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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1916)
.Msatoro iuitr rooub wncR cx)uwstt i u HI ' I Aeonr ErnMt MaoVloar. of this olty. I . tm , -- - .1 .1 m - ; - ; - ': " 'J Meh'ahilify JTJtaksohite faith in the Max- wdl$r is due to two reasons: irst. we. have known that the:MaxweQ .Company uses, nothing 0imthe;atire car.jfeut the .very best that -money can buy. Te J&ave known that the. steel Js, sdent$c?JJy Iheat. treated, t& j3;.buUt -under the superisipai.ofattfej.fnp ;neers, that every, car Is rigidly tested -t manytixnqs before .-it o leaves the factory. ' ' t Second, .we have known that the big and well established ( company -.behind thecar is buijng.fprthe future, that thejy .vajue a .ansaea -owner: above 1 Now that the Maxwell has se the World's Motor ;Non-Stop Mfleage "Record,', by , travelling -continuously -for-44-days-and nights-rrveraging 500-mHea per-day -you will under- stand -the benefits' you personally jnay derive from the Maxwell policy. ,Eid you ever hear of any car going DQO.Aules without once stopping -the. engine, without, any repairs or readjustments, with, only cpt gajlqn , of gasoline to every 1 22-miles? There is no reason .why you T shouldn't have -a -reliable, service able and economical ' Maxwell car. The first cost is , low, the operating cost is low and our. pay-as-you-ride plan makes Jhe, purchase, easy for "; everyone. Let us see you about this now, before our allotment is exhausted. Touring Car, $655. Roadater, $635 " rriutF.O.B. Derail 4. 4 ,,T. a a. 04 South Sixth C. A. Wmetrout rjiu DISTRIBUTORS FOR Jxwxxtl , J fUYHfil ?ou& Now .Buy an 1 Qn Jlasy "Terms ;.J' M$dfei;75 .... $W5 .Model-84 .i,$1250:'t Model83 . J9S ;1275 (F. O. B. Grants Paw) !' HKKK IH THE OVpilLAXD JPOLICY l The, more Overlands made, the letts cadi car eoMs the manufacturer j , and you. And tfie better Overland are modis the more will ibe sold. It l jit lromI-jpnwd business. ;' , Study the valncs above and write or call today for catalogue and particulars about the easy payment plan. J. F. BURKE & SON IlKlrlliiili'of Overland and Wijlys-Knluht Automobiles Phone 163 T& .Grants,Pass j In Honor of Mn, Williams Mr. B. Cv Dixon entertained at her home on North Sixth street Monday afternoon, April 10, la honor of her aunt. Mm. (X D, Williams, ot Port land. The afternoon wan pleasantly pent In conversation and fancy work, atjer whJfihunevnWM'iafttd. I Th,oe, present ere . the Jieadames TuJRjmers)(lT1bo,mpsonvnajgaii. Macy, Thrasher, MeKlnstry, Batman; B. A. Williams, c. p. .WJUJwni, Crockett, MarUn, (bee.n, and Gran and penirarv ot .Baker, city, Oregon, and . the . Hisses . Marian .White and Beulah Crockett -Twentieth Anniversary Saturday, ' April! 8,' marked the twentieth anniversary ot Mr. and Mn. C. Calhoun. The ocoaslon was duly observed by a. friendly fathering at the Calhoun home on North, Tenth. street 8everal games and a selection of ..readings wera.snipyed. during, tba evening by Mr. and, Mrs. , Jteorga Galho.nn, Mr. ana.jsrs, J. ,,wvFrye, Mr. .and Mrs. I , U Jewell , and , family, Mr. and Mrs., Eclus Pollock, the Misses Clara Calhoun and, Christen, Mclean, and nr. Lester Calhoun. Cake and lemonade was served. , Mrs., Pao, noatess I Mrs. Dean was hostess April 14 at an Informal bridge party. liven at bar home on H street, in honor of Mrs. Pengray, of J3aker City, and Mrs. C. D. Williams, of Portland. About 10 ladies were present to meet the charming visitors and en- Joy ,the atfernoon In a friendly vtslt over the cards and fancy work. Light refreshments were served. ' . Change Social Between 60 and. CO young people were guests of the Epworth league at the change social given . Friday evening of last . week In the M. ' E. church parlors. After, a few minutes had been given over to a short busl ness meeting, all became excitedly In. tereeted In the many novel stunts and diversions which formed the evening entertainment Sandwiches, pickles, cake and punch, served cafeteria style,, added cheer and, flavor to the occasion. , k .. Social Afternoon Mrs.. Mart Luckett, ot North Ninth street, entertained the ladies' tatting club at her home Friday afternoon of last week. The eleven club members present spent the time In a social visit and tatting. At the close of the after noon a three-course dinner was en- Joyed by the club guests, their visitor, Mrs. Ben Spaulding, and the hostess. Junior Endeavor rs Entertain The Junior- Endeavorers of the Christian church entertained friends in the church parlors Wednesday evening of last week. The young people spent the even ing playing numerous games, after which refreshments, consisting of sandwiches, pickles,' cookies, cake and lemonade, were, served to the follow ing; young people: Pearl wlttorff, Joaquin Miller, Ragna .Anensen, Remah Tryer, Melba Macy, Ve Ona Williams, i Thelroa Wiseman. Gladys Mclntyre, :Myrtle. Holmes, Sarah Mal low, Lucy Allen, , Eleanor t, Morgan, EUel,Marlow, ElUabetb Boesch, Vlda Moore, Dorothy Stldham, , Joyce Holmes, Josephine Boesch, Itrlce Kenyon, ,Ruby .Kenyon, Evelyn Holmes, i LaVem Brown, . .Corlyss Courtney, Venson Swee.ney, Aryal Mfl Carty, Harold Jlsham,, Howard and Paul Walters, George Stldham, Bin Llnkhart, Phillip Simmons, . Jacob Boesch. Joe Harper, George Shattuck, Ralph Llnkhart, and the chaperons, Mesdames Harmon and Shattuck. , . . f ltuU)tb Bummers Hostess i . Little.. MIbs Elisabeth .Summers was hostess to a nijimjOt.frlQnds at the birthday party given in her. honor at the Summers' home Thursday after noon. ' A Jolly good time, was enjoyed by the. little folks until light refresh ments -were served. . ThOHe present were Dorothy Barnes, , Virginia Breeze, Elizabeth Blanchard, Cora Randle, Vera Johnston, Ramona Grouch, Elizabeth Glocckner, Elsie Luper, Twinkle Starr, Francis Wiley, Luther Lucas, Luthorn Lucas, Don ald McKinotry, John Summers, and their Jiostess. ' The J. ' D. MacVlcar homo on Fourth street was a bower of beauty Friday when at high noon the Rev. Frank Gloeckner pronounced the Blmplo ccrenicny that united In the bonds of matrimony the lives of George. Ernest ,Ma9yioarot this city, oi.Mlns $ihfrlnocQrabam grown, of .Vora, JB.vC. ,Apuls , bliwoms and sweet peas mingled fnotr fra grance with the native dogwood and laurel, .and .pink, and whKa blooms filled .every tapok n ,Us pleuant rooms. An altar banked about with trailing Ivy and, ferns had tywn pre pared in , an alcove, and beneath the arch &a, .bridal, party stood as ws groom and his gracious Drtae spot the words that Oiled t,heir Uvea with so.rn.uch of Joy." 'Ths groom wu at tended fey bis brother, J. D. Mac- Vlcar. while Mrs. Alex MacDonald, ot Victoria B. C., a sister of the bride, was matron or honor, uuie miss Kathryn MacVicar mads a, lovely (tower gtrl. ' Lohengrin's Bridal Chorus was played as the oarty. came aown tne stairway jo tne room woert the "ceremony was to be .performed. ,A.wdi;ng breakfast was sertea following' the congratulations and best wishes that were showered upon the newly-wedded young couple by the assembled guests,' "and at 1:10 Mr. and Mrs. MaoVIcar departed , on th Southern Paclflo for the sooth, and after a honeymoon trip to Cali fornia cities" will return to this cJUy to make their home, the groom being connected with the engineering corns of the new railroad, he having corns here from Victoria k about' three months ago. The bride' Is the daugh ter ot Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, of Victoria, and arrived in be city Friday morning, being accompanied by her mother. Mrs. James Brown', and her sister, Mrs. Alex Mac Donald. ' ' BwiketiMll Players Bat .The basketball boys of. the Chris tian church were the guests ot honor at a splendid supper, cafeteria style, In the church parlors, by the Chris tian Endeavor society on the evening of April IS. .. Entertained by Stinebaughs Mr -, Morris Coding and son, WI1 ber, ot Sksgway, Alaska, were enter tained at dinner Thursday by Mr. and Mrs. .Stlnebaugh,- their former Alaskan neighbors. . At "HUUldo Hume" On Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. J. Pierce entertained the Thompson Creek Needlework club at her "Hill. side Home," near Dryden. A pleas ant afternoon was enjoyed by all, after which refreshments were served. Those present were Mes dames R. K and J. A. Tolln, Jennie Camp, J. J. Pierce, and Miss Zella Tolln. j ., I . ' Bask De?;sitcr$,anJ tip Coaanaity t It is e, wan known' taot Ibat bank' .... . i . .V nMalpnilM and useful clUse ns.of ths community. . They look ahead and yW ,H for .'(ha foturs. Bank your' cash with us. 4 ,tntrct paid oa savings atodunU. Orants Pass, Ors. . ,,1 .( FATUEKJUiD.MOTOKIl , WOULD COMJHT Bl lODE Jttn .ftMCUcoT TAprtl 1 IS. Mrs! Mafgartt Lyncb Usi.n tailtnrash- hold or dsatn toaay, pieaomg who Emergency hospital physicians to 1st her join herjwo.dsad children. In an adjoining ward lies her hus band, Qeorge Lynch, , remorssful. cause, tn a moment of weakness, he oj-goVWa, doty to M wo Uylng chil dren and attempted aulclde. 1 It was ths supper hour In Lynoh's little home tn ths Potrero district . All day long Mrs.. Lynch had. hysterically wept , tor .fcsr . two , dad .ehlldrea, Dlptherla.hsd clalmad.thsmjn (he Isolation .Boppttal hree days, before, i&bt went to tha medicine chest and swallowed nart of a botUs ot. poison, husband. mcbed, home from. work. ,,Hs fpughtwlUk.lJar but tailed jo suy.bsr.han4. As ibe lay on ths floor,, apparently Jn the. death IXDKT VIUj OS FIRST DEGREE Ml IU)KR CIIAROE Demlng, N. M., April IE. It Fran- Cisco Villa Is apprehended In this county he will be Jailed on a first de gree murder charge, the grand jury having indicted him today after In vestlgating American deaths In the raid on Columbus, N. M. MF.XICAX XKW8PAPER8 PRIXT STORY OF FIGHT Washington, April 15 Consul Letcher at Chihuahua City informed the state department today that news papers there printed an unlmpasslon- ed account ot the fight at Parral, saying an American had been killed but falling to state how many Mexi cans died. 1 BASEBALL TODAT .American Washington 16 2 New York 8 7 . 1 Harper, Oallla and Henry Wil liams: Fisher and Nunamaker. Philadelphia 1 4 0 Boston '. 2 10 s Bush and Meyers; Foster and Cady. St. Lonls 0 a , P Cleveland J II -d Parks, McCabe, Groom and Hartley: Klepfer'and O'Neill. Detroit '.I 4 fl 0 Chicago ' 9 11 8 Boland, ; James and Stsnage; Clcotte and -Schalk. National New York ..t... 4 6 2 Philadelphia 5 9 0 Perrltt, Rltter . and Harlden; Demaree and Burns.' Boston "... 4 6 0 Brooklyn 2 9 2 Hughes and Gowdy: Smith and Meyers. Chicago 0 2 1 Cincinnati 2 15 0 Snaton and Archer; Schneider and Clark. Pittsburg 8 0 St. Louis t 0 Mammaux and Schmidt; Hall and Snyder, . . grip, a great wsakasas seised Lynea, It lbs dUd, b flt that be, too, might as well ba dead. So In a moment ot desperation lis drank of ths poUol also. " He will recover, hut his wife may .. 1r-;'oU,'il'.f 'TV LfcXiS. AJUJtt lUiOUQSCV "t Dallas, Orsgon, April iB.-pDpoi ths arrlvalf bis twoegs today, ths body of reter Frieeen was buried at U o'clook. Frlesen was struck by a trsiai,near48ntjrranpls90 and botk legs cut off. . The railroad company sent the body to his boms (art, but neglected to send lbs legs. Ths fun eral wu postponed until this morn ing, when a railroad "employs, parry ing the legs, arrived. Job printing of "ry description at .iaa! Courier offleo." wum PRICES I PUl. I gg I CratWte iSlZE Tae1 -gJi SObS 12-70 XM 32 a 3 14.50 1740 XM S3 a 4 10 60 12.55 .448 34 a 4 20.18 23.18 4JM) 3x4 21.80 24.78 .4.70 35 jj0 32.10 rt.78; 36 a 4. U-2S 32.80 8,00 374a .P0.O0 34J50 .600 37 a 8 il00 37J5 f 1S . , rriccs Art Subject 10 Caant Wiiaoot Rotlcs ..v.v-i.'fe.. ........ ... , wmm ft'x-S'if v.y.y.V.Sl X-Xv.vr.r' ...v.-.y.-.-.-.-.-.v .V.V.V.VAV.V. . FACTpRY DISTRIBUTOR CE-GATES,KtdJcroVftre. 'ivX'AjXyX-X-XTw w ii , i , . ! i 1 1 i iiiiiiiirwiwiiiiiiiiiHnXw.;vVv; ;:.Xy.vyy..y.yy..;.v :S;SvX;X;XyX ll-.IMIIMVnV. ; W Letterheads at ths Courier. shxii electric motor can 1 lift anything.) Let us tell you how G-EEiectric Motors0 ' : j arc lifting mortgages oflf hundreds of farms throughout the country. Let u help lift your mortgage. We will f urnUh the motor and alto the power to run them. ('ALIFOltNU-OKIXJON I'OWKU CO, (!2!MJ Strwr, Phone 10H-I