend a day In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Evana, left rrlday night for Eugene, called there on account of the serious Illness of Mrs. Evana' mother. Mra. R, J,. Gibson and three chll dren arrived Friday night from Sac ramento to visit Mrs. Gibson's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Hathaway. Mrs. II. D. Elsmann visited Med ford 8aturdy. Mrs. Blundell came In from In land Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dyer.' W. F. Gloeckner went to Medford yesterday to take charge of services In the Presbyterian church for the day. v Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hertog left Saturday afternoon for their home at Weed. Cel., where Mr. Hcraog Is machinist for the Weed Lumber company. Now Drive an Overland ' J. V. Martin Is now driving a new Overland No'. -75,' purchased last week from Burke L Son, Rngleivood Dairy, Phone 222 The pure milk dairy. 92tf. VUlt (lirtro Mine Geo. E. Howard left Friday morn ing for his mine on the Chetco. He was accompanied by John Prader, of Medford, and Mr. Thompson, of Seattle. ' Have You Registered? ' April. 18, at 5 p. m., Is the last chance. 724 QneenHtown, Ireland, April 15 Wllllmn Rom, sn American sailor from the bark Inverlyon, reported sunk by submarine gunfire, la in the hospital here today suffering from 35 hours exposure In a lifeboat with out food. He Is not In a serious condition. Several others were In the lifeboat. A second boat with 11 survivors Is mlseing. i Officials admitted that there was a serious question Involved In the Inverlyon case. They were Inclined to believe that since a boatload of sailors was reported lost, Americans aboard could not have been given i the "full measure of safety" which ; the American notea demanded. J Lansing has clearly explained that submarines must not turn passengers adrift too far from land and mnst i consider their condition at sea. te etiNMl to Wed A' marriage license was Issued Fri day evening to Albert Henry Frost and Miss Ceola Abernathy, both of Selma. The wedding will take place I POIXT8 lUXC.KIt OF ( BRILLIANT HEADLIGHTS Industrial Club Organ!; About half of the pupils of the Dlmmlck school have organized as the Rogue River Industrial club and are undertaking sowing, baking, can ning, poultry raising, corn raising, sugar beet raising and home and farm Improvement projects. The boya and girls are taking a lively Interest In the club work and meetings and ex pect to have some very creditable ex hibits ready for the fair. at Selma today. (lark A Holnian, Undertakers- Licensed enybslmers. Phone 50 tf, Announce Illrth of Ron i On Wednesday, April 12, a son wss born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. McLaughlin, of Roscburg, the young, man bearing the name of Roderick' Marlon. Mrs. McLaughlin wss form-' erly Miss Marlon Mitchell. j lady's Gold WrlKt Watch-. Was lost on the HIrd grounds. Reward offered. ploaso leave at Courier office l Editor Courier: The writer would , like to call attention through the columns of the Courier to the great 'danger attending the use of the bright ' searchlights' and headlights, with which so many of the autos are equipped, when driving upon the nar row country roads. The terrific glare completely blinds a team or driver coming In the opposite direc tion and makes It Impossible for them to see where they are going and causes great annoyance and danger. Most of the larger cars are equipped (with dimming attachments for the 'lights, and It Is certainly criminal . . J carelessness for a driver to neglect Finnor .... . . . . . , to no nis part to promote sarety on the road. AN AUTO DRIVER. Every Man is Insane on tome subject That's psychology. Every Woman in Grants Pass is Crazy for one of those NEW OIL COOK STOVES ; But that's sense. : iPrices, $3.50 to $12.00 Grants Pass Hardware Co At Tour Service 722 Xotlce to Lot Owner All persons owning lots on the old Oranlte Hill cemetery are re quested to clean their lota before April 20 LICENSE NOTICE Proprietors of picture shows, bil Th r.hhi.1. m , .mul""-1 Parlors, Ice cream parlors, soda posed of by men employed by the:,0"D"""H' Back of this Bank stands its record of 28 years of usefulness In this city. Since Its organization In 1889 it has helped many Individuals, Farmers, Firms and Merchants in business because they DESERVED help. A Checking Account, carried In this Bank, will help you In all your business relations. Our Resources, $450,000.00. - The First National Bank Of Southern Oregon Sunt. Tumhnll Re-elected At a recent meeting of the school board, Superintendent L. W. Tnrn bull waa re-elected on a two years' contract. Mr. Turnbull has given ex cellent satlafactlon during the pre sent year. He has a high standing among the educators of southwestern Oregon and has been the recipient of a number of flattering offers from other places. Bandon World. connty. Committee. soft, drink establishments, eating houses and 'dining rooms are hereby notified that jail licences for the first quarter 1916 Plumbers I COLLEGE BASEBALL TEAMS I PLAY TEX IXXTXG TIE Qst' If 1Tnailaas t-., """-a J . - -A,- Tho Young People's Christian union of this city, comnrifllng the young . i . . i . r .AMM .i. .. ..v. a j are limine a Buciriioo ui ivur vuhikuva, will bold services In the early morn and proprietors of plumbing shops notified that an annual license ia required for engaging In the I..., a An.n 9i .h n.,,J Plumbing business. The city ordin al church, Miss Christina McLean ,nce Knlng n the above matters hading. The topic will be ".The Les son of Immortality." provide penalties for engaging and continuing In the business without having procured a license therefor. All II t -1 -A IL. Brakenwn Pngh Killed n" ,cr" "ro ku' " Word was received at Grants Pass ra" or "uaers.gnea m me city nan. O-er the Fnrlfle Highway ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Verden and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kinney, of Cle Elnm, Wash., panned through the city Saturday with two automobiles, en route north fr6m 8an Diego, where they spent the winter. They had come from the California city In seven days, experiencing no difficulty except In coming up the 8Isklyou road. H Qi Star Tonight Mod. TT Daniel Frohman presents IV3ary Piclcford la the beloved role of "Cho-Cho-flan" In a magnlfloent Paramount I'liotowidaptatloit of John Luther Long's1 Immortal elasslc "fJadame Mmf which already has become Immortaf through the medium of opera, novel and play , i Also tho popular PARAMOUNT PICTOGRAPHS Including tho 'Hamtlfatm" the "Trtaklda" Better naMeH,"' "Mind TeMa," "Preparedness,,, etc. Flrnt peiforniiHue 7:AO o'clock, Admission S and IS Tho Homo . Of Features I'imiiiimtnt Mro - Fox yesterday of the death of O. M. Pugb Saturday morning at Anlauf, near Drain, resulting from an accident. Mr. Pugh was a brakeman on the Southern Pacific and was on a swing run between Grants Pass and Ashland up to within a few weeks ago. Pullman, Wash., April 15 College fans today clamored for a return game between Washington State col lege and the Oregon Aggies. The two teams yesterday fought a mem orable 10-lnnlng, nothing-to-nothing tie. At the end 'of the tenth Inning, the game was called to permit the Aggies to catch a train. The game was a pitching duel be tween Hartman of Pulman and Wil liams of Corvallls. Hartman fanned ten men and allowed five hits. Wil liams whiffed only five hatters, but allowed Just three safe bingles. Envelopes printed at the Courier office. -: ': 723 H. H. BASLER, Aifditor and Police Judge. Spraying for Codlln Moth Pays, or is time apd money thrown away as you employ a good or poor quality arsenate of lead. The brand which we have sold for years the Sherwin-Williams has been clearly proved of the greatest merit no other on the market can be superior while some are practically worth less. ' We have this arsenate of lead In packages from one pound to 200 pounds. Sabln the Druggist. 72$ Eighth Grade Examinations County Superintendent Savage is now arranging for the eighth grade examinations to ibe held throughout the county on the 4th and 5th of May. It la expected that not less than ISO students will take the ex amination, of which number 20 will be of the Grants Pass schools. The examination In the Grants Pass dis trict will be conducted by Mrs. C. L. Clevenger. Jn the other districts In which the examination is to he eon ducted the board names the person who Is to conduct It. , Change In Train Time The Southern Paclllo hal an nounced a change in the running time of several of its passenger trains, the changed to' be effective on' the 80th 6t the1 present; month., Under' the Hew schedule the' most radical change wlir be' in the time of train Nd; 53, whfch will' arrive from Portland at nine p. m. Instead of at 1:80 a. m. No. 54, running north", will arrive at 8:80 Instead of at 8:10, and will pass Noi 58 at lmrolck . siding. Train 18, now arriving at 9:80, will change to 8:54, and Instead of passing No. 14 at Grants Pass, will pass at Rogue River. COMIXG EVENTS , 4 April 18, Tuesday Registration books close for primary election. April 14, Friday Stiver medal con test at the Gaiety theater, 7:30 p. m. Given by the W. C. T. U. 721 April 19, Wednesday Last day. for filing petitions of candidates for county and precinct offices. April 22, . Saturday Easter candy and cake sale at public market by Amity class of the Baptist Sunday school. '722 April 23, Sunday -Easter Sunday. May 9, Tuesday Opening day 'of State Grange at Grants Pass. BIJOU ToniaM TRIANGLE-The Regular Dcutle Prcgia One Drawbsok. "You seem to bo very comfortable here. Do you like tbo work of broom mnklngr tbo femulo visitor to the prlHon asked n convict. "I've only one fuult to' find with my Job here Inily." replied the convict. "And whut l tlun, nmy I hrHJ"' "It's nltoKetlior too euii lining." De troit Free Press ' ' Announcement The STAR tlicAter believes it now has entrenclied Itself ton--pHnilly upon' the pinnacle which Its patrons because of contracts with the Paramount and Metro photoplay corpora tions that secure for tlt STAR every releane f theoe organize tlotM dwlaml It already had occupied In aafety. Heretofore, however, the STAR felt It had one vulnerable spot, namely, the Saturday night programs, and, to plug up this pouilbto weakness, It has entered) Into kwut-temi con tract with, the Wflllani Fox Film corporation to seppry the STAR'S (booking for thi night Many persona believe the Paramount picture are the be! oher favor the Metros) while still others liking bext the nlrra-Tirlle , and' super redMoooVd, and deelrirtir al ways to see RxMMlneea ennobled an vtrtue rewarded, as well as wickedness aulMlueil ami vil lainy HaKellated (lerlnre' for the Fox release, partlctilnrly those gripping William Farntims. . At any rate, the STAR book thwiv all. One may take his choice, The STAR r-ns been Inform. el that It Is the only motion plcturo theater In the I'nltcd HlalC iNKtklnfr the entire out put of the Kivntoft three photo play producliiK coriHiratioiiN. Two Great Stars V KATHKRIXK KAELRED , Xoted star in "A Fool There Was" HOUSE PETERS of Innumerable stage successes "The Winged Idol" an Ince drama of Ave acts, with magnificent settings and ela borate costumes Miss Kaelred is the wonderful Russian actress of Vampire parts and this Is one of her greatest successes. ' . . 7:30 and 0:00 : 5c and 15c , ; FRE1 MACE ; ' and a full cast of Keystone fun makers in .." - . : Crooked to the End Two Reels " KEYSTONITIS" Have you got It? It's Infectious. Get it now. Specially recom mended for live wires and red blooded people. . y It chases every little sorrow and makes yon feel young. Don't overlook this big factor in TRIANGLE programs. Tues.-Wed. Earle Sfetralf and - OrmI Hawley, in The Na- tion's Peril." : l jm ,.! i - ' 1 " ' 11 t ' TIRE BLIGHTxOF THE APPLE fS SPREAD BY APHIS' APHIS CHECKS GROWTH OF TREES APHIS CAUSES LEAVES TO CURL APHIS DEFORMS FRUIT DESTROY APHIS VITII 0 V. w n w I 1 V LI, 1 ivmA VWftarY.117 ! ! Cuairaatoed 40 tfiaetbM We will rarniih yew witK Ais eneciive insecticide in eoncs nwted form 200 gallons spiay from the 2-lb. can cotU $a.60 1,000 gal. Ions from the 10-lb. can costs II0.76 CD oar ttor ht In buBetiM mi your Mpply of Bwck mm 40 A 1 MM ; i m t i of RT."w1 IVMtMlt-SWMMS S-M-.-rr: .Txt II lbfbnmrVW-! XL. ' I Ht) TrgttHiimilt DEMARAY'S Drug and Stationery Store 2 ill